Believe In Psychic Seduction To Experience It| Tips To Win Them Over.

By Tomas :11 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Believe In Psychic Seduction To Experience It| Tips To Win Them Over. picture

Imagine you are with your friends walking by the beach somewhere in South Beach, Miami, USA, when you come across a man dressed in all black, with black painted fingernails, black lipstick, and black eye shadow.

He has chains dangling from his pants and spikes fastening around his neck and stuck through his ears.

He looks intently at the space directly in front of him and manipulates his hands around a floating cigarette.

He twitches his fingers slightly, and the cigarette moves back and forth.

Finally, he wills it to float toward his mouth, where he then lit it, produces a quarter from thin air, and sticks the burning cigarette through the middle of the coin, examines it, then removes the cigarette and repairs the hole in the coin.

After a quiet moment, all of you in disbelief and fear you decide to leave the scene.

Along the way, your friend David says, “There is no such thing; no man can do that; he must be possessed by some evil spirits.”

When you get home, you think about the trick over the night and keep wondering if it’s really possible to also perform it yourself.

You do a quick Google search; connect dots here and there; stumble upon secret information about how the trick is performed; try it a few times and fail; keep trying until you eventually figure it out.

Excited, you tell your friends that you can now perform that trick that evil man performed the other day in Miami, and they all think you are shitting on them or some evil spirit is possessing you after all, you have no experience, let alone any magic abilities.

You then ask them to come over to your room and start performing the trick to the T and leave all of them flabbergastered at your sudden magical prowess.

Now you believe more, but they still don’t believe as yet because they still harbor a lot of rigid beliefs about the trick.

In this post,i dive deep into the fact that we all have the propensity to disbelieve things and only believe them once we experience them firsthand.Everyone doesn’t want to believe until they experience firsthand things that defy logic.

I touch on the fact that many skeptics believe a practice like psychic seduction is a scam.

I also reveal secret information about frequencies and how we channel them to connect psychically and affect reality to our bidding.

Without wasting any of your time, lets dive in!

Until You Believe Something, You Will Not Experience It.

When we come across someone who does what we deem impossible, we don’t believe it’s possible, let alone believe we too can do it if we take the time to figure out how it’s done.

Someone can meet a rich 17-year-old who does their business sprawling Hawaiian beaches while working a few hours a week and ask them how they became so rich in life.

When they tell them the tricks that eventually brought them riches, they wouldn’t believe; instead, they would begin to call them all sorts of names, from being lucky to being a member of a secret evil society to being a scammer.

I have many telepathic experiences that are beyond doubt, but if I tell someone that I can have long telepathic conversations or develop strong psychic connections with people remotely, some wouldn’t believe me because apparently some scientist or influence told them such things are impossible, so they won’t believe it even when new scientific breakthroughs keep debunking most of what are deemed as facts.

It’s understandable we have all kinds of in-built defenses to not be duped by non-experiential learning.

But it’s both an advantage and a drawback.

The advantage is we are hard to be swayed by things people say that conflict with our reality and may take us down the wrong path if we start believing them.

The drawback is we can get stuck in a stunted ‘reality’ where we can’t experience what we could because we don’t believe, even when people tell us we can.

Psychic seduction is one of those practices that most people put their feet down and say it’s a sham.

“No, my friend, there is no such thing as psychic seduction; you mean there is telepathy?” “Fuck don’t lie here; there is no one who can have soul-to-soul conversations with someone in Germany when they are somewhere in Costa Rica herding cattle using their soul’s potential.” “You mean this shitty thing the Soviet Union tried in the 30s, 40s, and 50s and gave up because it doesn’t exist? Heck, even the US government once funded this thing and they failed miserable, so forget about these things!”

“It’s just impossible, dude!

The list goes on..

Until one believes and experiences something, they will always be skeptical of it; that includes some of the more incredible things they can pull off when they open their mind to exploring things while being cautious about the realities of the world.

It’s not easy to come across someone who believes they are multi-dimensional and possess these often suppressed psychic abilities.

So they make a whole lot of wrong judgments and often vilify those who have taken the time to develop them.

I come across them a lot, and they have these misconceptions about psychic abilities, especially psychic seduction:

* “It’s either a hoax or only a few gifted individuals can pull it off.”
* You have to practice for years to get results. 
* It is impossible to drive someone overseas into multiple orgasms with your psychic seduction abilities only.
* You can’t understand someone’s sexuality remotely.
* You can’t video call someone psychically and kiss each other remotely and have obsess with everything they have.
* You can’t talk telepathically and even laugh at each other’s jokes.
* You can’t visit someone psychically and share a bed with them because if you do, you must be some demon or Satan is using you.

The list is endless.

Until one experiences something, they are always skeptical of it because we are programmed to believe the mundane and disbelieve the uncanny.

People have so many restrictions about the unseen worlds that they don’t even want to believe there is something more beyond what they see, smell, hear, taste, and feel.

They only believe this reality is where everything starts and ends.

They don’t believe there are infinite frequencies that connect us all in the web of cosmic consciousness, where we are one with the cosmos. Where space is just an illusion.

Frequencies Are All Around Us.

There are unseen frequencies all around us all the time.

Where they have come from and where they are off too, few of us know.

They’ve been around as long as the world has been around.

For example, the room you are sitting in now is filled with all kinds of frequencies.

Take cable TV, for instance.

Someone is watching Euro 24 soccer games while they are somewhere in Abuja, Nigeria, drinking beer with their friends at a local pub.

You sure can take out your smartphone and call your sweetheart, who is somewhere in Jamaica.Something that was impossible a few centuries ago.

If you can press on now on your remote control, your TV will turn on.

What results?

A sharp screen.

A baseball match.Netflix show.

Perhaps your favorite celebrity pops up on the screen.

TVs,decoders and smartphones just like you and me channel frequencies to show us the reality that we want to see pop up on our screens.

Smartphones use frequencies to make communicating with someone oceans apart possible.

When it comes to psychic seduction, there are frequencies that one has to learn to channel to connect psychically and shape their reality.

Once filtered by thoughts, these frequencies can be laser sharp and connect one with whoever they want to connect with;shape their reality where events come to pass in the 3rd dimension.

If you were to visualize you and someone you desire romantically somewhere talking and connecting psychically.

You would begin developing a psychic connection in higher dimensions, which would connect both of you at a soul level and events in the 3rd dimension would lead you to that reality.

It would happen because you channel frequencies are infact creating reality consciously.

If you want to have a relationship with someone or have sex with them it will happen but it happens through the events and hidden frequencies around you.

Actually, this is the basis for all witchcraft (black and white), magic, and mystic ceremonies.

Frequencies are concentrated in a series of rituals intended to condense and distill them with a powerfully created intention, and it is subsequently released into the environment to shape reality.

In psychic seduction, frequencies are channeled by thoughts for a psychic connection, which begins small and builds up over time until the laws of science get defied.

Where telepathic transmissions becomes easier. Where one can become one with the other and experience similar feelings in minute details.

Where one can astral project and connect with someone to have astral sex.

On and on..

The one immutable principle in psychic seduction is understanding how to channel frequencies.

You channel frequencies better; you connect far more powerfully with someone.

When you develop a psychic connection, your thoughts travel through hidden frequencies connect you with whomever you want to connect with, and overtime the connection becomes a reality in this 3rd dimension.

Do You Believe It’s Possible?

When you begin to believe you can connect psychically and shape reality, you improve at consciously connecting psychically, and you will see it happen and unravel in 3rd dimension.

It bears to say, once one believes something they end up practicing it from a position of power and experience it in one way or another in the 3D dimension.

The belief that we must see something to believe it is not something wrong because, after all, we can only believe what we know exists with facts, which is why, when the Renaissance era came to the fore in the 1400s, we did away with anything that was not scientifically proven and left behind a lot of secret information about the cosmos and the soul.

But who do we blame for believing we are incapable of doing those things that we don’t want to believe are real?

Us or others?

Who do you believe?

Someone who tells you you are meat and bones and are only here on this hard rock to believe conventional wisdom about your nativity.

Or someone who tells you you are the multi-dimensional soul.

You are “the soul” that can astral project.

You are the soul that is telepathic and has the power to remote view;you have powerful intuition that can make you sense everything around you in ways that leave you flabbergasted.

You have power to affect reality to your liking by creating it in your mind.

You have infinite intelligence hidden in your soul.

You have the power to develop powerful psychic connections that can lead to lifetime soul-to-soul connections.

That we are all connected in higher dimensions and are one.

Who do you believe?

You decide…

In life, there are things that we don’t believe work, but they are real.

You may not know how psychic seduction works, but it’s actually real and part of your soul’s design.

You are never limited at a soul level because your soul has infinite potential.

The soul can do things that are deemed impossible.

It’s equipped with psychic abilities that cause it to be the master of its reality.

This you cannot believe until you let go of that handbreak that keeps you thinking about life in this 3rd reality only..

You cannot transcend your mundane reality when you don’t believe in the story that you are more than what you are told you are.

You have to leave behind limiting beliefs about your potential and decide to work your own mine and dig into your soul treasures.

In no time you will experience how powerful you are at a soul level, and then you will want to know more about your soul not only about psychic abilities which is beyond the scope of this post.

It’s A Wrap!

The more you believe and practice psychic seduction and experience its powers yourself, the more you get good at it.

You sure don’t have to practice thousands of hours to be good at it, but you can’t compare Lionel Messi with someone who plays soccer part-time.

The more you practice, the more you internalize how it actually works, the easier it becomes second nature to you where you can do it with less effort, like LeBron James throwing free throws without looking.

The more you believe you have these abilities and put dedication into developing them, the quicker you progress.

When you know that even if you cannot afford me, all you’ve got to do is practice every day, and you’ll get seriously good.

However, you do it-be it by seeking my expertise or by pushing yourself to do it regularly; repeating the practice long enough to push through the misbeliefs and see development; you will not believe you are capable and that it’s truly possible until you believe it and experience it without a filter.

Get yourself to believe to experience it, and it will be much less difficult to motivate yourself to believe, to plot your forward progress, or to get yourself to where you ultimately want to go, and that is being a god/goddess.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. ·


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