How To Deal With Attaching A Lot When Practicing Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 7 min read · Aug 28, 2024
How To Deal With Attaching A Lot When Practicing Psychic Seduction. picture

The other day, someone asked me about how i root out attaching to the outcome in psychic seduction and how to resist the sometimes-overpowering urge to give into it.

Attachment is natural, but it can be diffused.

We all suffer from it.It pervades our psychic claws when we connect with others, and we end up attaching even more when we receive feedback we didn’t expect.

However, as you become increasingly powerful in psychic seduction, the level of your attachment will slowly evaporate.

But to get there is another story.

If you are dealing with attachment issues where you keep obsessing about your target.

1.If they care…
2.If your psychic advances reach them.

3.How do deal with attachment blah, blah, this post is for you.

It’s solely focused on attachments that can mess up your psychic proficiency, take you down a dark rabbit hole and honestly, it’s one of those hard nuts to crack, but don’t worry, I got you.

Without wasting time.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Detachment In Psychic Seduction?

First things first…i don’t especially like this term a whole lot because it’s being used as if you can just switch it on and off at a whim by most gurus.

But for communication purposes,i use it rather loosely.

Well what is detachment in psychic seduction?

What it means is: you can connect psychically, know the connection is real,endure the inevitable resistance, and be cool with that; either persist in courting them because you just know they are yours; or adjust sails and row in the opposite direction to pursue someone else that you like.

The truth is, there is a minimum level of attachment you must have in your courtships, of course, but it is not generally in the areas the beginner starts out putting it into and not in the ways they try to put it in.

Beyond that, it’s very possible to be too attached and ruin the courtship.

If you were to ask any magician how magic works, they would most likely tell you to let the magic do the magic without attaching to the outcome because attachment halts the process in one way or another, and one ends up becoming doubtful and needy, which are all like weeds that choke the manifestation process.

I specifically like this Neville Goddard quote as it drills this point home clearly.

“We must practice detachment, or inner separation, so that we may escape from the circle of our habitual reactions to life. That is why we must formulate an aim and constantly notice ourselves in regard to that aim.”

Learning to let go of attachments in psychic seduction is one of the big steps along the lines to far greater psychic courtship clarity that you should aim for.

A proficient practitioner is able to connect, endure resistance, deal with confusion and doubts, lower resistance, and end up having a 3rd dimension relationship with their target without becoming needy and chasing a lot.

But to get there is another story…

Outcomes To Expect When You Attach a Lot.

If you are a beginner or intermediate, there are a few common attachment reactions that you revert to when learning to seduce powerfully:

You either end up…

  • Becoming Possessive or Chasing Hard
  • Reverting To Negativity
  • Becoming Reactive

Let’s entangle each of these so you can see yourself when you start trending into these self-defeating states.

#1. Possessive/Chasing Hard: This normally occurs when you fail to get results as promised by whatever source yet fail to get the expected results.

You may sense the connection is there, but somehow you get mixed feedback, where you are no longer sure whether your mind is playing tricks on you or not.

It becomes worse when you try to move things in the 3rd dimension and experience mixed signals.

It’s where you then end up exhausting yourself trying to make them fall in love by telling yourself that if you can only increase the duration of your courtships, maybe, somehow, they’ll fall for you.

#2. Reverting To Negativity: When you experience resistance, you lose your state-control and start courting them in a state that is negative, where you start feeling like you are not good enough or they don’t like you.

Which then ends up developing a repelling dynamic in the connection.

Taking resistance too seriously, you end up deciphering the connection through a filter that is clouded with negativity, which not only affects the quality of the connection but also blunts your psychic projectiles.

#3. Becoming Reactive: This occurs when you experience resistance and never take the time to tweak your application to overcome it; instead, you approach the courtship the same way that your psychic claws become blunt.

They become like plastic bullets that hit your target’s psychic walls and fall to the ground without any penetration whatsoever.

Been there, done that, and got the lessons!

This is just part and parcel of the journey, so don’t fret much.

I still do attach to a lesser degree these days, not as often and hard.

Heck, everybody does to a certain extent. In fact, it’s hard not to obsess, unless you’re either:

1. Especially experienced or 
2. Are just experimenting

Attachment Is Inevitable!

Attachment isn’t a train smash, as it is portrayed in the new-age positive thought paradigm.

You are obviously going to attach from time to time, but the key is what you do during your courtships.

The state you approach your courtships in determines how sharp your psychic claws become and how fast you can manifest the courtship in the 3rd dimension.

However, when you start reverting to a state of attachment, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed.

In fact, it’s a vital part of the process.

It’s how your emotions let you know that you are failing and challenge you to either get creative, tweak your application, or give up and look for a more open target.

If you didn’t get attached when you failed, you wouldn’t develop the power and creativity to sharpen your psychic seduction claws.

It actually seems that attaching is a good thing, especially early on in learning psychic seduction.

Because it either:

• Awakens your resolve and psychic power to push yourself harder, which speeds up your learning process even when you tend to sabotage yourself.

• Encourages you to find another solution than what you’ve tried and failed, or.

• Discourages you from chasing down a target that is unresponsive.

This is usually good because your psychic ammunition is a scarce resource, unless you find yourself giving up too often or too easily.

As a beginner, you learn the fastest and best when you are trending between attachment and detachment, and if you want to get good at psychic seduction, you must be prepared to go through some form of heavy attaching until it eventually releases its claws off you.

Detachment Via Experience.

The main road to letting go of attachments is often going into the mysterious field and getting experience.

Keep at psychic seduction long enough, accrue experiences along the way, and you will reach the point where you have seen it all before, nothing is new, and nothing moves off your state anymore. Instead, you end up thriving in the complexities that come with developing this power.

To a certain extent, there is no shortcut here. I would say I reached this stage after a gruelling process of births and rebirths that spanned for over four or so years.

You just have to gather the experience to kick it out.

When you find yourself attaching a lot, look at it as part of your evolution that you have to understand to eventually master.

You can only expedite this process by getting reference experiences to help temper your attachments faster.

Patching It All Up.

Even though the term “detachment” is preached across many new age paradigms as something that you just tap into at a whim, it takes some effort for it to release its claws off you.

Even then, there are targets that you simply can’t get off your mind, no matter how hard you try.

In such a case…

• Never revert to negativity.
• Avoid becoming reactive.
• Avoid chasing hard/becoming possessive in your courtships.

No one is fully free from attaching to the outcome; it’s how you deal with it that matters, which doesn’t come easy.

Once you reach a stage of detachment, a lot of pressure will be removed from you, which will result in far better courtships, where you will connect with your target in a state of power, and freedom from all the psychic debris that comes with it.

In fact, when you are detached, you become open to experimentation which allows the forces of the cosmos to walk side by side with you to bring your manifestations to “reality” in one way or another.

The level you should aim for to avoid attaching a lot is:
• Have a life
• Don’t lose your state control during the courtship.
• Lastly, develop the muscle to endure the process.

Then your results will skyrocket!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next: How To Deal With Negativity| Psychic Seduction|


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