How To Develop Intuition|Psychic Seduction Practitioner|10 Signs

By Tomas:Updated · Aug 22, 2024
How To Develop Intuition|Psychic Seduction Practitioner|10 Signs picture

Deciphering intuitive psychic information has practical applications in all aspects of our lives, from successfully maneuvering daily life choices to improving personal relationships and even developing useful strategies in business. 

In this post,i focus on intuition in relation with psychic seduction and how it ends up being a genie that leads you as you leave behind the familiar to the world of soulful living.

Let's dive in!

Intuition As Related With Psychic Seduction.

One day i was driving slowly when i came to a halt to join a main road.

While observing, my forehead hit the hooter as if by magic to my crush, who was on the other side of the road without any conscious effort on my part, and worse,i was not even aware she was looking at me.

Before this aha moment,i was aware that I was intuitive, but it made me realize there is more to us as humans.

After it,i went through a strong evolution i found i could just intuit and do a lot of things that defy logic—how I could go from being someone who didn't know how to understand psychic seduction to someone who could intuit correctly during psychic connections.

Everyone you connect with psychically is a walking field of psychic information that you decipher as soon as you develop a connection.

This is not to say that when you're developing psychic seduction abilities, you become intuitive over night or you intuit everything precisely, especially as a beginner. 

It rather means, you develop it over time because it's rich as some foreign alien language that we've never heard of. 

It uses all kinds of objects,symbolic languages, thinking patterns, and metaphors,when presenting information in a more illuminating manner.

Once intuition is online,

#1.You see all the dots connect from the first courtship you start psychic connecting to when you end up in a relationship,in bed or whatever your goal is.

#2.You know when they are busy and when they are open to connection. 

#3.You can intuit their level of sexual excitement and how best you can pleasure them in every way possible because you can see/sense.

#4.You can be thinking about them and know exactly what they are going through without any form of 3rd dimension communication.

#5.You can have higher levels of telepathic conversations 

#6.You end up intuiting things before they happen in your daily life; you flow with the collective intelligences of the cosmos.

#7.You know when they resist they do so because of this and that, and you end up intuiting their level of resistance and calibrating accordingly.

#8.You can connect and sense their sadness, and even intuit their level of psychic repulsion and attraction.

#9.You can also intuit their cravings and love languages.

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠#10.You end up knowing everything they think about you overall.

So on and so forth...

I said to get to this level takes time,effort and a mix of confusion in the process.

I am thinking out loud that last year i was connecting psychically with a woman who was in a rocky relationship.

Heck.i didn't care because i knew everything about her feeling neglected and why she wanted to release tension even with a stranger like me before fixing things with her man.

One thing that blew me off during our psychic connections was her fluid sexuality, and when events started orchestrating themselves in 3rd dimension, we met, and she was what I was intuiting psychically.

I don't even want to go to one story of a woman I like that I was connecting with psychically and she said, "You know, I don't want to have anyone around me that is not for me."

When we met in 3rd dimension, she said the exact same thing while i thought everything was good at her workplace.

These experiences keep happening and leave a lot of "aha moments." 

They are proof enough that we are more psychic and multi-dimensional than we acknowledge.

This is why developing intuition is key—there is no person you cannot sync with and develop a powerful connection with.

However, developing it in psychic seduction is easy but it takes a bit of patience and trust in yourself that yes, you have this ability in your design.

Yet intuition alone is not enough; it needs logic to go hand in hand with it.

Logic and Intuition When Developing Psychic Seduction Abilities.

There are many wrong assumptions that someone can intuit things perfectly without sound logic.

Hell, we all don't want to believe our intuitions sometimes miss the mark completely because without logic intuition is like unfiltered sound waves.

Intuition must be backed by reservoirs of sound logic for you to reach higher levels.

You must come to a level where you look at your psychic connection and say,

"I intuit this and that because this is and this is happening; why should I believe intuition alone when logic says this?"

Then logic may say, "No intuition; you are wrong here and there."

The soul/higher self in you then says no logic; you are wrong.

This is why intuition is presenting this psychic information or vice versa.

Logic is all about facts, and he refutes everything beyond his level of understanding. 

Both must work hand in hand for you to decipher psychic information calibrate better.

When one overrides the other, things always end up jading.

When they work in integration,you can sense the connection logically.

You get to be an advanced psychic seduction practitioner and a powerful lover.

The core of every powerful psychic seduction practitioner is in understanding themselves and how they can avoid accumulating psychic debris in their connections to intuit powerfully.

This is not easy, but it's the most reasonable way to get to a higher level of your intuitive abilities that is free of many delusions and projections.


Logic and intuition are twins and must work in unison just like both the right and left hemispheres must.

They work in integration to intuit and reason the languages of the soul and decipher them more for precisely.

When logic says this is what is supposed to be, and intuition says, listen, my buddy.

I read the fabrics of this form of communication way better, and you know what?

I am older in my evolution than you.

I need you logic to lead me in the dark better because i sometimes learn by jumping into dams full of all kinds of confusion and wonder.

I read things out of proportion sometimes because know without facts.

I walk by what I "sense," not what you think should make sense.

My friend logic, come over, teach me how to reason your reality, but don't limit my wisdom because I can see far ahead than you can before you reach there.

Then the master soul says

"Come over here, boys,i don't like this scrambling; we need to work as a team to navigate these new psychic terrains."

"No fighting okay?"

Psychic seduction is all about developing logic in relation with intuition; the two then lead a you on a journey that unlocks the secrets of their psychic connections and psychic potential

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next: How To Develop Intuition| Psychic Seduction Practitioner|10 Signs 


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