Presence Is A Master Key In Psychic Seduction| Soul Intimacy.

By Tomas : 13 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Presence Is A Master Key In Psychic Seduction| Soul Intimacy. picture

The level of presence when it comes to psychic seduction is what separates a proficient practitioner from a beginner that spews their psychic ammunition.

Being present is what helps a practitioner decipher chaff from wheat when it comes to psychic dynamics and psychic information in a psychic courtship.

A practitioner who applies themselves to being more present can get pretty darn good at it and connect powerfully with their target.

It just takes a little focus, elbow grease, and a bit of persistence to figure it out earlier on.

As someone who has the manuscripts of this practice, I can tell you right now, without developing this master key, you will never unlock your true proficiency as a psychic seduction practitioner.

In this post, I hand you exclusive information about being present in your courtships to a level where you target ends up feeling like you are with them in real time.

Binge something you enjoy to help you digest this exclusive information.


Let's dive in!

Being Present in Psychic Seduction.

“Don’t sleepwalk through life.”

If you watched Derren Brown’s stage show, Showman, this quote will resonate with you.

He delivers the line a few times throughout the show to address the importance of being present in life.

Derren’s phrase resonates with me a lot because there are times where I wasn’t making any progress in this practice because i was not fully present.

I was so obsessed with techniques and approached psychic seduction as if it was set on some canned material.

Everything I did was rigid!

I was like some pick up artist that was using some uncalibrated canned material over and over again without understanding his targets.

There was a lot of noise inside that it became hard for me to fully dive in and understand this practice.

Hence, I ended up missing a lot of psychic information and signs that were showing me the way that could’ve skyrocketed my progress.

Think about it…

Do you want to follow techniques, fantasize or truly connect with your target?

Do you want to connect from the soul or keep executing a series of actions that you think are working for you?

⁠⁠⁠In these types of courtships nothing remains stale and every bit of information is critical!

When you’re not present and rigid, you do not notice when to ambush the target and when submit to their own seductive spells.

Hence your ability to decipher psychic information becomes greatly clouded.

Developing psychic seduction abilities without being present means you fail to develop your intuition and fail to explore the secret reservoirs of your psychic potential.

Every psychic potential you have can only be accessed by being present.

Just like building muscles, when you are not fully present your ability to grow certain muscle groups gets stale.

In every psychic courtship you have to gather psychic information that you can use to recognize patterns, psychic cues, and decipher all psychic information that comes to the awareness of your conscious mind.

Luckily, when you practice psychic seduction the “right way,” it becomes easy to achieve a heightened level of presence and tap to the soul of your target, acquire secret information about them, understand their sexuality and fantasies etc.

In your journey to being a powerful psychic seduction practitioner, there are no two ways about it; you must be present and learn to understand the dynamics in your connection!

Since you are a beginner, it’s something that you can start improving today to take your psychic seduction abilities to the highest level, and i can assure it will have a big impact on your life as a whole.

With that said, here are some key things that you will be able to do if you are highly present in your psychic rendezvous:

* More in touch with this “new reality”
* Read cues
* Notice Patterns

More In Touch With “New Reality.”

When you begin being fully present, you can see the back that you
are touching, you can see that private part you are rubbing, and you can see those thighs that you are caressing.

You can feel the delicacy of their lips.

You can see them quiver in ecstasy as you merge even more.

Being present in a connection will also help you to slow down your escalation, which will make it more erotic to both of you.

Decipher Psychic Cues/Symbolism.

It will train you to pay less attention to your mental chatter and develop greater attention to the richness of your symbolic language your intuition presents to you about the feelings of the target in minute details.

You will end up knowing the level of their excitement, their boundaries and their need to control and submit in the courtship.

All psychic cues indicate what you must do which then helps you to sync and connect even more to bring the courtship to a powerful state of resonance.

Notice Patterns.

It’s crucial to notice patterns because they carry valuable information.

Are they receptive? What is it that causes them to be more receptive or resistant?

Is it the time of the day or your manner of approach?

How long does it take for them to connect and fan the embers of the connection?

Is there telepathic communication, and why does it end up happening?

Can you visualize a bit longer, and what is it that assists you to access alpha/theta states easier?

Is the connection full of love, or is there a bit of anger or repulsion or even prolonged resistance?

Are there any similar persistent symbols?

So on and so forth!

You obviously are not going to notice these patterns in one session, but as you keep noticing them, they start giving you a better picture as to where the connection is and how to improve your abilities to connect better.

2 Simple Hacks To Connect Better.

#1. Pay Attention To The Smaller Details.

When you pay attention, you become like a sponge and decipher everything that comes to your conscious mind.

What does a certain symbol mean. Is it part of your shadow programming or is it information from the target? What about telepathy? Are they communicating or you are mind talking with yourself? What makes them excited psychically? Can you decipher when they want to experience intimacy instead of blowing them off sexually all the time. Are you aware when they are not in the right mood? Can you decipher their state of mind? Do you give them what they want in minute details? Can you offer the type of strokes and give them different sizes of dicks,sex positions as their desires shift in minute details? Are you aware when you lose your state control inappropriately? Do you even allow them to take hold of the steering wheel and lead you to the deep alladins of their deep fantasies?

Every psychic piece of information contains a bottomless pit of senses, symbols and secrets about your soul’s programming; it’s just a matter of paying greater attention and gather keys that can illuminate; and avoid those that can open a dark hole.

So on and so forth.

#2. Attune With Your Senses.

Paying attention to small details is about deciphering every tiny detail like a scientist that is figuring out a certain strange phenomenon.

All the information you pick up about the outside world comes through your senses.

It’s the same in psychic courtships, you got to attune to connect with the target as if they are right next to you.

Below are some easy tricks that will bring your sensing abilities to the highest level.

What do you feel when presented with a certain symbol during a session? What is the texture or strength of that symbol? What is the temperature of his dick? Can you “see” and “feel” the warmth and wetness of her pussycat? What sounds do you hear when you put your finger inside her pussycat and start throbbing her g-spot? How loud are they? Are there any background noises? How many things do you see in your special place? What are the colors like? What are the tones? Is it bright or dark? What do you smell? How can you describe their scent? Does that smell remind you of anything? What do you taste when you suck his hard dick or her wet pussy? What is the texture like, soft or hard, wet or dry if it’s pussy? So on and so forth.

These days, I can simply connect with a target as if we are in the same location.

I literally teleport to their location, and we end up having intimacy and mind-blowing sex as if we were in bed with them which something that I wouldn’t achieve if I was not attuning to every sense in minute details.

Using this hack is probably one of the killer ways to connect deeper with your target; know just how much they want to be caressed, licked and pleasured.

Wrap Up.

Knowledge is power!

This information is revolutionary!

If you’re on this journey, you should be trying to soak up everything i write like a sponge as i keep handing you the manuscripts which are not easy to find anywhere on the internet.

If you’re not fully present in your psychic connections, you won’t get far, period!

You will get frustrated because you miss psychic information that you must decipher to connect smoothly and avoid falling into a dark pit of confirmation biases, unfounded fantasies and shadow programming.

Presence is one of the master keys and is arguably one of the most important abilities to develop in this practice!

You need to be able to “see” and “sense stuff” to adjust to them like an experienced captain sailing the vastness of the Indian ocean.

It’s a lot less hard to do than you might think!

Don’t fret. You just got to dive in a lil more and leave the outside world behind to study this “new reality”!

I promise you, it’s one of the richest parts of our human tapestry!

When you become more present, you infallibly move to higher levels of psychic proficiency; get to “see” and sense more deeply and unlock your soul’s majestic powers; where you connect with deft and develop a powerful soul connection that can never be eroded by anyone unless they have access to this information.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next: Psychic Seduction Abilities|10 Tips To Develop Better


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