Five Attitudes To Adopt As A psychic Seduction Practitioner…

By Tomas : 10 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Five Attitudes To Adopt As A psychic Seduction Practitioner… picture

Let’s say you wake up one day and come across a genie that gives you a card to learn all the secrets of life.

You take it back home, insert it into your portable device, and discover you are limitless.

All of us, at some point or another, have wished for a genie.

We would like to rub the magic lamp and have the genie of our wishes appear.

Who hasn’t at some point wished to wake up and realize they have psychic seduction abilities that cause them connect with someone in Jamaica while they are some where in Mexico?

Who has not wished to have telepathic or remote viewing abilities and pristine intuition?

Heck, there are many people who have telepathic sex and think they are hallucinating.

Most of us dismiss such aspirations and experiences as mere fantasies or wishful thinking.

Without blabbering, let’s get to the meat of this piece and let me give you these secrets!

First things first…..

You Have Psychic Seduction Abilities.

The fact is, we all have some sort of genie if we can open up to its silent whispers and let it lead us. .

Once you allow it to show you the way, you will reach a storehouse of your psychic potential and find out you have powerful psychic seduction abilities that can enrich your romantic life in ways you never thought possible.

Psychic seduction abilities are not magic outside you or something that has to do with the devil or demons.

They are a vital part of who you are, and they open portals that connect you with every living thing in this known cosmos.

The truth is, if you choose, you can unlock these abilities and develop powerful soul-to-soul connections with the people you like and in turn unlock many secrets about your soul’s journey.

But the question remains: are you willing to evolve?

So today if you are willing to evolve and take the next binge the five attitudes below that you must adopt…

Attitude 1: Develop Persistent Curiosity.

The question remains: are you truly interested in developing yourself into a powerful psychic seduction practitioner, or is your main concern the pursuit to attract your target only?

If you can adopt the attitude of a seeker, you can begin to realize that sex and developing soul connections in this life are catalysts that help you evolve as the soul.

You are not here to develop your psychic seduction abilities for sexual purposes only, but to evolve to a higher level of your soul’s evolution.

“It´s time we saw sex as the truly sacred art that it is. A deep meditation, a holy communion, and a dance with the force of creation.”

~ Marcus Allen

We are always evolving as a race, and our connections to the vital parts that enrich our lives are dwindling every second.

Without strong soulful connections, we are a poor race.

As a result, when you decide to develop psychic seduction abilities, i encourage you to keep persistent curiosity in mind because you are a soul that is here to understand and experience genuine connections with others who are also genuine to you.

You don’t develop these abilities because you are needy for someone’s approval.

You develop them because you care about your evolution and how you can be of great service to someone who is worthy of your soul’s blessings.

A person who develops psychic seduction abilities without keeping this attitude in mind always falls shot down the line because they fail to learn the true essence of what makes them a soul.

If all you think about is seducing them and not about your evolution, then you end up stagnating and never evolving at a soul level.

Attitude 2: Be Hungry For Knowledge And Experimentation.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1149) is renowned for his paintings, “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”, and they remain the best known.

But Leonardo was a man with an insatiable hunger for knowledge and invention.

His many other ideas include some of the first concepts for gliders, helicopters, parachutes, diving suits, cranes, gearboxes, and many types of weapons of war.

It’s clear he was not limited by his generation and was ahead of his time by centuries.

His natural genius crossed so many disciplines, and surprising enough, he was highly self-educated.

All his life, well into his death bed, his curiosity and insatiable hunger for his evolution and that of our race never left him.

He was constantly observing, experimenting, inventing, and drawing.

Like Learnado, you gotta keep thinking beyond your limitations and see beyond your normal programming.

As a result, you will end up becoming a powerful psychic seduction practitioner and a higher-powered soul that can think in depth about any subject,people,the future and the cosmos.

Attitude 3: Learn About the Laws of the Cosmos.

The cosmos is run on natural laws.

Apples fall.

Birds fly.

We live.

We die.

When we take the time to understand these laws, we can use them to our advantage.

We can leverage them.

We can push against gravity to fly.

We can learn about vibrations and frequencies and use them to our advantage to keep evolving.

Hermeticism, a mystical philosophy based on writings attributed to Hermes_Trismegistus, offers seven profound principles you can use to understand psychic seduction and the cosmos better.

The 1st principle is the principle of mentalism.

“All is mind; the universe is mental.”

The principle of mentalism implies that the cosmos is mental and that everything that happens has a mental component.

In psychic seduction, understanding this principle means realizing the power of perception and mindset to develop powerful psychic dynamics in your connection(s).

By instilling a mindset of power and love, you can develop far more powerful psychic connections that can lead to a divine union.

The 2nd principle of correspondence.

“As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without.”

This means that patterns repeat across different levels of reality.

If you feel like sh*t and court without genuine appreciation for who they are in your psychic connections, their soul gets to sense that and repel you.

Whatever you feel in this 3rd dimension is a replica of psychic information their soul gets to decipher and mirror back to you when you connect.

What happens in higher-dimensions mirrors this 3rd-dimension reality in one way or another..!

The 3rd Principle of Vibration.

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

It implies that everything in the cosmos is in constant motion and vibration.

In psychic seduction, when you are not calibrating, you lose because every seduction is in constant motion every second of the connection.

You have to learn to decipher and attune to the changes in your connection as if you are vibing with them in the 3rd dimension.

The 4th Principle of Polarity.

Everything is dual;everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; Extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

This principle posits that opposites are identical in nature but differ in degree; it states that extremes meet and that all truths are but half-truths.

In relation to psychic seduction, it simply means you must be prepared to walk the path of reality and illusions, as both carry powerful information you have to decipher to understand it far better.

The 5th Principle of Rhythm.

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

It revolves around the idea that there is a flow,a swing, and a time for every purpose, which is observable in the natural world and all aspects of life.

In the context of psychic seduction, understanding the rhythm of the overall seduction can provide insights on when to move it forward and when to tweak the approach to sync and bring it to resonance and eventually manifest it in the 3rd dimension.

The 6th Principle of Cause And Effect.

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”

This is a cornerstone principle that states that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause.

In psychic seduction, this principle underscores the importance of love in how you present yourself to your target psychically.

Every move either takes you closer to your goal or away hence when you persist courting them in a repelling state you cause them to consolidate that state in them which ends up igniting resistance that can be super hard to lower.

In retrospect when you cause them to feel uncontrollable love dovey feelings you effect them to feel good and in turn cause the connection to flow smoothly.

Lastly, We Have The 7th Principle Of Gender.

Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.”

It speaks to the idea that everything contains both masculine and feminine principles.

This principle is not about biological sex but rather about different types of psychic energies.

In the context of psychic seduction, we can view the masculine principle as the assertive, direct energy needed when developing and controlling the rhythm of the connection, and the feminine principle as the receptive, nurturing energy needed when deciphering the psychic dynamics of your special someone and fostering a positive, comfortable dynamic.

A successful psychic seduction practitioner is one who can balance and utilize these energies effectively.

They must be commanding and confident to maintain the flow of the seduction and ensure the dynamic is under control (the masculine aspect), while also being empathetic and understanding and able to make their special someone feel comfortable in the connection (the feminine aspect).

By embracing both of these aspects, you can create powerful psychic dynamics and influence more powerfully.

Keystone 4: Dedicated Chakra Work Practice.

Chakras have only recently become more well-known, with the growth in popularity of yoga and New Age philosophies in general.

They are a complex and ancient energy system that originated in India.

They were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge dating from 1500 to 1000 BC.

There’s a lot you must learn about chakras!

Chakras are thought to be spinning disks of energy that you must activate, as they correspond with areas of your energetic bodies that affect your emotional, physical, and overall well-being.

I am not going to go into details about them except that there are 7 major chakras (for simplicity, as some say they are 114) that must be integrated for your whole chakra system to work to be fully activated.

When you activate them, you cause them to elevate your vibration and develop powerful psychic influences.

When you think negatively, you affect your chakra system and deactivate it, and your psychic influences become weaker.

Your psychic seduction abilities do not become powerful if your chakra system is not fully activated through a dedicated conscious chakra practice.

Hence, you need to design a routine to develop them properly or book a consultation here to see if we fit.

Having said that, you have to practice them effectively to unphase a lot of shitty blockages that limit most of your psychic potential!

Developing the chakra system isn’t about force; it’s about getting to know your soul gradually in more intimate ways while adapting to feedback and insights at appropriate times to keep evolving, and then start aligning with the rhythms of the cosmos and the languages of your soul.

You can’t evolve as a soul and get good at unlocking your inner psychic potential without revamping your chakra system.

This is key!

Keystone 5: Take Psychic Seduction As A Practice.

In the beginning of your journey, you may feel quite green and need to go through a learning process in order to understand all kinds of psychic dynamics and techniques, but that’s not the end of the road.

You also need to know that to understand any practice, there is always going to be a bit of boredom and repetitive patterns that you have to learn and master to evolve.

In psychic seduction, you become more skilled when you learn through challenges that force you to question everything you thought you knew to unlock newer perceptives that lead you from one breakthrough to the next.

You can think you have figured something out only to be forced to discard it tomorrow; hence, it’s a practice that is as deep as an ocean.

When your attitude is about developing it as a practice, you don’t get as frustrated when you encounter plateaus and fail to make visible progress.

You better enjoy the process, adopt what you already know are keystones, and be open to throwing away what no longer works.

You have to be prepared to develop it, just like any other skillset.

Patch Up…

With these five attitudes, you stand a chance of developing a strong base to build your evolution on.

The fact is, when you carry these as your bedrock, you become better at developing your psychic seduction abilities than you ever imagined you would, and your life becomes more meaningful in the process.

Don’t try to ignore any of these attitudes; adopt each thoroughly until you reach a breakthrough, and then evolve from there with a new set of perceptions and attitudes to move to the next level.

It suffices to say that soul evolution never stops.

There is no finish line in this journey and approaching your evolution this way gives you the accountability to stand strong when you encounter challenges.

When you get frustrated and lack sight of your progress, you have to loosen up and accept that it’s a journey.

The entire journey is challenging, and you have to learn to adapt continuously; otherwise, it overwhelms you.

When you are flexible, there is nothing that can stop you from becoming a truly powerful soul with nuclear-powered psychic seduction abilities.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next: Seven Musings On Psychic Seduction*.


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