Calibration In Psychic Seduction| Key To Multiple Orgasms.

By Tomas : 13 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Calibration In Psychic Seduction| Key To Multiple Orgasms. picture

This post is packed with some goodies; finding a quiet spot where you can sift through this piece will not harm.

Nevertheless, it’s a great investment of your limited time, no matter your skill level or who you want to seduce.

You will benefit and avoid wasting years!

Consider yourself lucky to come across this exclusive information because as I always say seduction of every kind crystallizes at a soul level.

Every proficient psychic seduction practitioner knows when to press the accelerator, how to maintain motion and when to bring the seduction to a halt to observe if it’s appropriate to proceed ahead.

In this goodie i talk about calibration and why it’s actually one of those keys that you must have to unlock the soul’s temple door of your target.

It’s filled with a bit of technique and gives you a good picture as to how these soul seductions play out in high dimensions.


Come with me and let me hand you these secrets!

Calibration In Psychic Seduction.

Calibration is your ability as a practitioner to decipher psychic information and in return attune with it to take the seduction forward with deft.

Let me make an easy example about the 3rd dimension.

When you meet someone you like.

How do you approach them?

Do you go over and grab their hand, tell them you want to fuck their brains out?

Or do you go over, introduce yourself; get to know them a bit by developing some rapport; plan to meet them again somewhere quite where you can get to know each other even more, before having bed breaking sex with them?

You can think of calibration is a psychic seduction practitioner’s ability to know what to do at certain moments to move the seduction forward smoothly.

That aside.

First things first: Regarding calibration in psychic seduction. It’s one of the hardest subjects to cover, as the nuances are infinite!

That said, the reason i started sharing this work and my experiences is because I want to teach others what i have learned through trial and error, and hopefully help you to reach a proficient level quicker than i did.

Obviously, reading and reading more books about it and not practicing is not helpful either.

Is it?

You can ask “your god” to teach you about it, but if you don’t get dirty in the trenches, it will all be in vain.

Experience through practice is vital; sadly, there are no shortcuts my friend!

The best way to learn to calibrate is to explore the often-mysterious field, which means getting in tune with your intuition and understanding your symbolic language.

Don’t fret, it’s not hard to figure out as I said it’s similar to how you get to know someone in the 3rd dimension be it during a conversation or in the sexual act until it becomes second nature.

Being able to learn to calibrate is probably one of the master keys of psychic seduction!

I challenge you to figure it out because trust me without this key you are like someone who keeps talking when they should be listening and listening when they should be talking.

I am sure learning to figure it will keep your creative juices flowing and intriguing.

And as a practitioner, you should want that!


Interest and Calibration.

Calibration as tricky as it is to pin down in this practice can be learned by having an open communication with your intuition where you learn to decipher the level of psychic resonance in the initial stages of your seduction with your target(s).

Let’s say you are a man and you met a certain woman and exchanged numbers; later, you decided to remotely seduce her.

Your first few courtships, if you can at least actively visualize, feel touch, and have a modicum of access to your intuition, will be met with feedback:

* Their soul will become super attracted to your presence and reciprocate.

* She will respond sometimes; other times she will reject your psychic advances.

* Their soul will keep resisting your advances.

Meaning she will resist having a psychic connection with you.

Detecting this feedback quicker is vital when it comes to calibrating before it gets consolidate in them.

You don’t want to expend your ammunition unwisely and try to blow down the walls of China!

Moving this type of seduction forward 
without understanding calibration is like having sex with someone without attuning with their level of sexual excitement.

A target that opens up to your “psychic advances” is a target that will not give you many problems in terms of calibration.

However, nothing remains static!

Whereas when seducing a target that is neutral, you must get you creative juices high to calibrate better and get access to their soul.

Lastly, a target who rejects your presence is mostly not calibrating with you for a variety of reasons:

* Maybe in those first few sessions their soul didn’t like your approach, deemed it as intrusive, too overwhelming, or they don’t like you in the 3rd dimension.

* Sometimes they reject your advances to connect because they have someone they truly love at soul level and are not willing to connect with someone else.

The key in calibrating better is your intuition and your ability to decipher psychic information (symbolic language and feelings) without falling into confirmation biases; that way you give yourself room to calibrate better or let them go if they are unwilling to connect.

The question you must me asking yourself is.

How do you calibrate better in these three situations:

#1. When they are attracted it becomes easy to calibrate.

It means there is chemistry/rapport and reciprocity.

Your target is not resisting whatsoever.

There is vibe between the two of you and you can feel they like your presence.

When you get this feedback whatever you are doing is working.

Don’t stop!

#2. Neutral means they are not sure yet: Their soul is getting to know you and see if they like you in such a case you calibrate to the feedback you get as you would in the 3rd dimension when someone is showing mixed signals.

In the 3rd dimension how do you deal with hot and cold behaviour ?

Chase after them or you develop a smooth approach and have confidence that you will get them?

Similarly in Psychic seduction you have to have a strong belief in who you are and have a lock on your state control where you take hold of the steering wheel as you drive past curves.

#3. Resistance is always a sign their soul doesn’t want to connect for whatever reasons.

In such a case it’s not always final because there are people you meet in the 3rd dimension that you don’t like but when you because familiar with them you end up liking them.


When you meet resistance psychically, avoid the tendency to chase you target, rather pull back, observe feedback, decipher psychic information better, calibrate with/to it, change your approach, observe 3rd dimension feedback, and back off for good if they keep resisting too long.

Obviously, the way i put it sounds like it’s happening over one session, it may span over a couple of sessions as you keep learning to calibrate better.

I think now you can see where most beginners fail.

They ignore these simple basics; without having this understanding as a practitioner, you are screwed!

You can’t drive your car smoothly if you don’t change gears when appropriate.

Always have an open communication with your intuition and decipher psychic information to calibrate accordingly!

Soul States Are Consistently Shifting.

We all alternate between many soul states during the course of our daily lives.

Sometimes you may connect remotely with your target and find them to be super receptive and reciprocal.

This form of feedback is intoxicating and can push you to “ambush” them with your seductive “claws.

This is not bad move; after all, if the road is flat, smooth, and clear, why not press the accelerator and press the turbo charger button?

However, this is a double-edged sword because they can open up this way and realize they are falling for you, and close off at a soul level.

In other words, they may start questioning these feelings, get overwhelmed, get horny all the time, and eventually resist to protect themselves.

What then happens is that they may turn hot and cold.

Many people who experience this hot and cold behaviour(feedback) get confused and e-mail me wanting to get the answers why their “target” suddenly turned cold.

Some who don’t know any better start chasing and this is not a good approach at all.

Chasing and all weak emotions in these types of seductions are for people who are naive about soul connections.

Pursuing someone with all you have results in them losing interest even when they were receptive to your presence at first.

“What do I do then, Tomas?”

I hear you asking.

Well, the key here is to not jump to the highest gear from the onset of your seductions.

What do I mean?

You don’t have to flood them psychically too much (many “love vibes/touches”) from the onset!

As you can’t love bomb someone in the 3rd dimension, you don’t love bomb someone in higher dimension because it signals desperation.

I don’t mean to say when you are well calibrated and rapporting , you don’t increase the “pace,” but you do so in a gradual way.

Here is a simple example.

Lets say you have been seducing your target for a few weeks and every time you connect there is that euphoric feeling in the connection, then you can change gears and press the accelerator a bit to penetrate their soul more before taking a step back and ignite them to yearn for you more before coming back more to penetrate them even deeper.

In these types of connections there is nothing hidden.

Thinking just because you are connecting psychically you can just connect without learning to develop a need for your presence in your target is a sure way to lose them.

You have to be creative to be proficient practitioner and get access to your target’s soul.

Just get creative with it!

This is how you consolidate your presence in them-a state of consistent yearning for it instead of them feeling overwhelmed by it, either by your neediness or possessiveness.

When your intuition alerts you they are resisting hard after being magnetized during a session, you sometimes must stop the session altogether!

When you experience hot and cold feedback/behaviour, not cold only. It is mostly a sign that they like you and your psychic advances are getting to them.

Everyone experiences hot and cold behaviour /feedback, even when they are advanced!

Other times, you may go from neutral to them resisting or experience outright resistance.

When experiencing outright resistance, it usually means they don’t like you or they have a stronger partner they like at a soul level and are strictly monogamous.

It could also be you state control is weak, it could be you lack psychic confidence or you are overwhelming them.

It could be emotional baggage from the past if it’s an ex or if it’s a twin flame or you’re not their type, and other reasons.

In such a case when it’s outright resistance, in some rare instances, you may succeed when you learn to calibrate more, but that takes a bit more effort.

But neutral to resistance or calibration to resistance can mean you are doing something wrong in the seduction or 
something in the 3rd dimension is causing them to resist.

There is one woman i recently remote seduced.

I had met her at a certain shop while doing some shopping, you bet she is a chasier(i seduce as I do shopping).

I liked what I saw and flirted with her a bit.

I then decided to seduce her psychically and one day as I was walking around town I saw her with her friends, we talked a bit (she complimented me blah blah) and we went our separate ways.

It was clear she liked me.

One day I went to buy again and her friend who is also a cashier suddenly showed high interest to me and made it a show Infront of her (the one I was seducing psychically) and stuff that she liked me.

I went out of the shop not sure how to approach this situation and when i started connecting psychically again, i then started experiencing some resistance from my target.

When I had a soul conversation with her, she actually told me she can’t be with me because her friend likes me and suddenly she told me she has a boyfriend she likes more blah blah.

A connection I had with her started dwindling until I eventually gave up on her after a few attempts when she clearly told me she can’t connect with me any more (at a soul level).

Over text,I texted her and she stopped responding, and i never chased her.

This gave me deep insights about these connections.

States are consistently changing because life is changing every second.

Just because someone likes you at a soul level doesn’t always mean they are going to like you forever.

Feelings and people do influence their decisions.

However experiencing consistent resistance, may signal some defects in your “approach” that you may have to diagnose and tweak to progress to the next level.

The key take away: is to value your psychic ammunition.

It is the highest treasure to squander!

You don’t just keep sharing it with someone who is not responsive or who thinks they are better than you in one way or the other.

You are a god/goddess.

Own that!

But when they reciprocate you connect with them like a god/goddess, which consolidates your euphoric presence in them.

When you have been connecting with them for some time, any sign that your presence is gone leaves a void in their soul.

This keeps them trying to close it by pursuing through fantasies and yearnings.

This cannot happen if you don’t take a step back from time to time.

It’s why a state of detachment in your part is so vital.

By taking a step back, you remove your “presence.”

They yearn for it and strive to get back the “Highs and the Lows.”

Therefore, they chase. If not interested at all, they feel no yearning at all and may even feel some relief.

You see how this works (most of the time)?

Even though you cannot always win, learning to calibrate this way you stand a better chance of penetrating them deeper psychically.

Approaching psychic seduction this way is non needy and beams a lot of psychic confidence.

This on its own energizes your soul’s presence with magnetism that they find hard to resist.

Calibration Comes With Persistence.

Many beginners who learn about psychic seduction fall into the habit of looking for short cuts and quick results.

When they experience a bit of resistance, they conclude it doesn’t work.

They go on and try some other seduction technique they fail again, and the cycle goes on and on because they can’t persist.

Firstly, what psychic seduction offers will always be discovered by those who are willing to persist.

Secondly, there is no seduction without resistance, and when you fail to persist, you can never learn to calibrate as you can never be a good public speaker without learning to connect with your audience properly.

Calibration is not only about calibrating to your target, it’s also about calibrating with your states and have firm state control over them.

Lastly, you condition yourself to be a quitter when you don’t persist.

I don’t say keep pushing a firm wall, but most often persisting a bit helps because souls like being seduced.

As long as it is out of genuine appreciation for them, there is nothing wrong.

As they say resistance is a bait for more seduction!

Learn to persist a bit!

Wrap Up.

When your target is trying to resist your well calibrated advances, it’s super tiring for them at soul level!

The more you persist this way and the more they resist, the more powerful your seduction becomes.

Their erotic desires shoot up the roof!

Therefore, you have to calibrate to their fantasies, and if you can calibrate with them, they will fall into your hands like a ripe fruit falling from a tree!

Then tell me what is more powerful than that?

This you cannot achieve if you don’t calibrate and are not persistent!

You have to reach a level where their soul is blazing with desire during sessions and fantasizing about you all the time in the course of their daily life.

When this happens, game over, you have won…!

Provided you don’t mess up in the 3rd dimension of course!

Your goal should be to bring your connection to a 3rd dimension interaction as circumstances present themselves.

Any approach that won’t ignite too much resistance is okay as long as you can close space and have normal face-to-face interactions.

Having said that, approaching your seduction this way in itself is addictive and makes them associate you with gods/goddesses.

Sometimes you have to walk away from someone who is resisting for a variety of reasons, as I said, I have let go of many who resisted for a variety of reasons.

If you have tried the information I teach here and experimented in your own ways with no results but coldness, accept that you can’t get everyone because now you know about psychic seduction.

However, if you are fairly good in calibrating, it should not take you more than two weeks to three month (hard cases) to see positive feedback.

These days I can reach my target within 17 secs to a few minutes even when they are complete strangers (who know my face).

This is how potent I have become!

Lastly learning to calibrate is a moving target.

However, if you follow the steps outlined, you will most likely calibrate with real feedback instead of firing your ammunition without aiming for the target.

Key Take Away: “Feedback” is your guide, but feel free to use the framework below as a reference.

Treat your target as neutral when starting out and increase speed or hit the breaks depending on the feedback.

If there is no resistance, gradually get closer, but don’t jump too many gears because doing so might overwhelm them.

Resistance? If yes…

Pull Back (sometimes letting them chase or stopping for a few days). The duration of the pullback depends on many factors.

The point here is to avoid proceeding without understanding the reasons that caused that resistance.

Persist, proceed by restarting the current process, or consider changing your approach.

Rinse and repeat!

Give it 3 months maximum if you are a beginner, and if things don’t work out, move on!

If you already know how to connect psychically a month is enough though.

But then that’s up to you!

Of course, if there is not much resistance and you are receiving positive feedback, persist a bit; sometimes it takes time for their soul to give you access to their secret haven.

Learning to calibrated takes time. So be patient and stumble going forward!

If you are a beginner or intermediate, you will do well by focusing to calibrate through letting your intuition lead you until it becomes second nature.

Master this, and you’ll unlock higher levels of this art form and be on a whole new level!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:The Road To Psychic Seduction Proficiency. 


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