How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep.

By Tomas : 10 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep. picture

What makes someone sexy?

What is sex appeal?

Sexy or not?

This question has long confounded humankind’s greatest philosophers, scientists, and laymen alike.

When I look at the pictures of Marilyn Monroe, that absolute icon of sex appeal falls into this category.

Marilyn was an actress that attained sex goddess-like status in the eyes of men and women alike in the 50s.

She was simple-looking, but on and off the camera, she exuded sex appeal through every pore of her being.

Marilyn didn’t possess every sexy trait that people find sex; her sex appeal rested on a mythical quality that few own.

While the likes of Jessica Alba, Hale Berry, and Beyonce reek of sex appeal, they can never attain Marilyn’s sex appeal icon status.

In this piece, I touch on this sensitive issue of sex appeal and reveal the mythical quality that every sexy person is aware of.

Is sex appeal about looks, money and status or is there something more to it?

In this piece I challenge you to see beyond what you can see with your eyes to the world of psychic feeling.

Before wasting any of your time lets take a short time travel to the 19th century and meet an Italian libertine.

Take my hand.

The Story of Gabriel D’Annunzio.

In the late 19th/early 20th century, there was an Italian “poet, novelist, politician, war hero, and “dandy” named Gabriele D’Annunzio.

Women found him “devastating,” following him around Europe “pouring out passionate declarations, abandoning families, and twice offering a fortune for his favors.”

D’Annunzio was so widely desired that “the woman who had not slept with him became a laughing stock.”

But d’Annunzio was not a handsome man. He was quite short, prematurely bald and pale as a vampire, and had a face punctuated by a goatee and upturned mustache.

But he had a wild elegance and a perverse sex appeal that got people thinking he had some magical powers.

While it wasn’t his looks that drove women wild, neither was it success or riches, as D’Annunzio was “nearly always in debt and went spectacularly bankrupt midcareer, losing all his possessions.”

His superhuman selfishness, his foaming nationalist rhetoric about soaking the earth with blood in his political pursuits: they’re clear enough.

But his seduction prowess only add mystery to his myth.

However It’s simply to say his most powerful traits were his presence and voice.

One of the best descriptions of d’Annunzio’s mesmerizing powers come from the teenage daughter of the composer Pietro Mascagni:

“When Signor d’Annunzio speaks, it always seems as though he is telling one a secret.”

In our daily lives, we sometimes come across people who have that thing about them that just exudes strong sex appeal.

They are not normally beautiful or handsome in the traditional sense, but they have that thing about them that we can’t seem to point a finger at like D’Annunzio.

You can see such a person and want to rip their clothes off; they awaken the sex beasts in us.

It’s like an invisible superpower surrounds them and enchants everyone who comes into their presence.

When you study these people, you find their sex appeal is something deep.

Sex Appeal Is Skin Deep-It’s Psychic.

Yes, indeed, it is psychic…

I’m sure you’ve experienced this plenty of times yourself.

* That time you were feeling great… until you came in contact with someone who was not feeling good on that particular day, somehow affecting your vibration in the process.

* That time you were feeling miserable, then somehow you came in contact with someone who was bubble and ended up feeling good about yourself.

* There are sages who bring their followers into tears with their presences; they exude love that enchants all those who come in contact with them.

* There are people who have that presence; they have that thing about them.

Sometimes you just meet such individuals for the first time and feel super comfortable in their presence.

You feel like you have known them for years.

* Yet there are those people to whom you cannot pin point why you feel a certain way about them.

They just annoy, even if they are beautiful or handsome.

They are just repelling.

So on and so forth…

We may say that some people attract us, while others repel us; that some people’s power to attract or repel is greater than that of others; and that this power is conveyed not only through looks,money and status, but perhaps even more so by psychic interaction between people.

When two or more people meet, they exchange subtle psychic energies and develop psychic connections when they connect in harmony.

This exchange of psychic energy is what actually makes you sexually appealing to some and repulsive to others.

At this level of psychic interactions, there are no lies.

It’s pure psychic communication that is only detected, not spoken.

Hence the cliché “Energy never lies.”.

Enter The Aura.

What’s an aura?

Well, if you live under the rock and don’t know what it is.Our great friend Google says an aura is:

The distinctive atmosphere or quality (energy) that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.

Since the beginnings of civilizations, different cultures have always known the existence of this mysterious psychic field.

In the west, we can see this depicted in religious arts where the glowing lights, or halo, surround the heads of Mary or Jesus.

In mythical Hindu writings, one finds reference to the thousand-petaled lotus light surrounding the heads of those who achieve enlightenment.

In a 1945 essay, psychic healer Edgar Cayce wrote that he believed all things-animate and inanimate-give off energy and, in turn, have an aura.

Scientists believe that every object has a magnetic field of energy that surrounds it, aka aura.

The aura forms your overall psychic atmosphere and doesn’t only surround just your heads as depicted by some cultures but extends all around your body in an egged-shaped structure.

Your aura represents:

* Your physical

* Mental

* Emotional

* As well as psychic energies.

The aura has seven layers, also known as psychic bodies, that correspond with the seven chakras of your body.

The Seven Layers Are:

1. The etheric is the first layer, also called the physical aura plane, which is closest to the physical body and is connected to, physical health pain pleasure.

2. The emotional layer or comes next, and it extends up to three inches away from the body.

This feeling “layer’’ expresses the full spectrum of your emotions that people who come in contact with you detect.

3. Then there’s the mental layer, which sits three to eight inches away and is related to your ego, values, and beliefs.

4. The astral body, which is your love layer.

It’s correlated with your heart chakra, and it’s the layer that sits right in the middle of all seven, so it’s said to connect the three lower auric planes to the three higher ones.

5. The “ spiritual” aura plane. It reflects your “spiritual” health and connects you to the wider cosmos.

6. The celestial plane is the sixth layer, which is all about your intuition and is linked with your third eye.

7. Finally, the “I Am” layer, and this is your potential connection with the Divine (whatever that means to you).

It extends up to three feet away from the physical body.

All of the levels vibrate at their own unique frequencies, but they also all connect with and relate to each other.

When one level is out of balance, it can affect others.

If you notice that something is off and you don’t feel as good about your sex appeal, take some time to take care of this aura.

#1. Be aware of your negative thoughts about who you are and how you feel about your sexuality.

#2. Diet is also of outmost importance because it keeps you fresh and in shape, which keeps you feeling good about yourself which inevitable colors your aura with positive psychic energies.

#3.Exercise and do chakra work through any kind of meditation that resonates with you to keep your aura exuding real high positivity and sex appeal.

The Aura Is In Constant Flux.

At any given time, the overall composition of your aura is colored with different emotions, and the most dominant one at that particular time gets detected by those who come in contact with you.

I have on many occasions realized that when I feel like crap, nobody seems to feel magnitized by me. It’s like i repel people; even cashiers and waiters who normally flirt tend to act cold.

While at other times, i am sure you have noticed this yourself; when you feel healthy, confident, and sexy, people tend to be magnetized by you because your aura tends to exude a lot of sex appeal and positivity, and people sense that even when they can’t see it.

When you feel like crap all the time. People get repelled by you out of their own accord.

You feel like a sex god/goddess; your aura ends up becoming that of a sex god/goddess that magnetizes just by their presence.

How Psychic Seduction Develops Great Sex Appeal.

Many people who practice psychic seduction soon find themselves feeling sexy;end up getting a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

It seems like suddenly they glow with sex appeal that leaves most of them surprised and intrigued as to why.

Practicing it correctly develops great sex appeal because obviously you end up thinking more positively about sex,experience powerful psychic intimacy, this then colors your aura with sexual undertones in the process.

Thus you end up oozing sex appeal from every pore of your being, and those who come in contact with you resonate with you and see you the way you see yourself.

People may not see you the way you see yourself, but when you really believe you are sexy and exude sex appeal, all people in one way or another will find you sexually appealing.

They may not all accept this is the case, but psychically they will know so and so has sex appeal and is irresistible.

It’s the very reason why I encourage everyone who practices psychic seduction to love and feel really good about themselves because energy never lies.

The soul is the where true sex appeal beams from because the soul by nature is deeply sensual and highly sexual.

It’s that simple; nothing really complicated about it.

A Simple Technique To Develop Great Sex Appeal.

#1. Find a comfortable spot and relax through proper breathing techniques that you like.

#2. Choose a “special place” where there are people of the opposite sex.

#3. Feel and see yourself as if you were there; make this place as real as possible (in first person).

#4. Now exude magnetism. Feel yourself sexy.

#5. See the opposite sex getting drawn to your like moths into a hot flame.

#6. Feel them getting magnitized to you.

You being the magnet they cannot resist.

#7. Feel them hugging you and telling you how sexy you are.

I have noticed just doing this simple technique, which, in a way you can invent yours, working wonders.

I have lost count of women opening me and saying all sexy things.

One day I was at the mall walking, minding my own business, when a group of 4 beautiful women started making crazy sounds of attention coming to me as if I were some celebrity.

I had visualized the whole scenery, and it manifested exactly as I had intended.

They found me super sexy and couldn’t resist me.

It was somehow confirmation that sex appeal is psychic and we do have the power to seduce events into our lives.

Over the years, similar epiphanies have occurred; every time I am encouraged when I see how powerful this easy technique can be to develop sex appeal and orchestrate events into my life.

It works best when you really make it as real as possible.

-You must see the opposite sex really failing to resist you. -You see yourself as irresistible. -You are not watching yourself doing this. -When you choose a scene where you are walking down the street. It must be as if you are walking there, not watching yourself.

You can do only about 5 minutes of this technique twice a day.

Try it and tell me your feedback. I will be happy to hear from you!

It’s worth repeating…your aura can be sexually appealing to others while repelling others.

Auras harmonize and disharmonize depending on many factors more especially your current state of being.

What I am sure about is that a great number of people will find you super sexy when you practice this technique.

Wrap Up.

Modern life doesn’t give us time to develop our auras as we struggle with our daily lives for survival and mating competitions.

Many of us carry heavy loads of low psychic energies that suppress us and, in the process, choke our positive psychic activities.

To have sex appeal, one must cultivate it like a farmer taking care of his field; from there on, it gets more and more appealing that it leaves alot of aha moments about this whole attraction mystery.

Once you understand your own aura, it will become easier to sense other people’s auras intuitively and, in return, influence them psychically and learn to psychically defend yourself against any unwarranted psychic influences.

Good genes can only get you so far, but powerful sex appeal is psychically charged.

We are psychic beings.

Don’t let any social conditioning tell you that it’s wrong to be psychic.

By embracing your psychic nature, you open your “chakra system,” which allows you to unlock your psychic self and in turn evolve to the real you at a soul level.

Lastly, everything needs balance, and for you to exude powerful sex appeal, your other areas of life must be taken care of…

Bath, smell good, dress nice, believe in your unique self and groom yourself better, material things are an added benefit.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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