Soul’s Secret Language |Psychic Seduction | Ancient Wisdom.

By Tomas : 13 min read · Aug 28, 2024
Soul’s Secret Language |Psychic Seduction | Ancient Wisdom. picture

Wisdom, according to Carl Jung, is a return to the symbolic language that has been innate to us since the dawn of time.

He was referring to the unique symbolic language of the soul (him referring to the unconscious) and how essential it’s to understand it.

The symbolic language of the soul, according to Jung, is a rich language shrouded in images, riddles, and archetypal symbols.

These symbols, he argued, hold personal significance for the soul based on its individual experiences and cultural and and social context, while simultaneously tapping into cosmic themes shared across humanity.

Jung contended that deciphering this symbolic language was key to unlocking the messages embedded in the soul and understanding the profound insights it seeks to convey.

In his book “Man and His Symbols,” he dives deeper into various case studies and examples to illustrate the diverse ways in which the soul conveys meaning through a symbolic language that we have to interpret and decipher, be it in dreams or in our mundane lives.

In this post,i am not going to write about symbolic language in relation to our dreams or day to day experiences but about psychic seduction because it’s one side of the same coin.

Psychic seduction is also about understanding this symbolic language of your soul when you are seducing target.

I focus on five phases that may shed some light on you and help you learn it easier on your own.

And this is key: if you don’t want to overstep your interpretations, you need to be able to learn it like any language.

Without wasting any of your precious time.

Lets dive into this rich mystery…!

A Brief Entanglement Of Symbolic Language In Psychic Seduction.

Symbolic language is not always literal, but metaphorical.

Symbolic messages are sometimes ambiguous; they are not direct and can convey complex emotions and unexplored aspects of the connection.

They can also be easy as ABC to decipher.

When you start opening this channel with your soul it gives you guidance, insights, and creativity.

Bears repeating it’s deeply personal language and uniquely yours, however,it has some universal themes.

To become acquainted and decipher its meaning is wisdom that enriches your psychic seduction because it conveys a developing connection and resistance in the target and it’s fluid as water itself.

It’s a funny and rich language that always leaves many grasping for more.

At first,it may appear in patches and not make much sense, but over time it becomes personalized, takes on a deeper meaning, and comes to convey the dynamics of the seductions that had previously remained out of a your awareness.

It conveys rich inner alchemical interactions between you and the target that must be harnessed for the seduction to flow as if you are talking face-to-face in 3D.

As a psychic seduction practitioner,in your initial stages,i highly encourage you to open yourself up to decipher every symbol that your soul conveys to you.

Each time you do, you get ever closer to awakening your soul’s master decoder and getting to decode every detail of the seduction.

Below i reveal five phases in which my soul communicates using symbolic language everytime I time I connect(seduce) with a target.

I am not focusing on single symbols because I don’t want to cause confusion. It’s better when i outline how my soul guides, teaches, and gets creative using this language in phases.

Treat this as a guideline of sort and more especially, seek meaning in them.

Having said that,each phase is conveyed symbolically.

Let me shed a bit of light by using normal seduction scenarios and how becoming in tune with the person is key to winning them over.

You know when someone is not open to an approach the minute you see them through their body language,social barriers, or even their vibe.

You also know when you’re talking with someone who is open and engaged in the interaction. They may flirt, touch, and even seduce you to chase before giving in.

You know when they are enjoying sex, when to blow each other off, and when to develop intimacy because you are deeply connected with each other.

It’s the same in psychic seduction: you get to “see/sense” how their soul is reacting to the connection through symbolic information or language in minute detail.

Sometimes it conveys mundane symbolic language, and other times it’s riddled in ways that can take time to figure out.

Five Phases of Psychic Seduction.

* Reeling phase
* Hooking Phase
* Rapport Phase 
* Resistance Phase 
*The Mating Phase

Reeling Phase.

Reeling is easy to understand. It’s like going to a stranger and saying, “Hi”,i am Tomas,” either by stretching your hand or telling them you look good today, Lily.

When you reel your target, you are like calling psychically and waiting for them to connect and answer.

Reeling is mostly conveyed by a fishing rod, where my soul conveys it as if I am throwing it my target’s location, and when it reaches them, they hook or resist.

It’s like reeling a fish when you are out fishing. You psychically locate your target, hook them, and reel them to you.

Your soul may also present this phase in varied ways, like seeing them getting pulled to your location by a long rope or seeing them connected to you by a long string and eventually getting stringed to where you are.

The gist of this phase and the symbolic language your soul communicates is to convey a psychic connection, and that your target is beginning to think about you; hence, it conveys it as if you are reeling them while you are just psychically connecting.

Funny and weird.

Next One…..

Hooking Phase.

Imagine that you are out somewhere and meet a bunch of strangers, and you happen to have a good conversation. You click more with a dude called Kyler, and end up isolating yourselves from the group because you want to know each other better. You just know you feel good around him, and he feels the same, but you are still uncertain.

This is what hooking is in psychic seduction.It’s when the target deciphers the connection and hooks, either by rapporting with you or resisting the connection.

Hooking in this phase in my personal symbolic language is conveyed in HOOKS.There are many types of these hooks, and their sizes matter.

#1. A small hook hooking on the target conveys that the level of connection is not as strong, and they are still not as conscious of the connection.

#2. A middle hook conveys that their level of psychic receptivity is mid-level and they are getting conscious of their sudden change of psychic activity, or i may not be connecting powerfully.

#3. A bigger hook conveys they are in tune with the seduction and are connecting fully, which then leads them to fantasize more about us.

I may go to more other symbols that convey this phase in the future because there are many, and mixing them can bring confusion to you.

Wrapping up this phase,in this phase, your soul is sensing how the other soul is receiving you.

Are they rapporting or resisting?
Are they open to this connection developing or not?
How powerful are you hooking them?

Is it them who are not hooking or you who have to retune to hook them far better?

Hence the hook, which just means they are connecting with you psychically. They are hooking up to start thinking about you.

It’s that simple, and surprisingly, the soul can be as precise as any advanced decoding machine in relaying this symbolic information to you.

Rapport Phase..

The rapporting phase is like developing chemistry with someone in 3D, where you enjoy each other’s company. You connect, laugh, and play with each other.
You just know you love being around them and how they make you feel.

Rapport is about chemistry, rhythm, and forward movement; hence, my soul conveys it through a similar symbolic language as the one below.

#1. I may see a wheel moving forward or see both of us riding a bicycle and me being in control, i.e., we are vibing.

#2. I see a snowball culminating more and more, i.e.we are rapporting more.

#3. I may see and feel both of us doing something rhythmic, and we both enjoying it, i.e.ballet dancing.

#4. Sometimes it may convey that we are riding the same horse and they are in control, i.e., they are more in control in this phase, but we rapport, etc.

Rapport symbolic language conveys trust, connection, and love sharing.

You just know they are happy to connect, and if you are advanced enough, you can even laugh while playing rapport-building games.

Resistance Phase.

Resistance is easy. It’s like saying hi only for a person to say no,say nothing, or tell you to fuck off.

It can happen when the target is not in tune with the seduction and is busy. They may not want to be disturbed in their thought processes at that time. They can be super annoyed to welcome you and not open up.

There are many reasons that cause it, and i have this post you can go through to understand better what it’s and how to overcome it.

Resistance is easy to decipher through symbolic language because it can be communicated in symbols that convey battles of wills and destruction.

*Let not the mention of battle of wills fret you.

It’s how this language conveys information, for example. In a mundane conversation, there is always a battle of wills, and if you are clairvoyant, you can see the interaction psychically. Who is more influential, and how you can best defend, connect or chase them away.

In every psychic connection, you have a choice to do what you want, although you do get seduced when someone is more skillfull; but, no one can seduce you if you have zero interest in who they are.

A target always has a choice to decide what is best for them.

Now to the juice…!

#1. The one walking away and the other holding back-here if it’s them walking away and me chasing them. It’s normally a sign they’re resisting my influences, and I am bringing them back to the connection.

They may be busy, tired, or not open to connecting, etc.

#2. Seeing a pendulum that tilts from one side to the other is normally a sign that both our wills at that time are equal in strength. If I persist without losing my psychic frame, they fall under my spell.

#3. The fencing game: I see both of us facing each other as if we are about to fight, i.e., they are conscious of my attempts to connect, but they are in defense mode and are still deciphering their sudden change of feelings (psychic activity).

So on and so forth.

It bears mentioning that resistance is part and parcel of seduction because there is no seduction without it.

Learn to decipher quickly when it’s conveyed and seduce properly to avoid consolidating it.

The Mating Phase.

You know when your partner is enjoying you and when you are firing blanks because of their reactions.

As a man, you may hear your partner calling you good names to let you know they are enjoying it. As a woman, you may hear him groaning and calling you all sorts of degrading bedroom names.

In psychic seduction, it’s the same. Your soul alerts you in minute detail about their level of psychic sexual excitement, which has a symbolic language of its own.

For the sake of simplicity, I am going to use spices as an example in this post as symbols that convey their level of psychic sexual excitement.


Spices differ in how rich they are.


Think of salt, aromat, and some rich Indian spices as examples.

Salt is less rich in terms of quality, while aromat is richer but not as rich as any raw indian spice.

In this phase, my soul conveys when the sex ritual is average, rich, and powerful through the use of spices or something similar.

This is an example that may shed light on how this plays out.

We are busy connecting, and suddenly I realize they are about to orgasm, and what my soul shows are rich Indian spices that convey they are feeling really deep and are about to orgasm really hard, and without a second, they blow off.

When their level of psychic sexual excitement is not as high, I may see salt,or aromat when it’s above average, or any element (like flames, water and even well-cooked food) that may convey a level of quality or richness.

Funny and weird as it may sound, this language is spot on, and every time you connect, you learn a bit about it.

It’s like learning to speak Latin; you get better the more you learn to say Salve and then say te amo before saying irrumabo circuitu et quæramus.

In no time, you are fluent and can time-travel to any ancient civilization and teach it at a prestigious university. (Pun intended)

Wrap Up..

Every practitioner has their own symbolic language; hence, it is deeply personal.

Symbolic language is your rader that tells exactly how the seduction is playing out in every detail. It’s like a road map that shows you how to drive around the streets of London like an experienced cab driver.

When you see any symbolic language that conveys they are getting reeled, open yourself up for the hooking phase, then rapport until you blow each other off in the mating phase.

Side Note:You don’t always go through these phases in this sequence; sometimes you can connect, and within a few minutes you are already blowing each other off sexually, but in every phase, pay attention to what your soul conveys and adjust or flow with the seduction.

Without understanding this, you are like a sailor venturing to discover uncharted islands without any compass or any native wisdom. You are like some guy who doesn’t have one ounce of social intuition who approaches a woman in front of her boyfriend even when she bluntly tells him to back the fuck and still persists.

Symbolic language is deeply fluid and can be conveyed in varied and rich ways, but the key is there is always an emotional component that supports it.

Always keep this in mind when deciphering it.

A symbolic language is like a cue that you must pay attention to to understand a psychic dynamic in the connection and what your soul is showing you, which is something that is innate (it just happens without any conscious effort).

Lastly, you learn this language, like learning to first say ma…maaa as an infant until you can say, “Mama, papa, sister, brother, i am going to go to the Amazon forest with Jack, and when I come back, I am going to bring you back the secrets of the cosmos!”.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next: Psychic Seduction Abilities|10 Tips To Develop Better. 


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