Fantasy In Psychic Seduction| Doorway To Your Soul’s Havens.

By Tomas : 14 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Fantasy In Psychic Seduction| Doorway To Your Soul’s Havens. picture

The ability to get lost in fantasies and fantasize about romance is deeply embedded in us.

In Western society diving in to live in the world of fantasies is heavily repressed, leading to deep-seated yearnings of the soul.

The disregard for fantasies in Western society has led to a widespread disregard for the wisdom that fantasies can bring.

The soul talks and reasons through fantasies; in fact, most of the time, when one cares to notice, fantasy is the language the cosmos understands better.

Infact whatever we can fantasize about at a soul level we can live in this 3rd dimension because the language the soul understands better is fantasy.

In this post, I reveal why fantasy is not just mere fantasy and why practices such as psychic seduction are actually catalysts that you can use to fantasize and develop the ability to bend reality to your Favor.

Let's dive in!

Fantasies And The Soul.

In Ancient times people used fantasies that were shrouded in myths to understand the cosmos and transform themselves to the level of gods.

Fantasies provide a perfect gaze into the deep realities of soul living and how to transcend soul limitations.

It’s a well-known fact we came out of nothing and whoever brought us into this realm must have been fantasizing in one way or the other.

We all fantasize because we want our lives to be like what our souls yearn to experience in this 3rd dimension.

However, many people because of our societal programming soon get disillusioned when contemplating their own lives and find they reflect none of their fantasies.

They get discouraged and tell themselves it’s bullshit to fantasize and miss out on the deep secrets that can be discovered when one really dives in to under the world of fantasies.

Fantasies are the same as the energy sources that make a car go.

It is not the chassis, no matter how classy or shapely it might be, that causes a car to go.

The primary force that causes the car to go is not even in the engine.

It is rather the spark that is thrown from the ignition to the battery that then starts the engine using fuel.

It’s the same with the soul, it uses fantasies to spark creativity and enflames one to seek to dive in more to understand who they are in the greater scheme of things.

If reason and logic are the faculties of the conscious mind that help us experience the 3D world better, then (channelled) fantasies are the fuel that keep the embers of our souls burning like hot furnace.

Fantasies move the episodes of the life comedy forward and enrich our lives in many ways.

They are the will of the soul that tells the conscious mind, “Hey buddy, you know what I reveal the secrets of the cosmos using fantasies to teach and train you to win in this life.”

The soul uses fantasies to program the conscious mind to believe beyond 3rd dimension limitations, because it can perform amazing feats through what many may say are fantasies.

The soul can jump building and fight strong foes to condition the conscious mind to believe in being limitless.

The soul can use myths, which are all fantasies, to reveal the secrets of the cosmos.

The soul can use fantasies to connect soul to soul with someone, no matter how far they are, because it’s equipped with these abilities and knows how.

Heck, the soul uses fantasies to astral project to other dimensions and teleport to any destination in the cosmos through what many say are just mere fantasies.

Who doesn’t fantasize about a better tomorrow of unlimited amounts of cash and wealth?

Who doesn’t fantasize about being sexy and seeing themselves attracting the opposite sex like moths to a flame?

Who doesn’t fantasize about steamy sex with the person they desire?

Who doesn’t fantasize about their partner who is somewhere in Japan on a business trip while they are back at home missing the warmth of their body?

Unlocking the ability to channel fantasies properly like our ancestors did to discover the secrets of the cosmos, then sharpening it with practice, determination, and skill, however, is another thing.

How To Channel Fantasies When You Practice Psychic Seduction.

Psychic seduction’s most powerful catalysts is “channelling” fantasies, where you can connect with someone in high dimensions.

When you channel fantasies, you have for someone, you reach the alpha and theta brainwave states that give you access to a state where distance becomes an illusion.

When you fantasize, your brain waves lower in frequency and allow your soul to come more online, so to speak.

These brainwaves then become more in sync with the natural frequency pulse of the planet ( 7.85 cycles per second) and thus facilitate a resonance between you and the person you fantasize about.

When you fantasize while practicing psychic seduction, it’s not necessary to worry or obsess about how deep the fantasy is.

Just channel it out and let it play in your mind.

Over time, your soul becomes more and more online, and your fantasies become easier to channel and bring them to pass in the 3rd dimension.

When you channel your fantasies, you must be so immersed in them that you actually experience them.

If you want to amp up the volume of your fantasies and connect with someone more powerfully, your fantasy should have an element of realness.

Without bringing realness to your fantasies, they lose power and are just mere fantasies.

If you touch someone in your fantasies, you must feel your erotic touches and their prods; you should see the folds of their flesh as you feel the warmth and softness of their skin.

As you bring realness into your fantasies, make the fantasy dynamic, such that you see the orgasmic expression on their face, you hear little gasps of pleasure, and your hands feel the sensation of their quivering flesh.

At the end of the fantasy, see and feel them orgasm under your influences in the throes of bliss.

Then see them relaxed and content.

Allow the fantasy to then
fade away, then come back to reality.

When you fantasize like this, you reach their psychic thinking and start tapping into their soul, where they begin fantasies of their own.

The more you learn to channel your fantasies, the more you learn to sync better in resonance, which means more power, and they get to obsess more and more until your fantasies become a reality in this dimension.

A Brief History Of Psychic Seduction.

The terms psychic and seduction both carry a bad stigma in our culture that people don’t want to associate themselves with.

I detest both of these terms myself, but for communication purposes, I use them.

Every practice, be it sexual alchemy or Tantra, sex magic, or many other practices that use psychic energy, has been used by people to evolve their souls since the beginning of time, which is what psychic seduction is in the literal sense.

It’s probably the most ancient practice, and above all, it is in my humble opinion, the most valuable and comprehensive practice the world has ever known.

For millennia, it has been kept more or less secret, yet in the last few decades, it has become more accessible to those fortunate enough to find its practices and to realize its amazing value and potential.

While there is still much debate surrounding this practice, it is clear that it has a rich and complex history.

Whether you view it as a legitimate practice or mere fantasizing, there is no denying that this type of practice has played an important role in the evolution of the human soul and is likely to continue to do so for thousands of years to come.

Psychic Seduction Abilities Are In You.

Psychic seduction is not something foreign that you must from an alien race.

It’s a natural expression of your soul’s sexuality in the often-competitive mating game and courtship rituals that we practice as humans.

Much of psychic seduction is about tapping into your fantasies, colouring them with emotions (psychic energy), and learning to listen to your soul’s directives.

Much more of it is looking at life through different lenses and develop your intuition to see beyond the confines of the five senses.

Your soul has built-in intuition that defies most of our common wisdom.

Intuition can play out in fantasies, and its impressions aren’t always spot-on.

But the better you train yourself to listen and decipher them, the more you discover you are able to ‘know’ what other people only dream of.

Through psychic seduction, I have developed the ability to dive into the depths of my soul and find out who I am beyond the names that I placed on my back.

My social intuition is beyond normal.

I can almost know exactly what people are thinking beyond their social masks.

I can live in a fantasy with someone and we both experience it in real time, no matter how apart we are.

These are the things that people can laugh at and think are bullshit.

“Get out of here, man, you are full of fantasies.”

They would say.

It’s easy to see that most people will never, in their wildest dreams, believe this because they live in a world of limitation.

But if they chose to break free from those chains that prevent them from seeing beyond the veil.

They would instantly realize their fantasies are actually real in higher dimensions, and they only needed to learn to channel them to live them in 3rd dimension through the practice of psychic seduction.

Psychic seduction abilities are waiting for you to ignite and turn on your fantasy world to your creations.

You can train these abilities, and they are within reach because you fantasize all the time.

Once you sharpen them to the degree you wish, you will realize you can reach any person you desire in an instant, at a far faster speed than light, no matter how far they are!

You are multi-dimensional.

You have innate psychic powers that are part of your “god nativity.”

Your native powers have the potential to bring you almost everything you want.

Channelling fantasies is probably the greatest catalysts in the practice of psychic seduction , because, when you fantasize, you become a conscious creator of your own reality.

Cherish your fantasies, remove fear and doubt, and learn to channel them. You will find that connecting with your special someone psychically requires less effort than you expect.

It will not seem like some mental masturbation, but it will become fantasies that bring transcendence and propel your soul’s evolution even more to the heights of your human potential.

Putting It All Together.

Fantasy and psychic seduction go hand in hand and you shouldn’t feel like you are mentally masturbating when you fantasize because fantasies are the gateway to the world of the supernatural.

There is nothing that was ever invented that never started as a fantasy before it was channelled into something that eventually manifested in this dimension.

Every time you fantasize about someone you connect with them in higher dimensions and when channelled properly you can end up having a full blown soul to soul connection no matter the distance apart.

Psychic seduction abilities are not something outside of yourself.

They are not some weird, foreign “abilities” that desperate people use to connect with others.

Psychic Seduction is a practice that need someone who is open to tapping into their nativity and channel the deep fantasies that engulf the chambers of their soul.

We all have “fantasies” and they can really be catalyst for the evolution of the soul.

In developing this practice, you will make a great psychic evolution and enrich your life and those you touch in ways beyond comprehension.

By repressing your fantasies your dampen the lights in your soul which not only lead to soul limitations and but loss of life with rich meaning.

In a nutshell embrace you fantasies and find ways to use them as catalysts to transcend the limitations of the 3rd dimension and access the world of limitless potential where the soul resides through the practice of psychic seduction.

Keep Fantasizing!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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