On Sexuality, Perceptions and Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 8 min read · Aug 28, 2024
On Sexuality, Perceptions and Psychic Seduction. picture

Lets say you take a time travel to ancient Rome and find a woman on top during sexual intercourse is frowned upon.

You get the suggestion that the man being ridden like a horse is considered humiliating to the male partner.

As you understand their perceptions about sexuality, you find they have some rigid beliefs about it, and people are forced to resist exploring themselves with all they have because if they do, some benevolent judge is waiting to punish them.

World religions encourage their followers to transcend their bodies and resist the urges of the flesh because it’s sinful.

However, sexuality played a much different role in ancient societies before the invention of institutionalized religions.

In ancient Mesopotamia, the notion of sublimation was entirely foreign because they believed we are all connected and the act of “soul” and physical sex connects people with the “Divine.”

In this piece, i touch on how the perceptions we have adopted affect how we view a practice like psychic seduction and how our sexuality is heavily suppressed by them.

It’s one of those posts where I challenge you to strip off every rigid perception about your sexuality and take steps up the staircase, so your soul can lead the way for you to the deep secrets that await you, where the richness of your sexuality is to be experienced.

Without any further ado.

Let's dive in!

Perceptions About Sexuality.

Understanding something like perception really does become the question.

How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

Particularly, your perceptions about sexuality.

If you really want to wrap your head around why you think the way you do and why it’s such a difficult task to pass perception, you’ll find the rabbit hole goes rather deep.

Even the most fair-minded individuals are cornered by some base-level perceptions that are clouding their vision and preventing them from seeing the top.

Every civilization since the beginning of time has had its own perceptions about sexuality that it has instilled in the psyches of its people.

Since the beginning of time, to the axial ages, all the way to the era of the renaissance up to today, human sexuality has always been explored by many seekers of truth but is still very much suppressed and channelled to blind us from our true nature.

In most of recorded history, especially religious traditions, sexuality has been seen as something evil, and anyone who explores it is sinful and serving some “evil god.”

St. Augustine, the father of the Catholic Church, once affirmed that women’s caresses and kisses prevented men from following “God’s” path of righteousness.

St. Augustine considered sexual urges as animal impulses that were only valid for reproductive purposes.

As a result, any form of sexual exploration was off the table as more and more people were led to shun and suppress their sexuality in favor of Christian doctrines.

But when one reads mythologies around the world, from ancient Mesopotamia to Greek mythology and the like.

They all depict sexuality differently, as they associate it with acquiring divine powers and exploring the secrets of the soul and the cosmos.

Beyond religious perceptions, sexuality is a magical and sacred act, proving that soul pleasure and divinity go hand in hand.

A “sexual union” between souls is the one that perpetuates life and the evolution of the souls to the level of the gods.

Today, even though the bonds of religion and dogmatic traditions are still strong, it’s much easier to untangle from them, unless one doesn’t want to explore the richness of their soul because the cosmos is consistently changing and is forever giving us hints about the vastness of life beyond what we have been told.

Sadly, in every generation, very few get in tune with it to see through their programming.

While the rest keep on running on autopilot, they never see how vast and powerful their sexuality can be if they let go of the handbrakes of fear and limitations.

I am not the one to cast stones!

No one has all the answers because we all have different perceptions about sexuality.

Heck, no two people explore it the same way!

However, if you limit your sexuality to what you are told or out of fear of the unseen, then your perceptions are hopelessly flawed!

If you then choose to open up to exploring yours, I ask you to leave all fear and “wrong perceptions” behind because, come to this side of the cosmos, where sexuality is as vast and mind-blowing as the cosmos itself.

It’s as deep as the ocean and mysterious as the Divine itself.

It’s here where you get to see the real nature of true soul intimacy and mind-blowing soul-to-soul sex to never see yourself as someone whose sexuality is all about physical organs only.

Choose To Cultivate Mountain Top View!

You have to take the first step up the staircase to reach the mountain top, where dogma and black-and-white thinking get stripped off forever.

Ultimately, this approach helps you see reality as it is, not through some form of social programming or fear.

Mountain Top View is not about stripping away every limiting perception because you want to feel enlightened; it’s about you authentically seeing things in a way that ignites a broader outlook around your sexuality, where you choose to keep taking a step up as your soul leads.

Either you choose base-level perceptions, where you keep thinking your sexuality is only limited in this dimension or you decide to adopt a higher level of sexuality that can reveal the magical powers of the divine as your soul evolves to its highest sex god/goddess potential.

Viewing your sexuality from a mountaintop is about freeing yourself from all the garbage about who you are and your sexual limitations.

It’s important to understand that you are a soul that has rich and deep sexuality that you are yet to explore, which can answer most of your love life problems and enrich you in many ways.

The sexuality on the mountain top is not about missionary positions and boring sex routines; it’s all about unfathomable soul creativity and soul connection that can never be compared with any type of sex.

Once you open up your mind to exploring it, you find you can satisfy your special someone for hours and keep giving them unlimited orgasms and intimacy that connect you ever more to a soul level.

You find you can literally become one and know each other deeply.

Heck, there is no god waiting to cast you to hell because you are exploring your sexuality through a practice like psychic seduction!

There is no satan or demon manipulating you to explore the depths of your sexuality so they can bring you poverty or burn you in hell as your teeth gnash in deep anguish!

I know these streets!

I have been through many corners, slayed a lot of bad perceptions and trust me there is nothing to fear.

It’s a tragedy to think you are here to experience common love and die without experiencing divine love with someone you truly love; to struggle to fulfil one another through the many ways you get to unlock when your souls keep revealing god shit-level sexual powers.

Leverage Confusion And Evolution As You Climb The Staircase.

It’s important to realize that exploring sexuality through psychic seduction and confusion go hand in hand because of our bad perceptions around it.

There are no two ways about it!

These must be leveraged to separate wheat from chaff, unlock your soul sexuality, and evolve.

The more confusion you experience and maintain a mountain top outlook, the more you unlock your sexuality.

I know it’s easier said than done!

However, every time you experience confusion about who you are, take that as an opportunity to explore yourself even more with no fear whatsoever because all the maps and weapons you need are in you.

The mist might not disappear now!

Your new perceptions might not make sense now!

Trust me, later on they will, as long as you know you are a soul that has been programmed to think in chains about sexuality.

The way I see it, when i have strong opposition against crushing my limiting perceptions around sexuality, it’s when I 
decide to let go of the hand brake, no matter how uncertain I feel.

And it’s like, in the midst of confusion, I always unlock my soul’s sexuality in far deeper ways than before, and my perceptions get altered even more.

Where there is confusion, there’s a silver lining and if you go a little deeper into the mysteries of your soul, you elevate to a higher level of cosmic consciousness and learn a lot more about yourself, your sexuality, and life in the process.

Don’t be afraid; you are fully equipped, and the cosmos is definitely backing you!

No one is angry at you because you are exploring your sexuality this way, and why would the divine punish you?

You may get confused before you see the light, and if you want to elevate your perceptions, you have to look for a way to go after the truth about the true nature of your sexuality no matter what it takes.

Alliester Crowley once said, “You can’t see the light without going to the depths of hell.”

Which is to say you have to learn to live through some confusion and a bit of pain to actually see who you are at a soul level, because, by stripping off bad perceptions you thought were true in pursuit of unrepressed sexuality, you are going to sacrifice some comfort in one way or another and go through “hell” so to speak.

Wrap Up!

Adopting mountain top perceptions about sexuality means stripping off dogma and fear.

It’s about unchaining yourself and seeing life as a god or goddess, not as someone who is always fearful of their sexuality and the unseen.

You have to question every perception you hold dear to view reality from the mountain top because there is nothing that is crafted on stone.

Just because some religious books say it’s evil to explore sexuality because it keeps you thinking about the things of the flesh doesn’t mean it’s the ultimate truth!

You sure don’t have to take everything I say as gospel truth because your path is uniquely yours.

What you must know for sure is that since the beginning of time, people have been practicing sexual practices to develop their psychic abilities to evolve at a soul level to the level of the gods or goddesses where sex is truly amazing.

You can read everything about sexuality, but if it tells you it’s wrong to explore diverse sexual practices, then that information is likely to keep your perceptions at the lowest level about the true design of your soul.

I’m not saying it’s easy to change your perceptions and reach the mountain top view.

You, however, have a choice to take a few steps up the staircase.

You either choose to approach your love life and soul evolution through mundane sexuality or you take a few steps up the staircase to experience what it’s like to be a sexual god or goddess.

While exploring it, don’t be hard on yourself and don’t rush.

In the meantime, you will see how powerful and fulfilling sex is at a soul level and you will become a blessing to your special someone in ways that can never be replicated.

Enjoy the journey burn whatever St Augustine or guru or expert said about sexuality; we are all here to explore ourselves and evolve over time because we are sexual soul by nature and are fully equipped with all kinds of ammunitions at a soul level to fulfil each other.

Why repress such a beautiful thing?

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Read Next:How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep. 


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