Psychic Investment In Psychic Seduction|True Intimacy.

By Tomas · Sep 15, 2024
Psychic Investment In Psychic Seduction|True Intimacy. picture

Let’s say you are a man coming out of a library after doing some research on AI to find aliens when you come across a woman who strikes a cord in you and decide to go over to introduce yourself, blah blah, and find you click.

You then ask her to please come and sit down with you on the chairs outside the library so you can know each other better.

You both sit down, at the moment, you’re just both talking about some silly stuff and flirting.

Either way, having anything with this woman you’ve just met still feels light-years away; in fact, you’ve only just learned her name but you want something more with her.

As you're talking ,eyes boring into her,you can sense some reciprocity,when you touch her shoulder she is open,after talking for a few minutes you give each other a warm hug as you part ways in the hope that you will meet over the weekend.

When you invest properly in a courtship,you let the other know you like them but you also expect them to invest some effort  to move it forward either to a date or the bedroom or whatever.

In this post I dive deep into what psychic investment is in psychic seduction and how to invest properly to unlock the doorways to the secret havens of your target's soul where deep fantasies and erotic desires reside.

Let's dive in...

Investment In Psychic Seduction...

Before I go further let me briefly explain what I mean by "investment" in psychic seduction.

It's very simple It's the amount of effort you exert during a courtship/seduction/session like:

• Touching, the more you touch, the higher your investment

• Giving love-the more you give love, the more investment you give and the more invested you become

• Visualizing scenes,when you are the one always initiating them, you are investing more

What most newbies do is get so excited about the possibility of connecting soul to soul with their targets and care so little about the principles of psychic seduction.

It never registers to them that as above so below.

No one can keep chasing someone and think they can seduce that person properly.

Investment(psychic) is one of the steps that you must take into consideration if you want to be a powerful psychic seduction practitioner. 

I made the same mistake in the beginning and in fact when all you do is invest, it ends up being your default approach.

I can go even further and dare to say that the most common pattern many beginners follow when practicing psychic seduction is:

“If I just keep investing i will drive them into a frenzy and they will chase me afterwards.”

They see psychic seduction as a linear process – i.e. a set of techniques or steps that are set in stone.

To some extent, this is true – if you look at it from a micro perspective. But you cannot leave out the big picture – how each step of the process affects the others; or more importantly, how previous steps affect future steps.

This is so critical!
The first few women i psychically seduced, all i ever did was invest, i repeatedly ignored feedback, never expected them to reciprocate, and never "challenged" them to invest.

All my sessions/courtships started off with the possibility of turning our "union" into passion, it would go on for the first few courtships then abruptly they would turn cold. 


This baffled me because I felt them reacting to my touches and love vibes,they would yearn for more of my investments(I would give more) but eventually my courtships would go nowhere.

I recall one woman I gave my whole self to, obviously I was over investing and she wasn't investing.

She was and is still one of the most beautiful women I ever seduced psychically.

I met her at the gym and asked for her numbers and exchanged some few texts here and there while courting her psychically and over text rather sparingly(I was experimenting) 

She was quite open over text and all that.

But I couldn't get her out on a date,she was not outright rejecting but came up with a lot of excuses.

Well I persisted with my normal psychic courting routine for sometime about two months.

One day when I checked her whatsApp status and she had flown to another city and when i followed her story she was there to visit a man who had paid for her trip.

Out of desperation i exerted more effort, by now i was doing longer sessions and nothing changed.

After a few weeks of doing the same thing ignorantly and getting desperate with every session,I reached out to her via WhatsApp to set up a date again and she told me we can't meet up blah blah.

I don't want to lie I did quit psychic seduction for quite sometime.

After much reflection and the desire to figure it, It occurred to me(after more numerous failures after her)that one of my sticking points was over investment.I was reaching my targets but not that powerful.

Notice I said not that powerful. 

It does have an effect on the target but it lacks the pull that they can't resist and overtime it ends up igniting resistance and repelling them especially if they are on the fence about you.

Great soul to soul chemistry((psychic chemistry) occurs when there is tension.

The more you over invest the more you loosen the pull,the more you loosen it, the more you tend to fail to bring them into your seduction dance to come and dance with you.

When you over invest you lose balance and revert to a weaker state of mind.

You ignore your state control and fail to calibrate to create a pull that keeps reeling them to you.

Yeah...on odd occasions you can win a target this away especially if the seduction is a short one but the odds are rare to be honest.

Don't feel bad if you fail to create this pull, this happens to everyone because learning about soul connections takes time to understand.(no finish line)

You won’t be able to strike this balance from the start.

You may be able to sense where the balance is, but you won’t be able to tune to it.

Or you may not even be able to sense it accurately as a beginner.

Too Much Of Everything Is Wrong.

When you keep over investing you lose your state control, block psychic information coming to you, fail to calibrate and end up disregarding psychic dynamics of the courtship.

If you keep investing and ignoring the principles of psychic seduction. They get drawn to you and eventually get pushed away.

It's like when you are in a relationship with someone (conventionally),when they keep supplicating and not challenging you you end up getting bored.

I should be saying I get bored I don't know about you.

Seduction is like a dance,it is a two way street, and if you are the one consistently giving, sooner or later you’re going to push them away even if they liked you in the beginning.

Balanced Investment from both parties is crucial in psychic seduction, and you must do a good job maintaining it.

On  the flip.. if all you do is ignite them to invest, and offer zero of investment of your own, the seduction loses its balance too.

They can sense that imbalance at a soul level, at that point, and they get overwhelmed and dissociate themselves.

What do you do them..?

Better Invest Lesser ...
You have to find a middle ground and avoid both extremes.

However,there are generally two distinct reactions to this advice:

#1.“Wow, you mean when I invest less my courtships will be powerful?"

This is great news!”

#2.“Invest less? Nah,I love them I have to ambush them with love all the time."

When you are the type of person that wants to invest all the time, you must teach yourself to adjust, unless you are advanced and can maintain your state control.

You can't just chase all the time, you want them to sense your magnetic presence and yearn for it instead of sensing some chasey vibes.

How to invest lesser?

When you sense the connection flowing you must take one step back and decipher feedback then challenge them to chase after your affections.

You do this by giving them those few "highs" for a while and after some mingling you let them come to you with everything they have by giving them the starring wheel.

This is one way to maintain powerful state control and impeccable calibration!

Investing less while maintaining state control ignites their soul to seduce you and fill the void that you can only fulfill.

How can they feel fulfilled?

By chasing your presence!

When you approach your seductions this way, you calibrate easier,and they hand you the keys to the secret havens of their erotic desires and deep soul fantasies.

You will be surprised how deep your target is when you approach them this way..!

Women have some really wild and beautiful fantasies!(since I am man).

When you don't take a step back and reel them into your seduction dance you will never see the depths of their soul.

The thing to keep in mind about over investing:You loosen tension,lose your State Control heck you can't even Calibrate properly because you can't decipher psychic information to manage the psychic dynamics of the seduction/courtship.

When To Invest More..

There are times when you must invest more.

I don't like rules worse rigidity.

Sometimes you must invest more.

The times I’d say it makes sense to be upping your  investment include:

• Facing resistance obviously you can invest more to blow up resistance as long as you don't lose your state control. 

• If the seduction is flowing and balanced and you can sense reciprocity you can press more gas to take the seduction to a new high.

• If they are under your spell and are yearning to be ambushed don't hold back fullfill them with everything you have..i.e be a good lover.

Facing Resistance..

#1.When facing resistance and overcoming it in a smooth manner always swings the pendulums of the seduction to your favor.

However when facing resistance and you over invest and lose your state control, you risk pushing them away.

It's more like when you break up with your partner and chase, beg them to come back to you. 

Does that normally work?

Nah, in most cases it pushes them away because it signals a loss of self control and weakness which both signal desperation.

It's the same with psychic seduction when facing resistance you don't want to over investing for longer periods.

The reason being when you over invest it's nearly impossible to not lose your alpha state(mindset) and revert to desperation unless you can do that which in such a case you are a rare individual.

It only helps when you over invest while maintaining your state control as a tactic, when you can sense that resistance is not that firm and not persistent and are ble to approach it in an alpha mindset.

You can read this post about overcoming resistance.

#2.If the courtship is flowing and they are investing back, then you can also increase your levels of investment so the seduction flows smoothly.

However you don't want to get carried away by such waves of blissful exchanges because it's very easy to end up losing your "state control" and your ability to calibrate.

There is a thin line between leading the seduction forward smoothly and reverting to neediness.It's very subtle and makes a huge difference, and when you don't over invest you avoid both extremes.

#3.Sometimes your target is so relaxed and open that all they yearn for is your presence.

No matter what you do when you ignite them to invest they just want you to invest. 

They take your "hands" and direct your touches to certain erotic regions and you can "see them" and sense their erotic desires shooting off their skull yearning for more of your investment.

When this is the case then give them the best soul experience ever.

Press on the gas..!

Poke their pussy with a dick the size of a "devil" if that's what they desire..

If they want slow erotic touches all over their body and mind blowing kisses offer them.

I noticed they hardly invest when they are tired, when they don't have the energy to chase. Or for whatever reason..

However when this becomes more of a common occurrence you must flip the script and challenge them to pursue you while you do nothing or investing lesser.

It's A Wrap!

Investing is not bad... it’s just that most beginners use it to excess and haven’t learned how to balance and calibrate their investments properly.

Don't fret you will learn as you garner experience to know when to adjust your investment, your intuition/soul will lead you, and help you calibrate with the dances of your seductions which can take different possibilities all the time.

You want to be investing somewhere around 30-50% as much as them basically.

That means you’re investing not quite as much, but it’s reasonably close. They can feel the pull but it's not so strong that it overwhelms them but it keeps reeling them anyways.

That's the balance you must aim for!

If they are the ones dancing while you are watching on the side not joining in they will feel that disparity and try to protect themselves by resisting.(obviously this happens overtime as you keep doing the same thing).

You want them to invest more than you, but not such a big disparity that it causes them to feel drained and desperate.

If you not giving them some of your affections they will find a way to dissociate themselves from the connection.

By offering them your affections properly they enjoy the dance without feeling desperate after all you are part of the dance.

The key is to not over invest-it’s a big part that makes your seductions super smooth and  seductive; you don’t need to be the one sweating too much during the dance for your target to enjoy it.

Instead they must feel you being part of it, enjoy its twists and turns until they take them to lala land if that's what you want.

As a beginner, you generally won’t be able to do this unless you already have a healthy connection with your soul and understand its languages, its promptings and can maintain proper state control and calibration.

Keep this in mind; the objective here isn’t to tell you not to invest; it’s to tell you to tune your psychic investment lower enough so you can retain your state control, decipher psychic information precisely so you can calibrate to manage the dynamics of the seduction better.

However,sometimes it means persisting a bit by investing more . When this happens be the best lover you can ever be.

Other times it just means backing off when your target is not interested during a courtship or it just means investing as little as you can so they can invest more.

All this must not lead you into thinking you must follow these guidelines with rigidity, what it means THOUGH is OVER INVESTMENT doesn't normally work in your favor because you end up losing your state control and fail to develop a soul to soul connection that can cause them to become obsessed over you with all they have.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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