Dogmatic Thinking|Psychic Seduction|Burn It.

By Tomas · Sep 3, 2024
Dogmatic Thinking|Psychic Seduction|Burn It. picture

Since the beginning of time, when people gathered around the fire to listen to the elders passing down wisdom to the young anyone who dared to question the status quo faced ostracism and, eventually, death.

Most people are dogmatic because they want to believe so hard that their truth is the only truth, and when someone questions them, they vilify him/her.

History is filled with stories of outcasts who were put in public shame because they dared to question the status quo.

In this piece, I challenge you to leave every  dogmatic belief behind and take the wisdom of your soul as the light to see in the dark that obscures you from your truth.

Without wasting time, let's dive in.

Our Need To Be Right All The Time.

Our cosmos is filled with mysteries and wonders, but in our quest to make meaning of our short existence, we hold on to dogmatic beliefs that keep us believing we already know the truth.

We know the answers to the deep questions about life—why we are here, what will happen in the future when we all die, and who the fucken messiahs of this world are.

Everyone “thinks they know” just about everything in life.

(Not me and you, hopefully):

We cling to dogmatic world views because we don't want to question scripts that were handed to us by those who came before us,others who also didn't know the whole story about the human story.

We adopt dogmatic beliefs because they keep us in our cocoons of moral superiority and safety as a duty to follow the trails of those who went before.

Dogma keeps us believing our path is the only way and we are on track.

Another closely related motive: we want to feel that we are intelligent
and we tend to vilify new information that suggests that we may be wrong.

We avoid, ignore, deny, reject, and even kill anyone that questions our beliefs and that our current path is not the ultimate.

This is why the ancient world is filled with all kinds of stories about the killings of philosophers and thinkers who dared to question.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was a hater of dogma.

Whenever people held rigid, dogmatic views, he disliked it. 

In fact, he trolled the intellectuals of Athens so hard with his fluid questioning that the leading intellectuals decided he was a threat to public order, undermining all the "sacred dogma" on which society was built.

They had him executed.

Dogmatic people think:

"Oh, our forefathers did this!"

"This is how things must be done!"

"You are an antichrist and lost!"

"Jesus is the only savior of humanity!"

Muslims assert...

"No, you are lost! Mohammed is the real messiah!"

"You are meat and bones"

"Telepathy doesn't exist!"

So on and so forth.

There is a grain of truth in some of these dogmatic beliefs, but they often inhabit one's natural evolution because they tend to keep one fixed at low levels of consciousness ,where all they think about is what they were taught 20 years ago, while the cosmos is evolving every second with new forms of understanding the mysteries of the world keep getting discovered daily.

Really, what dogmatic people should be saying really is: 

We can’t evolve beyond our dogmatic conditioning, and we are machines that only think and see the world through the lense of dogma."

This is not an attack on anyone, but in this day and age where information is unlimited as an ocean, it's key to question who we are and where we come from,who taught us who we are,  because the answers are within.

It doesn't mean discard what you know and trust everything you read online or what I say—hey, I am a normal person—what it means rather, you must begin questioning, and to question, you must be willing to unhook the hooks of dogma that are still keeping you limited in what you can do or achieve.

Just recently, I was at a crusade of a popular religious sect.

Where the guest speaker was not only dogmatic but also inaccurate in many ways.

I am sure many in attendance recognized these errors, but no one questioned anything.

This is so ingrained in our society that questioning  a "person of authority" is considered taboo.

This basis extends to education in general.

In primary and secondary school, the teacher is always right. In university, the lecturer or professor is. 

And in life, we tend to believe anything experts tell us. Because they are “experts” or “professors” or “gurus” or scientists or "doctors,” "pastors," and "psychics."

It's clear no one knows everything and there is no one true WAY/PATH because they are all paths originally designed to offer guidance with beneficial teachings to advance humanity, but each dogma is one dimensional in its truest sense.

And if you are someone who is willing to take control of your steering wheel and live your own truth, you need to look everything in the eye and say, 

"I dare question you religion, 

I dare question you tradition, 

I dare question you society, 

I fucken question you science as a whole,

And you know what?

I have to question you because I can also think and come to my own conclusions as a dynamic seeker of the mysteries of the cosmos.

Maybe my answers are within.
Maybe the god I seek is me.
Maybe I don't have to believe what that authority told me about who I am anymore, etc.

The Need to Free Myself From All Dogmatic Constraints.

I may come across hard, but my wish is not to offend or change you but merely to bring critical thinking.

We have to question really hard to burn off every form of dogma.

If you are still caught up in dogmatic belief systems that you see are somehow blocking your soul's evolution and are in search of ways of being that are outside of them, then this is the time to look yourself in the mirror and question, "Do these beliefs bring me closer to how my soul is designed or do they take me away?" 

"Does it help me to come around people who don't question and yet still believe what they say is the ultimate truth?"

"Can I even begin to think beyond what my pastor said or what an evangelist said?"

"Can I question a guru who tells me about his own actuation about the unseen world is the only way?"

"Can I read any religious book and question it, or do I believe everything it says because I am scared of questioning "God" and fear being thrown to hell to burn till eternity?"

What about the scientific community that keeps telling me the cosmos is only material and I am just meat and bones?

So on and so forth.

It's not denouncing for the sake of denouncing; it's the inflexible belief systems that we cling to that take us away from the light that we are that I denounce.

I believe there is no god outside of me because religion seeks to look for him/her/it from the outside, and society is ready to vilify anyone who says they are god because they know who they are.

I refuse to believe I am just meat and bones because I know I am a multi-dimensional soul that keeps evolving every second.

I believe I am a soul that is not here to be a machine and be driven by programs that were designed by others for their benefit.

I believe I am not here to live as a slave but reign as a god in my own capacity!

Sadly, with many people, there is no way for them to see beyond the veils of their dogma; they often end up in the valley of dry bones caught up in prisons
that keep them in eternal soul enslavements.

What about you, dear reader?

Can you relate?

If I am honest, everyone from time to time does find themselves in this valley of dry bones and confusion because we are walking in the dark searching for that spark, but the key is to never stop evolving because everytime you evolve you keep finding new pieces of the puzzle that fill you with wonder and realization that you are indeed the one that you seek.

You may go from left to right trying to move forward and even question hard why you are here, yet as you keep seeking,you are removing dogma of every kind in your way and letting inner wisdom lead you toward the light because now you know there is more than what you were conditioned to believe and become.

Patch Up.

There are obviously things that we cannot prove, especially more deep life questions like what happens when one dies, the meaning of life, how other entities/beings live in other dimensions (if they exist), etc.

However, as evolving souls, we must feel entitled to change our minds, sometimes contradict ourselves, and come up with arguments that are alternatively
plausible and implausible to evolve faster as a race.

We must always be willing to be warm, lukewarm, and cold to get to the storehouse of who we are and what we can become.

Dogmatics invests a lot of time and energy in being right; we question and keep marching to get the answers from the greater wisdom within.

Dogmatic thinking and ways of being are being challenged every second as we keep searching and marching toward the end of the spectrum of this current culture, and it's outdated ways of thinking.

We may trend on the wrong path one way or the other, but what's wrong with being wrong occasionally?

I challenge you to scrutinize every dogmatic belief you hold dearly until you bite the dust!

The height of your wisdom is in knowing that you are a god you seek,are not a program but are multi-dimensional in every way.

You may not know everything now, but in the meantime, you gotta keep marching forward and challenge every limitation because your story to write is in you to read, understand, and live!

I leave you with this philosophical axiom:

"There can be no ultimate truth." At least one piece of information on this site is incorrect, but all of it is true.

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