Psychic Seduction Proficiency Levels| Traps To Avoid.

By Tomas · Aug 31, 2024
Psychic Seduction Proficiency Levels| Traps To Avoid. picture

Most beginners who discover psychic seduction don’t taste the fruits of real success because they get stuck somewhere along the line.

What stage are you at, and how can you progress? 

Have you started?

Many practitioners who book my services get to a level where they attract their targets, but very few reach their full potential because they stop somewhere.

Why is that so, and what can you do about it?

This post is only directly geared toward intermediates and up, but I still recommend everyone read it. 

It also gives knowledge about potential future traps and enables one to avoid them in advance and do fewer stupid things to themselves than I did in my novice years.

Let's get to it!

Two Levels of Proficiency.

There can be said to be two major breakthroughs in the development of a practitioner from someone who is a beginner to being proficient in psychic seduction.

The first breakthrough is actually having a grasp of techniques and having an open link with their intuition while getting some positive feedback.

A commonly observed scenario is a practitioner who improves up to a level where they attract their target and manifest whatever outcome they might have with them, but then stops improving without really figuring out how the practice actually works.

They reach a “limit,” which tends to be rather permanent—where they stick to their mediocre approach without evolving and adding more weapons to it.

This caliber does get some 
success but may start self-sabotaging when faced by a challenging courtship, as they often lack the required reference experiences to be fluid like water and apply the correct application for that particular target without falling into desperation and obsession.

However, to reach this level is, of course, a tremendous improvement and psychological relief for any practitioner who had not seen how powerful they could be.

This caliber of practitioners experience the first breakthrough, but few experience the second because most do not have strong enough incentives to figure this stuff out in order to reach the next level. 

The second breakthrough: This is a practitioner that gets to a level where they have consistent results with different targets they really desire and are able to achieve that consistently, which is always a signal that one has reached more or less a higher level of proficiency.

There are, however, two categories of practitioners who will reach the second breakthrough:

The first consists of a practitioner who has natural talent in psychic abilities.

This practitioner usually gets amazing results; they seem to have an uncanny ability to grap its nuances pretty fast.

In most cases, if it is a man, it is usually someone who has life on top of his psychic seduction abilities.

His development evolves fast because he is always experimenting and refining his social skills in the process.

He only has to avoid a few traps that I outline below and must only avoid making the worst mistakes in order to get to the level.

The other are average practitioners in terms of talent with an extraordinary willingness to improve and figure it out like me.

When starting out, I never had any recognizable psychic ability because I was never into any psychic stuff, but when I stumbled upon psychic seduction in 2010, I sort of got the bug and went through a lot of evolutions throughout the years where I attracted some people and fell on my face many times because I felt into some of the pitfalls I touch on below.

It was during those times that I learned how to breakthrough stagnations and keep reaching higher and higher levels of proficiency.

In this path, there are multiple interrelated traps on the road from first to the second level and higher, especially for the average practitioner without any extraordinary abilities.

These are:

1. God likes grandiose.
2.Danger Of Obsession.
3. The Problem of Inflation.

God like grandiose.

A big trap that holds a lot of practitioners is usually concerned with cultivating a grandiose outlook of their discovered psychic seduction abilities. 

Godlike grandiosity is mostly not based on solid reference points and is not backed by true proficiency.

It usually stems from fear of finding out that their techniques are not better than those of others, hence the grandiosity you experience when you talk about this practice with such individuals.

This mindset prevents them from learning from others because they have a very hard time admitting their method might need some fine tuning somewhere.

As a consequence, they struggle to reach the upper echelons because they don't take criticism well.

God-like grandiose is ripe in communities where like-minded people share information about psychic seduction.

Many of such practitioners are so insecure about their methods being challenged that they close off to new information.

It is then very easy for them to become arrogant know-it-alls when they finally get some success.

The fact is most of the material out there about psychic seduction skims the surface and leaves the base unexplored.

The material is often not geared toward more difficult problems like accessing the shadow, reprogramming the self, understanding psychic dynamics and frequencies, etc.

A bit of success and validation on top of such a fragile foundation is a recipe for creating practitioners with godlike grandiosity.

A godlike grandiose practitioner is still a kind of improvement over someone who is not getting any results at all.

In fact, it is good to believe highly, but it can cause someone to stop learning because they think they have "arrived."

In this practice, there is no finish line!

This caliber of practitioners may be “rewarded” by attracting an ex or crush for making superficial fixes on top of fundamentally flawed thought and behavior patterns, but it can get them stuck on a level below their real potential, as they do not address what is really holding them back and often not even admit that they haven't reached proficiency yet.

When their grandiosity is challenged by reality, they tend to rationalize their failures or even project their conformation biases to protect their ego. 

This is because it goes against their godlike mental persona that doesn't exist yet.

As a related side note, something even worse exists: novices who do not get results at all yet who have expended so much effort that they are heavily invested in their malfunctioning techniques.

They also tend to be stubbornly resistant to even constructive criticism because they know it all.

Solution: Sometimes you need to scrap your old view or model of the world in order to progress. 

You do not regret doing such a “reset” now and then.

It's best to address as much as possible your ego inflations, as it may become even harder to admit you need to make fundamental changes both in your techniques and life as a whole.

Danger Of Obsession.

Obsession can be a powerful motivator but is a double-edged sword.

Practitioners obsessed with developing psychic seduction are often more motivated and driven to succeed.

I’ve always been an obsessive person myself.

Pretty much got overly intense when developing it.

In other areas of my life, obsession helps me achieve most of my goals.

I’ve been obsessed with many projects throughout my life. My obsession has really propelled me forward.

But there’s a danger to being obsessed, especially about the issues of the soul.

In 2020, my life started falling apart because of psychic seduction.

My career suffered, my physical and mental health took a hit, and I realized that my obsession had taken over my life.

I ended up experiencing a mental break that took me to a hospital ward for three days straight—another death and rebirth, so to speak (a post for another day).

I knew I needed to learn how to manage my obsession so it wouldn’t continue to control my life because, trust me, there is nothing that leads to obsession than knowing you can literally connect in ultimate bliss with someone you truly love.


If you notice the same tendencies in you.

You can make a conscious effort to channel your obsessive tendencies positively and to learn to detox your mind daily.

You will learn to appreciate the benefits of your obsessive personality while recognizing the need to approach it cautiously.

You will understand that managing your obsession is vital to achieving balance and guide yourself when you start going off the rails.

It sounds easy on paper, but with time it gets easier.

When you happen to get obsessed, be easy on yourself and rechannel your attention to other life interests because, trust me, it can lead to a deep rabbit hole.

The Problem Of Inflation.

When it comes to psychic seduction, creativity is the name of the game.

Inflation is when you are so in love with a certain technique or way of moving the courtship forward that you end up overdoing it.

This can cause a number of different issues:

It can directly bore the living daylights out of you overtime as you keep replaying the same scenarios.

You end up playing a mental tape instead of forming a genuine connection with the target.

Your moves lose impact as your target gets used to them, and they end up resisting psychically or their soul getting bored.

They eventually notice patterns, and all intensity dissipates immediately since they get used to your boring presence.

It's like someone who keeps watching the same old movie. It gets boring the second or third time watching it.

There is a target that I have a strong soul connection with, and I mostly hear her telepathically say things like this is a great series, this is like a Daniel Steel novel, this is amazing blah blah because I am super creative in my courtships of her.

When you approach a courtship like this, you avoid coming across as boring and desperate.

Remember here you are bringing fantasy into their soul, which is double powerful if you ask me!

When you take them into the world of creative fantasies, you start to form an integral part of their soul.

You help them escape their:

1.Mundane existence. 

2.Sexual repression and/or sexual dissatisfaction.

The key is you don’t allow them to get used to your "moves."

"It's like having sex in the 3rd dimension; it gets boring when you keep doing one thing over and over again.

You don't want to appear in their soul as a desperate doormat pretty quickly.

When this happens, there’s no coming back from it if you don't detect it sooner.

Most of the time this results in your approach igniting their psychic defenses, which can be a big problem because if it is the only approach you have, then you would have a harder time spiking their emotions to open up psychically again.

You can still get them this way, especially if it's a short courtship, sure, but if it is a bit longer, it might become more difficult.

Especially if you take into consideration that you might fail to stroke their fantasies just like a well-plotted love story should.


The best one is to bring the courtship to a 3rd reality before you inflate your approaches/scenes.

So after employing a certain application and being sure they are intrigued and open, try to bring the courtship to face-to-face interactions when circumstances present themselves.

This prevents a lot of handicaps; trust me, I've been there, and it just makes things much simpler.

And keep in mind that if you try to get closer smoothly in the 3rd dimension and they show some signs of resistance, you can go back and court them in your sessions again.

This is a good idea because you will get the idea of where you stand and tweak your approach, which will save you a lot of time.

A Few Other Traps To Avoid.

Finally, a seemingly paradoxical issue in developing psychic seduction abilities that relates to many of the points raised above is that many of the practitioners who reach the first level of proficiency are driven by short-term motivations like trying to attract a crush or trying to attract a cold ex or twin flame, etc.

However, it is an advantage to purge oneself of such short-term motivations in order to reach one’s full potential, but this again tends to make practitioners unlikely to practice deliberately after attracting their goals, which tends to stall their progress. 

Solution: You need to do some serious introspection and be very honest with yourself about what your real motivation is.

If the conclusion is that you genuinely want to do something else instead of reaching your full potential as a practitioner, that is totally fine.

Not everybody has the required level of interest in psychic seduction, and in that case it would just be a waste of time to pursue it too far.

If you actually do want to reach it, you will probably have to make some sacrifices in order to stretch yourself often enough where further development may occur and better reference experiences may be accumulated.

You may also have to put in more work in other areas of your life to be an overall better version of yourself.

Sewing The Pierces Together!

We have discussed how there are really two levels of “proficiency” in psychic seduction and that many practitioners never reach the second, even if they reach the first.

Then we went on to discuss how godlike grandiosity arises in the minds of practitioners and how it inhibits them from reaching their full potential.

We then discussed the somewhat related problem of practitioners who have some level of proficiency end up getting obsessed without resetting. 

We touched on the problem of inflation: sometimes you become so in love with a technique or scene like a marriage proposal or any connection-building scene that you overdo it. 

The result of this is that your target gets used to it and gets bored.

Your psychic influences lose their efficacy, so to speak.

The solutions?

Use different applications, and best of all, in my opinion, move for the kill before running out of the material.

After that, we discussed some less severe problems that may distract practitioners from reaching their full potential and that those who wish to do so may need to stretch themselves a bit more to reach unprecedented levels of proficiency.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.


Read Next:Experience Is The Greatest Teacher In psychic-seduction


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