So you have been having some powerful "astral courtships" for some time; now your sex drive is off the rocker, and you are finding yourself thinking about masturbating after each session to release the sexual urges.
Does masturbation affect your psychic seduction powers if you do it a little... a little more... or a lot?
Is it good or bad for you for your soul's ascension?
In this post, I touch on why masturbation is neither good nor bad for you when you balance doing it.
I also share an easy yet powerful masturbation technique to practice to condition yourself to connect more with yourself,develop your psychic abilities and become a better lover in bed when you eventually have sex with your target or someone else in the 3rd dimension.
Without wasting time, let's dive in!
Masturbation Is Natural.
In my beginner years as a psychic seduction practitioner, I masturbated very compulsively.
After every session, I jerked off to release the burning desire to come inside my target.
Thrilling at first, but with no sense of self-control, I was like skating down a high hill toward self-sabotage, and I ended up doing it two to three times a day, sometimes four times.
I tried semen retention for some time but would find myself beating my hard wood to no end again and again.
Masturbation can be like this for most psychic seduction practitioners and is hard to beat off.
It starts off as something one does occasionally after a session... then turns into something they do all the time.
Once you mustubate midday, early evening, and at all kinds of times, it ends up draining you psychically, affects your vibration and ability to sexually transmute your sexual desires for higher purposes.
It also affects your soul’s ascension and blunts your psychic ammunition because, to a certain degree, you must have self-control to connect with power when practicing psychic seduction.
When I used to play soccer,I never had too much sex or mastubated compulsively especially before games because by doing so I knew I would lose power psychically and become weaker.
There is some truth that when one practices some form of semen retention or celibacy for some time, their vibration elevates to a higher level, and they become stronger psychically overall.
But again, you can't neglect and suppress your sexual urges for long, so don't beat yourself up if you are struggling with masturbation!
Masturbation is natural; otherwise, nature would've reset it from us a long time ago!
In fact, animals like apes, monkeys, lemurs, and even elephants do masturbate from time to time.
There is nothing wrong with a little occasional masturbation... and it can even be good!
The problem is when you do it compulsively.
The gist of this post is not that you should masturbate or not, or that you should not masturbate X number of times per day/week/month.
Instead, it is that you don't want to masturbate compulsively and end up sabotaging yourself in the process.
Even when you decide to masturbate, why don't you take it as a practice session?
Come to think of it...
Isn't masturbation supposed to be treated like training for the actual sexual act?
Why would you then practice for 2 minutes when preparing for a 45mins-1hr sexual act?
If you condition yourself to come in two minutes and expect to be good sexually when you have sex, it's likely not gonna happen!
When you happen to find yourself next time masturbating, take it as a practice.
In fact, you should use the simple technique below.
The power of this technique rests on being present as if the target is right next to you.
You can touch their bums,see their private part,touch it with your hands, and even feel their warm embrace.
You can look in their eyes and even feel their lips when you touch them.
When you are ready to masturbate, you really have to imagine yourself as if you were actually having sex with them.
Every stroke must be felt.Its depth,pace and their sexual excitement etc.
Take your time and resist the urge to come fast; when you are about to come, stop for a few seconds, then start again.
Rinse and repeat.
I encourage you to masturbate for a minimum of 15 minutes, preferably 30-45 minutes, to unlock the lover in you in you.
How you do this technique is up to you, as there is no right or wrong way to do it as long as you are fully present,enjoy yourself and lasting longer.
Sometimes you will come faster; don't get discouraged; keep the goal in mind and even use a timer to help you keep track of your progress.
I have a few guidelines I advise you to keep in mind.
1. Never rush for the big O.
2. Use your psychic abilities i.e it must be as real as possible.
3. Remove any shame you may have about masturbation; it's natural.
4. Don't overdo it—twice a week is good enough.
As easy as it sounds, trust me, this technique is powerful and may take time to master!
And it has a lot of benefits, like:
- Improving your psychic abilities,
-Prepares you for the actual sex and can even awaken the sexual god/goddess in you when you have 3rd dimension sex with them or someone else.(You get to learn a lot about sex and intimacy when you take your time to masturbate this way, and if you do it right, you end up intuiting their sexuality psychically!).
- It can also help to empower you to embrace your sexuality, overcome sexual shame, and cultivate a more fulfilling and connected intimate life with yourself and even the one you are masturbating to.
-Your orgasms will intensify three folds, leaving you feeling satisfied longer; on top of it, you will develop the discipline to not just masturbate, as you will have to be in a really good sexual state to actually enjoy it longer.
This type of masturbation differs from a normal masturbation on one key element:
A normal masturbation session is focused on one thing and one thing only: the big O.
While this type of masturbation focuses on self-exploration, presence, the connection with the target and lasting longer.
Bears repeating that too much even of a good thing is bad.
Once you wonder if you’re doing it too much, then chances are you’re doing it too much!
If you find yourself enjoying it too much and thinking, “It seems I am enjoying this too much.".
It is usually a sign that you should cut back on it too and try to find your sweet spot.
Patch Up!
If after everytime you masturbate and the goal is to come fast, you are likely going to end up sabotaging yourself down the line...
Masturbation when practicing psychic seduction is neither bad nor good; you just need to have balance, that's all.
If you can control yourself, you can use masturbation as a training tool for at least two days a week (obviously you know yourself better, but don't overdo it) and take your time doing it.
By masturbating this way, you'll not only develop your psychic abilities; you will also learn to:
-Explore your fantasies,
-Embrace your sexuality,
-Last longer and
-Unlock the sexual lover in you that knows how to be a good in bed, etc.
Oh, I nearly forgot: when you do it, don't forget to break out the lotion/lube, grab a roll of toilet paper, and take an "astral trip" to "Lala Land" without any shame whatsoever.
When you get there, take your time; no one is watching you.
"Enjoy" your target, and when you reach the big O, come as if you are coming inside of them.
Lastly,masturbating this way is like any sex magic technique; you can use it to manifest your desires in the 3rd dimension(post for another day).
Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.
Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.
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Read Next: On Sexuality, Perceptions and Psychic Seduction.