Proper Escalation in Psychic Seduction|The Framework To Know.

By Tomas · Sep 18, 2024
Proper Escalation in Psychic Seduction|The Framework To Know. picture

And....... again, as before, she unzipped my fly, took out my penis, and put it in her mouth.

I tried to move, but it felt as if my body were tied down by invisible threads.

I felt myself growing big and hard inside her mouth.

I saw her fake eyelashes and curled hair tips moving.

Her bracelets made a dry sound against each other.Her tongue was long and soft and seemed to wrap itself around me. 

Just as I was about to come, she suddenly moved away and began slowly to undress me.She took off my jacket,my tie, my pants, my shirt, and my underwear and made me lie down on the bed.

Her own clothes she kept on, though. She sat on the bed, took my hand, and brought it under her dress. She was not wearing pants. My hand felt the warmth of her vagina. It was deep, warm, and very wet. My fingers were all but sucked inside. …

This is an excerpt of the great novel Wind Up Bird Chronicle written by Haruki Murakami that was published in 1994.

This scene is by Creta Kano was escalating on Toru, taking him through the phases of sexual escalation that led his erection to grow larger and harder as if it were about to burst wide open.

If you want to escalate properly in psychic seduction, you should try to emulate "the prostitute of the mind," Creta.

You can think of proper sexual escalation in psychic seduction as a series of erotic scenes and connection buildup that deepen the connection,and fullfill the target.

When you jump through scenes faster, you fail to escalate properly, and they become choppier and lose that realism and erotic feel.

In this piece, I give you an easy framework you can intertwine into your psychic seductions that can make you a great lover.

Let's dive in..


On Escalation.

No matter your level of proficiency or what your seduction/courtship looks like, understanding proper escalation in psychic seduction is something you need and have to develop because it's a key that opens up your target's secret haven and gives you access to their most sacred space. 

Intertwining it into your psychic seductions application is like understanding the caliber of firearms that you must use for proper purposes.

Some calibers are bigger to destroy tanks and fill them up. 

Others are thinner and more piercing to pass through bulletproofed walls and cause them to throb.

Others have a longer range than can stroke up any erroneous spot, no matter how deep it is. etc

Just as you can't start touching someone sexually without first building comfort and familiarity when you go on a date with them.

It's the same when you want to escalate properly in psychic seduction.Make sure that there is comfort and the target is hot and fully aroused before you start escalating.

If you escalate too soon, they may contract/freeze and close up.

The key is to not rush your escalation.

You have to be present and patient to get them yearning for more of your presence.

If you offer them and their arousal plenty of time, they will throb for you all the time. 

Since I am talking from a male perspective, a woman with plenty of experience in sex needs to learn to listen to her body and communicate her needs to her man to fully open up psychically.

In fact, the deeper a woman feels the connection, the stronger her arousal, and, therefore, the easier she lets go of her inhibitions, the more likely she is to offer you the deep secrets of her sexuality, and the more potential there is to enter into the infinite depth of the
divine union where you know there is no one who can move her soul like you do.

All of this you can only achieve when you take your time and treat every seduction like a ritual of some sort where you know when to press on the gas and when to hit on the breaks before escalating again gradually,on and on.

Proper Escalation Framework.

Now how should you start escalating properly? The answer is, after sensing their presence...

When you sense them right next to you, you can start holding and playing with their hands and decipher their feedback.

If they are open and are feeling connected, you can start caressing their shoulders and hands and even go so far as to give them some light baby kisses, etc.

In a nutshell, the form of sexually calibrated escalation that takes place during the early phase of these types of seductions should be light in nature—which needs opening your intuition so you can calibrate to move through the stages of the seduction and change gears when appropriate.

Now the bigger question is: when should you move from building comfort and take it to the next level (sexualize the process)? 

Well you must escalate sexually whenever:

• There is reciprocity—when you touch their hands and they touch you back and you can feel/sense the vibe changing erotically. This is normally a sign they are open, which means you can start changing gears gradually while keeping tabs on feedback.

• Their fantasies are now sexual, and they want you to be part of them. It could be them fantasizing about bed-breaking sex or them yearning for deep, slow undressing erotic scenes that gather speed rather quickly where you are both driven by lust to blow each other off.

• Another important note to make is that whenever you "see/sense" in front of you a certain part of their body, touch it slowly without rushing until you get feedback that they want you to touch another one; if they want you to go down on you, let them go down on you, etc.

This you cannot achieve if you are rushing your sexual escalation!

Below I share an easier-to-follow framework that can help you to sexually escalate properly.

• Always focus on calibrating and observing their feedback.

• When they are reciprocating, change gears and escalate first lightly then gather speed when they keep drawing you with their seductive lures.

• They are responding negatively; back off a bit, then try again, and if their resistance is persistent, respect that boundary and find other non-sexual ways to lower it, like playing with their eyebrows or holding hands, then try to advance the seduction forward by becoming sexual again, either by going for light kisses or squeezing their ass tightly, etc.

• They are responding very well; go for more erotic regions, preferably their clitoris and pussycat massages as a man or sucking their dick or massaging it as a woman. Here you can escalate the seduction in whatever way possible as long as they are open and signaling to you they want more.

• If there is too much resistance, take a HUGE step back. Remember that whenever you take a step back, you keep your focus on escalating the seduction forward; it's a tactic.

Sometimes, when their walls are too firm during that seduction, you can stop escalating  altogether because it's usually a sign that they are not open for a connection at that time for whatever reason, in such a case, you can try again some other time.

It is imperative that “potential resistance” doesn’t scare you away from escalating sexually because resistance, unless hard cases, can be lowered.

Remember that just because your target is resisting doesn’t mean they are not into you; they may not be in the mood at that time or they are busy thinking about something important in their lives, or you need to recalibrate to spike up their mood.
The reasons are endless!

Remember: if they are giving you hard resistance consistently for quite some time, 

•Maybe you have calibration or state control issues 

•They are not that into you,

•They have other issues preventing them from opening up to you. 

In such a case, you have to respect their boundaries.

Let us sum up what proper sexual escalation is all about before we wrap this up.

The key thing is to calibrate your sexual escalation with...

• Their feedback and adjust accordingly

• Openness—how open are they? Are they feeling like mingling and even reciprocating…?

If so, change gears and offer them some of your seductive lures but DON'T FORCE A SEDUCTION WHEN THEY ARE CLOSED instead pump up the brakes,decipher their feedback and find other ways to lower their resistance before heading deeper into the secret haven of their sexuality.

• Be present and observant; your focus needs to be on your target, your own psychic advances, and how you want to make them feel, which means no neediness or desparation but unshakeable psychic confidence and connection building scenes.

• When they want you to escalate fast, you must escalate fast. When they want slow and deep kisses, you offer them that without holding back.

Now you might not have an open link with your intuition yet, or the symbols that your soul uses might confuse you. 

Don't fret; you will learn as you gain experience.I can't teach you that in this post, but you can read how to develop intuition and your souls secret language to get a glimpse as to how you can develop your intuition and understand your unique symbolic language.

Without a good link with your intuition and understanding your symbolic language, how can you escalate better? 

You must be asking.

You must approach every seduction with psychic confidence and escalate as you would if you were escalating like Kano on Toru.

You must approach your target in that seductive and dominant state until you sense or feel a reaction and hope for a positive one. 

Once you sense/feel a reaction/feedback, you take things from there, which you will know, even though it will be more of a gut feeling than outright "knowing or seeing.".

If the feedback is a form of resistance, use the five anti-resistance-blowing tactics below.

•Take a step back.

•Let them reciprocate—share love and connect deeper.

•Stop the seduction and try again later(another session).

•Calibrate with their sexual fantasies and play them out like the ghost that you are (pun intended).

•Develop impeccable state control.

•Add spice by adding scenes that seed for a wonderful future together.

So on and so forth..

Remember that resistance doesn’t necessarily mean they aren't into you. 

Resistance is not the end of the world. The fact is, once you get good at handling and overcoming resistance, they will yearn for more of your presence, and the power you have to enchant them with your seductive lures will multiply tenfolds.

Let's Wrap Up!

When you can't calibrate you can't  escalate properly, you tend to ignite resistance that can be hard to lower in your target. 

You have to learn to calibrate and escalate properly when the target is opening up and closing off.

Escalating properly on a target takes time because every target is different; some don't like what others like.

I recall one target I used to connect with deeply. Every time we connected, I would introduce dicks of different sizes, sometimes the size of a dick horse, and they would tell me they didn't like it.

I was making the mistake of thinking they would like it because I thought all women wanted big dicks, but every time I introduced a small dick the size of a pencil, she would orgasms multiple times!

Proper sexual escalation is an act of worship and serving the target to help them explore the depths of their soul with you being a catalyst that leads them there.

By sexually escalating properly you must resist the tendency to rush things.

Pump the brakes and come to a halt when needed, and let them show you how they want to be pleasured.

Help them simmer and get hot like water without losing your patience..

Every part of the body that they desire you to caress, cherish it until you intuit or sense they want you to move to the next one without rushing.

You want to make these seductions like any erotic movie scenes you can both play out and drawn in seductive ecstasy.

And trust me, I don't think there is any powerful seduction tool you can use that can tap into your target's soul, like psychic seduction!

I normally hear some of my targets saying things like,

Fuck, this is too good to be true.

Is this some Daniel Steele novel?

You are the best for me.

You satisfy me.

Take it slower....

When I escalate, I make sure to treat the seduction like a ritual, give every scene the attention and appreciation it deserves, and bring them into multiple mind-blowing orgasms almost every time we connect.

Escalating probably needs escalating with psychic confidence and seductiveness so that you don't fret when you encounter resistance; instead, you see it as a hurdle that you can jump while respecting their boundaries.

Lastly, when you escalate sexually, never  blow down a boundary when the target is unwilling to open up.Respect it and take every feedback to heart then you will come to a realization that you are a lover.


Read Next:Psychic investment In psychic seduction.


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