Overcoming Resistance When Practicing Psychic Seduction.

By Tomas : 10 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Overcoming Resistance When Practicing Psychic Seduction. picture

You searched around the internet and stumbled upon this work about psychic seduction.

You gave it a try, and now you keep experiencing resistance and feel like your target is resisting your psychic advances.

You then wonder if psychic seduction is even real or if you have any psychic abilities…

Here is a fact my dear reader.

Whoever said when you court someone psychically will cause your target to fall for you without any form of resistance didn’t give you the whole story about psychic seduction and soul connections.

The fact is resistance is inevitable in these types of courtships!

In fact, when one looks across nature.

Before “mating” happens, there is some resistance that is inevitable.

Hence, if you want to overcome it you must adopt the mindset of a proficient psychic seduction practitioner.

The way I teach you in this post will give you some weapons that will help you to deal with it and learn to connect at a soul level until your target falls into your hands like a ripe fruit.

Ready to dive in?

Let's dive in!

Do They Have A Spark For You?

This is the first question you must ask yourself.

Imagine you decide to go to the pharmacy to buy some medication and come across someone who strikes a cord in you.

Instantly, you decide you want to know them better.

You flirt a bit and ask for their contact information.

Alas, they give it to you!

The very same evening you start courting them via WhatsApp but overtime it doesn’t transition to any dates whatsoever.

They play hot and cold, even when you think there is some interest.

You then decide to court them psychically but still find them playing the same old game of hot and cold at a soul level.

Just because you practice psychic seduction doesn’t mean they are not aware that you are courting them.

It doesn’t mean that souls don’t seduce each other psychically and it’s all about lovey-dovey feelings where soul just connect and ride a chariot to experience heavenly bliss.

Ever read the Kybalion?

One of its key principles is:

As above, so below embodies the same truth about soul connections in this dimension and higher dimensions that we all have to deal with.

I am sure there were some people you once courted conventionally who resisted your advances while you were still in high school or at your workplace, but you somehow ended up winning some of them over.

What did you do right to court them effectively?

You may have felt stings of rejection, but I am sure you never ran after them like a puppy.

Did you?

Running around to win someone over only works in Disney movies and in some new age wisdom, where we are made to believe when souls connect in higher dimensions, they always experience unfathomable connections.

Begging and chasing someone psychically are the first things you must scratch off when you want to be a powerful psychic seduction practitioner and overcome your target’s resistance!

There was a woman i was sparsely attracted to in one of my previous jobs.

When i started courting her psychically, she didn’t have any visible spark for me at all, and in fact, at a soul level, she told i must forget about her.

I took this form of resistance with a grain of salt and wanted to figure out how to overcome her resistance.

I also noticed every time I courted her she would blow me off psychically.

This frustrated me to no end because I thought i was doing everything right.

I then came across a course called the comic master by some guy on YouTube (forgot his name honestly) where he talks about the alpha mindset in psychic seduction.

I decided to adopt this alpha mindset which then ended up giving me access to god frequencies.

I found i had to be high vibrational and well calibrated to spark her emotions and entice the goddess in her to want to be with me without overwhelming in the process.

It didn’t take long for her to fall for me and begin calling me all sorts of sweet names.

She ended giving in to my advances we consummated our connection through a powerful “soulful sex” and intimacy.

In the 3rd dimension, she became flirty and plain out showed her cards that she was falling for me.

She started liking my social media posts, and her male bestie told me that she had a thing for me.

I, however, had to cut the courtship short when I realized she had a fiancé who wanted to marry her.

Resistance happens to everyone but it’s not always final!

It’s part and parcel of soul connections that you have to accept.

It’s true that the more you accrue experience and develop a confident psychic mindset(alpha/god/goddess), the smoother your courtships flow.

The beginner sees it as a big issue and then decides it’s final; they believe at a soul level there should be no seduction, which then blunts their psychic weapons.

This then ignites desperation and neediness when they have to swallow the bitter pill that their target is resisting.

On the other side of the horizon, a proficient practitioner who has been around these streets is calm.

Part of their calmness is because they know how powerful they are psychically; ;they 100% believe psychic seduction is not some scam and they know souls are open to being seduced even when they may resist at first.

I am also at a stage where I know i am powerful psychically.

I know psychic seduction is not a scam.

I fully accept resistance and know how to overcome it without losing one ounce of my psychic state control.

You must not sweat a lot, panic, and start losing alpha mindset when you experience resistance because your target can sense that and resists you even more!

Most proficient practitioners understand this and never shy away from being dominant in their manner of approach without crossing the boundaries of the target.

All in all, proficient practitioners really don’t sweat much about resistance.

They know resistance is not a train crash!

They fully acknowledge that courting someone psychically is similar to 3D seduction.

Infact they are open to letting go of targets that do not want to be seduced by them.

Heck, they don’t want to chase around someone psychically and make themselves look desperate to their targets!

They know psychic confidence is contagious and penetrates far deeper than timidity.

Resistance Is Not Always Final.

When you face persistent blocks of resistance, it may mean you haven’t appropriately applied the advice shared here (about psychic state control) and your target doesn’t see you “that way” yet.

This is not to say you can lower everyone’s resistance; we all know this is unrealistic!

Most often, resistance is a sign to slow down to give their psychic defences some breathing space, even if it means taking a break from “courting them” altogether for a few days to a week or so to resharpen your seductive claws.

Look at resistance as a challenge and be good at it and choose to become a student of this practice!

On the flip side, if they tell you outright at a soul level that level that they don’t want you or even push you away psychically or keep blocking the connection, then it’s usually a sign that you should consider looking for someone else.

However, if they are mildly resisting, resisting, where they sometimes give in to your advances and hold back, then give in again, it’s usually not a complete brush-off but normal resistance.

I have had women who completely brushed me off at a soul level because most were not open to having soul connections with me beyond a psychic connection since I didn’t want anything serious with them beyond sex.

They would sense my psychic presence, then block the connection with all they have before it got to a soul level, tell me they are not interested blah blah, and I’d respectfully stop courting them.

A complete brush-off is when a target tells you outright they don’t want you, and you feel them push you away at a soul level.

If this is persistent over a few sessions and they even tell you to stop it, then there is nothing you can do to turn the pendulums without running out of steam!

Mmm, you can, but it is mostly not worth it in the end.

But it’s up to you!

I personally don’t encourage you to cross their boundaries; you must learn to court and seduce to win them over with strong personal ethics and respect for their boundaries!

Having said that, until then (firm resistance), you can still persist a bit because it usually means they are not sure what it is that they want with you and their soul is still getting used to the connection.

But once a state of brushing off your presence is consolidated in them, there’s less chance of turning it around.

Keynote: Early soul courtship brushoffs are not normally the end of the world; you can always try again later.

Early courtship brushoffs need firm state control and calibration to swing the courtship in your favor.

All forms of resistance must be taken with a grain of salt.

They primarily signal attempts to protect a target from “unwanted feelings or outright rejection.

If it keeps happening, take a step back, have a life, and court them sometimes as you would in the 3rd dimension.

Tilting The Pendulums To Your Favor!

There are two angles to look at when dealing with resistance.

The first is that is that you think resistance is final.

Another angle that you may not be aware of is, when you connect psychically.

#1. You must learn to seduce like a smooth seducer or seductress in the 3rd dimension.

Where you know for a fact that they can’t resist you(“Alpha mindset”).

#2. You must master psychic dynamics to amplify your presence and cause them to yearn for more of it.

#3. You must calibrate often to take the connection to a deeper level, where the target can even give you the keys to their secret haven.

There is a simple framework that works that I want to share with you.

I don’t want to cause a lot of confusion by revealing deep secrets, as many people are still beginners in this type of practice.

Say you’re “escalating” the connection psychically, and they open up and resist.

You try again, and they do the same thing until you experience a firmer brush — off.

You must back off yourself, let them miss you, and then reconnect later in a more powerful, magnetic, and seductive state.

What happens when you do this?

#1. You display smoothness, subtlety, and psychic confidence.

#2. You allow them to digest these feelings and don’t force any discomfort by overly testing their psychic defences without calibrating; this then ends up generating comfort since their soul may start to fall under your spell.

#3. You learn to develop a connection by understanding the dynamics of the connection and refining your psychic state control where you end up accessing “god frequencies”.

#4. You show them that you respect their boundaries.

You end up syncing to a state of soul resonance and eventually soul rapport, where you get to experience soul bliss, and a powerful soul connection gets to develop even more.

When you follow this simple framework, they will inevitable fall under your spell in one way or the other!

Unless some heavy boundary is forcing them to resist you like their religious beliefs, a relationship with someone etc.

This is just a rough framework, as there are many nuances involved.

If you have any questions about this, don’t shy away from connecting with me!

Adopting this framework of dealing with resistance makes it a stepping stone; a target end up getting more involved in the courtship and yearn for you even more as your seductive claws keep penetrating them.

Never fear resistance!

Obviously, everyone still prefers no resistance, but it’s what it is.

Tilting it around is easy when you look at it from a state of complete psychic confidence and belief in who you are.

That’s the alpha mindset you must adopt that gives you access to god frequencies where there are no limits as to what you can do to court and please the soul of your target in unfathomable ways.

Parting Shots.

I touched on why resistance isn’t always bad and why you shouldn’t fear it.

When you approach your courtships with a lack of alpha mindset, then you are likely to step on your feet and begin chasing them around like a puppy.

It’s bad for you!

Trust me on that.

Don’t mistake mild resistance for permanent brush-offs; sometimes your target needs to get used to your presence!

So keep your psychic state under control to refine it until you reach high ranges of psychic frequencies.

Which then means you must discard the tendency to think at a soul level there is no seduction involved; where you think you can just beg, cry, and be needy, then believe they will fall for you and ride with you on a chariot that will take you to soul bliss.

What happens in the 3rd dimension also happens in higher dimensions!

As above,so below, the Kybalion states.

Souls seduce each other before Seduction they consummate their connection just as they do in this 3rd dimension.

So you must never encircle your target too much!

Let them miss you from time to time.

Your life must be filled with all kinds of enriching pursuits so that when you court them again, they are ripe with desire.

Presence and absence work far better in these types of courtships than what Disney movies and some new-age wisdom may lead you to believe.

Finally, see resistance as an opportunity for a passionate courtship later (when you finally have something in the 3rd dimension) and never lose your psychic state control as you deal with it.

This is key!

Once you accept this, you then realize resistance can be a catalyst that strengthens your psychic muscles to the level of the gods/goddesses!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Five Attitudes To Adopt As A psychic Seduction Practitioner.


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