Seven Musings On Psychic Seduction*

By Tomas : 11 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Seven Musings On Psychic Seduction* picture

Many people who stumble upon psychic seduction end up thinking that they can just plug and play it.

You know this is not the whole picture because developing these abilities is a process.

Everyone has the capability to develop them with time, practice, and faith in themselves.

In this post, I would like to share my musings about psychic seduction that I believe are key to developing as you get started on this journey.

Without wasting your time, lets dive into this goodie!


Let's go!

#1: Develop Patience.

I get a lot of emails from beginners to intermediates and up who ask for guidelines, and all their questions are similar.

How do I develop a firm foundation to develop my psychic seduction abilities?

This is a very broad question, but the road to proficient levels is quite similar.

Having said that, every journey is unique.

Some people are just born a little more psychic than others.

Much like the natural talents you see in athletes, musicians, artists, etc.

Some people are able to free throw after a few sessions on the basketball court.

But reality is that most talents are purely crafted from hard work and a willingness to sacrifice some time.

If you are a regular reader here, you should know by now that I was just talentless when starting out.

Everything I learned and continue to learn in this practice is just me putting my working suits on and getting deep in the trenches to come up with the secrets of these soul connections.

When you develop patience, you end up becoming proficient and efficient in the end, but it’s a snail pace and painful digging process to get to that level, which is why you must shovel with patience to avoid burning out.

#2: Adopt Powerful Mindsets.

As I keep interacting with potential practitioners, I get to know their personalities, belief systems, and thinking patterns.

I am afraid to say most of them are usually not ready to strip away their poor mindsets.

They cannot handle the pressures that come with change and the efforts required to develop psychically.

Rather than seeing this journey as life-transforming, they look solely at the end goal of getting the person they want.

This mindset is like sowing seeds of cabbage and expecting harvest after two days.

So without consistent positive feedback, they become sceptical and think psychic seduction is a scam.

When I have conversations with some of them, they normally tell me a lot of reasons why it will never work for them.

Obviously, some of their concerns are founded, but when you start taking this journey, you must leave fear and disbelief at the entrance.

Here’s a paradox: without powerful mindsets in your psychic abilities, you cannot muster the will to carry on trying without giving up, getting frustrated, or, worse, spiralling into despair and thinking you have no psychic talent.

Personally, when starting out, I didn’t doubt the psychic seduction at all.

I sort of dove into it with both feet!

I was really intrigued by the thought of connecting with someone I love dearly without being in the same location, and surprisingly, it worked like a charm!

When I started visiting forums, I found out that there were many like-minded people who were getting good and not-so-good results.

I then started believing more.

Otherwise, why would all these people on the internet be sharing their stories of success and knowledge for free?

Why would they tell me to practice all types of techniques and reveal their secrets?

One thing I noticed across those forums earlier on was, there was a lot of confusion and powerful mindsets required to pass the beginner stages that those who were failing were unwilling to figure out and adopt.

I said to myself, well, let me put in the effort and dive even deeper into this mystery.

As I continued with my practice, I realized I could influence TV presenters (they would miss their scripts, not always though) and get live reactions from strangers.

I saw my then-crush getting obsessed in ways that left me feeling like a god and her chasing me down with everything she had.

I said to myself, holy cow, that means I can reach any person that I want!

That only meant I’d have amazing sex and relationships with beautiful women.

As I progressed, I discovered I couldn’t be able to get all the women I wanted because soul-to-soul connections are a mystery, but I’d have some choice.

A far broader dating pool than a “normal” person.

Developing psychic seduction abilities is emotionally demanding.

It’s challenging, nerve-wracking, sometimes frustrating, and depressing.

But on the other end, it’s incredibly exciting, fun, and rewarding and trail blazing!

With psychic seduction, you get the whole spectrum of emotions.

You essentially transform from a normal human being to a god or goddess.

Understanding this side of sexuality is not easy, but only if you let it be.

#3: Be Positive.

Being positive might seem like a cliché, but a powerful state cannot be overly stated.

It’s a prerequisite.

Negativity of whatever kind is a killer in this type of practice.

As a result, a practitioner must consistently purify their psychic state like a gym fanatic learning to develop proper form.

Beginners come up with a lot of zeal and positivity.

But after the initial positive signs, if the courtship does not come to face-to-face interactions, they slowly start developing psychic debris, their psychic state develops negativity, and they quit or keep sabotaging themselves.

And if they were too sceptical from the start, they may start digging for information about why they will not succeed.

When they have accumulated this psychic debris, they may start connecting from a state of negativity, and their special someone usually detects this at a soul level.

Even when they eventually meet them in the 3rd dimension, they may mess things up.

If you want to refine your psychic state control, you must definitely be a student of your emotions during the connection and normal waking life.

You simply can’t let emotions(which are just frequencies) go undetected without deciphering and channeling them properly.

You simply can’t!

For example, you suddenly find yourself feeling unworthy of the person as you connect with them.

Maybe you view them as higher value and are scared to show some dominance to move the courtship forward, or whatever negativity you might have.


Notice those emotions.

They are negative!

Allow them to float past your consciousness without holding onto it.

Then, after the courtship, revisit their roots.

Where did they come from and why?

Then choose to work to “retune” or rob them of their strength if you can’t “refine” them.

The next time you experience them, their strength will be lessened.

If you are persistent, they will let go of you, unless there is an insecurity that you cannot overcome.

In such a case, you can always try to limit dwelling on it more and tell yourself everyone has flaws, even that special someone, and keep plowing forward even if it means faking it till you make it so to speak.

Connecting in a positive psychic state ignites high-level frequencies(emotions) in your soul, making you feel good and, in turn, igniting similar states in your special someone.

It’s impossible not to feel good when you are resonating with them and the cosmos in positivity.

Control your psychic state!

You can’t lose a grip on it and expect to be positive.

Whatever you think is a detriment doesn’t matter that much if you apply every form of seduction correctly.

Robert Greene, in The Art of Seduction, says seduction is not a ritual of looks but of psychology.

So remove these tendencies to think that because you don’t look a certain way, you can’t get someone, or because of this and that.

You have access to powerful information, and it’s powerful, my friend.

Trust me on that!

Once you’ve cultivated the mindset that you can reach any person that you desire and that you are powerful, your psychic state will habitually beam positivity, and your connection will reach unprecedented levels.

#4: Develop Social Confidence…

One of the stumbling blocks I fought against for a long time on my journey was fear of experimenting and messing things up.

I could mingle and drive a person mad with desire, but when it was time to pull the trigger in the 3rd dimension, I would normally choke and fail to bring the seduction to its conclusion.

Most of this was because I used to be too attached to the outcome, and I never wanted to prove to myself that maybe I was living a fantasy.

All in all, it was all fear and a lack of confidence in myself.

There is no way you have to develop your guts to take the required steps to move the courtship forward in the 3rd dimension when situations present themselves.

And they will!

Coincidence after coincidence will occur right in front of your face, and you will have to be ready to pounce when they eventually do without too much fear.

A lot of beginners who walk this path seem to forget that achieving better results is also about understanding social dynamics.

I don’t care how proficient you are; you still have to make that move!

They may be dying for you, but if you are not making things easy for them, you risk messing things up.

Social intelligence is key.

Without it, you will never develop the ability to prove your psychic seduction potency in the first place.

Yet once the skill of psychic seduction is there and a bit of it, you can be more effective while expending less energy.

When you reach a stage where you are not afraid to prove your experiments, you will tend to make moves at appropriate times and act as you are supposed to (especially when you can have a conversation with the soul of the person).

Your ability to read cues and determine exactly when the moment has arrived will become unmatched.

Knowing that psychic seduction is powerful beyond a doubt is what will dissolve your fears and give you the confidence to test how far you can go.

With knowledge and ability comes certainty, and with certainty, hesitation melts away and confidence becomes second nature.

#5: Abundance Mentality

Weeks ago, I took a number from a woman that I normally see but don’t talk to, and when I texted her, she never responded.

Did I call her?

Hell no!

Did I use psychic seduction on her? Hell no!


Because now I have an abundance mentality, I don’t have to remote seduce everyone; I just court them the normal way, and if they don’t respond, I let them go.

Even when I am courting someone psychically, I have such complete abundance that I don’t feel compelled to connect daily.

What then happens is, I don’t get to attach more, and my seductions/courtships tend to be more effective.

The most proficient practitioners i know have abundance.

We have a sense of abundance because we know we can’t control everything heck no one is loved by all people even when they have psychic seduction abilities!

Abundance is a key state to develop because, once activated, it can be channelled to achieve abundance across all important facets of one’s life.

Can you unlock financial success without abundance mentality?

What about love-the opposite sex?

You simply can’t.

Abundance mentality is a state you should definitely aim for to really see the true powers of psychic seduction!

#6: It Takes Time For Effects To Build Up!

You give it a try two to three times, and when you go out and, as if by divine timing, you bump into them and they look away, or worse, you talk to them, they seem banal.

No sign of interest at all!

What do you do?

You use whatever information you gather through 3rd-dimensional observation and the psychic information you decipher psychically to move the courtship forward if you see fit.

You have to try more times, then figure out your stumbling blocks as you go along.

Get this!

Psychic seduction is powerful but forbidden; people take time to process these emotions at a soul level, and that’s okay!

I give you the green card to try again and persist if you doubt!

I give you permission to try and figure this thing out!

I give you the maps to explore the depths of your soul and cosmic connections!

I dare say you have the key to own the castle of your special someone!

I give you permission to view yourself as as a god/goddess that is powerful beyond measure!

You think because you connected a few times, you deserve to be at my level?


If you want that person, you better be prepared to understand psychic dynamics, the often-mysterious unseen world of soul connections (not as told by common wisdom), and you sure must be socially aware in one way or another.

If you want to get good at this, you need to get into this unseen field and follow the sign posts I keep giving you.

If you’re not emotionally equipped to deal with that, settle with that meh person you hardly fantasize about!

Psychic seduction is not for you!

This practice is for people who want the best that life has to offer in terms of love and out-of-this-world soul connections.

It’s for those who are willing to push beyond the boundaries of social programming, even if it means paying the price of stripping themselves like the eagle when it sheds its old self and grows a new beak and feathers.

They see this as a journey with twists and turns, beautiful islands and dry deserts, heavens and hells, smooth roads and detours-not a destination but a long way back home to who they are at a soul level.

#7: Have fun!

Rather than getting so tied up trying to achieve a perfect relaxed state or feeling of touch, just have fun as if you are learning to play a game.

You are not going to master FIFA 2024 when you don’t even know how to control the joystick and which button to press to make a pinpoint cross for your striker to finish it with a diving header.

Rather than seeing this process as a way of wanting to master it now and attract your special someone, see it as a lifelong, self-development/soul evolution tool, where you know when you have this practice locked, no one can take your lover away from you (unless you mess up by losing yourself in the process), no matter who they think they are ,because you know what you offer is the godshit level.

Getting the person(s) you want to attract is a worthy goal, but so is having a good time figuring it out. Trust me, it’s been the most interesting practice ever since the beginning of time.

I don’t care who says what!

Just because you can’t visualize clearly, feel touch, or give them 10 consecutive orgasms with every type of energetic dick (since I am a man) or unparalleled soul intimacy, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or you’re not talented; you just lack potency yet.

Enjoy the process!

Wrap Up!

Rather than seeing the whole process as a chore or an obstacle on your way to “success,” try to see it as a lifelong journey.

Make it a soul adventure!

True fulfillment is freeing your soul from mental slavery to the level of the gods.

Sure, you may want to attract that person, but have a little patience and see it as an art to be mastered,not a gold medal to be achieved by learning to throw free throws a few times to see if they stick.

What’s key is your soul evolving into a multidimensional being that can do things that other normal souls can only dream of and unlock unconditional love.

I am surprised the many things that I can do at a soul level when I connect with someone.

No one can compete against a god or goddess when it comes to soul intimacy and “sexual performance.”!

As you keep developing, carry a positive mindset and curiosity, both of which are your sword and shield.

You will become the person that you were designed to be, and I tell you right now, things will start to fall into place as if by divine order of some sort, and you will know for certain that no one can compare with you in your special someone because you will become the god or goddess of their castle!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:You Are Psychic By Nature | Psychic Seduction. 


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