Pros And Cons Of Practicing Psychic Seduction |A Superior Dating Approach.

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Pros And Cons Of Practicing Psychic Seduction |A Superior Dating Approach. picture

When you go around, you find that people rely mostly on conventional ways of dating; very few people practice psychic seduction.

All you see on the internet and YouTube are dating coaches teaching men and women the nuances of modern-day dating techniques.

It’s great for us as a species to understand each other and what makes each other tick.

The more we learn about each other, the better, because the mating game is competitive and is evolving everyday.

However, if you want to be on par with the evolutions of the mating game, you must desire to transcend what you know about it and head deeper into the realities of human connections at a soul level.

With psychic seduction, you can literally reach that breakthrough about these connections and find out how to win in this game.

However, as with everything, there are always going to be pros and cons that one faces when developing these abilities.

In this easy-to-read post,i share some of the most pros of practicing psychic seduction and its cons.


Let’s dive in!


Lets take a time travel to the world of the ancients, say, Atlantis.

Can you imagine it?

What does it look like?

Do you see it as some alien civilization?

Are they normal-looking people like you and me?

Legend says the higher consciousness level of Atlantean civilizations gave them the abilities to perform feats that, to this day, are deemed impossible.

But as time passed, legend says they fell from their higher states of psychic abilities to a lower one, that of psychic limitations about their roots.

And as their psychic abilities became limited to the physical, they therefore lost most of their abilities because they could no longer access those higher states of psychic abilities that afforded them to be in tune with the greater cosmic consciousness.

Before the “fall,” they believed in their soul potentials and had ways of connecting with one another at a soul level.

They knew how to experience the kind of love that we all seek, which can only be experienced in higher dimensions and is not all about monetary exchange but about soul-to-soul connections that lead to a union of unconditional love.

Psychic seduction is not about manipulation of someone, as the Atlanteans knew, because every soul is conscious at a soul level.

Psychic seduction about revisiting how, in Atlantis, people used to connect at the peak of their psychic abilities.

The goal is therefore to rediscover those states of being that are just within you and me!

It’s also about building trust with the person, no matter how far they are, and opening a portal of psychic connection that can lead to lifetime pair bonding both at a soul level and in the 3rd dimension.

Let’s say you meet someone on your way to work and exchange numbers, then later you call them over and hear their sweet voice on the other side of the line.

It sounds good and ignites chills up your spine.

Psychic seduction is similar yet too powerful because you “dial” a person psychically and cause them to open up to you about a connection that they are unlikely to ever experience in this lifetime because most people are not yet exposed to this kind of information.

Psychic seduction is probably among the most ancient practices that we are slowly uprooting in the parts of our designs that were eroded by modern civilizations.

Come to think of it, if you were at a workplace, school, or just about any place where you know each other,

Who is more powerful between someone who uses normal ways of seduction and someone who is able to have a higher soul connection with the person they desire or love?

Who can have a far superior impact at a soul level?

Among the many pros of practicing psychic seduction were when I was working at one of the universities, where I used to meet a lot of beautiful women, many of whom were dating powerful men who had money (i was only an intern), but most of them ended up falling under my spell.

I can even go as far as to say psychic seduction is the same as remote influencing because, during those years while working at the university, I once psychically influenced my boss to give me a permanent position.

Every time there was a task, she would choose me to lead it.

My name was always on her lips; even my colleagues started noticing it, and some even thought I had used some spells on her.

When a vacancy in our department opened.

I was the only one called for interviews out of 23 or so other interns; the other candidates were external applicants.

Everybody was surprised as to how I was not even that dedicated compared to others.

I went to the interviews…

I got the job because she influenced the panel to choose me!

That’s the advantage that developing your psychic abilities can afford you.

Sometimes i psychically influence someone who is feeling bad and share with them love and hope, and they receive them because, at a soul level, we are all highly conscious and one.

There are limitless pros you get by practicing psychic seduction.

Sometimes when you practice it and are not sure if it’s already working, you can design your sessions in such a way that every time you connect, you make it seem like you are somewhere with your special someone and enjoying yourself, and you end up creating that reality, and it certainly does end up coming to pass!

There was this woman I was into and was connecting deeply with in our sessions, but I couldn’t see her and didn’t know if my sessions were having “any” effect.

I started creating scenes where we were meeting each other, and it happened!

I was busy walking, minding my business, when I bumped into her!

The situation was perfect for us to have a conversation because the street was quiet-only me and her.


I don’t think so because I have proven it time and time again after that, where I would create scenes and strangers would come over to me and the scenes would play out.

I have made people call, send texts, and even influence them to leave their numbers on Facebook; to me, it’s beyond doubt anymore!

That’s the power of psychic seduction-you can be very effective while not being too direct, at least on the surface.

You let your mind and soul do the work for you!

Cons of Psychic Seduction.

Of course, some aspects of practicing it aren’t so easy to handle.

Let’s go over a few of the most critical.

2. It takes a long time to learn.


Feedback can be tricky, especially if you hardly see the person and are not quite aware of how advanced you are at detecting psychic information about how they feel.

Even more so if they are shy when you happen to bump into them.

Also, if they become hot and cold and you lack the social awareness to see behind the mask, you end up getting discouraged.

Most people struggle so much to decipher feedback and actuate a dynamic in the connection.

The thing is , it can be tricky without falling into extremes.

People tend to think their special someone is into them, or they hate their guts.

It’s hardly in between which is the sweet spot you must aim for.

When the feedback is not based on reality, it can cause confirmation biases and quitting if no feedback is received after a long time.

2. It Takes A long Time To Learn.

Psychic seduction is like learning an instrument.

It’s like any other art form, like learning to play the piano.

Its basics rest on your ability to understand yourself at a deeper level, preferable at a soul level, learn to decipher your special someone’s psychic signiture, and then develop the ability to tune in and connect with them in resonance to take the connection to a higher level of intimacy.

But it takes time to reach these levels, so it’s far easier for 99% of people to focus on conventional ways of dating or refute it outright.

They figure if they just focus on the external and show confidence, then they don’t need to know how to actually develop their psychic seduction abilities and connect soul to soul.

If you want to learn how to truly connect with your special someone in deep ways, create strong attraction, and have an amazing relationship with them, then mix conventional dating wisdom and psychic seduction.

You want to go for the soul if you want a fulfilling connection with someone, and you want them to burn with desire.

But this practice will force you to develop your innate psychic potential and evolve as a soul, and that takes a bit longer to learn, but the effort will be worth the time and effort in the end.

It’s A Wrap!

People who shun psychic seduction are mostly people who are yet to see beyond the illusion of social constructs, so they believe everything they hear about them as just being limited in this dimension.

Rather than embracing freedom-their freedom of thought and following where their souls lead them-they rather limit themselves in a cage of conventionality.

They want safety, comfort, and certainty because they are fearful of some authority who is watching over everything they do to punish them.

While it’s good to develop personal ethics and basic social skills, the ability to connect and spark attraction through your mind is also necessary in competitive dating and the forever-changing cosmos.

People are so used to conventional ways of dating that they are predictable and boring.

Life is complex, and when you develop this practice, you must embrace that.

You also have to allow failure, diversion, and chaos into the equation-and be totally cool with all of it.

Albert Einstein once said we can’t solve problems with the same mindsets that created them.

It’s time to let go of the seen and explore the deep fields of the unseen!

You have to experiment like Albert Einstein when he was trying to understand the laws of physics.

You have to think beyond the norms. Let go of fear; there is nothing out there to punish you.

The cosmos is happy when we evolve and get to see beyond, because how can we solve our fumbling relationships when we keep doing the same things over and over again that got us here?

Can you imagine a future like the ancient Atlantis that I alluded to earlier?

Psychic seduction abilities, and all those abilities that our ancients possessed are within you.

Now embrace that and develop them to see how rich you are at a soul level, not around dating but about the many abilities that you are buried within.

Dig them or let them die!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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