How To Deal With Negativity| Psychic Seduction| Crash It Out.

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
How To Deal With Negativity| Psychic Seduction| Crash It Out. picture

Everybody knows today’s dating market is not easy.

Competition for mating and pair bonding opportunities for the people we love is fierce.

When someone stumbles upon psychic seduction, they laugh out loud as if they found some lost island of treasure and try it only to realize it’s not some stroll on the beach.

Doubt creeps in and affects their “overall beingness.”.

They then get caught in a vortex of negativity, where they think they are not morally good, talented, or psychic Seduction is a scam.

Do you relate?

In this post, I want to hand you the fuel to keep your candle burning as you deal with the negativity that comes with awakening this majestic power in you.


Come with me my friend.

Is Positivity Always Possible?

Every self-help book that is about progress professes the power of positivity.

From the writings of the likes of William Walker Atkinson to the works of Neville Goddard all the way to the Secret By Rhonda, the notion of positivity keeps gathering speed.

The idea that maintaining a consistent positive mindset can lead to success, happiness, and fulfillment is the cornerstone of many motivational teachings.

But where does positivity come from?

If you were to fight, American boxer, Trevor Crawford, would you be positive about knocking him down without knowing how to throw even a lame uppercut?

It’s easy to see you wouldn’t feel positive because positivity is something that builds up as you develop proficiency.

For me to say, just be positive when you receive negative feedback is like someone telling you to wish upon a star to achieve your dreams without giving you a proper guide to fuel that positivity.

Positivity in psychic seduction comes from-strong belief in your psychic potential, reference experiences, and a burning desire to evolve.

So how do you develop positivity dealing with resistance from the target?

How do you get to a stage where you know psychic seduction works beyond doubt?

How do you become one of those practitioners that ends up using negativity as a catalyst that propels them forward?

I have five secrets to give you that will help you deal with the inevitable scourges of negativity and give you access to higher levels of your psychic seduction proficiency.

1.Start from within.

2.Be Proactive

3.Be About Your Soul’s Evolution.

4.Develop A Holistic Routine To Evolve.

5.Embrace Stagnation

#1.Start from within.

Do you know the fable about an eaglet that grew amongst chickens and ended up believing it was a chicken?

Legend says when the eagle was still an eaglet, he fell from the safety of his nest.

A chicken farmer who was out hunting found the eaglet, brought him to the farm, and raised him in a chicken coop
amongst his many chickens.

The eaglet grew up doing what chickens do-living like a chicken and believing he was a chicken.

One day a naturalist came to the chicken farm to see if what he had heard
about an eaglet acting like a chicken was really true.

He knew that an eagle is
king of the sky.

He was surprised to see the eaglet (now an eagle) strutting around the
chicken coop, pecking at the ground, and acting very much like a chicken.

The farmer explained to the naturalist that this bird was no longer an eagle.

It was now a chicken because it had been trained to be a chicken and it
believed that it was a chicken.

The naturalist knew there was more to this great bird than his actions
showed as he “pretended” to be a chicken.

He was born an eagle and had the heart of an eagle, and nothing could change that.

The naturalist lifted the eagle onto the fence surrounding the chicken coop and said, “Eagle, thou art an
eagle. Stretch forth thy wings and fly.”

The eagle moved slightly, only to look
at the man; then it glanced down at his home among the chickens in the
chicken coop where it was comfortable.

He jumped off the fence and
continued doing what chickens do.

The naturalist came over several times to instill belief in the eagle that he indeed was made to sow the skies, and one day the eagle’s wings moved, slowly at first, then surely and powerfully.

With the mighty screech of an eagle, he flew!

Every time you doubt psychic seduction, you become like this eagle that never knew who he was until the naturalist told him what he could do.

In this culture, no one has told you you “have wings” to fly to any location psychically without feeling like you belong in the chicken coop.

When negativity creeps in and you lose your positivity, remember who you are.

Even when your inner critic tells you you are not talented, psychic seduction is a scam, remember you have always had psychic potential.

You can soar the skies under any weather condition when you believe!

Just like soaring the skies is part of the eagle’s majestic powers.

Your psychic seduction abilities are a natural part of your life as a soul and a strong weapon to use in this fierce dating arena!

You are not trying to graft anything on from the outside; you are not like a horse pulling a cart, but more like an eagle learning to fly against its immediate programming to the world of the gods and goddesses.

#2. Be Proactive.

Most wannabe practitioners let negativity, either from their own shadow programming or outside influences, condition them to let go of their psychic potential.

Negativity of every kind may come as a voice that tells you you are evil or you are not good enough to practice psychic seduction or your special someone doesn’t want you, etc.

How do you then deal with it?

By being proactive!

I know proactivity is one of those terms that is thrown around so much that it loses its gravity sometimes.

But when taken at its true root, being proactive is a very powerful habit-and it is something all evolving practitioners have mastered because negativity can blow you off center and leave you drained and confused.

Ever met a bully in your life?

That one that wanted you to feel like a piece of shit for being you.

You talked right back and put them in their place.


What would’ve happened had you taken to heart all their sadistic insinuations?

You could’ve felt like a piece of shit all your life!

The responsibility to defend your sanity and see the good in your journey is on you.

Sadly, no amount of reading can teach you to sly the beasts in you other than taking a stand to fuel yourself with positivity as you keep slaying one by one off the way.

Being proactive is certainly nature’s way of challenging you to buckle up and face yourself and your resistances head-on, with no doubt, shame, or fear whatsoever.

You are by nature designed to take strides toward your soul’s freedom!

As the Bible says, “words of healing and death are in the tongue.”

Watch that negativity and burn it to the ashes with those positive affirmations and life-giving self-talk!

#3. Be About Your Soul’s Evolution.

Practitioners who are about evolution take this practice to a realm of a “spiritual pursuit like a monk who is seeking enlightenment.

They believe they are souls that incarnate into a higher level of beingness by being conscious of their nature.

Hence they don’t subscribe to any single ideology or spiritual path for that matter.

They cultivate their “ chakra systems.”
They fight every form of dogmatic thinking that keeps them caged in self-doubts and soul suppressions.

They appreciate and explore their sexual nature without feeling it’s evil.

Instead, they learn from ancient practices that never vilify sexuality, like Tantra.

They have good psychic hygiene routines and detox every day through many practices and activities they enjoy.

I personally have a routine that I follow holistically that keeps me evolving every second of the day.

I meditate every day in the morning and at night.

I practice a lot of shadow work so that there is hardly any negativity that sticks.

I practice Qing Qong meditations, etc.

Outside of my “spiritual pursuits,”

I lift weights religiously.

I try to eat healthy (sometimes I eat fast foods).

Drink lots of water.

Make sure I read every type of literature that illuminates my understanding of life.

Give back to my small community by coaching youngsters football skills.

Run two small businesses (run a small alcohol business and a thriving property business).(Nothing to brag about).

Pouring my thoughts here(even though I am learning to write clearly) also helps me to have a greater sense of purpose because I get to teach others what I know for a fact will enrich their lives in ways that may seem alien to a lot of people.

In a nutshell, destroying any negativity is about evolving physically, mentally, and at the soul level.

I have never heard of someone who got to their destination without deciding to get there first.

If you’re not about your soul’s evolution, you will never unlock your psychic seduction abilities and reach higher levels of proficiency.

No two ways about it!

Do you think you can become a beast without feeling the pain of pushing four more reps while your muscles are failing?

In any cycle of evolution, the more you are willing to evolve, the more you see beyond the curtains of every type of limitation.

Can you imagine Learnado Da Vince waking up every day without having any definite purpose?

If he did, there would’ve been no Mona Lisa!

The reason many wannabe psychic seduction practitioners fall short is they lack that deep desire to pass through the pain.

#4. Develop A Holistic Routine To Evolve.

Develop a holistic routine to fuel your positivity and also add fun to keep boredom at bay.

Do you struggle to keep motivation for your routines or plain out detest them?

Start getting inspiration from other people who are about psychic progression, like the Ingo Swann.

Study my work closely.

Follow others on a similar path.

Every day, write down the three most important things that you have to do to keep evolving.

It can be studying, watching videos, practicing psychic seduction holistically, meditation, or going to practice live to develop your proficiency.

Obviously, I don’t mean that your life should revolve around this path, but teach yourself to not go to bed until a few of the routines are ticked off.

This approach allows you to form associations easily and gives you a sense of step-by-step accomplishment each and every day.

You have to do it every day to make progress every single day to progress faster, but without a holistic routine, it’s impossible to squash negativity and evolve higher and higher.

#5. Embrace Stagnation.

We’ve talked about this many times, so I’m not going to rehash it.

If you are new, read The Road To Psychic Seduction Proficiency and download my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

As a psychic seduction practitioner, you must learn to embrace stagnation.

Of course, it never feels good to deal with negativity, but there is always value to be gained from having to learn to bypass it.

As Aleister Crowley once said, “you must go to hell first before you can see heaven.”

You sometimes have to slide down to a “pit that is filled with negativity and develop positivity there.

As you keep seeking your “heaven,” the cosmos is always walking side by side with you, cheering you on to keep moving.

Embrace every stage you are in because even for an arrow to project far, the bow must be pulled back hard!

It’s inevitable that you are going to falter from time to time.

Be easy on yourself because it’s always bait for a strong comeback.

Never forget…

No negativity of any kind can overpower you!

It can only prepare you for higher levels of your soul’s illumination and psychic potential, and it’s up to you to believe.

It’s A Wrap!

Everyone struggles with negativity from time to time.

When positivity falters, be prepared to deal with a lot of shadow programming about who you are and what you are capable of.

Look within because you are not meat and bones but a flickering star that needs more positivity to shine brighter.

When negativity shows its ugly head, hit it in the head by affirming life, power, and love over your life.

I know this sounds easy, but who said there is any easier path worth taking?

The truth of the matter is life doesn’t have much other way to help us evolve other than throwing us into the dungeon of negativity, where we have to sly dragons that fight to keep us eating grass like cows when we should be exploring the cosmos as gods and goddesses.

I close with these few light words that may not make sense now, but I am sure later on they will.

You are here as a star that dims every time you feast from the dungeon of negativity, and when you feast from the storehouse of positivity,you shine the brightest and access higher levels of your beingness.

You know if you get thrown into a hell with dragons that ignite fear and doubt you can destroy all of them because you know you are more powerful that any type of negativity!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.


Read Next:Key Mindsets| Psychic Seduction| Unlock God Frequencies.


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