Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories.

By Tomas :12 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. picture

The lure of taking shortcuts is all around us.

Whether it’s the promise of six-pack abs in thirty days, the miracle fruit to melt fat, or the genius pill to boost brain power.

It’s all there!

Just go over the counter and buy this, drink this, or use this love portion, and your desires will be fulfilled without lifting a finger.

We are obsessed with overnight success, and when we have to exert effort, we feel uneasy because, after all, why struggle to get what we want when we can just wish upon a genie and have our wishes come to us?

This is the reason many people decide to live mundane lifestyles and chase after instant gratifications that never bring any sustained happiness.

They try this and quit and do that to also quit it, and the cycle never really ends.

In psychic seduction, there are no quick fixes, no microwave thinking, because there are no quick fixes when one decides to lose weight or build a good physique.

Whoever said that didn’t give you a good map, let alone any solid coaching that can help you become an all-rounded person who can go through stages of psychic development to eventually acquire what psychic seduction abilities can offer you.

In this post, I reveal the stages of psychic seduction development that one goes through when developing psychic seduction abilities and why you should enjoy the process because it’s after you have been through the transformations that you get to know without a doubt that you are deeply powerful.

Without wasting any of your precious time.

Let’s dive in!

But first, let us take a time travel to the times of Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), a great Spanish artist.


Ever heard the story of Pablo Picasso and the napkin?

Legend has it that Picasso was at a Paris market when an admirer approached and asked if he could do a quick sketch on a paper napkin for her. Picasso politely agreed, promptly created a drawing, and handed back the napkin-but not before asking for a million Francs. The lady was shocked. “How can you ask for so much? It took you five minutes to draw this!” “No, ”Picasso replied. “It took me 40 years to draw this in five minutes.”

If you were to read the biographies about Picasso, you would find there were stages when he didn’t know how to even hold a pencil to stages where he could draw effortlessly to produce masterpiece after masterpiece.

It takes time to be good at anything, and to reach a level of proficiency, one needs to practice a lot.

Every person who ever reaches a stage of “competency” must pass through four stages of development that you may be aware of.

Be it a soccer player learning to manipulate a soccer ball in their parent’s backyard to becoming a national hero to a musician who starts singing in the shower to a live audience.

Every talent, skill, and art must be developed, and one must be patient enough to go through the processes that come with transformations; otherwise, it’s impossible to master anything when it’s all about now.

“I want results now, or I am going to try something else.”

Such people never master anything, and they end up becoming sceptical toward people who end up achieving what they failed to achieve.

Let not the thought of practicing or even the mention of a genius like Picasso fret you because you don’t have to put in that effort to get results with psychic seduction.

But if you truly want to be proficient, you must know the realities of developing these psychic seduction abilities.

The Realities of Developing Psychic Seduction Abilities.

When you are aware of the stages you have to go through, you can avoid discouragement instead of believing you just have to practice for a few days to see results.

To really get the benefits that psychic seduction can bring to you, you have to decide to master it, just like Picasso learning to hold a pencil until he could create his most famous paint work, Guernica.

The truth is, if you also want consistent and mind-blowing results, you have to put in the effort.

Every person I know who a proficient psychic seduction is practitioner goes through the four psychic development stages, and I sure went through them.

There is no short cut unless you are an outlier, which is very rare.

And if you think you are one, then good lucky.

Even those with highly advanced psychic seduction abilities by nature still have to practice quite extensively to develop their abilities.

The four stages of psychic seduction development one goes through are similar to those of any other vocation, especially sports, and are:

1.Unconscious Incompetence

2.Conscious Incompetence

3.Conscious Competence

4.Unconscious Competence

You begin from conscious incompetence and move to unconscious competence and possibly mastery over a period of time.

In the beginning, when one decides to develop psychic seduction abilities, they are intrigued.

Their expectations are based on what the books say and often contain an element of idealism.

When they first get into the process of developing these abilities, they may get instant results, but after a while, the process can get frustrating.

They may not understand the intricacies that cause psychic seduction to work efficiently, but they soon realize how much work lies ahead.

The great danger is that they may give in to feelings of failure, boredom, impatience, fear, and confusion.

Feeling like failures and restless, they shut off and become
increasingly sceptical when reality proves them otherwise.

They end up being sceptics who crowd online forums and attack someone like me, saying that there is no such thing as psychic seduction, let alone psychic abilities.

Once they believe their limitations, their psychic development comes to a halt.

These are the same people who think that just because they have practiced three times, they should be more proficient than someone who has been practicing for three months, a year, or even a decade plus.

It’s one big reason there are few masters in every vocation because we are a people who hate taking the shovel and digging the trenches to get that which we desire.

This aside, let us go to the first stage of psychic development.

Stage 1: Uconscious incompetence.

This is a stage when you stumble across this information and are excited to try it out, either to attract a special someone-your crush, an ex, a twin flame, a soulmate, or whatever.

You think about the feelings of being with them and begin connecting.

In your first few days, weeks, or months of practicing it, you get results and may win that person, but your results are inconsistent.

You may start sabotaging your progress because you don’t yet know what you are doing.

But if you are diligent enough, you can detect your areas of incompetence.

Which takes you to stage 2.

Stage 2: Conscious Incompetence

At this stage, you start to get illumination about the little nuances of this process.

I was also struggling to make any noticeable progress around the end of 2013, and I decided to really deconstruct my understanding of psychic seduction.

I reread many books and articles on anything related to psychic seduction and psychic abilities, everywhere.

Whether i was chilling with my friends or alone, i was consistently reading and practicing.

I also increased my sessions, sometimes took breaks in between sessions, and started understanding the basics of being an effective psychic seduction practitioner.

I started seeing improvements in my results, and many women started opening up to me psychically and in the 3rd dimension.

My mind became even more piqued with curiosity, and I wanted to find out more!

That propelled me to experiment more while respecting the basic techniques of the practice.

This stage is the most critical because it’s here that your faith in your untapped psychic potential gets tested.

This stage requires commitment and willpower that pushes you forward in spite of the challenges you experience.

This is the stage that separates those who eventually break into the next stage from those who quit, get back to being normal, and become sceptics.

This stage separates the potential practitioner and the tourist.

Tourists eventually get bored and move on, and some crowd forums tell others that psychic seduction is a scam.

If, on the other hand, you manage your emotions at this stage and allow chance to take its own directives, something remarkable begins to happen.

You continue to observe.
and learn and gain clarity about the rules of this practice, so to speak, and see
how things work and fit together.

You begin to see connections that were invisible to you before.

You slowly gain confidence in your abilities to learn and develop through sheer persistence.

At a certain point, you move from conscious incompetence to conscious competence.

Stage 3: Conscious Competence.

Getting past the previous stage is probably the hardest hurdle to jump, but it is also the most critical.

It is a stage that teaches consistency, patience, letting go, and a more realistic outlook about how things work.

It’s where I managed my emotions through the many plateaus and extended periods of practice that I had to undergo.
To reach conscious competence, you have to keep a beginner mindset and be willing to accept that there are many things that you still have to develop.

At this stage, however, you have an idea of how the ingredients are mixed together to form a delicious pie.

I personally observed my experiments and overall progress at this stage.

I had seen women get obsessed with me in ways I never thought they could.

I had seen the mystical view of the power of psychic seduction, which proved to me that without even expending much effort after a certain time, I unleashed the potential to affect every woman’s emotions and influence the physical world around me.

One example of this is one day while we were out (at a concert) with my friends at night.

I saw this stunning woman coming our way with her boyfriend.

Somehow someone distracted him, and she got left alone in the middle between us and him.

I remotely seduced her live, and to my amazement and that of my friends, she came over to me and said, “I like you,” with a sexy look.

We have to get to know each other.

She was a stranger, and there was nothing fancy about me!

My friends didn’t know why she did that because I don’t tell them about this practice even to this day, but I knew why.

Well, her boyfriend came and took her away from us.

However, there was this other day I will never forget when I was taking a 7-hour trip back home by bus with my brother.

It was a festive season.

I seem to get lucky when taking a bus; in most cases, a beautiful woman sits next to me, even during my time working at the university as an electrical engineer.

On this day, we were sitting in the back seat with my brother on the far right; on the far left was some old woman, while I sat in between. By chance, in came a beautiful woman who sat next to me.

She was exactly my type; in fact, she was a doppelganger of a special someone I was courting psychically.

When the bus finally departed around 7 in the evening, my brother, who was drinking, passed out, and the old woman, who seemed tired, also fell asleep.

I was now left with her.

We talked a bit about general stuff, then after some time we ran out of things to talk about.

In fact, she had told me that she had gone out the previous night with friends, so she was also a bit tired, so I didn’t want to probe.

I just let the conversation die.

I started connecting with her psychically.

Instantly, I could sense that she was open to my advances from the start.

Since our bodies were touching, she asked why my body was so warm.

I asked her if she didn’t want us to touch; she said she was just asking.

I let the conversation die again.

I continued psychically connecting; she started becoming restless.

She would subtlety move her hips as I was “rubbing” her clitoris psychically.

I kept psychically escalating until I could feel that she was really getting super “excited and throbbing.”

By now, her head was laying on my shoulder, feeling drowsy (I had given her permission earlier, but I had told her she would pay, blah blah).

To cut a long story short, we ended up exchanging numbers when we reached our destination.

We met a couple of days later, and she was surprised as to what happened on the bus.

She confessed that something like that had never happened in her life, blah blah.

I just knew my influences ignited that spark that night.

I knew right there that I was somehow competent in this practice.

Since then, I have lost count of similar experiences, be they it live or remotely.

At this stage, you are like one skinny dude who decided to lift weights hard for some time and now is standing in front of the mirror enjoying his gains, he has some really good physique but he still knows where his weaknesses are, and he is more motivated to improve them.

Here, you can’t chill; otherwise, you lose some of your gains.

You still need to focus intently on your progress, even though you see undeniable progress.

Stage 4: Unconscious Competence

This is really the stage that I like because here it’s no longer much more about ignorantly following techniques but more about the soul.

It is a stage where you move with the flow of sessions because the soul is in charge.

With unconscious competence, conscious employment of techniques is no longer needed to do sessions (most of the time).

Yes, techniques help because they are the basics and must be respected, but at this stage, you don’t rely much on them.

By this stage, some nuances are second nature you just do what you have to do because your soul knows better.

This stage is like diving deeper into the depths of an ocean, where there is tranquillity.

At this level of the sea, one is able to see the movement of the waves on the surface, but they are unmoved because they are absorbed in what they do.

This is a thoughtless state, often called the flow state- a gateway to the deeper operations of the soul.

This is a level where people do things that seem impossible to others.

This is because once you can unlock this level, you automatically get access to higher levels of insights and your soul’s expression (creativity).

When you read about great men and women who made huge discoveries, one thing is clear: they always thank this unknown force that led them to their discoveries which is just the soul in our lay man terms.

Once you are at this stage telepathy, remote viewing, telepathic sex, intuition and many other psychic abilities are all easy to access and use to their outmost level.

How to Go from Conscious Competence to Unconscious Competence.

The assumption is that to go from conscious competence to unconscious competence, you have to put forth a lot of effort and “practice hard” is partly true because, after all, you can’t reach unconscious competence without putting in the work, but on the flip side, you must be willing to let go to reach unconscious competence.

I don’t want you to think that to reach this stage you must practice like crazy; in fact, what i learned it can be counterproductive because it leads to rigidity and outright burnout.

When working with the issues of the soul and natural practices, one has to be open and holistic to not follow too much popular advice about their evolution.

An attitude of putting in the effort but with a mindset of non-attachment is the way.

When you let go of tension, that’s when you make way for more growth.

At the start of the development, you are truly excited, but as you follow the advice of always working harder and harder, your sessions start to become rigid.

You find yourself dreading sessions, and the harder you try, the more inner tension you create, and this frustrates you even more.

The key to all of this is finding the right balance to be able to practice and let go when the soul permits.

You find that after following this simple holistic strategy, sessions start to be more energized and enjoyable.

Hence unconscious competence in psychic seduction must be chased, not chased.

It’s paradoxical.

It’s actually when you reach the point where you think you’re never going to make it that the transformation unfolds to the deeper secrets about it.

Patch Up.

The information relayed above must not worry you, for the unconscious competence level is available to all.

With simple strategies, you can develop psychic seduction abilities to unlock a great lifestyle that allows you to get the special someone(s) you truly want and understand their drives, motives toward you, and their darkest fantasies.

When your soul is in a harmonious state with your mind, you open a gateway to the interconnectedness of the cosmos to a state where space and time no longer exist.

A state of unconditional love, joy, and outright fulfilment, and sometimes chaos.

We are all designed to walk a path toward self-mastery, which eventually unlocks who and what we can be.

This is a great journey of self-discovery, if you ask me!

I don’t know about you!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. 


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