Accessing The Flow State|Psychic Seduction Proficiency.

By Tomas · Sep 6, 2024
Accessing The Flow State|Psychic Seduction Proficiency. picture

If you have ever dived into deep meditation or prayer, you know experientially how powerful that can be. 

This is the state where Jesus, John the Baptist, the Buddha, Rumi, and every great meditation master called home.

It's a state where great athletes like Lionel Messi And LeBron James get to perform their magic.

In the absence of distraction—from habitual thought —there is room for what is called the flow state,where a courtship just flows during a session.

In the flow state,your presence is heightened and you become completely immersed in the unfoldment of the courtship where all your psychic seduction abilities operate on a higher level of divine expression.

This is where peak soul to soul intimacy is experienced and taken to the state of a divine union.

In this post, I give you keys to access the flow state so you can unlock your psychic seduction proficiency.

Without wasting time..

Let's dive in..

What Is A Flow State In Psychic Seduction..

First things first what is the flow state generally?

The late Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi(1934-2021) calls “the flow state” a state of peak performance and the sense of effortless concentration on the task at hand.

I sure bet you have accessed the flow state at some point in your normal life.

It’s when...say you are playing soccer and access all your abilities with ease, almost effortlessly. 

Your senses become heightened and, with complete absorption in the game, you lose all sense of space, time,where you pass shoot and score effortlessly.

In psychic seduction the flow state is when you transcend space and time,and are completely immersed in the courtship without getting in the way.

It's when the courtship just unfolds on its own and your psychic seduction abilities reach a higher level.

It's where you are able to decipher every piece of psychic information without interruption and know exactly how to connect with your target in unfathomable ways.

However,don't kid yourself you must practice rigorously to reach this state effortlessly.

When I ask most proficient psychic seduction practitioners and based on my experiences about the flow state i contemplate this..

"It's easy to access it when one is not trying as hard to access it." 

Think about it.

What does that mean? 

When you don’t try as hard to reach your target and ambush them you access the flow state easier and sync in resonance longer.

It's always a startling realization when you get to this level because you realize you have to get out of the way and become a conduit for the divine to express itself. 

To understand this, learning new kinds of sophisticated techniques is not necessarily the key to accessing the flow state because once new technique is mastered, it is recited with the same dreary predictability as the old which breaks flow.

If you are inhibited by your techniques now, you will not be free to access higher and higher levels of the flow state later on! 

I am not the one to lie accessing the flow state consistently is very hard to achieve,but as you keep connecting your intuitive self keeps coming more online so to speak.

Over time, your majestic intuition will emerge naturally and assist you to dive in more. 

Assimilation into the the flow state is very much about "forgetting" one's self.

Meaning your techniques which have their place and preconceived notions about psychic seduction must get out of the way for you to connect in the realm of limitless sexual potential and intimacy.

People who meditate or do tai chi will recognize many of the principles in this post.

Rigidity is the chief culprit in most practitioners problems.

The seduction/courtship can be effortlessly powerful if it is unobstructed by techniques or thoughts.

Therefore, the elimination of every kind of destruction is paramount.

Being able to connect without relaying on techniques and how I want the courtship to play out is immensely powerful.

I connect thoroughly and patiently until the courtship flows effortlessly.

The urge to control how the portrait of a courtship comes out no longer controls me.

Psychic seduction(forget the name) is more of a process of divine expression and spontaneity than a reliance on techniques.

Connecting in this manner is like listening to your target from a state of genuine appreciation for what they have to say and connecting with them the way they want to feel connected.

When you approach every courtship like this you find that it nourishes you without you even knowing and you become a blessing to your target too.

Which brings us to our next point.

You must........

      Surrender Control.

When you surrender and dive in you stay there quite longer, this is where you access the flow state and become more presence that your target can feel as if you are with the in the same bed or location.

Accessing the flow state requires openness with whatever is coming to your conscious mind, every time without resisting where it's leading you.

You must reach a state of complete surrender to access it longer!

That is why when you access it fully you become one with your target and abilities such as telepathy and high level intuition become prominent.
By all means you must try to stay out of the way and let the courtship unfold itself!

Accept the unfoldment of the courtship without trying to force things your way.

Accept the divine expression with love and great appreciation.

You have to surrender control and become the very essence that you are..

Total acceptance of what comes out is a component of the flow state too.

Without the urge to control, it is super auphoric for both involved, as the divine expresses itself and drives both with uncontrollable love and desire that can never be surpassed by any normal form of sex and soul intimacy.

The only thing that limits beginners and intermediates alike is; 

1.Heavy Emphasis On Techniques 

2.The urge to ambush the target and

3.Their short-term vision.

All these three block you from accessing the powers of psychic seduction. 

The first two things to surrender are two of the most powerful foes to sly in psychic seduction:your
obsessive need to use techniques and ambush the target.

This is a paradox that most practitioners get to prove later on through their own experiences.

Practitioners who are obsessed with techniques and ambushing their targets jolt out of the flow state because they become limited by them and fail to access higher levels of their psychic seduction abilities.

Lastly as I said somewhere you must have a long term vision to access the flow state effortlessly but the benefits are worth it because for a fact once you reach this level you know beyond doubt that no one can fullfill your target like you in every way possible.(At a soul level).

Patching It All Up!

When you access the flow state and sync in resonance with your target, you get much in return, so don’t forget to give as much as you can!

If you approach every courtship with
an open, loving heart, you go right back to the secret havens of soul connections and experience what true love and real intimacy really are. 

At first you will struggle to access the flow state, please don't get dejected it's part and parcel of the process.

Plus this will teach you humility so you become teachable and realize how far you can go in understanding yourself,your target and the cosmos itself.

When you can't access it, go back and discover what worked before and whatever you discover for yourself rededicate yourself to surrender to keep learning.  

As you keep discovering the richness of the flow state that wonderful energy emflames your whole being, convincing you that you are on the right path and are in deed in the realm of the gods/goddesses.

Entering into the flow state as “a detached observer” who can channel the divine expression in the connection is immensely mind-blowing, powerful, and beautiful.

Being patient and accepting enough to move the courtship forward slowly is so difficult but ultimately the fastest, most enjoyable, and most successful path that leads to psychic seduction proficiency. 

Lastly surrender perfectionism and seize control you will get a hang of it as you keep drilling into this "new realm."

In a nut shell,surrender is what gives you access to the flow state which is where psychic seduction proficiency is unlocked.

I close with this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” 

The journey is created as you take it one step at a time, and some of the best stories only come together where everything makes sense at the end."

You can interpret it however you want!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.


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