State Control | Psychic Seduction | Alpha Mindset.

By Tomas : 10 min read · Aug 28, 2024
State Control | Psychic Seduction | Alpha Mindset. picture

You’re walking down the street and meet Jack, who happens to be a charismatic salesman.

Jack stretches out his hand to greet you; you both shake hands and get to know each other a bit.

As you’re talking, Jack then tells you about his product that you didn’t need, but you end up getting under his spell and buying it.

When you get home, you ask yourself why you bought it because you don’t need it anyway.

You then realize Jack has powerful presence; was able to attune with your emotions;knew how to ignite a need for his product.

You then check product reviews and find many end up buying it.

Psychic seduction, just like any kind of social interaction, be it among friends or sales, is about understanding psychic state control that people get to sense in one’s presence that give them that ex factor.

In this post,i touch on why you should develop psychic state control and how you can use this knowledge to take your psychic seduction abilities to the highest level of psychic potential possible because everything revolves around it.

Without understanding this psychic fundamental, you are likely to spin your wheels on sandy ground until you figure it out.

It’s one of those posts that is going to teach you how to maintain and develop it to take the connection to the deepest level possible without yourself in the process.

Without wasting your precious time.

Let's get to it!

Psychic State Control in Psychic Seduction.

Do you know William Walker-Atkinson?

William_Walker_Atkinson is one of the thought leaders and pioneers of the “New Thought movement”, who released many books in the early 1900s.

In one of his books, Mind Power, he talks about how powerful people always get their way, not because they are smarter or more attractive.

He stipulates that the underlying factor that causes others to fall under their spell is not even their powerful verbal skills; but their power rests on their magnetism which is a reflection of their psychic states.

Similarly, emotional attunement and psychic state control are the secrets in psychic seduction.

Which is why you must not kid yourself into thinking because you now know about this secret information that you can adopt whatever psychic state during the connection and have your target eating out of your hands.

You have to understand psychic state control before you can know how to connect powerfully.

If I were to make an example, say you want to seduce your target into viewing you as someone who is sexy and powerful.

Is it possible when your psychic state is filtered by emotions of low self-esteem and doubt?

If you are needy, you are just some desperate person who doesn’t even have the power to seduce them because, at a soul level, they end up seeing everything over time.

To their soul, you appear in the psychic state that you connect in.

Psychic state control is not necessarily about control or manipulation; for that matter, it’s about controlling your own psychic state, which is just your emotions (frequencies), and how you can best attune to connect or seduce better.

In psychic seduction, the psychic state that you approach the psychic connection courtship in is likely to consolidate over time.

If you approach it feeling weak, you are going to project a lot of weakness in the connection, and their soul will likely detect and resonate with that weakness and eventually reject you.

At a soul level, the connection plays out similarly to how we develop connections in this third dimension.

Let’s say you beg and cry when you’re pursuing someone.

Do you think they would fall under your spell or get repelled?

It’s easy to see.

They would likely reject you because you would be displaying a lot of unattractive behaviours.

Which is why you must cast away every low-vibrational emotion and learn to connect properly by developing emotions that give you power.

Powerful psychic state control is the ability to have impeccable attunement and psychic dominance in the connection.

Below, i share five key psychic states to adopt and develop, and five psychic states to cast away.

Trust me, everything in psychic seduction rests on understanding and developing this.

High vibrational psychic states.

* Abundance Psychic State: You are a god or goddess who is connecting out of abundance and who is confident and sure of themselves.

You are open to letting go when the connection doesn’t go the way you want it to.

In this state, you are free of scarcity of every type and let abundance flow within the connection to develop the state even more.

* Respect For The Target: You must respect their privacy and connect with them in empathy and genuine appreciation for who they are, as you would if you were in a normal 3rd dimension social interaction.

Which means no forcing of the connection when they don’t want to connect.

No promises of things you cannot do when the relationship eventually ensues in the 3rd dimension. Etc

* Calibrated: You must be smooth.

You must know when to change gears, when to lead, and when to submit.

This state is all about impeccable understanding of the dynamics in the connection and deciphering them to move the connection forward with deft and mystery.

* Psychic Confidence: When you experience resistance of some sort, you do not let it deter and force you to chase hard; instead, you learn to improvise and find ways to connect better without losing it because you know beyond any doubt that the connection is deepening and you are are a god/goddess.

* Unconditional Love: Your psychic state must exude unconditional love because, in psychic seduction, it’s actually one of the master keys.

You can read this here for more on this.

Your target must sense it in one way or another to open up to you psychically because it’s truly a blessing when you both connect in love and experience insurmountable divine bliss.

However, there is a thin line between love and neediness.

You must find the right balance!

All in all, high-vibrational psychic states are positive and keep you in a powerful psychic state all the time without losing it.

The Five Psychic States That You Must Discard:

* Scarcity Psychic State: You don’t have abundance and worship the ground your target walks on.

In a nutshell, you feel like they are your one and only, and without them, there is no other.

You become needy and possessive, which weakens your psychic state, and they get to detect it over time.

* Uncalibrated: This state is erratic in a way that achieving a state of resonance becomes impossible in it.

You can’t decipher where the connection is or how you can best attune and project powerful psychic information to move the seduction forward.

All in all, it’s a weak psychic state that you must learn to develop to attune better and deal with resistance easier when you experience it.

* Low Self-Esteem:Feelings of unworthiness color your psychic state.

Everyone has self-issues that affect their psychic state, but no one can be a proficient psychic practitioner when they don’t believe in themselves.

In one way or another, one must know who they really are to become powerful psychically.

It does not mean you must be unshakeable; it means you must know you have something to offer. 
target, and you also deserve love in return.

* Lack Of Psychic Confidence: There is nothing much to say here except that without unshakeable belief in your psychic seduction abilities, it’s impossible to reach a level of psychic potency.

Every form of magic, manifestation and reality bending practice requires strong confidence that whatever one practices is going to bring them result they seek.

* Fear: There are a lot of people who think that in soul-to-soul connections, it’s all about bliss, unconditional love, and unlimited skull-igniting orgasms where souls always love and embrace each other.

This is further from the truth because sometimes you have to be fearless without any moral restrictions to swing the pendulums to your favor to penetrate your target’s psychic defences.

It’s impossible to achieve this when you are limited by fear because you believe there is some god who is watching to punish you.

In love and war, all is fair.

Get rid of every kind of fear when it comes to practicing psychic seduction because there is absolutely nothing to fear other than fear itself.

All in all, adopt and develop psychic states that deepen the connection and cast away those that work against you.

Everything in psychic seduction boils down to psychic state control, where you are so in tune with your target and “behave” the way you have to without losing it in the process, just as you wouldn’t go out on a date dressed like a bum, talk non stop without trying to get to know the real person.

Attitudes That You Must Adopt To Develop An Overall Powerful Psychic State!

* When you are about to connect with them, always see yourself as the sexiest motherfucker that you are; feel it, sense it, and breathe it through every pore of your being!

* When you eventually connect, you are not the one who is begging, complaining, and crying for them to love you.

Instead, you are in the alpha, where you know they have to submit and resonate with you, not by force but because you are too powerful to be resisted you.

They just know you are irresistible and can sense this in the connection because of your unshakeable belief in yourself.

* You are flexible and sometimes let them lead the connection forward when you know this will deepen it.

You know submission is not a sign of weakness; hence, you can allow role playing to spice things up and bring the connection to ultimate soulful bliss.

You also know how to take the connection forward by its horns.

* You Learn To “Listen/decipher.”

If they don’t want to cross a certain boundary, you don’t force it; you may try to find ways to bypass it, but if their resistance is firm, you are open to find other smooth ways to connect without losing your psychic control in the process.

The more you listen, the more you decipher psychic information, and the easier you get control of the psychic dynamics.

Why Do You Need to Control Your High-Vibrational Psychic States?

* They display positivity, which is magnetic at a soul level.
* They display abundance. 
* They display calibration. 
*They display love.
* They display dominance.

They give you power in the connection because seduction is sometimes warfare and you simply can’t be a proficient psychic seduction practitioner without understanding this.

Your target must know you are powerful in one way or another for the connection to deepen and their soul to even want to connect with you.

At their core, high-vibrational psychic states give you the power to penetrate and decipher the dynamics of the connection to drill into the core of how souls to achieve divine connections.

When you connect in these psychic states, you have more control over how the seduction plays out-you get control of the starring wheel, so to speak.

They make the connection smooth and powerful, and your target ends up becoming enchanted pretty hard in the process.

Done right, and from a place of love, I don’t see anything wrong with that!

Wrap Up.

Psychic state control is how you move the seduction, with its twists and turns, forward with pure psychic attunement, where you know when to be dominant and when to submit.

Having firm control over your psychic states is what really connects you deeper with the target.

Weak Psychic States Beam From:

Scarcity Psychic State: You worship the ground they walk and everything ends up revolving around them to the detriment of your life.

Uncalibrated: You don’t take time to decipher psychic information and refine the dynamics of the connection.

In this state, you are like someone who has an Ak-47 but keeps firing without aiming the target.

Low Self-Esteem: You don’t believe you are enough and end up chasing them.

You believe somehow you are not worthy of their love.

Unbelief: You don’t believe in your psychic seduction potential may believe you have no talent or it doesn’t work etc.
Fear: You are fearful because you think there is a God who is watching to punish when you learn to seduce since you think it’s forcing someone against their will.

Which is not true because they have a choice to resist since their soul (higher self) is aware of everything that happens in the connection.

Connecting in a weak or bad psychic state(s) is like seeking a small needle in a pitch-black place.

It’s a lose-lose situation, no matter how hard you try and it ends up consolidating a state of repulsion in them.

Higher Vibrational Psychic States Beam:

Abundance Psychic State: You must know you are the shit, powerful, and irresistible beyond measure.

Respect for the Target: You must appreciate and respect the boundaries of the target to be so in tune with them that they feel insurmountable comfort around you.

Psychic Confidence: You must know you have psychic potential and are powerful.

Calibration: You must always have a deep understanding of the dynamics in the connection, as you do when you are trying to get to know someone in the 3rd dimension.

Unconditional Love. This is the master key in psychic seduction because the highest level of every soul connection can only be achieved in the frequency of love.

The psychic state you persist in certainly forms the basis of how these types of soul courtships turn out.

High vibrational psychic state(s): powerful, sharp, and dominant.

Low vibrational psychic state(s): weak, blunt, and repulsive.

To have a really high vibrational psychic state(s), you must know you are a god or goddess, and they can’t resist you and have that attitude in the connection.

In our 3rd dimension understanding, you must have the mindset of an alpha male or female that goes after what they want with no fear or reservations because they know they are the shit.

Lastly, target will always test how resolute your psychic state is.

Don’t worry; like building muscles, it will develop gradually, just as you can’t wake up tomorrow with big muscles when you didn’t put in some shifts in the gym!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next: How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep. 


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