Attracting An Ex Back The Easy way|Psychic Seduction|No Bs Approach

By Tomas · Aug 26, 2024
Attracting An Ex Back The Easy way|Psychic Seduction|No Bs Approach picture

Do you know Naomi Campbell?

Naomi Campbell (1970–) is a British fashion model and actress best known as one of the elite “supermodels” who dominated the fashion industry in the 1980s and '90s. 

Not only did she dominate the modeling industry, she was the first black model to appear on the cover of many luxury fashion magazines.

What made her to become a supermodel?

Was it her looks, or was it something deep about her?

To anyone who appreciates physical beauty but does look beyond it, it is clear her most powerful quality was her beingness that reeked sex appeal.

You can go over to any picture of a supermodel right now and look at it.

What is so unique about them?

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see when you feel beautiful?

You glow, and when you glow, you exude raw sex appeal that magnetizes the opposite sex like moths into a hot flame.

When you walk down the street, you walk with confidence.

When you have conversations, you are more influential and tend to get your way rather easier.

Now how does this relate with attracting your ex through psychic seduction?

It's because to psychically seduce effectively, you must be in a powerful psychic state about yourself.

In a nutshell, it's difficult to be a good psychic seduction practitioner without believing you are powerful, and your psychic influences are not strong.

Everyone that doesn't understand this deals with a lot of resistance.

This is a post that is geared toward priming you to approach attracting your ex back in a powerful state of mind instead of a weak one.

Without wasting time.

let's dive in..!

Psychic Seduction Needs Psychic Detoxing To Be Super Effective..

You wake up everyday, take a bath, go to your mirror, brush your teeth, rinse you tooth brush, go to your room, take out your best outfit,wear your well polished shoes.

Your hair is also well groomed and you put on your best outfit,and tell yourself:

"Fuck I am the shit,no one can resist me."

Once you fall in love with yourself and the world begins to reflect that back to you.

Self love becomes an obsession..

You never even once go out in public looking like crap because you know how your look matters.

You never even look down upon yourself even with your flaws.

Detoxing psychically is the same as taking care of your physical self.

It should be a part of your routine as you are trying to attract your ex back.

Psychically when you don't take care of yourself you contaminate your psychic influences infact you start to project a lot of low vibrational psychic information.

Since you are still a beginner and have little to no modicum of experience it's key to develop a positive outlook about yourself and your situation with your ex.

You develop a positive outlook by doing those things that keep you happy and full of life.

You develop a positive outlook by thinking highly of yourself and your future self.

You become more powerful when you know what you can do without fear psychically.

Psychic seduction cannot work effectively when you don't feel good and powerful.

You have to believe that you are sexy and too hard to resist for your ex to get intune with your influences.

You do this from a state of comfort and empathy for their boundaries while blowing off psychically everytime you mingle.

Angelina Jolie is a sexy and she knows that she is magnetic, and men who get to be around her begin to intuit this and resonate with her auric field.

When you doubt yourself and your psychic abilities you project plasting like psychic bullets.

A Harmonious Psychic Seduction Approach Is Key..

You can connect psychically day and night with them and still fail because psychic seduction works on similar dynamics like normal 3rd dimension courtships.

If i feel like crap and start talking with you,i make you feel like crap.

The next day when i call to come over to your place to talk about my emotional baggage you may come up with excuses because you know I bring negativity.

Even if you allow me to come over you are already shut off emotionally.

We don't want to feel like crap 
so we disassociate ourselves from people who don't spike our emotions the right way.

We want to connect with people who bring harmony and peace in our lives.

The minute you ignore all your psychic baggage the easier you propel a negative psychic connection that keeps pushing your ex away and without diagnosing this you end up consolidating a negativity psychic dynamic in your connection.

If you are sure your ex is not in love with you anymore psychic seduction may not help you because your psychic influences develop a dynamic where they reject you.

Whatever dynamic you develop in a state of fear of rejection cannot be powerful enough to turn the dynamic to your favor.

Personally, I have been through a lot in the past when my limited understanding about psychic seduction held me by my scrotum.

There is a woman i was attracting back and i realised whatever i tried she kept resisting because i didn't understand how to develop a powerful dynamic in a psychic connection that would give me the edge.

When you have no doubt at all and are aware about how psychic dynamics work,you develop a far more superior connection that not only develops soulfully but also makes psychic merging easier.

When you approach psychic seduction with negative psychic baggage you ignite negative psychic baggage in your ex whether you like it or not.

Mostly likely this is how the cosmos works in its mysterious ways.

It mirrors me, you and everyone.

You must fix your baggage with your ex psychically and most importantly you become in a harmonious state to turn the dynamics into your favor.

You develop a far more harmonious psychic connection with them,period.

The Poison Must Be Detected..!

Driving a car with a minor problem can cause a major issue later on.

When you can't detect where the water you drink comes from, you risk drinking dirty water that effects your whole system and you can't pour water into a leaking basin.

Psychic seduction is not about sessions. It's about knowing the type of poison that is limiting you.

Hence this is where you must detect the type of psychic poison you project and receive in your psychic connection.

It's like playing tennis you serve good psychic information you develop a dynamic that causes them to want to serve you back good psychic information.

This may start unconsciously until they begin becoming conscious of this "give and take developing dynamic".

The first step in getting a better investment of your time is to know how you feel psychically about them.

This is a level where you detect your psychic poison and deal with it.

#1.If you are angry that is psychic information and they detect it.

#2.If your psychic information is incongruent they detect it.
#3.When you are chasing and are desperate.

Yes you bet right they detect it and get repelled!

And so on.

The many states that you are in when you connect can be poisons or catalysts that develop a weak or powerful psychic connection.

Keep this in mind you don't need to waste anymore time.

You need to get a good grasp of the dynamics to make sure you understand how to influence them to your favor.

Suffice it to say that in a bad psychic connection,you are hardly in a good state to influence, share pure love, intuit cleanly, or attempt to seduce them powerful.

When your focus shifts from wanting to get them back in a state of weakness to a state of power you begin to look at psychic seduction and the world increasingly from a different view point.

And from there it becomes easier to be in charge of the whole dynamics that pop up and swing the pendulums to your favor.

Every Psychic Seduction Experiences Resistance..

The ability to look yourself in the mirror and decipher why you are struggling and begin changing the way you manage your psychic connection is a crucial skill you have to develop.

Coming from a break up ,your ex is obviously going to resist psychically and they may resist longer depending on the severity of the break up.

Psychic seduction is easy when you understand normal seduction and have no qualms about seduction being a part of life hence you cannot be a good practitioner if you think seduction is wrong.

You have to see psychic resistance as something that is a challenge to overcome not as something difficult or bad for wanting to overcome it.

You instead ignite more resistance when you have this mindset.

Get this...

You have to first become aware of the triggers that ignite it and be in control of the dynamics.

You need to begin to be in psychic resonance as if you are talking with them in the 3rd dimension.

You must listen and respond when you have to.

You must touch or push away when necessary etc.

Easier said that done i know...

But this is what makes psychic seduction powerful.

It's fun,mysterious and double seductive!

Once you know how to deal with psychic dynamics in minute details, resistance is far easy to overcome.

This of course requires a bit of experience and observation for a lot of the time. 

You have to keep track of the dynamics and jot down everything in a private journal or diary after sessions. 

Keep yourself accountable every step of the way.. 

There are moments when your seduction flows smoothly in such a courtship find out why and what you did and look to repeat it when you experience resistance again.

Once you experience this flow it's often a sign you are progressing and overcoming their resistance. 

But you can't take your eyes off the ball!

The dynamics are in constant flux,the next moment, you see that there is a bit of resistance, don't fret,deal with it like a pro by taking control of your state control,then you will see resistance is part of the process and piece of cake to overcome.

Like the birthing process, overcoming psychic resistance comes with labor pains,confusion and even woeful moments of thinking about the future.

It may take some time for you to by pass it but it pay offs in dividends should you make a correct decision in attracting back someone who is worth your efforts.

It's Wrap!

When you start reverting to your default supplicating or angry self.

Check yourself!

You psychically connect in a state that is dominant over the course of the connection.

You are responsible for how you manage the dynamics.

You must be in charge of them at all times even if it means submitting to develop more rapport and psychic resonance.

You do that which you have to do to deepen your psychic claws in them while respecting their boundaries in the process.

Once you are in it's easy to add more powerful psychic poison to seduce them to yearn for a reunion night and day.

All this rests in the quality of the dynamics you develop.

When you approach your sessions without understanding the psychic dynamics that color your psychic connection you almost always fail, they almost always resist.

Psychic seduction is like any normal seduction, how you make a person feel through your psychic advances is mostly likely to make things easy or hard for you.

If you are going around feeling like a victim and you spew that in your psychic connections they mirror what you already fear or are angry about.

Lastly, the less the psychic baggage the easier it becomes to attract them back.

The filthier the baggage the more difficult it becomes to bypass it and it needs you to do some house cleaning.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Next Post: Mindsets In Psychic Seduction| Update Yours! 


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