Is Psychic Seduction Evil| The Sentinelese Tribe

By Tomas : 14 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Is Psychic Seduction Evil| The Sentinelese Tribe picture

Lately, I’ve been coming across many people who call psychic seduction evil, and many seem to have little to no knowledge about its dynamics.

Most people want other people to do things unconsciously-to follow whatever programming they’ve been brought up with without consciously changing it about life, especially the dating game.

It’s just because they are programmed to believe love is some force that happens naturally without any conscious effort on their part.

They would rather believe Hollywood and its stories about how they fall in love and experience forever-lasting love.

Religion tells them to wait on some outside power to find and maintain their love connections.

But what if one of them comes across a genie and it tells them about the secrets of the cosmos and how the dating game works?

Would they be wrong to use that information because some authorities think it’s evil to use it?

I get the sense that people who believe psychic seduction is evil are people who may not know how the cosmos and the dating game work because they have been told love should just happen and there is a power somewhere that is looking to chaste people who seduce others psychically.

“Oh, you just need to pray and manifest; then the love of your life will come and you will be forever happy.”

They are told.

What if we are at a time in our evolution where the cosmos is revealing new ways of thinking that can solve some of our dating problems, but they are being suppressed by outdated forms of morality?

Who even invented social morals, and why?

Where were they in their stages of evolution, and did they have these dating challenges that we currently have?

Fuck Is it even wrong for me to curse when I have to curse?

Is it even wrong for women to have dating coaches, talk to their besties, and learn how to attract and seduce men?

Is it evil to psychically seduce someone and learn how to best seduce them (their soul) to give in to my psychic influences?

Is it evil for men to study dating dynamics and learn how to attract and seduce women for fun, heck even for marriage?

Is it evil to learn and change one’s views about the dating market and how we have been lied to by Hollywood movies?

Is it evil to learn about psychic dynamics and, in turn, find ways to learn to seduce psychically?

Is it wrong to look for and use secret information that can help one win in this mating game, even when it goes against what they are programmed to believe?

What’s wrong?

What’s right?

And who gets to decide?

In this post, I talk about morality and how we are all programmed to conform.

I also challenge you to find ways to liberate yourself from the shackles of social programming that make you believe any form of seduction is evil, let alone psychic seduction.

I touch on the matrix and how each and every one of us is susceptible to its influences and how you can deal with its influences.

But before we get there, let’s take a quick trip to a tribe in India.


Let’s dive in.

The Sentinelese Tribe.

Ever heard about this ancient tribe?

The Sentinelese Tribe is located in North Sentinel, Andaman, India.

In fact ,The Sentinelese are the last pre-Neolithic tribe in the world.

This tribe is largely unaware of the outside world and has been fighting the tides of civilization for approximately 60,000 years.

Ultimately, the Sentinelese are hunter-gatherers, surviving off the food in their forests or the fish in the rivers and coastal waters in close proximity to the island.

They live a simple, yet secret life that no one knows about.

Their language remains a mystery, as no one to date has been able to find a way inside the island.

No outsiders are allowed.

The Sentinelese gained publicity when they killed John Allen Chau( 1991- 2018),an American evangelical Christian missionary who was trying to introduce the them to Christianity in 2018.

Infact, they are so primitive to outsiders that they are deadly with their poisonous arrows against those who “invade.”.

Describing them in his travel journals, the thirteenth-century explorer Marco Polo wrote:

“They are a most violent and cruel generation who seem to eat everybody they catch.”

The Sentinelese have their own moral sense that we may frown upon, and they have done so for thousands of years to such an extent that no one bothers them anymore because they want to be left alone.

But who gets to decide if the Sentinelese are evil for fighting the waves of civilization and killing whoever comes into territory?

Are they evil?

Someone may say, Yes, they are, but who is to say their morality is the same as ours?

Which moral compass is superior to the other?

We may not know why the Sentinelese choose their “own way, where their elders are staunch leaders and teach the young ones their rich culture that we may not understand.

The Piraha tribe in the Amazon, Brazil, like the Sentinelese tribe, has its own morality that clashes with the ways we deem good.

The author of “ Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes,” Daniel Everett, tells one story about the Pinahas, when he was living amongst them to decipher their language and eventually teach them Christianity.

One day he recites, A Pinaha child got badly sick, and the elders, seeing the child was in too much pain, decided to force it to drink poison to finish it off because they knew it was going to die anyway.

To the western mind, this act is evil, as it disgusted Daniel Everett himself when he witnessed it first hand.

In some cultures, once a person has died, their loved ones consume parts of their body so that they, quite literally, become a part of them.

To Western minds, this might seem disgusting, but to those who practice it it’s “their morality duty,”-burying their mother in the dirt or leaving her to be entirely consumed by maggots is equally disgusting.

The world over, we have different sets of morals.

And the question still remains: Who gets to decide whether this is good or evil?

On Morality And Seduction.

Defining morality is tough. Even the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, which begins with a statement about how it’s simple to define, winds up incorporating an entire dissertation on the various details that go into defining it.

In simple terms, morality can be interpreted as a set of principles or values that distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil.

Every race, generation, and culture has its own definition of morality, as the stories above paint.

In relation to seduction, some shun it immeasurably because of an over-the-top sense of moral superiority and fantasies that are born of the idea that in life, love should just happen.

They seem to have a fantasized idea about “love” and do not know exactly what it is except what they see on TV and what they are being told by whoever they conform to.

When they think about love, they see happy endings where Cinderella meets her Prince, against all odds, who manages to find her again after he’s lost her, and the two of them ride off together in the carriage into the dusky sunset.

Prince Charming defeats the evil dragon to free the sleeping beauty from her hundred-year slumber to where they live in forever bliss.

People don’t like the idea of seducing others.

Scratch that-people really like to believe love should fall from the sky.

The need to believe that love is some mythical magic that causes us to fall in love is deeply entrenched in all of us.

Based on your experiences, is love possible when everything falls into place without mystery, some form of chasing, and wondering if the person you desire wants you or not?

Do you end up falling in love with someone who shows all their cards and never goes out of their way to seduce you in one way or another?

Do you fall in love with someone who doesn’t ignite your soul and spike your imagination to believe in something greater?

Why do men have this propensity to fall madly in love with women they have to chase?

Why do women fall head over heels in love with bad boys and reject nice guys?

In many ways, the mating game amongst many species is some form of warfare; as humans, we seduce others to give in to our influences, while they try to resist those influences until they give in to us or continue resisting until they meet someone who can seduce them better to mate with.

The dating game isn’t some Disney love story where we show all our cards.

Think and say whatever comes to our minds.

Where we play by the rules and there is no seduction.

Anyone who thinks like that must be living under the rock in 2024!

Life ain’t fair, and the dating game is brutal.

And what must one do when they have superior information and training of seduction?

People who believe they must play by the rules and not learn seduction to get an edge and win their mating duels end up losing in the end and are in for a rude awakening!

In 47 BCE,the ancient Egyptian Seductress and Empress Cleopatra wouldn’t have become that powerful if she didn’t learn seduction to seduce a great thinker like Julius Caesar and later his friend Mark Anthony, one of the most powerful men in Greece at that time.

The Greek historian Plutarch, writing more than a century later, described how Cleopatra achieved her mission of seducing Julius Caesar:

“[Cleopatra] embarked in a little skiff and landed at the palace when it was already getting dark; and as it was impossible to escape notice otherwise, she stretched herself at full length inside a bed-sack, while Apollodorus [her servant] tied the bed-sack up with a cord and carried it indoors to Caesar.”

As it turned out, Caesar was so delighted that they consummated that night.

Caesar would support her in the conflict she had with Ptolemy XIII, her brother.

Caesar later demanded that Ptolemy XIII dissolve his army and reconcile with his sister.

Caesar finally brought Cleopatra to the throne so that she would give birth to his son, Caesarion.

Seduction of every kind is a sophisticated art that is based on the fact that we are humans; we resist directness; we have the propensity to idealize mystery and fall in love with those who make us feel all kinds of deep emotions.

Had the empress just told Caesar,

“Hey, look, Caesar. I want you to help me ascend the throne.”

Caesar would’ve resisted and cursed her away from his life.

There is no game that is 100% fair; there are skills in every sport that people develop to outwit the competition, which always gives them the edge.

There has never been a time where the mating game has been a fair contest in every metric.

There has never been a traditional tribe where love potions are not used to ensure a partner doesn’t stray.

A shaman in the Congo right now is mixing love potions to create strong love spells that make a man or woman irresistible to the opposite sex.

A psychic somewhere in Great Britain is creating a love potion that people will use to bring back a lost lover.

A psychic seduction practitioner somewhere in Brazil is psychically seducing someone somewhere in the US, and their target is getting madly in love with them.

Some 20-year-old men in Amsterdam are walking down the streets, approaching women to sleep with them.

Are these people evil?

Who defines evil?

You decide!

Our Need To Conform.

The famous Edward Bernays, an Austrian-born American publicist sometimes called “the father of public relations, said in his essay “ The Engineering of Consent.”

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, and our ideas are suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

Society is a socializing machine that programs us to conform.

Where everyone thinks and does as everyone does.

In our ancient past, everyone who dared to oppose group thinking risked getting vilified or chased away from the group.

In fact, I’d say the majority of people on planet Earth believe everything they hear, and hence they never question the status quo.

The most powerful weapon those in power use is to suppress information so people can conform to whatever propaganda they have.

The amount of programming immersed in such propaganda against our liberation distracts us from tapping into those sides that make us more human.

Every piece of information that makes us free thinkers is heavily suppressed and strategically vilified to keep us ignorant.

People who are aware know they have to keep to themselves to avoid being ostracized and face strong opposition from even the masses who are in this trap.

Conformity, though, is the recourse of the weak, and it’s for people who never want to think beyond, since the beginning of time weak people never transcend the status quo.

Strong people who are aware don’t care about conforming because they know they are in the jungle and they have to find ways to navigate it properly.

They know one has to undergo superior training and acquire esoteric information that not only makes them powerful but also free them to be whoever they choose to be.

No politician tells them who to vote for.

No religious book tells them who “God” is.

No social pundits tell them who they are and how they should live their lives.

The Matrix Around Us.

Do you recall the 1999 movie “The Matrix”?

They dress the way they want to dress.

There is no fear of the devil, who is waiting for them to do things that are deemed evil to punish them.

Heck, they don’t care about being called evil when they seduce someone be it psychically or in person because they accept that seduction is part of life, just like eagles having to play mating rituals before they mate.

Neo’s rebellion against the system starts with the anxiety in the world he lives in, finding it meaningless; he tries to find meaning by breaking away from ordinary life.

It is under such anxiety that Neo learns that his world is nothing more than an illusion, and his search for truth begins.

Maybe you think those things don’t affect you because you are a free thinker.

The truth of the matter is that we are all inside a matrix or matrixes that are molding us consistently.

Even if the world were to swallow you and teleport you into other dimensions, even there you would be influenced, and the reality is that you cannot run away from being programmed.

Because, I guarantee you, many influences are directing all your life decisions, not only against seduction and psychic seduction.

Everyone, everywhere, is always trying to make us see the world through their worldview.

We are bombarded with so much information about what is good and evil that we end up not knowing which road to follow.

I’m going to give you some suggestions here, but of course, if you follow them, then I will be exerting some influence over your mind and life direction, too, won’t I?

You cannot get free of the influence of others on your mind, as I said.

How do you liberate yourself from these?

So, what I recommend is a strategy designed not to remove the influence of others but to liberate you from the limited range and biases of your social zeitgeist and to urge you to be open and explore more through informative experiences.

Here are my recommended steps:

#1:Seek More Direct Experience.

Test And Experiment.

If you feel a strong attraction toward psychic seduction or just about any vocation, belief system, etc.

Practice it, live it, get experience, and get feedback.

#2:Choose Your Sources Of Information Wisely.

Then, only then, can you write it off.

Many of the most punishing mistakes you will make in life come from making decisions based on conditioned mental models instead of direct experiences.

Solution: Get more direct experiences and get truly informed.

The acquisition of knowledge about the human story will give you more perspective on a number of topics, from how the cosmos works to the workings of the mind, body, and soul to how psychic dynamics work in the thought world, etc.

Books to read: Mind Power Seduction by Amargi Hillier, Dr. Joe Dispenza Becoming Supernatural, Mind Power by Walker Atkinson, and The Emerald Tablet by Billy Carson.

The list is endless.

Solution: Be careful about the kind of information you consume.

It’s A Wrap Up!

We are all products of our environments, and what we deem right is mostly what we are told by others.

If we grew up in any of the ancient tribes, we would feel morally obligated to walk on the footsteps of our ancestors and kill if we had to kill.

Eat each other if we had to.

We would feed our children poison when we knew they were going to die anyway, with no sense of moral indignation.

We would feel a moral duty to do so as part of our moral compass and to honour whoever gave us the rules of our jungle.

When I think about this, it shows how our thinking is not our thinking.

Even in our civilized modern world, we are the same as every tribe; we are programs of society, and whoever tells us this is good and this is evil is the one in charge of our lives.

The key takeaway from this post is: Every message you let into your eyes or ears programs you to view life a certain way.

If you have a Christian background, you may feel that psychic seduction is evil because apparently it’s against the word of “God” to be psychic, let alone connect soul to soul with someone else psychically.

As with any other type of religion or social programming, you end up thinking within their memetics.

We are all, in some way, part of the matrix, and someone or something influences us all the time.

But, we must seek to actively release ourselves from the clutches of someone’s definition of what is good or evil.

Seduction is the weapon to develop to win in this mating game as the male Eagle has to perform mating stances to win over a female.

You must understand that you are not forcing the person you are trying to seduce psychically, as they have a choice to resist you.

They are souls in higher dimensions; hence, they “see” everything at a soul level.

Think of psychic seduction as seduction between souls, the same way a man can go and talk to a woman and seduce her to fall in love with him face-to-face.

Are men with nice cars and big muscles not seducing women covertly?

What about a beautiful woman wearing a short skirt, showing off her nice ass, and turning heads as she passes thirsty men?

Are their approaches evil?

Just because psychic seduction is more “primitive” does not make it evil.

We all influence each other all the time, whether it’s psychic seduction or whatever else.

Psychic seduction is more of a mind-to-mind communication and, with time, can transform into a deep soul-to-soul connection where there are no lies.

And all the time, the person being seduced has a choice to resist because they are aware at a soul level (emphasis added).

Lastly, where does your moral compass point to?

A life of freedom or a life of fear where you are consistently fed lies that if you learn to develop your psychic abilities, you are evil and some devil somewhere is waiting to choke your soul and flood your soul with all kinds of demons?

I leave this to you to decide!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Au Revoir

Read Next: You Are Psychic By Nature | Psychic Seduction. 


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