Push Pull Is Psychic Seduction's Silver Bullet|How To Get Them Obsessed.

By Tomas · Sep 13, 2024
Push Pull Is Psychic Seduction's Silver Bullet|How To Get Them Obsessed. picture

Ever read the art of seduction by Robert Greene?

Robert in the book says there is no real seduction without some form of resistance for whatever reason.

Be it the target is in a serious relationship.

They are not interested or they have some reservations about developing a connection with you.

All in all there are few ideal courtships that slide effortlessly from a hi into an embrace, into a date,into bed, and into sexual ecstasy.

Sadly we all have to deal with some form of resistance to win our targets in one way or the other.

Since this work is geared toward psychic seduction, I will not touch on the nuances of normal seduction to deal with resistance.

Instead in this post I give some secret technique that I borrowed from normal seduction incorporated it and experimented a lot to get to the secrets I will share with you.

With wasting time.

Lets dive in..

Push Pull Technique In Normal Seduction.

Ever heard about push pull technique in seduction?

I first stumbled upon this technique when I was struggling to win a woman who was playing hot and cold with me.

I discovered pick up artists were using it as one of the most powerful tools in their asernal to spike attraction and develop sexual tension.

Later when I started practicing psychic seduction and trying to win some target who was playing hot and cold i incorporated it to this practice.

Generally push pull is about sending mixed signals like in any dance, there is a push, and a pull.

Imagine a man and a woman dancing with the other orchestring the moves to keep the rhythm.

If the man is leading the dance he knows when to pull her in and when to push her away to keep things moving forward effortlessly.

In a normal seduction the idea behind this technique alternates between pushing the person away by playing a bit coy and pulling them back in by showing interest,creating a dynamic that can be intriguing and stimulating.

Push Pull forms an integral part of seduction,infact it is one of the most important techniques to understand and have in your asernal,and put into practice.

Now to the juice..!

How To Incorporate Push Pull Into Psychic Seduction Approach.

Incorporating it your arsenal doesn't require you change most of your normal approach, infact even if you are a beginner you can "flirt" with it.

Psychic Seduction is just like any seduction when you are connected with the target it becomes a face to face courtship/seduction where a target can decipher when you push or pull.

1.The push is when you push your target away from you psychically either by ignoring the target or with holding your psychic investments

2.The pull is when you pull them back in psychically giving them some of your attention, warm vibes and complete intimacy.

Whenever you pull a person into you(sharing good vibes) … and then push them away(with holding good vibes)... and then pull them in... and so on, you're creating inside them a dynamic that causes them to seek you out with all they have.

We all "attach to" those that give us a wide array of emotions.

They play hot and cold.

They are coquettes who frustrate us.

We see them today, tomorrow they are no where to be seen.

Instead of this pushing us away we want to pursue them even more with voracious passion.

When they push us away we feel an emotional tension and when they pull us back in we feel emotional release.

In psychic seduction every time you "push" them away either by being cold or unavailable to connect you create a space to pull and open a void that you can only fill. 

Often times, the harder you push them away the more pull you create, the more emotionally intense and pleasurable it will be when you release that tension by pulling them back into you.

However how hard you push is determined by the strength of their push,for them to come closer when they push back you must also push back and challenge them to invest in the connection.

Below I share an easy-to-follow framework that you can use to incorporate push-pull into your courtships, and trust me on this one,it's double powerful!

Side Note:I plead you to use it with caution and strong personal ethics.

Now before we get to the framework let me share a story of a woman that led me to incorporate push pull into my approach.

There was a woman I met and decided to court psychically.

At first the connection was developing but over a span of a month I deciphered that she was resisting my presence.

Psychically and telepathically(it was spontaneous)I could tell she no longer felt the same about me infact she was ambivalent,playing hot and cold.

I must admit i was naive because I thought I had to keep flooding her with good vibes only and not develop any tension to keep her hooked.

When I started incorporating push pull to turn the pendulums to my favor i had realised she was pushing away so I started pushing away too.

Here is how I did it.

1.I would bring her to my presence in a strong state of mind in our special place.

2.Look right through her and not invest psychically at all(no touching,no kissing or any form of intimacy) 

What would happen is she would get super horny, get pulled, and start chasing me by investing.

Other times she would resist the pull,I wouldn't give in either until she gave in.

But if she still didn't get pulled i would stop the courtship and try later.

When she got pulled she would start chasing for my effection like:

• Trying to "merge/hugs/kisses" and I would resist or turn my back against her.
• I would give in then leave her yearning for more of my affection.

•I would sometimes not "visit" her for a few days -a form of push to cause her to miss my presence.

This is just a rough framework of the PUSH.

You can come up with your own creative PUSH!

I would PULL her back by being affectionate:

• Exchange kisses,hugs and send lovey-dovey telepathic messages.
• I would take her to "astral dates" like skiing(she likes it) which opened her up even more.
• We would "hold hands" and have experienced mind blowing intimacy.

Thereafter I would end my courtships/sessions/seductions.

Obviously not all my courtships followed the same framework.

I would sometimes flow with the rhythms of the courtship.

Sometimes push a bit longer then pull.

Other times i would pull push etc.

Many times I would push push and push to spike the tension before releasing it at the end of the session.

Key points to be aware of for PUSH PULL to work effectively:

1. You must be in a deep alpha state closer to theta state
2. There must be a connection(can feel their presence as if they are really with you)
3. Preferably it's best to connect when they are relaxed,that is mostly during bed time or just 30 minutes after waking up(if you can predict that).This becomes easy when you have their contacts as you can "spy" them ,to check if they are awake,say if they have whatsapp.
4. You must be in a strong state of mind that I liken to an alpha mindset in our lay man's terms to connect through higher powerful frequencies.

However I kid you not it takes great intuition,self control,great visualizations and a mindset that is infallible to pull this off but you can get to this level if you put in the effort..

Someone might say it's dark arts.

I am saying all is fair in love and war!

Push-pull works because you are effectively presenting your presence in a "poweful state",whether it being a push or a pull.

They can feel the coldness when you push them away and they can feel the wamth when you pull them back in.

They somehow attach more as they "receive"/"sense" both these opposing feelings that you like them but somehow you don't.

By igniting these opposing "vibrational states" they get to experience every kind of emotion under the sun which is deeply seductive and powerful in them at a "soul level."

The way push pull works is non needy and intoxicating,it increases attraction,desire,intrigue and pushes them to chase with everything they have.

I realized that push-pull is a silver bullet in psychic seduction!

Avoid Both Extremes ..

How hard you push is determined by the strength of their push,for them to come closer when they are pushing back you must also push back by acting cold 
in your courtships.

You must maintain balance,if they are not pushing back hard you don't push too hard too.. 

Your push is determined by the feedback!

For this technique to work wonders you must always keep in mind the balances of both scales.

You cannot go too far with either one.

If you are consistently pushing away then you might push them to close off emotionally to protect themselves.

From another angle you risk consolidating a state that makes them feel bad. 

However, too much investing which is pull can be detrimental too as I always say.

If you’re constantly investing psychically – it works for a while and can make them open up but if you keep doing that,they end up closing off because you end up losing your state controland fail to calibrate.

Balance is vital...!

For a courtship with small resistance for every push(your push) there should be a pull(their pull).

You need to maintain that balance "push and pull,"back and forth,up down,left right,hot cold etc.

However this is not set in stone, sometimes:

1. Your pushes should be longer or shorter
2. Sometimes you must pull them in with passion for longer before you push them out.
3. When facing really hard resistance you can take it to the extreme and play to win, say for about 3 days you pull them in and push back for 3 days on and on.

This practice requires your own creativity too,I can't explain everything in a post..

Get your creative juice flowing!

Patch Up...

When you start incorporating it into your courtships, your target with get obsessed with you.

in a nut shell, it's one of psychic seduction's silver bullets- one of the best ways you can turn around the pendulums into your favour especially when dealing with a target that is playing cold.

Some proficient practitioners use a form of push pull, unfortunately,99% of people who practice psychic seduction have no idea what it is.

Using push pull is not difficult,however I kid you not it takes great intuition,self control,great visualizations and a mindset that is infallible to pull this off but you can get to this level if you put in the effort..

The typical session for dealing with a target that is resisting you is to challenge them to invest during the courtship and then later in the session you can share some of your lovey-dovey intimacy.

Push followed by pull creates intensity, deep emotional tension and release.

Try it I have proven it time over and over!

You want a target to obsess about you consistently?

Then push pull is one of the best techniques out there..!

Key Take Away:When a person is resisting hard you push back hard too,let them work for you.You do this when the connection between you is intact.Pushing is to push them away from you. Pulling is to pull them into you.

Pushing is closer to emotional yearning, while pulling is closer to emotional fulfillment.

Pushing is at least, if not more, as important as pulling,don't go overboard with this as you can raise up resistance that may be hard to lower when you are less experienced..

I know this might be hard to digest as a beginner but i tried to make it beginner friendly with a mix of advanced concepts which might have confused.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching and a 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:12 lessons I learned-Over A Decade Plus Practicing Psychic Seduction


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