How To Live from the Soul

By Tomas · Jun 15, 2024
How To Live from the Soul picture

Everyone of us possesses power and creativity that can only be discovered when we dive within.

Searching for the abilities and gifts within is the source of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history.

Diving is not something we read about in the news papers or something taught in our homes, let alone in public institutions.

However, all of us do sense those missing elements as we try to keep up with the pace of modern living.

We yearn to feel connected to those deeper parts that make us feel whole, where ideas seem to come to us out of nowhere, where we feel more in tune with the cosmos and our creative selves.

Even though such dive-ins flicker and are rare;they are actually a true part of what makes our lives worth living; they hold the cards that can free us from the bonds of social programming and help us live lives that are rich with meaning.

Diving into the depths of our souls is a worthy goal because everyone who ever becomes whole discovers their true life purpose in one way or the other.

It is a path that all of us can follow.

In this piece, I give you motivation to become who you are at the soul level;by challenging whatever limitations you have about your gifts and what you can do to excavate them and add value to your world and those you live with.

Without wasting any of your time,.

Let's dive in!

        The Wright Brothers..

In 1896, Germany's Otto Lilienthal(1846–1896), the world leader in glider flight, died when his glider plunged to the ground. 

Lilienthal had completed more than 2,000 successful glider flights, and his fatal accident jolted aviation enthusiasts worldwide.

When Wilbur Wright saw a headline about the accident, the news would change his life and spark a strong fascination he had had since childhood with "flying machines."

In an interview, Wilbur would recite where his interest in flying machines came from.

“My own active interest in aeronautical problems dates back to the death of Lilienthal in 1896."

“The brief notice of his death that appeared in the telegraphic news at that time aroused a passive interest that had existed since my childhood and led me to take down from the shelves of our home library a book on animal mechanisms.”

When he and his brother Orville started pursuing their dream, many didn't give them a chance because they were deemed uneducated and faced strong competition from already established engineers.

What their skeptics didn't know yet was that once a man dives into the depths of his soul and seeks answers, he always finds reservoirs of gifts in his soul.

The Wright brothers were not educated by social standards, but they had access to higher forms of intelligences that they accessed when they explored the depths of their souls.

They used superior thinking that didn't rest on cliches—thinking that can only be found in the depths of human creativity and problem solving.

Many who looked down upon them kept asking how an uneducated pair of brothers with no financial backing could reach such aviation breakthroughs.

Today we fly across the world because Wilbur and Orville Wright dared to believe in who they could become; they faced all kinds of challenges to bring their dream to pass and eventually conquered.

If they had not believed in themselves and rested on cliches about how to fly machines, they would have died, not having given back to the cosmos what it had given them. 

Sure, they suffered to get there, but they never gave up.

It's the same for all of us.

We don't have to invent huge flying machines; we don't even have to be top professional athletes; we can develop those gifts that give value to ourselves and the world, no matter how small we think they are, because somehow they are valuable and give us reasons why we are here.

Why We Never Excavate Our Gifts.

We live in a society that is designed in such a way that soul creativity is repressed through schooling systems and careers that profess rigid thinking and physical strength.

We are taught to follow the normal path and laid down pattern of beingness; to play it safe; to blend in and be like everyone else.

We are taught that being different is something weird, and who the fuck are you to think beyond the box?

We are taught to be content with what we get, no matter how soul-crushing it is, because it is what it is.

We are limited in exploring our inner selves because, if we do, we may meet the devil, who is waiting for us at the entrances of our inner chambers.

We are told to challenge the status quo and to think beyond one-dimensional ways of being is lunatic. 

This mindset infects us all.

No matter the culture, the race, or the time period;this programming of the populace has been churning our civilizations since the beginning of time.

The reason why cemeteries are the richest places in the world is because 
we die without breaking through these simulations and finding who we really are beyond the names, titles, and materials we are programmed to believe define us.

We are like this because we never want to see beyond what we think we are to see through all the bullshit that keeps us yoked in chasing and pulling one another instead of helping one another for the betterment of our human experiences and the cosmos as a whole.

Excavating The Treasures Within..

To tap into the storehouse within, we must change our focus to the inside because all the problems we have stem from neglecting who we are inside in chase for all the glittering objects that promise us lasting fulfillment.

Living to excavate your soul and discover your own reason for being here is more fulfilling than trying to keep up with the Benjamins of this world.

By this, I don't mean we must not desire things—nope, far from that; rather, we ought to be true to who we are at a soul level and let it take the starring wheel because it knows better.

If your gifts bring you millions, then cool; when your gifts bring you something of value, then again cool, as long as you get fulfillment and meaning from them. 

I personally choose to live a life with true meaning and freedom without having to compete with others.

True fulfillment comes from excavating our souls while finding deep meaning in what we do.

As a matter of fact, when we are truly creative and free from the grind to get the next biggest thing, we become more fulfilled, enjoy our human experiences, and develop better soul-to-soul connections with those we encounter.

People who are all about the chase without diving in to excavate themselves soon find out on their perceived mountaintops that it's not what they had expected.

I am reminded of the words of American actor Will Smith when he said:

The chase is utterly incapable of providing lasting happiness. It's just that you have to get to the ends of things outside yourself and still be miserable to realize that.

People talk about rock bottom; I coined a phrase I call "CLIFF TOP",where you get everything you think will make you happy and still realize there is nothing out of yourself that can make you happy; then you realize the final frontier is to get your inner house in order."

While listening to him, I realized how hard we try to seek out what we think is outside of us, only to get disappointed when the cosmos shows its cards on our  mountaintops.

We are all searching for fulfillment in many ways, and true fulfillment is never found in a car, a big mansion, or love from others.

True fulfillment is found within ourselves, as all great sages since the beginning of time have always professed and still do.

We are what we seek, and what we seek is what brings us meaning and fulfillment, which means, we have to be prepared to let go of the constant need to prove ourselves by chasing things out of ourselves.

We ought to look within to realize we are the paradise we seek.

This is not to bash the status quo that pushes us to chase love and compete for things; it's just a plea to challenge you to find meaning in who you are and, in turn, find ways to enrich your life experiences by living from your soul.


While the path I preach is less traveled, it's very real and a crucial part of finding fulfillment. 

By deciding to embark on the journey of self-excavation, we may mistake it for grand wishes, which is not always the case.

Some of us were born to be carpenters,poets,painters, plumbers, and normal hairdressers.

Some are good farmers and some are good parents.

Heck, some are born to be great orators, celebrities, and businessmen.

We all have gifts, and all are needed to add value and enrich our human experiences.

We don't have to fight what others are to live; we have to be who we can be because we are equipped to be that way for us to find true fulfillment.

I dare challenge you to leave behind every limitation about who you are and can be; excavate those parts that are within you; they are your gifts that you can exchange to add value to society and help you to live a life with meaning.

This path is not easy;you have to deal with programs that keep telling you that you have to have the most toys to be happy;seek love from others to find true fulfillment; do this and do that to be happy.

People who we think have it all figured out all always reach one truth.

"There is nothing outside of ourselves that can fulfill us long-term."

True living is found inside your castle, where true fulfillment is resides!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.


Tomas 🧔 

Read Next:Psychic Seduction Abilities 101-Are You Psychic?


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