Dealing With Failure| Psychic Seduction |Burn Your Ships.

By Tomas : 10 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Dealing With Failure| Psychic Seduction |Burn Your Ships. picture

If developing psychic seduction abilities were easy, everyone would be a master of them because, since the beginning of time, people have been searching for powers to win in their dating competitions.

In reality, only 1% of people develop them to proficient levels.

99% of people reading my work are never going to put in enough effort; just like in any field, there are only 1% of experts.

We don’t want things hard enough, if we wanted things hard enough, we would find ways to get those things, deal with uncertainty, and figure out our limitations.

This happens with all human things, be it warfare, romance, or any other vocation.

As complexities arise, people put in effort for a time, but past a certain point, more and more people start complaining and dropping out.

As the requirements to figure out complexities, for a while, many psychic seduction beginners may put in effort.

But, past a boiling point, many start feeling the heat, get out of the kitchen, and start buzzing their psychic development and soul evolution.

It becomes too hard for them to deal with the pressures of uncertainty and a need for a soul overhaul.

In this piece, I motivate you to stop complaining and go through your soul evolution with the belief that beyond your current failures, there are many breakthroughs in store if you develop high levels of tolerance for failure.

I want to motivate you to go deep into the awaiting mysterious field and play to win.

You sure don’t have to believe the lies that you can be a proficient psychic seduction practitioner without effort and failures.

And I sure don’t want to make you believe what others make you believe: that this practice is easy, where you can just read a few blog posts, listen to a few guided meditations, and evolve as a soul with powerful psychic seduction abilities.

Without wasting any of your time, let’s get to it…!


Yesterday I was watching TikTok and I came across a video about failure and how many of the greatest achievers in every generation since the beginning of time experienced failures many times before reaping their rewards.

Thomas Edison failed about ten thousand times before he could figure out how to design a globe.

Michael Jordan experienced a lot of failures in his junior years as a basketball player until he got his breakthrough through his willingness to win in spite of his failures.

However, the story that resonates with me the most is the story of the US Air Force fighter pilot Cesar Rodriguez, the man they call “ the last American ace,” because he had the highest number of kills in air combat since the Vietnam War.

I resonate with Cesar’s story because he was not a golden boy and not even a natural at flying.

In fighter pilot training school, he had to practice twice as hard as others to master the same manoeuvres.

He saw a lot of more talented pilots fall out of the training program because they became discouraged by all of the failures they had to endure.

Cesar had played quarterback for his high school football team and knew that through practice and repetition, the human brain can learn almost any skill.

With this shared tenacity, he outworked the golden boys until he became a master war pilot.

People who do win in every vocation decide early on that they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They may not be as talented as the rest, but they have this one key element: high tolerance for failure.

If Cesar Rodriguez could deal with some pressure and uncertainty to achieve his goals, then why is it hard for some of us to endure the pain that comes with starting and completing things?

There are people who develop psychic seduction abilities for two days and go to forums and say, “Psychic seduction does work for them; it’s a scam, blah blah.”

Some quit thereafter, while others keep searching for new shortcuts that not only stagnate their evolution but conditions them to run away from any forms of discomfort.

I don’t mean we must develop things expecting failure, but it’s unrealistic to expect to evolve without willing to take a spade and some digging tools, to dig the trenches that lead us there, and accept we have to take some hard rocks to get to the treasures within.

You must be prepared to believe in your psychic development and soul evolution, no matter the types of failures you encounter.

You have to decide to endure whatever challenges are on your path because, after them, you are bound to reach better breakthroughs.

There is no one who can reach the top of a staircase without putting one foot ahead of the other, even when it means taking some breaks in the process.

Burn Your Ships.

In 1519, Captain Hernán Cortés landed in Veracruz to begin his great conquest. Upon arriving, he gave the order to his men to burn the ships.

It’s said, someone then laughed, and Cortés promptly thrust his sword into the man’s chest.

After which, the rest proceeded to get hammered on rum by the glow of the blaze.

Here’s the lesson: Retreat is easy when you have the option.

What Cortés did was force himself and his men to either succeed or die.

Success at any level needs one to sometimes “burn their ships” ​​​​​to fight with all they have.

This is a hard lesson to implement in this day and age where I see a lot of who buzz everything because they know there is plan B.

I come across alot of psychic seduction beginners with the buzzer mindset who think short term and never give themselves fully to their development.

They never burn their ships and always keep them as safety retreats. They don’t play to win. They only come to buzz about this practice and go back to normalcy.

In fact, they are the types that buzz everything!


Because they don’t want to develop the capacity to deal with repeated failures, they would rather rest in their cocoons of safety.

Burn my ships. What if I don’t win? What if? What if?

Those are the questions that keep them from diving and getting in tune with the changes that come with change.

There is absolutely nothing that you can master when you don’t have the will to go the extra mile in trying to figure things out.

In the classic book “Art of War”, master Sun Tzu advises commanders to open up retreat routes for opposing armies because armies that have no retreat roots fight with all they have.

When i used to play soccer before an injury cut short my budding career.

I used to do a lot of extra training to improve my technique and game awareness.

I was probably among a few in my team who started developing their own strategies to improve without the help of the coach.

Most of my teammates hated practicing; they just wanted to play without putting in the required efforts to unleash their potential.

They used to complain every time, just like everyone who expects quick fixes.

The only few players who were really dedicated achieved their professional breakthroughs because they practiced hard, they were focused on improving their game, and you could tell they were always 100% engaged. They were intense and always willing to learn.

They were not out to add numbers!

Everybody else?

They were just buzzing it.

They were not armies fighting with their backs facing an ocean.

They thought they were going to get their breakthroughs on a silver platter.

When I stumbled upon psychic seduction material, I didn’t know how to actively visualize; I had zero experience in any kind of meditation, let alone any recognized psychic abilities.

I had none!

I searched forums and read everything I could while learning from those who had more experience. Within a few years, most of them were nowhere to be found.

Most quit because they didn’t have the tolerance to deal with repeated failures and the uncertainty that came with them.

They stopped developing themselves. They started buzzing it and went back to normalcy.

Had they stayed open and tolerant of failure, they could’ve developed more.

How Experienced Psychic Seduction Practitioners Deal With Failure.

It is not easy dealing with psychic development and soul evolution challenges because we have this misconception that when we embark on these kinds of practices, it will be a walk in the park if we just use a magic stick, manna will flow from the sky.

When we experience resistance that pops our wrongly held beliefs and expectations, we are bound to take it the wrong way.

After all, we thought we had it all figured out, so failure is always a pain in the ass.

But as one gains more experience, their views on failure change drastically. They review their past successes and failures, compare patterns, and find better ways for them to evolve without any need to complain about how hard their evolution is.

They never ignore negative and positive feedback, and hope if they just keep practicing, they will get better.


They always keep their eyes on the ball and every single detail is held under great scrutiny to ensure quality practicing that deals with their shortcomings.

In fact, this is the key because they get to become conscious souls who not only follow other but also their own inner wisdom.

It always feels like playing an interesting game where they keep failing to pass certain stages yet are encouraged to learn.

As they become more advanced players, they understand the game better and how they can best utilize their gaming skills and player potential.

Even when they do fail from time to time, nothing shakes their confidence anymore because they know they have these abilities in them and they are evolving.

In other words, it gets a lot easier as one fails and fails hard, and eventually they deal with it positively the more experience they garner.

You want to reach a level where failure doesn’t phase you that much but instead propels you to seek more answers to your failures to evolve even more.

Are You Willing To Evolve?

It’s painful to fail a mission you want to achieve so much especially when you don’t have reference experiences to back up your beliefs.

But everybody fails.

What sets apart those who evolve and those who fall by the wayside is their determination and willingness to evolve.

They are willing to shred their former selves in exchange with the new levels of their soul evolutions.

They know it takes time and persistence to learn and develop all the things they need to reach high levels of psychic development.

When you study any high-performance individual, be it in sports or just about any vocation, you learn how important it is to practice and practice a lot and get in tune with the fabric of their chosen vocation.

When I watched a documentary about the late Kobe Bryant, he was obsessed with his evolution and focused on becoming one of the best basketball players of all times.

When his peers were out partying, Kobe would be practicing free throws late into the night.

He had no choice but to sacrifice something to reach his goals.

He had to overcome bad habits that never served him. He had to stop hanging around friends who had no vision. He had to evolve and focus on his craft.

Obviously, I am making an example. You can’t put those insane hours into this practice and let your life burn into flames.

It is just the same attitude you must adopt and practice deliberately: you must be curious, understand your weaknesses, and learn how to overcome them to evolve ever more.

This requires perseverance, dedication, and a burning desire to find out who you are at the soul level, but to get there, you’re going to fail repeatedly on this path to your “soul evolution.”

There is no other way, and when you don’t yearn to evolve, you will always sail back home to normalcy.

While those who are willing to evolve and sacrifice comfort in spite of repeated failures discover the treasures bestowed in them.

That’s just how it goes when you want to evolve in this type of practice.

When you’ve never actively visualized before, your mind is going to jump from scene to scene in your first couple of sessions.

But once you’ve put enough time in, you’ll reach a point where you:

#1. Are amazed at how long you can maintain clear scenes and how powerful your willpower suddenly becomes.

#2. Can intuit most of the psychic information perfectly

#3. Can decipher the secrets of your symbolic language

#4. Can be telepathic and remote view easier etc.

Suddenly everything will feel natural and soul-illuminating; the aha moments will keep coming.

A Wrap!

When someone asks me, “How do I deal with failure?”. I ask him, how do you deal with the pain of lifting weights?

Do you keep lifting, in spite of the pain, until your body gets used to it?

And he says.


Then I tell him there is no way around failure; you must deal with it head-on because that’s the only way you can evolve.

Failure is what weights are to muscles-resistance-and when you keep lifting those weights and balancing them accordingly, you eventually develop better form and develop a great physique.

The main thing to keep in mind, everything is mental-you are dealing with conflicting emotions.

Feelings of doubt will always crowd your mind when you put in the effort and receive less in return.

Don’t fret much.

Enjoy your evolution.

Dive within and seek answers, or to decide to talk to someone like me who has vast experience in this practice.

Journaling should also be your friend.

No piece of information must be left out, especially when you’re a beginner and don’t know what’s important and what’s not yet.

In fact, much of the time, the very act of writing it down can make you suddenly aware of where you are, open up a link with your intuition, and even help you learn your unique symbolic language.

In your quest to deal with failure, what you must really try to do is find the core of where your failures stem from; otherwise, you cannot change what you don’t acknowledge.

This is the reason I always push you to be open at all times, to evolve and change.

You can’t keep using approaches that do not work for you.

Experiment and get creative; in no time your soul will come online even more, once it does then there will be no turning to normalcy because a lot gets revealed!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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