Slaying Fear When Practicing Psychic Seduction

By Tomas · Jan 12, 2025
Slaying Fear When Practicing Psychic Seduction picture

Practitioners who lack self-control can get success and elevate at a soul level practicing psychic seduction,however if you ask me, practicing it while lacking self-control is like climbing a steep hill wearing slippery shoes.

Evolving at a soul level—having real transformation with psychic seduction—requires that you instead put on shoes with cleats to reach higher levels.

You may get to a higher level wearing slippery shoes, but you will certainly keep slipping down and your progress will be slower than if you had developed self-control first.

In this post I talk about one of the greatest vices to control and eventually slay-Fear.

Fear of rejection,of the unseen and your shadow self.

Without wasting time.

Let's get to it!

Slaying Fear Practicing Psychic Seduction.

When exploring the depths of the soul, fear is always there because we are somehow programmed to fear rejection,our shadow selves and the unseen world.

Fear is the only vice that keeps many from taking one more step toward the secrets of the unseen,their souls and the romantic lives of their dreams.

The mind in higher levels of beingness creates and manifests whatever it 
thinks instantly.

You think there is a "demon" lurking to lure you to its demonic-infested hell; it manifests instantly, and you slide straight to it, and you sure gonna face the burning fire(whatever you fear or are shameful of).!

You fear your target doesn't like you and try to seduce them psychically.

You end up developing a fear generating psychic feedback loop within the seduction dynamic and end up sabotaging yourself in the process.

Fear can even cause you to be afraid to go to them when you happen to bump into them in the 3rd dimension when the events play out in your favor.

In fact, fear held me by my scrotum for years when I was so fearful of the unseen and the parts of my shadow self I needed to slay.

I would tremble in fear,

Call the names of Jesus,

My "ancestors",

Call an "angel" like Micheal to help me etc.

Yet nothing helped me!

*I don't believe in angels and ancestors in a generic sense anymore(a post for another day!).

When I met a target in the 3rd dimension, I would end up ignoring them even when they were clearly chasing me with everything they had because I feared rejection so much.

In retrospect, fear is one of the greatest vices to slay because it can lead to a lot of self-sabotaging states of beingness, thought patterns, and behaviors!

Infact as one begins to control it,

1.They get to pass many mythical passages on their soul's evolution easier,

2.Develop their psychic abilities faster, even their normal "dating" lives get better,

3.Lastly they keep evolving to higher levels of their beingness and get to see who they really are without bad psychic programming that keeps them vibrating lower and accessing lower frequencies of their beingness.

Solutions To Overcome Fear:

To accomplish rapidly the slaying of this great enemy, it's well to
begin by controlling some of its grosser forms, such as fear of rejection.

Let's say you have a crush on a colleague or schoolmate, but you fear talking to them and are practicing psychic seduction to win them over.

The first thing to do to slay this fear is to declare,

"I am not afraid of you....(say their name)."

I am powerful!

Then imagine them infront of you.

Say it to them as if they were there in person.

"Jack/Melissa(their name), you have not the power to make me uncomfortable,
and I am not afraid of you," and continue to repeat this assertion till your perturbation has subsided and you feel that you could face them without remor of fear, then continue with your normal psychic seduction courtships.

The next time you see them in person, you will have less fear to face them and end up developing a powerful psychic dynamic with them.

When you have slayed the grosser forms of fear like this, then attack the finer forms, such as fear of higher dimensions,shadow self i.e the unseen world(However you "see" it)

When you hear a voice in your head telling you something that sounds uncanny.

Never give in to it; instead, remain calm and question it with authority if you have to, or remain neutral with the inner assurance that nothing can harm you.

You are part of the divine vine and are powerful enough to slay any form of "darkness."

The more authoritative you become, the less fearful you become, and the more you become bold psychically, and the easier it becomes to control the unseen and evolve to a higher level of your beingness.

Develop self control to slay your fears because they are an enemy to you and are retarding your soul’s evolution and romantic life!

Wrapping It Up...

If you seek to evolve at a soul level and want wild success with psychic seduction, you can't without controlling fear.

In fact, if you want any kind of legitimate success in life generally, you can't lack self-control to slay the fears that are holding you back.

The difference between a practitioner who is controlled by fear and the one who has conquered it is miles apart.

The two are continents apart!

A practitioner who is controlled by fear brings ruin to themselves by sliding down their beingness to a level where they are controlled by their fear based psychic programming about themselves,the unseen and fear of being rejected, as a result, they don't evolve  and keep manifesting that which they fear.

On the flip side, the self-controlled practitioner acknowledges that they have the power to win anyone they put their minds to and have the authority to command their shadow self(my understanding of the unseen and higher dimensions); as a result, they unlock a higher level of their soul’s beingness.

They are able to evolve with authority and an unshakable belief in their god nativity, knowing fully well they have the power to command even the most feared archetype, the devil himself(I don't believe such a figure exists), to come and drink coffee with them so they can ask him what his problem is for persecuting people who are doing his will.

If he can't answer, they know they have the power to make hell fire and burn him until he tells them it's just part of the cosmic play.

Jokes aside...

Whatever is out there making you feel fearful, you have the authority to slay it because you have the power to slay every kind of fear!

When you acknowledge you are powerful like that, then your shadow self must submit to your authority(even if you believe in demons(devil) outside you,they have no power over you when you don't give them authority over you).

The fear of rejection you may have for your target you can slay when you fully accept that you have the power to manifest the reality that you want with them because, after all, who can resist a god/goddess?

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

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Read Next: On Sexuality, Perceptions and Psychic Seduction.


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