Experience Is The Greatest Teacher|Psychic Seduction

By Tomas:8 min · Aug 26, 2024
Experience Is The Greatest Teacher|Psychic Seduction picture

Imagine you are learning to play a musical instrument like a piano. 

In the beginning,you don’t yet understand the relationships between the keys, the chords, the pedals, and everything else that goes into creating music.

If you keep practicing the piano, you gain fluency and the basic skills become mastered.

Now, you can take on new and more exciting challenges, and you begin to see the connections that were once invisible to you. 

Your confidence grows.

Soon, you move from student to practitioner.

It's the same with psychic seduction.

At first you have no experience and don't even know how to visualize properly or how to lead the target to soul-shaking multiple orgasms.

But as you keep plowing forward, you end up getting experienced; doing those things that you never thought you could; discovering some of the hidden psychic abilities that you never believed you had.

In this post, I take you by the hand and challenge you to enjoy the journey because everything comes with experience.

The more you dive into the often mysterious field, the clearer you will see beyond the veils of your social programming and unlock your psychic potential.

Without wasting any of your precious time.

Let's dive in...!

How To Learn As You Gain Experience...

The key in psychic seduction is to go into every courtship with neutrality.

To be clear, you must go into it without expecting any certain outcome.

Being neutral is vital to learn because you are fully present and open to the mysteries of soul connections and the cosmos.

You aren’t off with wild expectations about how the courtships should play out as if by some rigidly written script – you simply dive in, observe, calibrate and move the courtship forward when the dynamics flow,pump up the brakes when there is resistance and come to a halt when there is no longer rapport.

The way these types of courtships play out is not written in stone—sometimes they flow smoothly, sometimes there is resistance, sometimes there is no connection at all, and other times they are mind-blowing and confusing as fuck.

Time and time again, I notice that new practitioners dive in with rigidity, as if they have "canned material" that they should just resuscitate to move the courtship forward.

They don’t know that sometimes they need to let the courtship flow without getting in the way.

Think of every psychic connection as an empty canvas, just waiting to be painted with everything that is about to happen as you keep connecting with your target. 

You do not know what stroke will go there, and trying to premeditate the conditions of the artwork is futile, because it will lose its flow and become a dull,rigid art, not a masterpiece.

Experiment To Gain More Experience..

Just because I say you need to be open to the process and get out of the way doesn't mean you don't have to experiment and try to figure things out on your own.

You still have to experiment and test your experiments like an inventor trying to find a missing puzzle for their invention.

You must ask yourself awkward questions to tap into higher levels of your psychic seduction abilities instead of clinging to untested theories and techniques.

Practitioners who unlock high levels in this practice experiment a lot and ask questions over a long time.

Many at first may not have any talent or outstanding qualities.

just like me... Starting out, I didn't have any "visible" psychic ability, let alone any meditation or active visualization background.

But I possessed two key qualities: curiosity to gain "field" experience and dedication to get things into practice and see what really worked, which is what propelled me over periods of confusion and stagnation.

Until you accrue field experience by experimenting a lot and testing, it’s all like seeking a small needle in the dark and pure speculation.

If you are trying to understand this practice better, then you must resist the temptation to think you have everything figured out.

You should want to prove them; otherwise, why would you spend your precious time without knowing whether your psychic seduction is working or not for you and how you can supercharge your potency?

Unless of course you are content with your merge results which i know for a fact that you are not because there is no finish line here.

Practising Is The Greatest Teacher..!

Every kick that an advanced martial artist takes in combat is well calculated because he has the backing of experience to know what works and what doesn’t.

Intuition is one of the first psychic abilities that comes online and becomes a compass for every proficient practitioner so that they can know when to escalate, calibrate, and move the courtship forward with deft.

The experienced practitioner knows how to develop rapport, bring the connection to a state of resonance, and keep pleasuring their target without tilting the dynamics of the connection out of balance.

Practice and experience dictate the correct approach and what they must not do.

So they rarely mess up the connection and ignite resistance because if they
consolidate bad dynamics they know it's extremely difficult for their target to associate their presence with progressively good feelings.

The experienced practitioner is one who has learned how to move past resistance, deal with it, and discover alternatives to bring the connection to a state of resonance.

A less experienced practitioner, even with an approach that brings results and seems simple on paper, tends to sabotage themselves when faced with a challenging courtship.

Any practitioner that doesn't have sufficient experience tends to rot on clichés about "what should work or not" without ever experimenting enough.

It's easy to read posts about techniques and how to court properly, but it's difficult in practice because there are many nuances involved.

The "field" is and will always be the greatest teacher!

It will challenge you to keep evolving without getting rigid in the process.

The more time you spend experimenting and testing, the more you keep an open mind, the more your rigidity gets washed away, and the better your understanding of psychic seduction becomes.

It can sound like a daunting task, but if you are willing to take one step at a time, over time you will reach a stage where you will have a far more coherent understanding of how dots connect.

Every connection you make is unique and must be approached with an open mind.

Psychic seduction is not a practice for rigid practitioners who think they have figured out everything pertaining to it or how soul connections play out because every time you connect with someone psychically, the field teaches you something as if the cosmos is walking side by side with you,handing you the forever elusive answers to your questions.

It's A Wrap Up.. !

Every time I connect, I learn a bit about soul connections, psychic seduction techniques, and the cosmos as a whole, all the while resisting the tendency that lead many practitioners to rot on clichés.

The field is where experiments are done, get proven, and crashed.

It's where "reality" is reflected as is because it's the greatest teacher there ever was.

If you are inexperienced and you want success practicing this art, irrespective of your level, I plead with you to abandon your limitations and elevate to higher dimensions with spacemen like me.

At first the field ruffles a few of your feathers, but with every feather you lose, you gain more experience to see the once mysterious field as a doorway to the secrets of the cosmos, love, and who you are at a soul level.

Don't worry about the journey the rewards will be worth it when you finally realize you can "dial up" any target and get to court them like a god/goddess.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Tomas 🧔 

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