State Of Abundance In Psychic Seduction| Win Them Faster.

By Tomas : 7 min read · Aug 28, 2024
State Of Abundance In Psychic Seduction| Win Them Faster. picture

You are surfing the internet and then stumble upon works about psychic seduction.

You then binge everything you can find and try it.

Fuck, it feels good to connect with the one you love; the connection you are developing feels natural and euphoric!

You decide to develop a routine and connect in the morning and at night.

So far, so good…

After checking out your social media page, you realize they have not liked the story that you posted earlier to prove if the connection is real after a mind blowing 60-minutes session the night before.

The next day, you post yourself with your dog, hoping they bite this time, but still no likes, no views, literally nothing from them.

You are devastated and think maybe there is no connection, maybe you are not good enough or psychic seduction is a scam.

From there, it all goes south, and you end up obsessing and forcing to see what you want to see, which makes things worse as you keep ignoring one of the key principles I am going to talk about later on.

In this piece, I talk about developing the state of abundance, how reality ends up mirroring what you believe, and why you should learn to detach because psychic influences take time and sometimes manifestation comes at snail's pace and most often unexpectedly.

Without wasting time, let's get to it!

Developing A State Of Abundance When Practicing Psychic Seduction.

First things first.

What is the state of abundance in relation to psychic seduction?

The state of abundance is the name given to the feeling and belief, that a practitioner has power and everything they want ends up coming to them, if not now or ever. They don’t force; instead, they find ways to work with the “forces” of the cosmos instead of working against them.

It also means they are free to let go of a target without going overboard in the process, yet they have the confidence that they can get anyone they want.

Once a practitioner achieves a state of abundance, psychic seduction becomes vastly easier and more eye-opening.

Once you develop the state of abundance, you believe.

#1. They cannot resist you, no matter what, because you are a god or goddess that is too powerful and seductive.

#2. You know psychic seduction works no matter what the 3rd dimension feedback may show you currently.

#3. You get out of the way and let the cosmos do its magic in bringing your target to your life.

Of course, no one wakes up the following day singing like the late Celine Dion without going through the many rehearsals and pain that she had to go through to become one of the best singers of our generation.


It took me years to develop the state of abundance after going down the rabbit hole of chasing and obsessing over my targets.

There were times when I would psychically seduce a target and post something on whatsapp, hoping for them to view it.

When they ignored it, I would be
devastated for the whole week while chasing them psychically for three or more hours a day!

I ended up hiding my status views to avoid the pain of seeing them not viewing them.

I lost many targets because I didn’t fully understand the power of abundance yet and thought if I kept piling more I would get them.

I would say I fully developed the state of abundance during my time at a university working as an audio visual assistant when I psychically and live seduced a lot of women, got a lot of instant feedbacks, and had sex with many women, including some of my colleagues, who ended up talking amongst themselves about how they would choose me over all my male colleagues for sex (I was live seducing some of them).

It was further strengthened by the fact that I knew I was fully connecting with my targets when I discovered I could connect and drive them to experience mind-blowing orgasms.

My doubts also evaporated when I found them mirroring my psychic insinuations, either via their social media or life circumstances. (I do share some of their posts privately as proof).

Once I had reached this stage, suddenly I had abundance and knew I could psychically connect with just about anyone.

It was also at this time that I realized I couldn’t get everyone because of the many variables that block manifestations; hence, the state of abundance is also about learning to let go and accept the fact that somethings are beyond one’s control.

As I said, it took me a long time to develop the state of abundance, believe the target is mine, and not care that much when they didn’t come around.

The more you are able to see how things connect in psychic seduction and get consistent positive feedback, the more you believe and the more you develop it.

And it’s not linear; sometimes you may think you have developed it only to
finding yourself scrolling down your Facebook or Instagram timeline looking for signs that they are indeed falling for you and find yourself obsessing again.

This is normal…

Don’t fret much about it.

It’s part of the process that you have to go through.

The more you are aware and are consciously developing your state of abundance, the easier it becomes to control yourself when you find yourself reverting to neediness and scarcity.

How To Stay Detached…

When you keep connecting with a target psychically, you are bound to develop some form of attachment, but to avoid messing up the manifestation process, it’s far better to learn to accept that the process sometimes takes time and how it’s going to come to pass is outside of your control.

All you have to do to stay detached is to love the process while believing you will eventually be with them in one way or another in the 3rd dimension.

You must love developing the connection without expecting things to flow without any resistance.

Courting someone psychically is like taking them out on different dates where you have to pass some of their resistances and find out what makes them happy without appearing needy while respecting their boundaries in the process.

It’s a ritual where the fusioning of the souls starts occurring the first time you make contact until you have something in the 3rd dimension.

In every form of magic, a practitioner has to practice their ritual in a very high state of mind, then let it do its magic.

When one creates a sigil , mixes things together, and sends it to perform their intentions, they don’t keep obsessing about whether it’s working or not.

They just know it’s working.

This makes things easy because you not only limit your powers but also project scarcity and doubt when all you think about is:

“Is it working?”
“Am I doing it wrong?”
“Why has she/he not checked my status”
“Why can’t s/he text me back!?”

Blah blah….

It’s far easier to detach when you believe in yourself and in the power of your psychic potential.

You have to believe you are more powerful and acknowledge this fact:

“It’s happening right now.”

When you experience resistance, learn to let go for a day or so, do the things that you love to release tension, and then come back stronger.

When you are busy with your life projects, you detach easier.

You end up connecting powerfully because you are happy.Your life has meaning beyond obsessing about whether it’s working or they are thinking about you.

In no time, you find yourself experiencing some powerful psychic/soul experiences and forgetting about them as if they never occurred, because now you are highly detached and know without a doubt that the connection is real, and no matter what, you are going to have something with them in the 3rd dimension.


All in all, the state of abundance is about knowing you are capable and powerful psychically and that the target you want is slowly manifesting in your life.

It’s also about accepting the fact that you can get them without having to practice 24 hours a day nonstop, and if they are not willing to come to the party for whatever reason, you are willing to let go.

The state of abundance is a reflection of how you see yourself, the experiences you have, and your beliefs about your psychic potential.

When you feel abundance, you colour your psychic potential with psychic venom and elevate your vibration to a higher level where you can access “god frequencies.”

When you connect in a state of psychic scarcity, your target mirrors you because it’s a principle, as the law of correspondence says:

“Our reality is a mirror of what is happening to us at that moment.”

When you ignore this principle, you risk consolidating a state of resistance in them that you may find hard to lower down the line.

The key is to connect, knowing you are powerful beyond measure, and they can’t resist you.

Then let the “magic” happen.

Keeping this in mind is what will help you to detach and let events play out themselves to bring your target to you without you obsessing about the how's and when's.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:How To Spark A Dying Relationship|Psychic Seduction|2 Simple 


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