A Case Against Karma|Remote Seduction.

By Tomas · Dec 15, 2024
A Case Against Karma|Remote Seduction. picture

I just found out about remote seduction through your site, and I am really interested.

Sorry, my English is not my mother language.

My big question here is whether remote seduction brings karmic consequences for us or not.

I searched your site, and I couldn't find any article talking about this specific question.

Question By Anonymous.

I've been meaning to write about karma for some time now, even though it's not an easy subject to untangle because of all the cultural dogma we have surrounding it.

While responding to this reader's question, I figured I should just turn my response to a post to share my views on karma and karmic consequences when practicing remote seduction to hopefully shed some light on everyone who may have the same question.

First things first...

What is karma anyways?

Generally, the concept of karma postulates that if we engage in what is "called good behavior", we attract good karmic consequences. 

Conversely, engaging in what is "called bad behavior",we attract bad karmic consequences upon us.

According to my research this concept in general originated in the Rig Veda, which is the oldest Hindu philosophical and religious text collection written in around 1500BCE. 

I must admit I don't believe in karma as concept at all!

In this straight-to-the-point post, I share why I don't believe in it and why I believe it's just a social control tool.

Without wasting time.

Let's dive in!

Debunking The Concept Of Karma.

Long before human civilizations began and no organized religions had yet been invented, people lived in small groups, with elders leading and enforcing rules for the benefit of a group to avoid chaos and ensure order.

No one could freely do anything because deities and ancestors "were watching" their affairs under the sun.

But people are people;we are always looking for answers and questioning things.

Some group members probably soon rebelled against folklore wisdom and turned away from merely propitiating tribal or civic deities about the cosmos, what they were allowed to do and not, and most probably who they were in the greater scheme of things.

This must have led to a lot of social problems and resulted in chaos, conflicts, wars, and instability that had nothing but a negative impact on their lives.

I believe this is what led to the invention of world religions and the birth of concepts such as karma to ensure people submitted to a higher,more universal authority rather than to the voices of clashing deities and ancestral beliefs.

World religions brought to society what is called written universal truths and universal morals,that there are certain values and rules that ought to apply to everyone, everywhere, no matter the circumstances and if one doesn't follow them a higher authority(s) is watching and rewards everyone according to their deeds.

Here are my questions about my understanding of karma and its consequences, though.

If karma is what we are made to believe, then why do corrupt politicians/leaders enjoy luxury lifestyles?

"Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power?". 

Job 21:7

What about innocent people who die in wars everyday?

Are these people being punished because of their karmic consequences?

I had a close friend who studied hard for years to obtain a degree, but he died just a month after getting a good-paying job after struggling to get it for two years straight.

Was it his karma that led to his premature death even though he was a good person?

When I suffered a nagging ankle injury after spending close to a decade sharpening my soccer skills, was it karma that brought that to me even though I was a "devoted Christian," sometimes giving tithes on Sunday?

Karma is a concept which can only function when a so called higher authority is fair,but when bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people then the concept fails.

So let us look at the real meaning of Karma, not as a psuedo spiritual-law of a higher authority, but as a means of social control!

"You do something against the word of "god", bro, you will reap bad karmic consequences,fanatics say."

What they don’t understand is that just like any other social control tool out there, like ostracism and fear imposing tactics, karma is a way to regulate what we do, from what we think, to how we relate with each other, to how we should behave in the mating game and within sexuality as a whole. 

We should, for instance, never remote seduce each other because the higher authority is watching our every move and even has some "astral police forces" scanning for every thought projectile we make, and should we do so, we will face "his" wrath and be thrown in the dungeon of hell full of all kinds of demons.

In the 3rd dimension we will suffer bad luck because we are evil practitioners which is not true.

The whole concept of karma is there for only one reason:to enforce the status quo.

In the case of remote seduction, it's a way to make sure we don't seduce each other remotely because if a higher authority permits us to, what would happen to society?

People would seduce each other remotely all the time!

They would meet in the astral and fight for the affections of those they desire and probably end up misusing this power.

I concede that the concept of karma has a role to play in that regard, to keep cohesion and power misuse in society, but it's just that, a social control tool.

I cannot go to great lengths and I say when you practice remote seduction, you can do whatever you want because, again, my own morals don't allow me to misuse this power, nor do I advice you do.

I have my own morals that I adhere to, that have nothing to do with the fear of being punished by a higher authority.

What matters most in this regard are your personal morals, not moral concepts that you don't resonate with, that you need to think through without fear of being punished by a higher authority, because it's just a fear-imposing concept that holds no real ground when one looks at it realistically.

Patch Up!

I’ve spent countless sleepless nights wondering if practicing remote seduction brings bad karma consequences, and in all my 12-plus years of practicing it, I have never pointed at any karmic consequence that may have been brought by me seducing someone remotely.

Yeah, I have experienced some painful things like everyone else, but they were not necessary because of remote seduction because I have also experienced some of my greatest breakthroughs while practicing it.

The fact of the matter is, the concept of karma is standing on sandy grounds.

It holds no weight in the most pragmatic of ways in how this game of life is playing out!

If you are still holding on to the concept of karma, keep this in mind.

 "Karma was invented for social control purposes and to make sure there is social cohesion and that people don't end up having an unfair advantage over others(you remote seduce others you have more power than others so you may end up having a lot of partners and may steal other people's partners!) because who can rebel against an all-seeing higher authority in the heavens?"

In any way, the concept serves primarily as a means of social control and following whatever orders those in power want to infuse.

So forget about Karma if you want to be a free soul and find your own freedom in the world!

⁠⁠⁠⁠Obviously love and respect the other.

However in the world of souls/spirits, you are your own judge, no one else!

They say karma is a bitch I say karma is a scam!

"The sun comes out and gets to fry everyone one alike!"

And who has the right to say this is right and this is wrong when the good suffer and the bad keep progressing?

 When you practice remote seduction, your personal morals are your only judge, and there is no authority watching your every move to punish you.!

Why would you get punished (karmic consequences) for seducing remotely another soul when people seduce each other every second every day?

 If a modern-day seducer can seduce women by displaying his lifestyle on Instagram and have them flown over to his secret location without getting any karmic consequences from a higher authority who apparently destains fornication, why would a skilled remote seduction practitioner who can seduce at a soul level get bad karmic consequences?

The only "karmic consequences" you get are those in your mind when you judge yourself because of your matrix programming!

It is where you judge yourself because, in all honesty, there is no authority, astral police, or watcher that is looking to punish anyone who seduces remotely.

All in all, when you practice remote seduction, remove the tendency to think it's something wrong because it's part of your design to seduce remotely, and the soul of everyone always has a choice to say no. 

Just like there is rejection in the 3rd dimension, there is rejection at a soul level.

If you are still holding on to your karmic beliefs, then the choice is yours!

As for the rest of us, we will keep diving into this mystery because we badly need higher ways to solve our romantic challenges because we can see what this karmic belief is...

It's all about social control!

Lastly, if the "all-seeing eye" has been spying on my every thought projectile when I seduce remotely for all these years.

Could it be that it is waiting to punish me in hell?

If so, I will meet it there and ask why it equipped me with the ability to remote seduce and then turned around to punish me for doing what is part of my core nature,my sexuality and my own nativity.

Then it will have to answer alot of questions!(Pun Intended).

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

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Read Next:Is Psychic Seduction-Right Or Wrong?


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