Mindsets In Psychic Seduction| Update Yours!

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Mindsets In Psychic Seduction| Update Yours! picture

As we live our lives, we are presented with many possibilities to evolve or stagnate with the cards the cosmos gets to hand us.

When do you often try new things and push yourself into unknown territories in your life’s journey?

Do you like to conform to cultural norms, social taboos, and traditions?

Your answer to these questions reveals your mindset.

⁠Whatever mindset you have doesn’t mean that you are inferior or superior to the next person.

The key is determining the significance of your basic mindset and how you can change it to help you to view the cosmos through a much clearer sight.

The good news is that you have the choice to choose a mindset about everything when you see fit.

In this easy-to-read goodie, I touch on rigid and fluid mindsets in psychic seduction and soul’s evolution, and why one must adopt a fluid mindset that can help them see the cosmos in a much clearer light.

It’s one of those posts that challenges you to leave everything that doesn’t serve your evolution in search of the treasures that lay dormant just below the threshold of rigid thinking.

Without any further ado.

Let’s dive in!

The Dangers Of A Rigid Mindset.

Exploring any natural practice, whatever it’s, requires one to constantly challenge their mindsets about themselves and the cosmos as a whole.

The why’s, how’s, and what nots never end.

However, people whose opinions about the cosmos and themselves are already set never explore the beyonds because they live their lives based on memetics that are programmed in them by society about our design as a human species.

They believe what everybody does and ignore their unseen selves for whatever reasons because they think they are meat and bones that are only limited by this 3rd reality.

A person with a rigid mindset, if they come across the knowledge of psychic seduction and that they are a multi-dimensional soul, they ridicule this as a scam, even when they try, they give up after failing a few times because they don’t want to leave behind the shores of their “truths.”

Whatever information they get then becomes a confirmation that psychic seduction doesn’t work or that it’s not in them or the cosmos is against them and the concept of the soul is just an illusion.

They make justifications like, “I knew this thing about psychic seduction and soul potentials are hogwash, some new-age religion or psychic seduction are the works of the devil type of practice.”

With a rigid mindset, they avoid looking beyond the veils of societal codes because they’re afraid to explore the deeper secrets of the cosmos which are quite mysterious.

As such, they feel that practicing psychic seduction is evil or that there are “demons” waiting to destroy them once they head deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos.

When someone has not been exposed to the deep secrets of the soul and the cosmos.

They are fearful because they don’t yet know the power they possess so they hold on to their rigid mindset with everything they have.

However, somehow, somewhere deep within, they secretly yearn to tap into their soul and discover mysteries to enrich their lives, but they insidiously feel threatened and envious of those who are tired of the familiar.

Ultimately, if you adopt a rigid mindset, you don’t have a chance to develop your soul’s potentials and you end up losing out on discovering the many treasures within you.

It’s hazardous to cling to rigid mindsets and to believe psychic seduction abilities are only for a select few, are the works of the devil, or that some demon is out there to get you, or that it’s a scam.

I don’t mean to say you must leave everything you know behind and just believe everything you hear about psychic seduction and soul potentials.

Especially here on the internet.

No, I don’t mean that…

What I mean is.

No one can get to see who is behind the puppets during puppets show.

They can only see them dancing up and down without seeing the master who is in control of the whole show.

Which is to say no one can see beyond their rigid mindset when they are unwilling to go back stage to meet the master who is in charge of their lives; the one that possess keys to the mysteries of the cosmos.

The cosmos is forever evolving each second, and there is always something new to learn because, as multi-dimensional souls, everyone of us has the master soul that is in charge to help them evolve and be in tune with the greater design of the cosmos.

A person who is open to this level of thinking resists the pull of rigidity and is always searching for the keys that can help them evolve and become something more than they are told.

They keep their mind flowing like a river, and if not, they know small dams will develop, which can prevent easy flow that results in rigid world views.

The Power Of A Fluid Mindset.

With a fluid mindset, you believe in your soul’s potentials and divine nature.

You have this yearning desire to tap into your master design through dedication and persistence.

Because of this, you adopt the mindset of an explorer who is in search of hidden treasures in faraway isolated islands where you learn to accept the challenge along the way.

This enables you to learn how to use the tools for “exploring” and to persist when you see no sight of these worlds on your journey.

With a fluid mindset, you embrace the fact that your soul’s evolution comes through effort.

You don’t take shortcuts; you face the journey head-on.

When you see and hear about others successes on their journeys, you find inspiration and lessons to learn for your own evolution.

A fluid mindset leads you into an upward spiral of continual evolution, leading to ever-higher levels of soul wisdom in every facet of your life.

People who are able to reach these higher levels, where they are fully conscious, tend to have a real grasp on reality, where they know they are powerful and fully accept the fact that they are the creators of their own realities even when they know they still have a long way to go to unlock their limitless potentials.

How To Change Your Mindset.

If you have repulsion toward psychic seduction and soul potential.

How do you fix it?

Learning about your soul’s potentials can cause major shifts in how you view yourself and your possibilities as a conscious of your reality.

In that way, reading material like this post and works by psychic practitioners like Igo Swann, Joseph R. Plazo, and Amargi Hillier, just to mention a few that just came to mind, can alter your perspective about what’s really possible.

Knowing the distinction between a fluid and rigid mindset can also give you a new choice: to be a conscious creator of your own reality instead of a pawn of it.

To be the master that is in charge of the puppets.

With a rigid mindset, you hold everything about psychic seduction and soul potentials as a new-age thought that doesn’t hold any ground.

With a fluid mindset, you know you have to dive deep to discover what is bestowed in you because you can “see” how the ancients saw themselves at a master soul level.

But learning about a fluid mindset isn’t enough.

If you have a rigid mindset, you’ve probably had it for your entire life.

Your mindset is probably deeply rooted. And so you need effective strategies to uproot it over time.

A 4-Step Process to Change Your Mindset About Psychic Seduction.

The key to changing your mindset lies first and foremost in self-awareness.

To change your mindset, you have to be able to identify the situations that trigger a rigid mindset and observe when you’re falling into it.

Step 1: Learn to hear your rigid mindset’s “voice.”

Trying to attract a special someone practicing psychic seduction, the voice might say,

“Are you sure you can do it?”


“What if this is mental masturbation?”

After experiencing confusion, you might hear,

“If only you had listened,” or

“I told you it was too wishy-washy.”

Or you might hear a voice that says,

“Who do you think you are?”

“You are evil!”

“You are weak for even thinking this way”

“Face reality there are no psychic seduction abilities here!”

Once you know you have a rigid mindset, you can anticipate this voice in advance.

Then, simply counter it inwardly to diffuse it because you know it’s actually the hog wash itself.

Step 2: Recognize That You 
Have A choice.

You can interpret these voices in two different ways:

Challenges and limitations that you have can be a sign that you have soul limitations and can’t do anything to improve them.

Or, they can be a sign that you need to challenge yourself, step up your effort, change your mindset, and continue to “evolve.”

The former is obviously a rigid mindset; the latter is oriented toward your soul’s evolution.

The key here is to shift out of the dark rabbit hole of rigidity and into a mindset of believing in your divine nature.

Step 3: Talk Back To It With A Fluid Mindset.

As you experience challenges and limitations:

A rigid mindset says, “Are you sure you can do it?

Maybe this psychic seduction and the soul potential thing is not real.”

A fluid mindset answers:

“I’m not sure if i can do it now, but I think I can learn to with time and effort.”

Rigid mindset: “What if you fail and waste time?”

Fluid mindset: “Most people who develop things have failures along the way and win big in the end.”

As you hit a setback..

A rigid mindset: “This should have worked if it was real.”

Fluid mindset: “That is so wrong. Why can’t I figure out how to practice it efficiently because it’s actually a part of my design?

As voices criticizes your:

Rigid mindset: “You are evil”.

There is something that is driving you to do this evil thing,you are demon possessed.”

Fluid mindset:

“If I am evil who says this is evil and this is right,who has seen a demon?Is evil even real?

“Oh you are a demon?”

“Lets see if you can control me against what I believe without trying to instigate fear in me.”

“Heck you only exist in my mind and there is no power beyond me that can affect me!”

It’s important to talk back and be aware of this inner conflict so you can diffuse its hold on you before it accumulates more like wild fires because trust me everything rests on what you believe to be true.

Thats it!

Hence,the saying,

“You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge is true in this case.”

I also find mindfulness to be of great help in getting out of the cage of these internal tapes and decipher their origins without any fear.

I also sometimes find it helpful to jot down them on my journal.

There’s something about writing that makes it easier for me to diffuse and reprogram these inner voices.

Step 4: Always think fluidly.

Once you hear a rigid mindset’s voice and respond to it with a fluid mindset, you can then learn to decipher all that rigidity that is controlling you like a puppet master and then give yourself a chance to be in tune with the wisdom of your master soul instead of being obscured by it.

Patching It Up.

When it comes to your soul’s evolution and unleashing psychic seduction potency, adopting a fluid mindset is a necessary prerequisite.

Determine your rigid mindset triggers.

In which situations does your rigid mindset become an issue?

This means you must be self-aware to decipher the rigid inner voices and re-record them to reprogram yourself to free the real you at a soul level and unlock your master soul that is cosmic ; where all dogmatic beliefs get thrown out of the window in search of the vastness of the cosmos through new found wisdom.

This is where self-awareness and knowledge of the “real self” become a shield and a spear, because rigidity always holds us back from exploring the depths of our souls.

Rigidity leads to stagnation, and fluidity leads to evolution, and all the time we have a choice.

A rigid mindset plays on voices of limitations and murky worldviews.

A fluid mindset is all about psychic progress and soul evolution that leads to a powerful master cosmic soul.

Journaling and mindfulness are also excellent ways to have a rigid mindset changed into a fluid mindset.

This is a journey that requires you to keep moving forward, and the size of your steps doesn’t matter as long as you keep evolving every day with no fear whatsoever because there is nothing that is out there to hurt unless you believe otherwise.

What I like about a fluid mindset is that you stay flexible all the time, which is key on this journey; when you encounter a huge challenge along the way, you improvise and find ways around it.

You have soul potentials for a purpose. It’s about time you take your soul’s maps and leave behind any rigidity that won’t help you evolve and sail toward new territories where the master soul is waiting to take over the sails to lead you to your destiny.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. 


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