A Veteran Psychic Seduction Approach|Three Other Approaches To Know

By Tomas · Sep 4, 2024
A Veteran Psychic Seduction Approach|Three Other Approaches To Know picture

A watch is a watch because it has time, and time ticks from seconds to minutes up to hours, and who gets to see it?

Developing psychic seduction abilities is about investing time and effort.

A minute is better than a second because, in that minute, you develop something.

You can wish all you want to become proficient, but if you don't develop your psychic seduction abilities consistently, all your potential goes in vain.

A person who is less talented can achieve more proficiency than you.

Every person who wants to develop their psychic seduction abilities must find ways to sharpen and polish them to awaken their potential.

There are people who seem to think that because they took practiced a few times on their own, they should achieve powerful results as someone who has been practicing for months to a years or decade plus.

It doesn't always go like this because there are many nuances to learn by going to the often mysterious field.

Since I started coaching psychic seduction, I have always encountered four kinds of approaches that many practitioners use, including how they struggle to pass through the levels and how they end up becoming truly proficient.

In this piece, I untangle each one and give you deep insights about developing your psychic seduction abilities throughout the levels until you unlock the veteran level where you can "dial" literally anyone,anywhere around the globe in 17 seconds.

Without wasting any of your time.

Let's dive in.

Four Types Of Psychic Seduction Approaches Are:

1.The Buzzing Psychic Seduction Approach 

2.The Binging Psychic Seduction Approach 

3.The Pro-Psychic Seduction Approach 

4.The Veteran Psychic Seduction Approach 

The Buzzing Psychic Seduction Approach.

Read about any martial arts warrior, and you'll find he didn't practice once to become powerful physically, mentally, and psychically. He didn't buzz it to get a quick result in a day.

You can go and ask any man who is good in any vocation how much effort he puts into his pursuit toward mastery, and every single one of them will tell you It's a process.

The buzzing approach is for beginners who want microwave results, which can bring them results by chance but it doesn't lead to true proficiency because they don't have solid foundations to build on.

When you are on a mission to develop and awaken your native psychic seduction abilities, you learn by going through the process of change that begins to unveil the storehouse of your psychic seduction abilities.

I can't begin to understand how someone can practice for two sessions and complain that psychic seduction doesn't work.

This type of a beginner is a just buzzing and is all about quick fixes, and is mostly unrealistic in their approach hence their results leave them dejected.

You can go and check on Google or YouTube.

There are many scams by coaches who promise over-night success if you only listen to their guided meditations.

They benefit from people who don't want to accept that psychic seduction abilities develop over time, just like other abilities.

They benefit from people who are buzzing this practice.

There is nothing you can develop in a day or two and expect to be good in.

If a man can wake up and go to the gym to develop muscles consistently, then what makes you think you can buzz psychic seduction because you came across a guided meditation by someone and tried it a few times before quitting?

It doesn't turn out like that!

You have to leave the mindset of a buzzing practitioner behind if you want to develop your psychic seduction abilities to a higher level.

Binging Psychic Seduction Approach.

 A binging psychic seduction approach is similar to a young man who falls in love with a toy; he plays with it night and day.

He fiddles with things through trial and error ,and still has the vigor to keep developing, even when he doesn't know where his efforts may lead him. 

His greatest strengths are dedication and faith. 

He may stumble back and forth, but he keeps moving forward.

Even when he doesn't understand how psychic dynamics work,how to decipher psychic information and calibrate, he is eager to learn and develop; hence, he never stops questioning.

This approach is not normal; hence, a practitioner who chooses it ends up developing his psychic abilities fiercely. 

It's an approach that can challenge you to push against the odds to learn and develop psychically.

A binging approach is far better than the buzzing approach, but it has many disadvantages that can turn your life upside down.

Come to think of it...):

If you go to the gym rigorously and overtrain, you eventually decide to go holistically, with rest periods in between.

 You also eat proper diet. 

You begin to take into consideration proper form and powerful lifting techniques.

Over time, your gains grow in leaps and bounds.

The problem with a binging approach is similar to overtraining in muscle development. It leads to a lot of downfalls that end up becoming big problems later on.

#1: You end up using the same ineffective techniques over and over again, which lead to rigidity. 

#2: You become obsessed, and everything comes to a standstill because you want to figure out everything at once.

Which is impossible.

#3: You become susceptible to all kinds of confirmation biases, which may hold no ground and can lead you astray for years if you don't learn to take a step back or book an expert like me.

#4: You end up losing a lot of intuitive connection with yourself because of psychic debris that you accumulate along the way.

So on and so forth.

There are many disadvantages to mention, and most of them lead to a lot of stagnation, but they are normal and can be catalysts for more psychic development. 

If you are still using this approach, you must be prepared to develop discipline to overcome its disadvantages with moderation and a bit of nonchalance.

The abilities you develop when you give everything, though, are what end up making a binging practitioner a pro.

The Pro-Psychic Seduction Approach.
This is an approach that you don't even practice every day.

You may go for days without practicing only to come to a session and reach your target with precision within seconds and connect in a way where you are now the observer of this whole "psychic interaction" playing out in your mental activity.

You know when to invest and when to calibrate your psychic influences; you know when to ambush a target and when to try out new things.

When you experience resistance, you give yourself room to experiment and see how you can tweak your approach.

A pro approach doesn't require massive efforts to overcome challenges because a practitioner has the backing of.

Like a mechanic, he may not know the whole configuration of an engine, yet he knows if it doesn't have the power to climb a hill, then it must be the carburetor or it's the engine plugs.

He has many experiences under his belt where his old cars experienced mechanical problems in no man's land without any AA help and still figured out a way to develop his own configurations.

He has been around, and challenges have pushed him to think on the move and make things work, even if it means going back to his manual and going through it from newer, fresher perspectives.

However A pro using this approach is cautious and sometimes resistant to leaving everything he knows behind, which is one of the disadvantages that a practitioner encounters when he uses this approach and.......

#1:He may end up resting on cliches and avoiding discarding revelations that no longer serve him.
#2:He may not be strong enough to deal with the complexity of his newly awakened "world," which is as vast as the amazon rainforest. 
#3: He may not want to believe he is multi dimensional. 

#4: A pro approach may mislead you into thinking you are invincible; hence, when you exert less effort and fail, you don't want to question the whys.

So on and so forth.

A pro approach is far better, but it does have a lot of rough edges to refine to reach a far more powerful level of proficiency.

The Veteran Approach In Psychic Seduction.

Can you recall an old man who still goes out and has some fun at a bar with his old friends?

He drinks, yet he doesn't go overboard in his drinking escapades or chase every woman who shows interest.

He is aware of his potency; he has it. He can have friends who want to bing shot after shot of Brandy and chase every woman who flirts with them, but he doesn't because he knows himself. He has over the years developed discipline.

Binging and pro approaches in psychic seduction combined work because here you are still pushing for the unknown, stripping yourself, developing your abilities, and experiencing those aha moments.

However, as a veteran, you binge and use the proverbial wisdom of hard knocks.

You binge and test, meet the target, talk with them, smile if you have to, and eventually have a 3D relationship with them. 

You just know psychic seduction is powerful beyond understanding.

You know you can psychically connect, find some psychic information about your target, and decide to choose a different approach when needed.

A psychic seduction veteran is a master of developing psychic seduction abilities in moderation, and he accepts that some things are just beyond his control because he accepts he is also human but he accepts there are more terrains he has to explore to get to the core of himself hence he crushes most of the cliches on his way.

The veteran approach is a good one. 

This is an approach that I use daily to improve more, unlock most of my psychic seduction abilities, and awaken my soul missions because I know there is a higher purpose in my life beyond women.

Why should you spend these powerful abilities chasing after love alone instead of becoming a powerful soul altogether?

Wrap Up..

You can read everything about a car, but if you don't take the time to learn how to drive, you can never begin to start the engine, even when it has a start button.

Developing psychic seduction abilities is not a one-way sprint where you connect positive and negative, and boom, you are in cruise mode while driving on the autobahn in Germany.

This doesn't happen as often as some portray.

You do have to follow your soul inclinations to master them; if they don't resonate with you, they're probably not part of your design.

The buzzing psychic seduction approach is for beginners who want quick fixes in a short space of time.

Binging psychic seduction practitioners are fun to work with and progress easily because they are eager to learn, even though they may tend to obsess a lot. 

They do eventually develop a holistic approach toward their development.

They learn by staggering forward until they develop discipline and practice their psychic abilities in a more cohesive manner.

Once they unlock the pro level, a veteran level awaits them. They no longer run around like headless chickens; they know who to psychically seduce and why.

A veteran psychic seduction practitioner looks for meaningful psychic connections more than everything else; he wants to know who he is and what is in store for him.

In fact,he believes the human race needs to develop psychic abilities to overcome all the dating challenges that it's currently facing and take human potential to the next level of its evolution.

These are the psychic seduction approaches that many choose, and if reach the pro and veteran stages, you are sure to reach a level where no one can be out of your reach (if you are working on yourself in other areas of your life, of course).

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Developing Intuition In psychic-seduction


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