A Superior Approach To Win Ex Back| Psychic Seduction |No BS.

By Tomas : 7 min read · Aug 28, 2024
A Superior Approach To Win Ex Back| Psychic Seduction |No BS. picture

You recently went through a breakup.

It’s with someone who has been there with you through thick and thin.

They are probably your first love, and you wanted them to be your last or anything in between.

But things didn’t turn out the way you planned them to.

Now you are wondering if psychic seduction can help you to win them back.

If you relate or your situation is a bit different then this post is for you!

It’s going to prepare you to connect with your ex from a powerful state to win them back instead of hoping and praying something sticks.


Let's dive in!

Your State Of Mind Matters!

First things first, whatever caused you to breakup does affect how powerful and weak you get to connect and how they react to your psychic advances.

When you think about them, how do you feel?

Powerful or Weak?

Do you believe you can get them back in your current state of mind?

If you were to meet them now how would you behave?

Beg, cry, manipulate and tell them how much you are nothing without them?


Would you feel a sense of power where you know you still love them, want to win them back but you are not going to be supplicating for whatever reason?

These are key questions that you must ponder before deciding if psychic seduction can help you win them back.

This is because your feelings affect your State Control in ways that can either blunt or sharpen your psychic projectiles.

When you pedestalize your ex; think they hate your guts or they don’t want you anymore or whatever weak emotions, you blunt your psychic projectiles and indirectly develop a repelling presence in you, and they either end up mirroring you psychically or you fail to connect at all.

However, when you believe in who you are, your future with them and love from a position of power, you program yourself to be in a powerful psychic state.

You elevate your vibration and arm yourself with sharp psychic projectiles that can penetrate even their hardest of psychic walls.

The key to win your ex back using psychic seduction is to approach them from a state of power instead of neediness and supplication.

It means no begging, no crying, and no chasing when you connect, which are all weak emotions that will never bring them back, no matter how hard you wish.

I close with this quote by one of my favourite writers, William Walker Atkinson.

We are sending out thoughts of greater or less intensity all the time, and we are reaping the results of such thoughts. Not only do our thought-waves influence ourselves and others, but they have a drawing power — they attract to us the thoughts of others, things, circumstances, people, ‘luck’, in accord with the character of the thought uppermost in our minds.

How to Develop Penetrative Psychic Projectiles

Before i proceed, do you recall those times you were happy together, having mind blowing sex, laughing, playing around, and even planning a good future together?

This is where your power is!

You know why?

Because they have those memories too and mostly definitely do reminisce about them from time to time which makes things easy for you to reignite them psychically.

What is also good about this approach is it will feel natural to you as you will relive those memories to then develop a connection from a state of comfort, love and intimacy.

The most powerful connections in psychic connections are developed around dominance, submission, comfort, love, and mind-blowing soul ecstasy, all of which ignite similar emotions(states) in your ex and lower their resistance.

Be Present To Connect Better

When you begin to connect, there is always going to be an underlying vibe ( psychic dynamic) that you must be present to be able to decipher it properly so you can learn to calibrate, and deepen the connection.

If you don’t know what calibration is you must read this because without understanding it you can’t get hold of the steering to swing the pendulums of the connection to your Favor.

This key..!

When you ignore this, you become like someone who keeps talking when they should be listening.

You must teach yourself to “listen” more and resist the argue to keep investing to learn to calibrate better.

There are three types of feedback that you can expect, and you must be prepared to decipher to properly.

Reciprocity: You connect and bam!

There is no resistance whatsoever.

Scenes are just flowing and you can feel them investing in the connection with hugs, stares and kisses of their own.

When you get this feedback whatever you are doing, keep doing it!

It means your ex is open to the connection.

It’s a good sign that they are not going to be a hard nut to crack and still have feelings for you at a soul level, even though they may be suppressing them consciously.

It’s also key to keep your eyes on the ball and maintain your state control where you invest as per their investment to avoid overly investing as you would if you were with them physically.

Neutrality: When you receive this type of feedback, you may be missing the mark and are not connecting with them in one way or another.

To track this feedback you must first diagnose your application and check if you are fully relaxed and are applying the technique properly because sometimes it takes some time to get in the groove.

Be patient and recentre yourself by taking a few deep breathes to be more present.

However, this is not always the case.

Sometimes, when I try to connect with someone, I can’t locate them, no matter relaxed I am or how hard I try, because they are either very occupied with something at a soul level or they are not willing to connect that time for whatever reason.

It’s like calling them only for your call to go on voice-mail.

When you receive this type of feedback, don’t fret, it’s normal.

If after three attempts you can’t locate/feel them, you can stop and try again at a later time.

Resistance: There are many things that cause resistance.

It could be that the way you approach them is uncalibrated or that there is a lot of psychic baggage that is causing them to resist your advances.

It’s also important to check if your intentions are good on a soul level and why you separated in the first place.

I used to experience a lot of resistance when there were incongruencies in my intentions.

I would connect with a target and they would tell me outright that I am out to use them or challenge me to prove if I really cared for them to consent the connection.

It’s key to have some deep appreciation for your ex to bypass their resistance without losing your state control.

Decide what you want to achieve with them, is it only about:



Or a serious relationship?

Decide and approach the seduction with power, calibration, love and create that reality in your connections.

Remember to approach your ex as you would if you were seducing/courting them in a normal way.

No need to beg and complain and all that BS.

When you approach them this way, they are bound to give in to your advances because it ends up connecting with them at a soul level, unless there is a lot of baggage that makes reconciliation impossible, which you must know, your ex has a choice to decide what they want with you because you can’t force them in anyway.


When you have checked the reasons for the breakup, you have to decide if psychic seduction can help you.

You have to be honest with yourself first…

When you think about them, how do you feel?

Power and love?

Supplication and weakness?

Which is stronger?

Attraction or repulsion, or something in between?

All these color your psychic projectiles the minute you connect and must be channelled accordingly.

When you connect, feeling like grease, you weaken your psychic powers, you either fail to connect or they intuit this and get repelled.

Trying to win an ex back while feeling needy and desperate is a waste of time and your precious psychic gifts.

Channelled powerful emotions drill through their psychic walls and cause them to yearn more for your presence, which then causes them to fantasize more about you and seek you out.

You must be asking.

How long does it take to bring them back?

I don’t know because i don’t know the level of your psychic seduction proficiency or the severity of your breakup.

But the information I just gave you is pure gold, and if you can apply it appropriately and reread the posts I linked, you should attract your ex back far easier than any other technique out there.

Keynote: Always try to approach your psychic connections feeling your best.

I understand, it’s not easy but at least fake it till you make it; it still works, albeit to a lesser degree.

When you persist and deal with resistance that is inevitable in no time, you will see positive feedback both psychically and in your 3rd dimension reality.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.


Read Next:State Control | Psychic Seduction 


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