Is Psychic Seduction Right Or Wrong?

By Tomas 🧔 · Aug 30, 2020
Is Psychic Seduction Right Or Wrong? picture

In this post, I touch on a very sensitive topic: the morality of psychic seduction.

It's a very controversial topic..

There is probably nothing that carries a bad stigma like psychic seduction. It's one of the most controversial psychic powers out there.

The fact that it falls under psychic abilities only adds fuel to an already uncontrollable wildfire.

When someone hears that you can psychically connect with anyone remotely, no matter how far away they are, moralists cringe or call you all sorts of moral shaming names.

Yet when you look below the surface, the most ancient sexual act in the world is psychic seduction (forget the name). Before sex happens in this dimension, we first desire each other psychically.  

You meet someone and instantly want to fuck with them (you imagine), and if they find you sexy,they feel the same (they fantasizing about a chain of sexual events get horny).

When nothing extinguishes these fantasies the physical sexual act is bound to manifest in 3D when you meet each other over dinner.

Where did it start first?


Thus, true sexual attractiveness is both psychical and instinctive.

However, we are oblivious to these psychic dynamics. When you tell someone about psychic seduction, it's like you are telling them about an alien art developed by some advanced alien civilization, yet I can't seem to think of a connecting of souls that is as natural as it.

Psychic seduction powers are the most powerful weapons that we all seek globally.

Both men and women since the beginning of time seek those powers that give them the edge over the competition.


Hence, psychic seduction is that power in our design that gives us unfavourable advantages over those who don't acknowledge it.

In all honesty, seduction of any kind is a controversial topic in our modern times, especially in more developed countries like the US and Europe.

In many less developed countries in Africa, Asia, and South America, practicing any kind of spell to seduce and keep someone you love dearly is less vilified.

In fact, for as long as humans have experienced love, we are trying to figure out how to hack it and concoct potions that promise to turn the mystery of love into a definitive science.

Some people like psychic seduction.Psychic seduction is an interesting and powerful power to develop; it's potent; it's that fusion of souls that "mingle in ecstasy and open up a portal of the infinity." It's about the attunement with the other and a deeply intimate mating ritual.

They find it easy and truly life-transforming because it opens up possibilities to having a shot at people they want to be with. Be it a sexy public figure, a twin flame of some sort, or just to multiply their lay count.

I remember one day scrolling down my Facebook feed when I came across women sharing their fantasies, especially about their imaginary lovers.

About how it feels to be in love with someone, they can fantasize about night and day. They went on to applaud how powerful these sexual occurrences are and how men can't even begin to compete.

It was fascinating to read their stories.

Here were women who have rich fantasies, yet to my surprise, I found many didn't know that those fantasies could be channeled consciously and connect fully with their imaginary lovers.

Probably afraid of it being wrong?

It's within our programming to suppress our need to seduce because we believe it is wrong to seduce others through psychic seduction or to even believe it is part of our design.

We don't like the thought of psychically connecting with someone.

We want love to fall from the sky like manna; the stars must align; our prince charming or princess must come; and everything will fall into place.

And we may fly away in a chariot with to the multiverse, and fight the beasts; after all is said and done, we may be Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

On Morality.

We want other people to do things unconsciously—to follow whatever programming we've been brought up with without consciously changing it.

We want other people to be "moral" according to what we believe in.

In fact, I'd say the majority of people on planet Earth think that there is one bandage that covers all forms of "morality."

Morality, as hard as it's to define, is a deeply personal institution to people who aren't restricted by the constrictions of popular morals.

Morality as defined by popular culture means, of course, that no one is allowed to have any advantage over anyone else, and no one must use any form of seduction.

You and I, your next-door neighbour, have to wait on divine timing to be with the people we love. We have to wait to attain certain material possessions before we can attract love, yet salesmen use every form of seduction techniques to drive sales.

Are they forcing someone?

Seduction is part of life. It's the core essence of it. Politicians can't win campaigns without any form of leading the masses in their own direction.

Is it fair? What is fair?

Of course, the world ain't fair, and it's nothing like that, and people who get far ahead in their lives develop special talents to win. Especially when it comes to something as powerful as sex and love.

And how far they are willing to go to win solely depends on the individual and their moral constitution.

However, those who want all things to be fair never question how games are won in this life and by what means.

They never care about challenging the status quo and never seek secret knowledge to gain a competitive edge; they eventually end up being moral purists.

Here's the thing that these people don't feel so great about: one of the primary differentiators between dogmatics and culture shapers is knowledge and training.

When you get knowledge and training that others don't have, you have an advantage over them. And others do not want you to have an advantage, especially when it's an advantage they don't have and aren't going to take the time to develop. They will slay you or burn you alive, asks the great social outcast Socrates.

Since the beginning of time, people have always frowned upon those who possess sacred knowledge and swift skills.

What ends up happening are two things:

Someone doesn't want to put the time and effort into learning and developing a certain skill set, so

He or she thinks it's wrong for you to do so too.

Those in power hide the truth.

Knowledge is powerful stuff. People in medieval times relied mostly on folklore wisdom and the Bible to make sense of their lives. Even owning a Bible was considered a crime.

The masses were always obscured from acquiring any type of esoteric knowledge beyond their societal programming and they risked ostracism.

"In the ancient world, the teachings of the mystery schools were guarded as closely as nuclear secrets are guarded today, said Jonathan Black in his highly important book, The Secret History of the World.

In Ancient Greece, over two thousand years ago, any individual was exiled for a decade due to the results of a popular vote. The people exerted their democratic power to ensure those who threatened their beliefs were kept in check.

The world has been enthralled by the power of free thinkers since the first people formed communities.

There are a great many people who recoil in horror and say, "Slay him. He is blasphemous!" As they said about Jesus, Crucify him! Crucify him! 

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Why is this? Because people are fearful of something they don't understand.

There's a great fear of what isn't known, especially when it comes to the mating game, which is insanely competitive, because obviously, if you can literally seduce anyone in the comforts of your own home, you are a dangerous person

What else can you do with such psychic powers? 

So this information is heavily repressed. Just recently, my Facebook account was shut down for no apparent reason other than that I was sharing information about psychic powers.

When people come across this information, they either" feel wonder or anger, disgust or moral superiority.

What's the difference? Well, the excited person gets thrilled at this opportunity to learn and develop his psychic potential and grow and says, "Holy crap, God is such a great creator; I am him and he is me!" 

This is wonderful; that means I am becoming limitless, and what is more out there in the multiverse?"

But the moralist and the dogmatic thoughts are a little different. He thinks, "Oh my God, this is the work of the devil, or this is just practiced by people who take advantage of saintly people of "God."

They get scared and angry, so in return, they shame the one who is learning to design their love tradition.

The feeling is either, "Wow, this is incredible!" or, "Fuck, this guy is a satanist, a true agent of Satan, or he is one of the antichrists."

And then what ends up happening is a split that has always occurred throughout history every time a civilization is about to experience a leap, whether big or small.

You remember the story of Noah in the Bible, when "God" said he must build an arc? A lot of people resisted and mocked him as being crazy, blah blah, yet his sons Shem, Ham, and Japhet were those who tuned to the spirit of the time.

They got excited. They immediately started helping him build it. It's the same with people who are developing psychic seduction abilities

They find its secrets intriguing, learn as much as they can, and begin the development process.

They end up opening a veil toward a reality they never expected before and keep evolving psychically.

The fearful and skeptical people, though, laugh and mock everything that shatters their already established world views.

They don't want to shake their worldviews, let alone explore the uncharted caves of their alladins.

Instead, they take action to control their perceived reality and shame anyone who does otherwise.


    Knowledge Is Power.

Knowledge is power, and a lot of people out there don't want it to get out.

When Morpheus asked Neo to choose between the red and blue pills, he told him that if you choose the red pill, I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes, and if you choose the blue pill, the story ends.

Once you get a little glimpse of your unlimited potential, you become a threat to your immediate dating competition and society as a whole, and some people don't want that. 

Let alone the elites, because how can they control someone who can think for themselves?

Developing psychic powers means you get to control your own life, do what you want to do, and not have to do what other people tell you to do.

Because of that reason, psychic powers and knowledge are heavily protected because free minds are uncontrollable, and they fight viciously to prevent that from happening.

Do I advocate for the wrong psychic power?

Think about it. Just think about it.

Remove the veil a bit let's go a little deeper.
Why would someone shame you or me for practicing psychic seduction? Is it someone who believes in our unlimited potential, someone who believes the pendulums of the cosmos are changing, someone who has some religious dogmatic beliefs about life, or someone who has a status quo mindset?

Is it even someone who can meditate, astral project and has firm control over their mind and impeccable intuitive abilities?

Is it someone who believes souls meet in higher dimensions and have sex?

The answer is obvious.

I have never seen someone who goes to the gym shames people who go to the gym. I have never seen someone who plays soccer shames someone who goes out and plays soccer under scorching conditions.

Heck, people always shame something that they don't understand. In fact, most of the time, it is people who are pursuing nothing who normally shame people who are trying to better themselves.

Yeah, I have seen this thing occur in my personal life over and over again. When I started my property business, there were sceptics

When I started my liquor business, there were sceptics. When I started lifting weights and changing my dressing style and grow a nice beard, there were sceptics. 

Sceptics sceptics everywhere!

They are everywhere!

What I have noticed is that those people usually do nothing with their lives, and they will do everything within their power to shame you, to keep you in their level. 

I have never seen guys who are out trying things shame anyone for trying something. I have never seen women who love psychic seduction shame anyone who practices it. To these people, it's intriguing and a world to be explored.

Is psychic seduction wrong? What do you think?

I don't know if I have surpassed most of the good or wrong debate or what, but these days I don't seem limited by many social restrictions. I do have my own moral compass, lest you think I am some sociopath (if you just stumbled on this post).

I do advocate developing personal morals and respecting people for who they are, and why loving them not only helps you to evolve but also makes this journey a whole lot more refreshing.

Getting back to the question: Is Psychic seduction wrong?

Well, I touch on the subject of salesmen above, whether selling their products to convince you to buy by promising you all kinds of things, like if you buy this you will feel like this you blah blah.

Like, what about building muscles and ending up being attractive with the opposite sex?

 Is it wrong?

Is it wrong to develop your masculine frame and learn from high profile thinkers or is it even wrong to learn the art of manifesting?

What about learning the laws of attraction and understanding the cosmos so you can channel some of its wonders?

Is it wrong, wrong, wrong? The wrong is simply unlimited.

Anyway, who said this is wrong and this is right?

Obviously, I am not saying that by developing psychic seduction, become a "pervert" and cause havoc in people's lives. That is sure to ruin your conscience and you know what happens when you mess with your moral constitution.

I believe any man under the sun has some personal morals they abound in. I believe everyone should strive to add positivity to those they get to touch, and when someone chooses to use this information in their own way, that is their own pill to swallow.

I can't recall any women I court using psychic seduction feeling hurt or used (confusion will always be there), but I bring them good experiences in their souls. I make them feel alive, and some access consciously their multi-dimensional souls that change their lives forever. 

When in a normal relationship with them I am the most loving man they can ever come across because I am becoming love and evolving as I connect with them.

So I am wrong for practicing it to my advantage and outwitting my competition?

Is it wrong for a peacock to use its vibrant colours to attract its mate? Is it wrong for a lion to hunt and kill its prey?
Is it wrong for a killer to kill an intruder who is out to kill him or his family?

Is it wrong to drive around and bump into a fine woman who is walking alone in the street, ask her number, and later use psychic seduction to outwit 50 other men who are after her who also believe in their own human powers, whatever they may be?

Who wouldn't practice this psychic seduction anyway?

You decide!

It's A Wrap!

I am in no way saying psychic seduction is perfect and you should just practice it because apparently you can do whatever you want.

That would be naivety!

You still have to develop your code of personal morals, but these codes should not be because some preacher, some moralist, or someone said this is wrong or right.

Thus the saying goes, With great power comes greater responsibility, because most of the pitfalls you face are only self-generated anyway.

And you know what? There is no attainment of any valuable power without learning somethings the hard way from time to time. There is no growth without a bit of pain and confusion especially when there are no clear road maps to take you to your intended destination, hence i divulge this information because i know every corner around these streets.

Don't fear nothing other than yourself!

Societal norms keep changing. What used to be taboo in ancient times is now a norm. In the 1700s, slavery was a norm. A person grew up knowing they were going to live all their life as a slave for their master. Any slave who tried to think outside the norms either got killed or, after a long struggle, eventually found their freedom.

Even marriage, there were times when men took wives as their properties and forced them into labor. The more they took wives, the more they had a strong workforce.

In other parts of Africa, like South Africa, a woman can still be taken by force by her male suitor if she rejects him.Apparently her suitor can send his brothers to take her by force while she is on her way to the river to fetch water.

They take her to his family and force her to drink strong love portions. And what happens is she ends up falling in love with him, and they end up having a good family and lifelong pair bonding literally.

Then who can come out and say eternal  love is something that happens without knowledge,wisdom and superior training in psychic powers?

I know this may appear manipulative, but really, what is right and what is wrong? Who gets to decide? Is morality even universal? Maybe "God" is out there writing down everything we do wrong and is waiting to send us to hell, where "Satan" will burn us alive?

I can't say which is which.

What i can say is that when people and your conditioning —more so your conscience-shame you for practicing psychic seduction, I say open up your mind and take bits and pieces from here and there to develop your personal moral code. There is obviously a lot to learn from every person or yourself in your psychic evolution and within your circles of influence, as everything is mostly just your mirror. Especially your conscience.

Above all, acknowledge that the psychic seduction is as natural as electricity. I normally say when electricity was first discovered, most people thought it was demonic and would blind their cattle.

Our ability to meet in higher dimensions and mingle is as natural as breathing because, in reality, we are one. We are connected. We experience the divine through the act of sexual communion, i.e.,Psychic sex in higher dimensions.

 There are few ways to experience the "divine union" among such is the act of psychic connections.Unlocking this ability, then honoring it with respect, love, and psychic attunement, is another thing.

Man is evolving.He has multi-dimensional selves. Man's greatest force is sexual energy.Sexual energy is the energy of creation. It's a force that has brought our civilization to this point and will do so till the end of time.

A man uses sexual energy to transmute and evolve to become in tune with the forces of the cosmos, i.e.conscious creator.

Never be afraid to explore your sacred sexuality. Your human potential rests within the chambers of your Aladin cave.

Which catalyst is more powerful than sex?

Psychically connecting with the person you truly love and knowing beyond doubt that no one can satisfy them like you do is nature's greatest gift.

Tap into your sacred energies, learn not to suppress them, and you find your personal restrictions about psychic seduction evaporate significantly.

It will seem like a joke when someone calls you a satanist or what not.

This is a path to freedom where you no longer feel suppressed, the way more and more people in our society do. More importantly, you get to choose to be with the person you want and awaken them to experience the most powerful "sexual experiences" they will ever experience in this lifetime.

How wrong could this be literally?

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next: On Sexuality, Perceptions and Psychic Seduction.


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