Psychic Blueprints |Psychic Seduction |How To Reprogram Them.

By Tomas : 10 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Psychic Blueprints |Psychic Seduction |How To Reprogram Them. picture

In the book “The Biology of Belief,” developmental biologist Bruce Lipton claims we spend most of our lives (95% of it) influenced by subconscious (psychic) blueprints adopted from early childhood and that such “psychic” blueprints are firmly ingrained around 6 or 7 years of age, resulting in us living through them as if they are set in stone.

When we come into this world, we are free of psychic limitations except those we get in our gene blueprints.

As we all go from germinal to embryonic to fetal stages in our fetal development stages all the way to new borns;we also go through many psychic changes that not only prepare us for the realities of this dimension but they also program us to fear and never believe in who we are at a soul level.

As a result, we end up developing psychic blueprints that not only make us slaves of social programming but people who cannot believe they are multi-dimensional souls.

In this post, I go deep into the programming of our psyches as we come of age and how it ends up shaping how we view life and the cosmos.

I am excited to share this information because I believe it’s quite exclusive!

Get some juice or some ice tea.


Let's dive in!

The Programming Of The Psyche.

From the last trimester of pregnancy to age seven, we mostly live in theta-alpha brain wave states, where we are like sponges that soak everything into our psyches.

In these early years, we download and emit everything to and from us with little conscious control, where we get programmed by world religions, cultural norms, and society at large.

We then slowly lose a grip on who we are at a soul level and develop all kinds of fears and psychic limitations about this unseen self and the cosmos.

Once our sense of programmed self and ego start to come more online, we start developing psychic blueprints that not only cause us to see reality as something limited in this dimension.

We also end up believing we are incapable of anything beyond what we are always told we can and cannot do or be.

“No, get out of here; there is no such thing as a soul, dude!”

“Telepathy doesn’t exist!

“Psychic seduction abilities don’t exist!

“You are not multi-dimensional!”

“There are no frequencies that one has to tune to access the vastness of the cosmos.”

So on and so forth…

When we live our lives according to such blueprints that teach us that we are just part of this comedy to live by the memetics of popular wisdom, we become like slaves that Plato, the great Greek philosopher, talks about in the allegory of the cave.

Plato says there were slaves who had been living in a cave for a long time, and the cave had programmed their psyches in such a way that they never envisioned themselves outside of it.

When there were opportunities for them to leave it behind, they would come with all sorts of scepticism that caused them to believe there was no way out of it.

In fact, Plato says one of the wise slaves found a way out through his own understanding of his limiting psychic blueprints, while others remained trapped.

When he came back, he told them about freedom outside the boundaries of their programming.

They never believed him because their blueprints were fully set to view their lives through very constricted worldviews.

They had stopped thinking beyond their programming and were responding like machines that had no freedom to think and do beyond what they believed was possible.

In a nutshell, those unconscious ways of thinking had programmed them to develop slave blueprints at a psychic level, and their reality reflected them.

We are all in one way or another like these slaves when we don’t want to dive deep within to see beyond this reality that is keeping us limited and update our psychic blueprints to those that push us to look deep within ourselves and the vastness of the cosmos, to seek answers with no fears at all but bravery, because we are part of the cosmos and it’s not out to get us, but it’s here to help us evolve to become masters of our own realities.

Change Is The Only Constant.

When it comes to evolution, change is the only constant across all species.

You can see the development of a human from a sperm to a zygote to an infant all the way to a fully grown adult.

So if you are to become free at a psychic level, you have to embrace change and seek to ride the waves of change as you reprogram your psychic blueprints.

You have to allow change, with its pains and confusions, to take its course before you can begin thinking about being psychically powerful and free from any type of fear.

However, it takes awareness (mindfulness) and effort to become aware of one’s psychic blueprints that no longer serve them.

First, you need to step out of your routines so you can look at your life through contemplation and self-reflection to become aware of your “psychic scripts.”

Then, you must observe these psychic blueprints without letting them move you off “centre” so that they no longer initiate the automatic psychic responses.

Once you get a grip on this, you then stand a chance to become a conscious programmer of your psyche and can carefully reexamine those blueprints that are preventing you from accessing who you really are because any psychic blueprint that you think is unchangeable can be changed and programmed to your liking.

What does this mean to you?

* It means if you think you were born to be limited by this third dimension, you can reprogram that psychic blueprint and know you have been multidimensional since birth. * If you think you have no psychic abilities, you can program yourself to know you are fully psychic and take great measures to develop them. * If you think you can’t psychically seduce someone because some “God” is waiting to punish you, you can reprogram that and believe there is no “God” who is waiting to punish you for exploring the mysteries of the cosmos that they created themselves. * If you are scared of the unseen world and think some demons or angels are out to get you, you can simply change that and believe there is nothing out there to get you other than the fear of the unknown that was programmed into you by religious beliefs. * If you think you are not sexy or don’t have psychic magnetism, you can change that and cultivate that magnetism in you because you already have it.

* If you think you can’t be a proficient psychic seduction practitioner, you can program yourself to believe and accept the changes that you have to go through to become even more proficient.

The list goes on and on.

This may sound unrealistic, but it is true.

You can change your psychic blueprints to those that cause you to think in high vibrations without any limitations or fears of the unknown whatsoever!

Enter Mindfulness!

Mindfulness is probably one of the most ancient practices that you have to 
practice in order to see through your automated psychic blueprints and reprogram yourself because it can help you access alpha and theta brain wave states that make psychic reprogramming possible.

When you feel really in tune with your inner world, you can then begin reprograming yourself so you can be in any way you want to be and let your soul come more online in the process to free yourself from the many psychic prejudices that were programmed to make you believe you are someone who is limited, with no power to create their reality, let alone think positively about their rich sexuality, psychic seduction abilities, and the unseen dimensions.

Many people who hate practices such as mindfulness have this misconception that one must sit in complicated positions and burn incense while chanting mantras in foreign languages to no end.

This is further from the truth, as mindfulness is our natural state.

We just need to re-enter ourselves and learn how to live in this state, which is our birthright, where unseen possibilities reside.

We just need to remember to locate it to find our souls in the deeper chambers of our secret havens.

Mindfulness comes in many forms; it could be taking a walk without your phone and getting really deep into your core self as you walk in solitude.

It could be reading a good book or just doing your house chores, as long as you get to see through the psychic programs that cause you to see your world in cliches.

Of course, psychic seduction is another form of mindfulness because you get to access your soul and see through your psychic blueprints as you drill through the unseen realities of the cosmos and ditch your former self.

Every form of mindfulness allows the brain time to stop and think without distraction, and in return, it allows the wisdom of the soul to come to the surface.

It allows you to dive within and discover your real yourself!

I find that after my mindfulness practices, I have more clarity about who I am at a soul level.

When I start thinking more as a program with no choice, I may start thinking normal and lose most of the psychic wisdom that comes with diving in.

I notice my soul’s evolution gets stunted because I end up thinking rigidly.

You have to dive deep within, discover those psychic limitations that need changing, and reprogram yourself over time.

You don’t need to be like a robot that only does what it’s programmed to do by its manufacturer.

I know it’s easier said than done because nothing comes easy, but you have to be persistent to actually see the fruits of your efforts.

The results of practicing mindfulness to see change can range from 21 days to 60 and even years, depending on how deep your outdated psychic programming is.

Beware Of Homeostasis.

Do you know what homeostasis is?

I got you if you live under a rock.

Homeostasis, from the Greek words for “same” and “steady,” refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.

It has had useful applications in major fields of study especially psychology.

It refers to how a person under conflicting stresses and motivations can try to maintain a stable psychological condition.

As you can see, before you reprogram yourself successfully, homeostasis will fight back and resist the change because your mind will give you feelings, thoughts, and ways of seeing things that are in line with your stronger psychic condition.

This is why the vast majority of people who try to reprogram themselves end up quitting after a few failures when homeostasis shows up.

However, you must not be scared of it because it seems to be the rule when it comes to any system in nature.

Everything has to go through changes to transcend its former self.

Our brains and psychic blueprints themselves are subject to the same laws, where one has to go over and over the reprogramming processes before they experience long-lasting changes.

It’s important to not see homeostasis as something bad; in fact, it is the very thing that keeps you alive.

Your brain and psychic programming would not work without it because after all you have to have a certain base about who you are even when it’s not a true reflection of the real you.

Always keep in mind that homeostasis doesn’t differentiate between beneficial or unproductive programming.

Its only goal is to preserve what worked in the past, even if what worked is dysfunctional in the long term because it’s habitual in its operations.

Hence, the art of successfully reprogramming yourself is to skilfully sidestep the alarm bells of homeostasis and overcome them through persistence and a will to become a better version of yourself, where you learn to swim upstream against its heavy currents, so to speak.

Learn to benefit from homeostasis to keep evolving!

Parting Shots!

In any life endeavour, it’s not only hard work that brings progress and freedom; it’s actually our blueprints, more so our blueprints at the psychic level, because it’s where they start pulling the strings that create reality, which take away our ability to think and do beyond them.

We then lose our ability to procreate with the cosmos and become robots that only think about psychic limitations and fears of the unseen.

To unlock the possibilities that psychic seduction has to offer and access your soul, you must first reprogram your psyche, and an ancient tool like mindfulness is the best because it gives you the ability to be a student of your psyche.

However, it takes consistent evolution and never-ending reprogramming for one to eventually free themselves from any psychic constraints!

It is like going to the gym and building your body the way you want, where you have to keep pushing and adding more weights to build more muscles.

Mind training and psychic reprogramming go hand in hand and are what link everything together to give you full access to your soul.

Without firm control of mind and reprogramming of your psychic blueprints, you aren’t able to navigate your soul’s journey consciously,” as you become the victim of your past programming that no longer serves you.

Reprogramming the psyche is the key to becoming a conscious creator of your reality!

If you ask me, this is one of the most interesting journeys that you should be happy to embark on with patience and dedication and soul bravery, because, when you begin seeing beyond, you will meet the real master, who will hand you new maps of your new environment, where limitations and fear don’t exist.

The maps will show you the way and take you around to make you see how powerful and vast you are.

I bet you will be ready and fully equipped to drill more into the fabrics of this cosmos and return to where you came from, as the divine intends you to!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next:How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep. 


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