How To Deal With Resistance| Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
How To Deal With Resistance| Psychic Seduction. picture

I coach a lot of students who practice two sessions and decide psychic seduction doesn’t work.

As odd as it sounds everyone is looking for a technique that works like a magic pill to be attractive and seduce the opposite sex.

But there is no magic pill because magic is not magic without a process!

In every form of seduction be it social or psychic there is always going to be a process where you deal with resistance to win the target over.

In this post I teach how to overcome resistance when it occurs.

Dealing with it in psychic seduction is easy when you understand the whys which are many.

Don’t fret in this piece i give you five effective ways to answer your whys and the truth of the matter is, they are not magic pills.

Before diving in please learn to embrace resistance because it’s a bait for a stronger seduction.

Without wasting any of your time.

Let's dive in!

How Psychic Resistance Develops.

The first few psychic projectiles/influences you aim at your special someone can’t penetrate their psychic protection system easier.

At first he may sense psychic interruptions that make him question his sudden change of feelings toward you.

This is mostly at a psychic level and may come to his conscious mind as hunches.

“Why do i think about Jimmie?”

“I didn’t think about her like this before.”

“Fuck I am getting horny all of a sudden”

As you continue to flood him with unrefined psychic influences his conscious mind becomes even more aware of these psychic intrusions.

Once he gets aware of his feelings toward you a psychic dynamic develops to a dynamic that either causes him to fantasize more about you or resist thinking about you.

Until a psychic dynamic is psychically acknowledged and permitted to develop a psychic connection cannot become powerful and you get to experience alot of resistance.

You have to learn to seduce and develop a psychic dynamic that seduces him to chase you with all he has, first psychically and later in the 3rd dimension.

If you have personal restrictions about developing this psychic dynamic you may need to deal with your moral compass because life is all about seduction.

I don’t want to go to details whether psychic seduction is right or wrong you can read this here. I touched on this.

That aside an easier example about how a psychic dynamic typically happens.

When you try to psychically connect, he psychically detects the will of your psychic influences and your psychic information.

If you have powerful psychic influences and your psychic information is in alignment with him a powerful dynamic start developing.

It’s at this stage where you must understand how to develop this psychic dynamic to a rapport where you are in charge, and they are willingly falling for your advances.

This may sound complicated but it’s easy.

However, it doesn’t work when a dynamic is a fantasy instead of a real psychic connection which your intuition signals almost instantly.

The more you know how to develop powerful psychic rapport the easier it is to become a powerful psychic seduction practitioner without having to deal with a shit ton of resistance.

Well sometimes you can develop powerful psychic seduction abilities by understanding this information and applying it correctly and still experience resistance.

it’s not always about your psychic seduction abilities, sometimes your special person is in a happy relationship with someone else.

When a person is happy and is investing a lot in his relationship his psychic protection system defends psychic influences even more.

And if you really want them you may have to exert more psychic influences and be prepared to deal with more resistance however everyone can be psychically seduced but a special someone has a choice to repress his feelings.

There are many other reasons why your special someone may resist your influences.

• You are not his type
• Religious reasons
• Your social behaviour sucks
• You are coming across as too forward etc.

And lasty most students who experience a lot of resistance are those who are trying to get an EX back because in most cases their psychic connections are heavily corrupted and positive dynamics are hard to develop.

I have made many psychic connections with plenty of women and overtime i know when a woman is psychically seducing me and i know when it’s not in my best interest to connect, and I repress those feelings until they subside.

I can cite one story from my litany of psychic seduction stories of a woman i psychically seduced at first and she really fell for me.

When we started dating i noticing bad behaviour and after a while I dumped her.

She was using all kinds of spells and some form of psychic seduction to attract me back but failed because I can literally sense every psychic information within my range.

I did feel strong psychic desires to contact her but every time I resisted because i knew there was no future for us.

If you are trying to attract an ex back or just anybody, the impressions that person have about you play a huge role in how open they are to your psychic influences.

There are also many students who think their special someone's should unanimously fall in love with them without resistance after only a few sessions without taking this into consideration.

It’s expected that you must look for positive results but are you implementing what I teach, and can you be a good partner?

Psychic seduction is not a magic pill you swallow and get results you have to learn and become psychically aware to understand how it works!

Below I outline Five Effective Ways You To Use Overcome Resistance.

These are only a few as there are plenty of them.

One thing about coaching psychic seduction is in realising that every situation is unique.

There is no one size fits all solution so your situation may differ a bit but understanding these is important.

Learn to understand how your psychic connection develops just as you learn how to be a good seducer/seductress socially.

Overcoming psychic resistance is mostly intuitive at first and It’s up to you to let your intuition lead when logic falls short.

Five Effective Ways To Overcome Resistance.

#1: Learn To Develop Your Intuition Properly.

Get in the habit of developing your intuition through learning how to decipher psychic information and psychic influences and how these connect to develop a psychic dynamic.

Without the guidance by your intuition, it’s impossible to be effective psychically because intuition is full of psychic intelligence that you have to learn to be psychically street smart so to speak.

Many students struggle to let go and let intuition lead but you have to let it lead to access more of your psychic seduction abilities!

When you let go, you access your soul’s potential and creativity you never thought you had.

It’s at this level of intuitive intelligence that you are able to realize how powerful psychic seduction is because at this level there are no lies.

You get to psychically seduce someone as if you are in the same location and they respond in real time.

You cannot achieve this level of psychic attunement if you ignore your intuition which is literally like coach that you take instruction from.

#2: Be Aware Of Your Psychic Influences.

Your psychic influences and psychic information color your psychic impression that a person senses and intuits psychically.

You have to learn to work your chakra system and have a life that is filled with positivity to access higher frequencies.

When you take the time to cultivate and refine your psychic impressions you are more likely to experience less resistance.

There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your psychic impression(s) by asking these questions:

  1. Are you happy and have a rounded lifestyle?
    2. How do you manage psychic dynamics in your seductions?
    3. What are your limiting beliefs about your special someone.Do you feel like you deserve him?
    4. How powerful are your psychic influences? 
    5. Do you believe in your psychic seduction abilities

These are keys you cannot ignore and if you experience too much resistance it best to check if you have these under control.

Caveat:it doesn’t mean you must be some mythical God or Goddess who thinks positive all the time, it rather means you should be happy and curious to learn and develop your psychic seduction abilities.

#3: Trust The Process.

Attachment is deadly in any form of psychic work let alone psychic seduction.

Attachment is a sure way to repel your special someone because it comes from a state of lack and a need to possess him instead of a need to seduce which is what psychic seduction is anyways.

As a beginner you do attach to the outcome to a certain extent.

It’s impossible not to but when you attach too much you sabotage the process.

Not knowing how to detach harms you: It prevents you from developing a powerful psychic connection with your special someone that elevates the connection to a high level.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to let go and stop being so attached to the outcome.

Meet other people, go to the gym, focus on your missions.

Have a life!

Sometimes you don’t even have to follow your normal routine.

Stop for a few days even a week or so.

Detachment allows you to dive deeper into yourself and realise the best course of action.

It also gives his psychic protection system relief and diffuses a bad psychic dynamic, which in most cases makes it easy to influence him powerfully when you reconnect.

Personally, these days I develop psychic connections fast but i tend to connect occasionally because I don’t want to overwhelm someone.

I rather remote seduce by surprise, which is generally the first thing that disappears when you are consistently connecting.

Everything gets familiar and he gets used to your presence.

Albeit psychically or consciously depending on his level of psychic development.

Advanced psychic seduction practitioners orchestrate surprise and never let their seductions become too familiar and boring.

This is key!

Knowing when to detach and when to persist is the ultimate effective resistance overcoming technique.

The key is in knowing when to turn back and when to go for him.

#4: Pay A Service.

Paying for my services can help you to pass plateaus and skyrocket your results.

Example: I have paid for the knowledge and experience that I currently have.

I have enrolled in meditation classes of many kinds on my journey.

I still buy books and pay for courses from like-minded people who know more than I do.

I have conversations with people who are more talented than me.

I have realised that this capacity to learn and understand is a key that unlocks my psychic abilities and makes me a knowledgeable and wise person.

I can guide you to unleash your powerful psychic seduction abilities by helping you to identify the keys to psychic proficiency and give you exclusive knowledge that you can use in order to realize your goal because I am experienced with 12 years under my belt.

#5: Develop Persistence.

When an aircraft starts moving, thrust must be exerted and be greater than drag.

In order to maintain a constant airspeed, thrust and drag must remain equal, just as lift and weight must be equal to maintain a constant altitude.

If in level flight, the engine power is reduced, the thrust is lessened, and the aircraft slows down.

As long as the thrust is less than the drag, the aircraft continues to decelerate.

I find this example to be relevant to overcoming resistance.

Sometimes it’s important to increase the intensity and time of your sessions to overcome resistance aka drag.

If your special someone is resisting for a variety of reasons and your intuition is alerting you to continue with your sessions, you must be willing to exert more thrust that is equal or more to eventually overcome that resistance.

Psychic seduction influences build up overtime.

This you achieve with consistency and longer sessions(sometimes).

However, this differs from person to person.

Some require more thrusting while others less so.

By thrusting i don’t mean force.

I mean being persistent and developing penetrative psychic influences that keep accumulating until the target gives in.

A Wrap.

Overcoming resistance is a skill.

And like all skills, it can be learned and developed.

The more you use these resistance-overcoming techniques, the more they become second nature, the more your intuition leads, and you discover yours.

And then the powerful psychic seduction practitioner comes to the surface.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Au revoir,

Tomas 🧔

Read Next:Psychic Seduction Abilities|10 Tips To Develop Better. 


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