12 Lessons I Learned Over A Decade Plus Practicing Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 19 min read · Aug 28, 2024
12 Lessons I Learned Over A Decade Plus Practicing Psychic Seduction. picture

I am going to be long on this one because it’s been quite a journey from being a novice to a pro psychic seduction practitioner.

Without wasting time let’s dive in a bit.

November 2010 I am walking down a street in my neighbourhood when I come across a woman who is my type to a T.

Everything about her just makes me feel a way I never felt before.

l look at her she looks back at me but I can’t strike a conversation.

I am low on confidence and plain out scared.

I let her pass only to steal a glance at her nice ass as she vanishes on thin air.

It is after taking a break from relationships.

My long-term girlfriend is in love with someone else and I am not myself literally.

I go back to my house and search Google to find ways that can teach me how to attract a crush.

I go through every page on my feed about how to attract a beautiful woman until I stumble upon a work about psychic seduction by Amargi Hillier.

I can’t believe my luck and binge it night and day because it’s congruent with authors such as Napoleon Hill and Deepak Chopra who are already influencing me positively about the cosmos, soul and how thoughts work.

I learn to psychically connect everyday with her because I already have her pictures through Facebook.

One of my friends knows about her.

I fidgets with Amargi’s technique even though I struggle with everything.

I have no experience in any form of meditation I am just a normal guy who only has some knowledge about these concepts.

I plough through these sessions with faith in what I am learning.

A week or so there is a shift psychically and I can tell my intuition is coming online and a psychic connection is developing.

Without much orchestration on my part one day I am walking to a shop and I bump into her again.

I can’t believe it and we are alone in the street.

I greet her she is uneasy i persist a bit before bailing out.

⁠⁠As I question her reaction in my room, I login on my Facebook she has liked all my pictures,

I like a few of hers back but I am on guard and don’t ask her out or anything.

Weeks go by we end up getting to know each other a little when we happen to meet like when she is going to church or when I come across her by coincidence.

In these rare meetup coincidences, the sparks and mystery can kill a fly instantly.

All this time I am psychically connecting every day in the morning and before bed.

I pretty much am obsessed by her and at the same time i want to figure psychic seduction out like a young boy learning to play FIFA 2024 for the first time.

It’s as if the virus is spreading in our psychic loop(connection).

Everything is clear she is ripe with desire and I  am yearning to devour her.

But I freeze when I have to move things forward because now, I am too psychically attached.

I am scared of rejection because I am not 100% sure psychic seduction is working which is why it’s a secret. Its workings are shrouded in mystery.

By this time I am learning everything about psychic abilities and how to seduce through a work by Robert Greene ”The Art Of Seduction.”

We chase each other for months and our seduction eventually gets quite ugly.

The connection is gets messy.

The feelings are getting out of control.

I can’t even think of anything other than her hence I get overwhelmed and ignore her sometimes when I come across her.

I just pass without even a “hi”.

All of this is not easy to both of us because she is posting on Facebook about being in an emotional marriage while I am the one who keeps orchestrating marriage scenes psychically.

She keeps posting everyday about how in love she is blah blah and other days how bad she feels about being ignored, and drained.

Everything is clear but not clear even her cousin is now friendly with me albeit indirectly and she takes interest in soccer, which is my best hobby , and posts herself playing it.

We connect psychically beyond any restrictions, until I become a catalyst that helps her to unlock her sexuality.

The psychic dynamics in our connection are as rich as Indian spices.

We mingle and leave each other throbbing in ecstasy.

I deciphered her psychically for months until i experience the dark night of the soul.

It’s here where I stop psychically connecting with her for years and put her in the back pocket of my love pursuits.

I get a job in one of the best universities in my country as a video assistant.

This is where I prove to myself even more that psychic seduction is powerful.

In my office there is a beautiful Asian woman and I decide to seduce her psychically during office hours, and the effects are astounding!

She becomes super obsessed in many ways that stun me.

The other day she comes over to me and starts shaking her ass after a few minutes into my normal live sessions.

I shrug it off.

Mind you she is in a relationship with a bouncer and a quite successful man.

We end up developing strong feelings and have an office fling until her contract comes to an end and she leaves our department.

We have a few meetups after then but things fizzle out because I know I cannot afford her to be honest.

I would practice it more on different women with crazy manifestation.

Many I did live on buses and took women to my apartment the same day or later in week time.

I have experienced a lot of aha moments and a lot of confusion in process.


Fast forward to today.

I am writing this thinking back everything I went through to develop psychic seduction and the whys are not easy let alone enough.

Is it a life path worthy of pursuit?

What are the benefits and why?

How can I become better practising it and enrich my overall life?

Is “God”  in charge in our love lives?

Does “He” care about psychic seduction when we seduce each other?

Was it fate that led me to stumble upon it and eventually fall madly in love with someone who also went ballistic over me?

So on and so forth.

After dealing with these unlimited whys and proving psychic seduction over and over to myself I decided to start coaching and writing about it because I know without any doubt it’s powerful and super effective but it needs clear common sense to practice it optimally.

I have about 12 lessons I want to share with you when you are just a beginner.

I am going to leave out deep information about this psychic seduction journey for my secret interaction with my students because it’s deep information.

This information is an accumulation of decade plus years of extensive experimenting where I mine every minefield you can think of to get to diamonds and suffocated myself in the process.

This is coming from a man who is not only a student of seduction but also a powerful out of the box thinker about love and life.

I don’t mean to say take everything I teach as gospel truth I can’t be a guru.

I don’t like people who come with absolutes either!

Take what you can and leave behind what you can’t intertwine with your life’s journey and believe me there are kernels of truth to found here…

Without any further ado let's not waste time!

#1: It Needs A Learning Process To Develop It Effectively.

Can you shoot a gun?

Years back I went to a shooting range to practice.

I couldn’t even know how to hold a gun let alone aim properly.

I was bad and missed the target in my first sessions.

The more I went the more I improved my shooting range until I could aim and hit the target better consistently.

In everything you learn.

You go from a beginner level to an intermediate and pro all the way to a mastery level before unlocking legendary status.

I don’t think you can be good in boxing in 2 days let alone a week.

Things that are powerful do take time to figure out but once you get hold of them they are impossible to lose.

It’s the same with psychic seduction you become better the more you practice and get field experience.

It does work fast sometimes but it can also leave you wanting to know more about it when results don’t come as fast.

Heck it’s an art that is in line with nature and needs you to align with the forces that be to get it to work far quicker for you.

It bears keeping this in mind.

You can go from a stranger to a loving relationship.

You can meet someone exchange numbers and use psychic seduction and get no positive feedback and ask yourself why.

The why is always in the events that culminate your psychic connection with the person.

Someone can be looking for a relationship and someone can be in a happy relationship or is not looking at all for something new.

In such a case they do resist giving to your psychic influences.

This is why it’s important to adhere to the rhythms of change and allow chance to step in.

Sometimes if events align you use psychic seduction a few times and they give you access to their soul and start falling in love with you.

However, for the majority of the time you do end up accepting that you have to psychically seduce holistically and accept that things can remain stale in the 3rd dimension while real action is taking place psychically.

It’s not a straight up path with no 
hills and valley.

Be patient, keep developing yourself psychically.

Sooner rather than later you get a hang of it and that always reveals a lot of sacred psychic knowledge that is holding you back.

Just like a computer game, there are levels and secrets you need to unlock to pass to the next stage which keeps it interesting.

#2: Practicing And Understanding.

Whenever i teach someone about psychic seduction they instinctively know this is something that they do all the time and it’s not some bimbo shit technique.

A problem starts when you have to do it consciously because of the field experience required to 
discover its subtle working dynamics.

A key in understanding these dynamics is to cultivate within yourself a love to learn for the sake of your psychic development which inevitable affects the quality of your progress.

It means you don’t keep firing at a target and never ask why you keep missing.

It rather means i fire and check where my projectile is coming from and if I am aiming well enough before I aim again and fire one more time until I can finish the cartridge hitting the target.

This is how you develop quality practising, understanding and psychic seduction abilities.

I can teach you night and day but if you are not truly tuned in to learn and understand you waste your money and time.

You learn far easy when you want to learn, develop and understand.

The minute you develop your yearning toward these you get to a good spot to become truly proficient and achieve a powerful personal overhaul in the process.

#3: Develop Your Own Strategy.

I hardly hear about someone who becomes good at any vocation without a good strategic routine.

You don’t want to squander your psychic ammunition and I sure hate it when I learn without a proper strategy.

Think of your routine as a psychic development process where you refine your psychic seduction abilities quality through practicing, understanding, and
raw articulation of the feedback you receive in sessions.

It is key that you journal all the feedback you receive.

Journal persistent symbols that appear through your intuition and try to understand what they mean which is paramount.

I can’t stress enough understanding psychic dynamics in your connections and how turn them to your favor.

You must also not only scrutinize your successes but your failures too because both carry significant keys.

Include this list in your practice strategy:

• What went wrong and why

• What went right and why

• Make a list of solutions — approaches to potentially avoid the “things that went wrong”

• Make a list of how you can enhance the things that went right

You practice far more powerfully when you follow this powerful checking routine and before you know it you are good and can just psychically seduce just about anyone powerfully at it.

#4: Deal With Doubt.

The human mind is designed to believe what it can see with its eyes.

You can psychically seduce your crush but after some time you begin to wonder if it was psychic seduction that brought him to your life.

Doubt is something that comes and goes as you learn new things about psychic means.

Many times, I have looked myself in the mirror and be like.

“What the hell is going.

Is this even happening?

This can’t happen no.

No ways!”

Well not often lately but in my beginner years I was dealing with doubt all the time and when events came to pass doubt would present its sometimes-ugly head.

Expect and accept that doubt comes, use it to your benefit.

It carries key information about your overall personal overhaul, even experienced practitioners have it from time to time.

From time to time the thought of spending time practicing without positive 3rd dimension feedback can lead you to doubt this journey as futile mental masturbation.

Move forward even when doubtful.

Forward movement always brings illumination and as you gain reference positive feedback your doubts diminish until you have a firm grip about your development and progression.

#5: Develop Psychic Seduction Precision…

Psychic precision is going straight for the target.

You aim and shoot like a sniper and not fire without any firm intent about what you want to hit.

In my beginner years i started attracting a lot of doppelgangers because my psychic ammunition was scattering.
These experiences and many others forced me to develop my psychic projectiles to a very high level of psychic precision.

The key here is in understanding that you don’t have to force psychic seduction precision yet it’s an ideal to aim for because you tend to attract a lot of doppelgangers and unwanted manifestation when your psychic information is not psychically fine-tuned toward a specific target.

For example, there is someone who wants to develop a relationship yet during sessions they mainly focus on sex and they become surprised when their crush desires them sexually only.

Deliberate, precise practicing is key in attracting the relationship you desire.

If you want that crush for:

Sex , then create sexual scenes more.

Get creative in creating your psychic sex scenes.

If you want a relationship with love and devotion, then come up with your own creative scenes that you want to manifest in your relationship in the 3D.

See yourself somewhere exotic and having a good time.

Introduce talking, laughing and family life in your visualizations.

If you want commitment from them visualize you and them committed and having your own kids.

Visualize them kneeling down asking for commitment etc.

These are not mental masturbations. I have proof about this that I show my students when I orchestrated a marriage proposal psychically and she received it and later I got 3D proof.

All precise psychic seduction influences are powerful, but I want to give you a light on something.

Some people already have their own established lives and some have bad psychic imprints and if you are a person who is after peace you can see why it’s unworthy to pursue some of your desires.

Let me make an example why I say this.

You want to make someone commit to you and only you, they may for a brief period of time but relapse back to who they are if they have a past full of promiscuity.

As a higher thinking man and woman, it’s key to screen for people who don’t have too much baggage if you want your psychic influences to penetrate deeper and have tranquillity, and rich relationships in your life.

Sometimes it’s best to let them go because even if you change them through psychic means it requires tons of effort to keep them in line which you can use to enrich your life in other ways.

Develop precision and you never miss a manifestation.

You ignite what you want them to feel and experience.

#6: Consistency Is key.

Developing psychic seduction potency is like building muscles you grow much better when you are consistent and are pushing to grow muscles progressively.

Whenever you are building something you stark a brick on top of the other until a good structure is developed.

If you want to form a profound psychic connection with someone you build bit by bit until a connection is psychically syncing.

If you want to develop your psychic seduction abilities beyond normal you got to be consistent too.

Consistency in pyschic seduction is everything and achieving any form of powerful results you need it.

No one needs to push you behind to develop.It’s something that you should do out of your own accord.

Whatever tepastry you choose to embark without developing a holistic consistent routine you stagnate.

#7:Have a fluid mind

You are busy in your psychic seduction session and you decipher a dynamic that is consistent and you keep ignoring it.

You believe psychic abilities are developed this why while feedback requires to change.

If you don’t push through certain psychic barriers in your development you risk stalling your progress.

You can’t decipher your connection to actuate psychic information and retune your approach if you are unwilling to open up to your intuitive intelligence and you risk stacking alot of psychic baggage that can blunt your psychic abilities let alone push away your target.

Holistically you learn much better when you are fluid psychically and are open to drive right through your sticking points.

Sure,stick with your normal approach, but when you feel like you have it pinned down, you need to consider driving above it and accept there is no finish line.

I am always teaching my students not to force techniques that do not resonate and no longer work for them because someone said so because this is insanity.

You are a wise soul maintain a fluid mindset all the time.Keep everything flowing and remove clutter that block free flow.Keep evolving.

It’s far easy to learn when you are not putting yourself in the corner.


No approach is crafted in stone!

Creativity is paramount if you want to keep developing your psychic seduction in a holistic and soul fulfilling manner that connects your more to your target.

#8: Develop A Holistic Psychic Seduction Approach.

We live in a society that keeps us grinding for more.

We must keep racing against others to win against the other.

You just gotta keep grinding man!You gotta push and push!

Push and push even more!

Churn churn!

You need to grind more!

The truth is no one learn far easier than someone who is learning holistically because it is not only unnatural for our souls it causes us to lose a lot of ourselves in the process when all we do is grind grind and grind even more.

Let alone when developing psychic seduction abilities.

The grinding approach is for people who want to win in sports or career duels.

When you develop psychic seduction abilities and seduce someone trust me it’s much better to learn holistically yet with a persistent approach.

By holistic I mean no pressure to figure it out now or wanting the person tomorrow.A holistic approach is about knowing where you are heading and you do what you have to do to get there even when it means taking a rest to figure things out in other ways that your soul reveals.

I come along students who just plain hate practicing and they do it out of obligation.

It’s bad approach because it forces you to develop a lot of resistance toward learning instead of enjoyment toward your psychic development.

If you are like this caliber of a student, i can only say it gets more and more fun the more you do it holistically which gives you access to a psychic state of power and love.

The more holistic the approach the better you become, the more fun it becomes to practice. I cannot promise you achieve a holistic approach easy or you’ll love it, but i sure bet it’s far therapeutic and soul freeing to develop this way than the consistent chase.

Let the chase be for career not building your psychic seduction abilities and worse when seducing someone.


Do you see attraction as something that is sparked by looks possessions or as something that occurs psychically because of psychic chemistry?

What happens when you meet guys who look similar in physique looks and height and still find one of them more sexier?



His status or his ex factor?

I do believe psychic means far outwit others albeit everything being equal.Infact it’s fundamental in attraction and being attractive.

I can even go far and say your vibe, which is your psychic impression that someone deciphers when you come across them is more powerful than big muscles or a nice ass.

This is because psychic vibe is you.You are a culmination of all your psychic vibe that color your aura which forms the psychic atmosphere around you into a whole that either draws and repels people to or from you.

I don’t think there is any man or woman who can be super sexy and powerful without understanding these psychic dynamics and learn to develop, and use them to his/her favor.

Learning psychic seduction reveals this even more when you practice sessions and decipher in minute detail what works during psychic connections.

What you think is attractive psychically can repel the opposite sex in ways that makes you question everything about attraction.

It is a science on it on but the more you understand psychic dynamics it becomes a piece of cake.

#10: Morality…

Morality comes up over and over again on forums.

I deal with a lot of students who are still repressed by social conditioning about seduction more especially psychic seduction.

I have this posts on morality.You can binge it when you have strong doubts about psychic seduction in terms of morality.

Having said this i don’t think there is anyone who can say seduction is unnatural because if they say so it means they don’t know what attraction is and how we end up lusting and loving others which is something that occurs because of seduction.

Psychic seduction is as natural as gravity itself because it’s a phenomenon of nature and everyone is equipped with defence mechanisms to psychically seduce and defend every form psychic influences.

For an example.

I psychically connect with a female colleague she starts deciphering psychic information and gets wet naturally before adjusting her psychic deciphering system to understand why.

“Ops it’s Tomas,no I can’t think about him like this blah blah.”

The point is seduction happens naturally and a person being a soul always has a choice to say no which is the same as a man who goes to a club driving a Lamborghini.

Every woman who sees him has a choice to reject or accept his projected lifestyle.Why then is this manner of seduction not vilified while psychic seduction is cringed upon?

It’s hypocrites literally who know nothing about life from a reality stance that is devoid of religious and social prejudices.

There is no man who can maintain and have a successful relationship without understanding every form of seduction.It’s like a general that goes to war and hope to win against advanced generals..It’s a lose lose situation and sadly life is not Disney.

I don’t care who they are and if there is such a person who believes they have to be a saint to win in this dating arena then they are a sheep amongst vultures who are going to feast off their naivety and wack moral superiority.

While people who know what life is know seduction is as natural as walking.

It’s part of nature.

#11:Developing A realistic Outlook Is Key.

Psychic seduction is powerful but there is a lot that goes to it to produce the kind of results that blow you off and propel you to reach an unprecedented level in your development.

Most of the stumbling blocks i see in my students are based on too much wishful thinking instead of understanding how the “field” works which comes with experience.

There are 3 keys to keep in mind when developing psychic seduction.You must learn:

To Let go — you become less attached when you pass through extreme stages of attachment and eventually lesser and lesser. I must say this differs from person to person.Let go of the outcome and let the magic happens and it happens quite surprisingly.

About psychic information — the more you practice, the more you understand the field and how connections work which develops your psychic abilities faster.

Avoid confirmation bias–when you start out every synchronicity is a feedback but the more you accrue field experience, the better you become at looking at feedback through real time reality not what you want it to be.

Lastly learn to develop an open ended channel with their intuition because when you are not flexible you fail to decipher psychic feedback perfectly.

You do all this easier when you are willing to be realistic about outcomes without forcing things or thinking about quitting.

This is where you know whether you got it or not.


Is there a higher purpose in of all this; what is the endgame? Is this part of my destiny ? Could it be fate? Is there a happy ending?

I attach a higher meaning to everything that I do because we all want to live a life that is bigger and broader than our mundane lives that are engineered by society and past experiences.

I want to be a man who can be a man that a man 2000 years from now can think around and realize i was a soul that was here to find my reason for being alive.

There is no future trajectory that i am projecting that is not inline with psychic abilities and souls development becoming a prominent part of social acceptance because we are souls that get fulfillment in soulful psychic connections.

Be it a Chinese Or India.

We are one and the force that churns in our veins is the same.

We are just conduits that live by it, create through it and develop complex networks of psychic connections that we don’t take time to decipher and master.

We are here to reign and for us to reign we can’t without deciphering secret knowledge about who we are

We ask ourselves worldwide what is true love and true soul to soul connection but we fall short because we don’t know the truth-that we are souls that can connect soul to soul deeply by developing our psychic abilities.

Self discovery through a psychic connection and full blown soul to soul connection is what leads us to the divine.

Psychic seduction over these years has proven to me I can be catalyst that awaken other souls through unconditional love,raw psychic sex and full acceptance of their deep sexuality.

Sex is a powerful force that you use more when you develop psychic seduction abilities but it’s not everything because psychic abilities are a catalyst toward soul enlightenment and toward a higher level of psychic expression.

The end goal is to free my soul from soul bondage that repress my soul to just be a machine that serves the wheel of grinding instead of a creative soul that is evolving to its divinity and discover its meaning.

You don’t become divine unless you unlearn what you know which is you are not here to do what everyone else does.

You are here to grow psychically and become one with the divine so you can be able to do what others deem impossible.

This is a lifestyle,a catalyst toward your soul’s divine expression,ecstacy,social power and spiritual illumination.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Read Next: Signs Psychic Seduction Is Working For You.


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