Key Mindsets| Psychic Seduction| Unlock God Frequencies.

By Tomas :10 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Key Mindsets| Psychic Seduction| Unlock God Frequencies. picture

Do you the late Roger Bannister (1929–2018)?

If you don’t know him, he was the first human being to run a four-minute mile.

On May 6, 1954, he busted through the four-minute barrier with a time of three minutes, fifty-nine and four-tenths of a second.

“For years, milers had been striving against the clock, but the elusive four minutes had always beaten them.

Do you know what’s puzzling?

As soon as Bannister did it, people who could break the four-minute mile were coming out of the woods.

As soon as they believed it could be done, they started to do it more and more until it became normal.

Was it a matter of potential or lack of belief that caused others to fail prior to Bannister’s 4-minute-a-mile?

It’s clear it’s their mindsets that kept them from believing in what they deemed impossible.

In every vocation one chooses to embark on, it’s key to have strong mindsets that make it possible to achieve the impossibles (access god frequencies) because once one has them, they can tap into the reservoirs of dormant potential that they wouldn’t unlock if they had weak mindsets.

If you think psychic seduction is difficult or even impossible and lack strong mindsets about it, then you may have to develop them so that they can help you to unlock your soul’s potential.

In this post, I challenge you to check your weak mindsets, learn how to develop better ones that can help you to skyrocket your psychic seduction potency.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Mindsets That Blunt Psychic Seduction Potency.

Developing psychic seduction is beyond potential; it’s more so about mindsets-that constellation of thoughts and beliefs (assumptions, expectations) that give rise to feelings and result in thinking; how strong you believe in psychic seduction potency, and how you view yourself.

Each practitioner sees the world in a different way.

Some of the differences between how one practitioner sees the world and how the next one does are slight. Other differences, though, are extreme.

Some practitioners may practice psychic seduction out of insecurities and weakness; where they think they should just practice a few times and everyone should fall for them without putting any effort into self-development.

They may approach the practice believing they are not worthy enough, usually based on how they think they should look to be attractive to the person they desire.

Some let some so-called scientific facts and disbelief choke their mindsets because apparently psychic seduction is outside scientific dogma.

Then whatever they believe to be true and is limiting them quickly becomes their truths as though they were carved into stone tablets from the top of Mount Fedora.

Suffice to say, there are many mindsets that we adopt throughout our lives because our conscious awareness is deadly rooted in the third dimension; and most of these mindsets keep us thinking at low level frequencies that only give us access to the world of psychic limitations while there are possibilities just mindsets away.

Have you ever found yourself reading a piece on this site or somewhere and sighing to yourself?

“I am not psychic.”
“There Are No “God” Frequencies.”
“I am ugly.”
“I am not rich enough to get that woman.”
“He wants women who are so and so.”
“There are no multi-dimensional selves here.” “There is no such thing as astral projection fuck no such thing as telepathic sex”
“Human potential is BS!”
“Telepathy doesn’t exist because it has never been proven scientifically.”
“Psychic seduction is a scam; no broe you think you can psychically seduce someone and make them orgasm while you are oceans apart, you are a scam!”

So and so forth.

If someone holds some of these mindsets, they may stumble into some ravines on the road to potency or they may shackle themselves fast and rebuff the practice outright and believe they are just mere meat and bones that have zilch soul potential.

However, if they don’t live under a rock, they should be aware about recent scientific breakthroughs about the quantum entanglement and the string theory.

There are many stories of people who do things beyond normalcy and scientific reasoning, like Uri Geller (1946-), of Israeli origin.

Uri is psychokinesis-the ability to manipulate objects without touching them.

He can move things and reveal details of objects hidden from his sight.

He can bend a spoon upward with absolutely no force and has demonstrated this ability various times in front of a live audience.

Since the age of five Uri has been performing amazing feats the world over.

If one were to ask him his secret, he would say “strong mindset that give him access to god frequencies and practicing.”

Uri wouldn’t achieve his amazing feats without developing strong mindsets that are positive and push him to keep developing his psychic abilities since the age of five.

Seducing someone psychically and developing a powerful psychic connection with them is something that one cannot achieve unless they have unshakeable mindsets that it is possible, and they are willing to put in the effort.

There is no one who can seduce someone powerfully when they are insecure and needy.

I don’t even want to mention someone who thinks they should just chant a few chants, listen to a few guided meditations and practice two days.

No one can aim and shoot well without believing they are capable of shooting well and are willing to keep taking shot after shot, unless they happen to hit the target by chance.

Psychic seduction is all about developing strong mindsets, and the more one develops stronger ones, the more potency you develop.

It doesn’t mean you must be perfect to achieve good results, but it does mean you must develop mindsets that not only develop you psychically but also challenge you to evolve to a psychically charged soul that can do the impossibles.

I close this segment with Neville Goddard amazing quote that hit the nail on the head to drive this key point about strong mindsets and how they are catalysts to a practitioner that really wants to reap the benefits of psychic seduction.

“The world moves with motiveless necessity. This means that it has no motive of its own but is under the necessity of manifesting your concept, the arrangement of your mind, and your mind is always arranged in the image of all you believe and consent to as true. “

Book: The Power of Awareness.

Developing Strong Mindsets.

Strong mindsets are developed by all the different sources of information you keep sipping.

What you believe about psychic seduction abilities; what you experience as you keep developing them; what friends and authority figures tell you what you can and cannot do, what you read on this site, or other sources you frequent.

Your true potency depends on your openness about whether psychic seduction can realistically bring the results you desire and, if so, by how much.

When I started out, I never doubted the practice at all because I had read a lot of Eastern philosophies and authors like Deopark Chopra had had an influence on my mindsets.

I knew I had psychic potential, and I believed I could affect reality just by thought alone.

I never doubted how powerful psychic seduction was, but I also understood that it is a power that needs to be developed; and just like everything that develops properly; I had to let go of the need to control events; to be needy and possessive; and instead open up to the possibilities that the cosmos and my soul revealed to me.

I, however, found changing developing my strong mindsets to really high levels super challenging.

The changing of old models of thinking and the development of strong mindsets was a mountain to climb.

I had to climb and fall back to the base over and over again.

Mindsets don’t change overnight, but I quite significantly developed better over the years by self-reflecting a lot through Journaling and trying different meditation practices such a chakra work and Qing Qong to name a few.

I also practiced a lot of modern meditation techniques by professor Dan Siegal in his great book Mindsight; I read and practiced the meditations by Dr Joe Dispenza found in his great book “ You Are The Placebo.”

As i became more aware of my mindsets, I began to realize how important it is to achieve mastery over my thoughts and emotions that are swirling inside and outside my skull.

I realized thoughts dictate how I reach the person during the ritual and affect my reality as a whole.

I focused on developing strong mindsets to access god frequencies because I realized that no matter how much I practiced, I couldn’t reach someone profusely when my mindsets were weak.

Hence, your mindsets are potent or weak.

Hadn’t I done so, I guess I would have never developed strong mindsets that laid a great foundation for my psychic potential to flourish and access the god frequencies where limitations don’t exist

A beginner who has extremely good mindsets ends up developing powerful psychic abilities, views themselves as a psychic, and tends to be quite good at finding ways to keep challenging their mental limitations.

They don’t spend much time dwelling on setbacks other than through the lens of a scientific outlook, where they study their internal world and psychic programming deeply. As a result, they evolve faster.

Are strong mindsets enough on their own?

No because seducing someone psychically without taking care of other facets that add their value is not enough.

No one can rely on developing powerful mindsets without developing themselves overall.

But strong mindsets allow one to approach the practice from a position of power rather than those who lack good ones.

And strong mindsets are a major factor in sharpening one’s psychic weapons; they are an enabler, and they are rocket fuel.

Your mindsets can help you reach proficient levels faster, or they can stunt you.

The biggest evolution you can have as a practitioner is to realize your mindsets require constant updates.

A practitioner that is always about results doesn’t go far because the mere fact of always looking for results develops a lot of weak mindsets like neediness and attachments that not only mess up and stall their potency but also bring strife on themselves.

Without strong mindsets, the practitioner quickly experiences repeated failure, which then leads to doubts, questioning of the practice, and ultimately abandonment of the practice, which leads some to lose out on these majestic powers.

The fact is, we all have flawed mindsets because reality is varied and rich, but
we always have to keep our eyes on the ball, even when we think we have the right mindsets because we have to keep updating them.

There is no finish to how far we can go in developing them!

Mindsets that you think are set in stone may not be true tomorrow, even in the next second. Even for two practitioners who follow similar practices, reality is forever changing.

Okay, I close this segment with the quote of Eckhart Tolle.

“Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”

It’s Wrap Up!

If you want to unlock your psychic seduction potency, you cannot think like everyone else and hold on to mindsets that are common, and this goes for your soul evolution, how you deal with life, and your appearance.

Unless you decide to update your mindsets, you’ll end up firing blunt bullets like everyone else who practices psychic seduction and fail, and it’s not pretty.

I don’t wish it on anyone.

It will waste your time and may block the evolution of your soul forever.

You need to believe you have psychic potency when you psychically seduce.

You need to believe you are the soul to evolve into a cosmic soul that is conscious about its potentials.

You need to be willing to put in the effort even when you don’t see clear horizons to reach higher levels of psychic seduction potency.

If you believe this practice is for a select few, then you are likely to live out that experience and experience mediocre results.

Yet if you are in a group and want to be considered devilishly seductive and have a powerful mindset, this is your opportunity to quite easily become the most powerful person in that groups through psychic seduction. As I’m sure you suspect, a reputation like that has its own set of perks.

Strong mindsets don’t mean you don’t question your soul’s evolution. It rather means that in spite of the turns and corners, you keep an open mind and keep moving forward.

You may find some mindsets keep changing over time, and you may hold them up or you may find yourself tossing them entirely and adopting something newer and better that makes you more progressive and guides you through your journey more easily.

As you keep developing you access god frequencies , those that bring.
-Strong beliefs
-True Love 
-Abundance and
-Powerful Psychic Discernment-Superior intuitive ability.

Amongst others.

You may need to do away with weak mindsets that stunt your psychic seduction abilities and keep you vibrating lows, like:
- Neediness 
-lack of positive self-esteem 
-Fears Of the Unknown and 
-Confirmation Biases

So on and so forth.

Weak mindsets lead to weak results, while harmonious strong mindsets lead to true proficiency.

Strive, at all times, in all things, to both question and test your mindsets rigorously and continue to update them until your soul becomes more online to take your potency levels to that of the gods!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. 


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