Telepathy|Psychic Seduction|Telepathic Sex.

By Tomas : 10 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
Telepathy|Psychic Seduction|Telepathic Sex. picture

Ever guess who was calling you on the telephone before you answered it?

And found out it was the very person you were thinking about?

Ever sensed being stared at?

Only to turn around and see their eyes boring right into your soul?

What about calling someone and finding out they were thinking about you while you were thinking about you?

That’s normal telepathy..

Telepathy is shrouded in mystery, and many are skeptical about it.

In this current culture, phenomena such as it has a bad reputation because it cannot be proven scientifically and has bad religious connotations around it.

However, more and more evidence proves we are telepathic as humans, and it’s an ability that lays dormant in us that needs to be refined and developed.

The fact that people and dogmatic institutions are still skeptical about it doesn’t mean it does not exist.

There are many cases of people who are telepathic and can communicate over long distances.

I have telepathic conversations with people over long distances with no problems whatsoever.

I can connect with a person, and we converse telepathically through words, symbolic languages, and psychic energy.

I can sense their emotional fluctuations in minute details.

I can right of the bet know when they are open to a connection and when they are fully enmeshed in our telepathic connection or telepathic sex.

They can tell me how they want to be served in our telepathic sex and just how much because our minds sync and we read each other’s minds.

As much as this may sound too good to be true, it’s a fact that we are all telepathic in one way or another, but fear and social indoctrinations have us believing we are just met and bones that are limited by distance.

In this piece,I go over the brief history of languages and telepathy.

I also touch on why people vilify telepathy and how you can practice psychic seduction to improve your telepathic abilities, where you can end up communicating and having mind-blowing telepathic sex with anyone who opens themselves up to the connection.

Without any further ado, let’s dive in!

On Brief History About Our Languages.

When one sifts through the literature of our ancient past, it’s apparent we didn’t have any spoken languages for thousands and thousands of years.

Genetic evidence for early modern humans points to our species being around 200,000 years old.

Moreover, from around 50,000 years ago period referred to by archaeologists as the Upper Paleolithic, an unprecedented cultural explosion that began to manifest itself in human communities.

This resulted in artwork, sophisticated jewelry, advanced stone tool technology, evidence of complex ritual systems and social structures, fishing and boat-building, the manufacture of projectile javelins for hunting, and other trappings of a relatively sophisticated material culture.

The origins of language may be shrouded in mystery but there is a consensus amongst linguists and anthropologists that language must have emerged sometime after 200,000 years ago and prior to this cultural ‘big bang’, some 50,000 years ago.

One popular theory is that language evolved gradually over time as a means of communication and cooperation among early humans.

As our ancestors began to live in larger groups and engage in more complex social interactions, they needed a way to communicate more effectively.

Language may have initially consisted of simple sounds and gestures, but over time, it became more complex and expressive.

The story found in the Bible at the tower where humanity had one universal language-gives a good ground to also speculate how early humans may have communicated.

Genesis 11:1, NIV:

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.”

This story gives us a good glimpse as to what this language was.It may be mythical, but every myth carries some great truths in it.

The story says, “Everybody could understand this language, and it was universal.”

In the book of Zephaniah, the prophet he prophesied of a time when a pure language would be spoken by all.

For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one accord” (Zephaniah 3:9).

What is this pure language that can be understood by all?

Allow me to speculate that language is telepathy.

What Is Telepathy..

Telepathy (from the Greek, tele meaning “distant” and pathos or -patheia meaning “feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience”), is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction.

The phenomenon of telepathy was first coined in 1882 by the agnostic English poet and thinker Frederic Myers (1843–1901).

Telepathy is a completely natural way for all sentient beings to communicate.

Have you ever asked yourself how horse trainers end up communicating with them and how horses communicate with each other?

Have you asked yourself how an elephant can be lost miles away from its herd yet still find it?

How do soccer players end up exchanging passes without looking where the other is?

Telepathy is the universal language of the cosmos!

The great inventor Nikola Tesla once said:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

You must be saying, where is the scientific evidence to prove that telepathy exists?

I got you…

Since the late 1800s, many psychic research societies have been formed; among the first is the Society for Psychical Research in the United Kingdom, formed in 1882.

Over the early 1900s, many researchers proved telepathy is real.

Among them is the great Soviet Union parapsychologist Leonid Vasiliev (1891–1966), who tested telepathic communications between Leningrad and Sevastopol in 1963, with subjects allegedly exchanging accurate data over a distance of 1,700 km.

Today, controlled experimental research in telepathic aspects has now spread around the world, with important laboratories in Canada, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Iceland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Australia, Japan, China, India, South Africa, and several countries of South America.

It’s actively studied in many of the parapsychology departments in prestigious universities in the U.S. and around the world.

The intelligence communities of the world, especially in the U.S. (CIA research) and Soviet Union, studied and tested it to varying degrees of success during the Cold War as early as the 1940s.

The three gentleman Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger,proved through the phenomenon of quantum entanglement that won them a noble prize in 2022; that two particles can affect each other over long distances.

The general consensus in 2024 is telepathy exists and is natural!

What do you think?

Why Do People Vilify Telepathy.

Telepathy has some rather unfortunate connotations and cultural baggage attached to it in most modern societies.

People think of telepathy as associated with the works of the devil.

“Oh, that’s just the work of the devil.”

“Neh, that’s impossible, buddy.”
“You are crazy.”

“You are practicing satanism.”

Skeptics say…

I’m really not too big a fan of the term telepathy myself, just for all the dead weight it carries, but we have to use such a term for communication purposes.

Some people like telepathy.

Telepathy, to those who look upon it favorably,it is good; it’s a superpower; it’s that psychic ability that one can use to communicate with their special someone oceans apart.

While other people don’t like it when you unlock such abilities, they don’t like other people to communicate and seduce others telepathically.

Most people want other people to do things unconsciously-to follow whatever programming they’ve been brought up with.

Since the dawn of time, there have been people who had knowledge and training that gave them the edge over the masses.

And the masses do not want you to have an advantage, especially when it’s an advantage they don’t have and aren’t going to take the time to develop. They think it’s wrong…

That’s why many vilify telepathy because they don’t have it as a developed ability, and they don’t want you to have an advantage over them, especially in the dating/sexual marketplace.

Censorship And Fear Of Information.

It’s very clear that those in power always keep in check abilities such as telepathy to ensure that people remain asleep as to who they really are-supernatural.

You can check out throughout the ages and recent modern times how occultists, mediums, and shamans get vilified; some are put to death.

They know once the masses develop abilities like telepathy, they will begin to be propellers of a culture of free thinkers because no one can be advanced telepathically and still think like a program.

They don’t want that; they want you to keep you away from the truth, and they will make sure it stays that way.
It’s the reason they use institutions like religion and science are used to brainwash and suppress us.

Slavery is still part of the human condition, but these days it is more mental/psychic, and if you are reading my work, you must free yourself from mental/psychic constraints that keep your soul in bondage.

You must resist the tendency to think that you are meet and bones only.

You are powerful and telepathic, with many psychic abilities laying dormant in you that you are yet to tap into, not only for you but for our evolution as a species.

How Psychic Seduction Develops Telepathy.

As you must be aware by now.

Telepathy is an ability that needs to be developed over time and refined through testing.

I cannot say once you connect with your special someone you will hold a conversation with them telepathically because we are all different.

Some of you can practice a few months and bam!

You start having a “conversation telepathically.”

To some, it occurs rather fast.

It functions best when strong emotions are involved.

Telepathic abilities vary in individuals, as well as the telepathic abilities of the special someone.

It took me years to reach this level (I am a slow learner).

There are about four ways that I have detected that form the language of telepathy and can help you develop faster.

1. Energy: You get that “gut feeling”; you suddenly feel bad when connecting with them or energized. Energy is a great signal and should be deciphered properly.

2. Symbolic Language: As unique as they are for each individual, they are easy to learn.

Like recently, I was connecting psychically when my visualizations showed me a mountaintop, which signaled our connections was at a very high frequency, and we were in resonance i.e telepathy is easy.

3. Telepathic conversation -they ask you something, and you respond just like face-to-face.

You can sense when they can’t hold themselves from busting out in laughter.

They can tell you how they want you to pleasure them during telepathic sex, etc.

Caveat: You must be syncing in resonance for this conversation to flow smoothly; hence, you may have to refine your frequency to resonate better.

4. Random scenes pop up during a connection/session.


Suddenly you see yourself getting married with them, even if it’s not your plan.

You find yourself in a powerful sexual scene etc.

When this occurs, they want to marry you or what fantasies about that scene, and you detect these fantasies, which I believe is still part of telepathic communication.

Caveat: Not that everything that you detect is always true. It is trial and error, but as you awaken your telepathic abilities, it becomes easier and easier.

In fact, this advanced form of telepathic communication starts happening when you have a deep connection with a person.

It doesn’t happen with just anyone.

It takes a lot of psychic connecting with a
 person to reach such a level of profound telepathic communication and sex.

Simple Tips To Amplify Your Telepathic Abilities Through The Practice Of Psychic Seduction.

* Make sure that it’s quiet where you are.
This means there is no sound, only you and your thoughts.

This way you will be able to hear them because when playing music, it’s difficult to hear, at least in my case.

* Avoid the tendency to rush things.

For you to detect telepathic information clearly, your awareness must be laser sharp; otherwise, you will miss a lot of valuable telepathic feedback.

* Be aware of your projections so you can decipher your thoughts from those of your special someone.

* Be open with this and let information come.

The most important thing is accessing the alpha and theta brainwave states and an open mind.

I can say I know a lot about telepathy; hence, I am qualified to share my experiences in the hope that they can ignite a spark in your soul to make you realize you are more than meat and bones.

Wrap Up..

Telepathic communication is not to be taken lightly because it’s tricky.It lies below conscious thinking in the realm of the “soul”.

What holds one’s back from moving into this place is fear, social programming and lack of training.

You don’t have to fear anything once you dive in because, innately, you are equipped to learn and develop telepathy as long as you believe and are willing to stretch yourself and explore the depths of your soul.

Developing psychic seduction abilities helped me realize that telepathy is not some wacko, new-age spiritualist scam, as many think.

We can and do communicate with one another through this natural phenomenon.

In most, if not all, traditional societies, telepathy seems to be taken for granted and put to practical use.

They can communicate miles away from each other in the forests.

Traditional societies might seem uncivilized, but when it comes to utilizing psychic abilities, they are superior.

We all have the ability for one-on-one telepathic communications continents apart, but some are better at it than others.

The thing is, we need to acknowledge it more to advance; it’s just like we do when learning a foreign language. We keep mimicking fluent speakers until we know the most complex sentences of it.

Most of you have had some kind of telepathic experience that led to those “aha moments” where you thought you were somehow losing your mind.

You were not losing your mind..

Normal telepathy happens when you think of someone, and that person calls you on the phone.

Or you know who is calling when the phone rings or who is knocking at the door before seeing them.

Advanced Telepathy happens as if the person is right next to you, and when telepathic sex happens, there are no lies, and is probably one of the most powerful ways to under a special someone’s sexual fantasies/fetishes.

Telepathy is real, but to unlock its potential, you must practice, and what better way than practicing psychic seduction?

It’s double seductive to your special someone when you can communicate this way.It’s exciting, it’s more genuine, and most of all, it’s the language of the soul that is fulfilling for both involved.

You will speak to your special someone’s soul, and I can assure you they will most certainly give you access to their inner sanctuary if you bring them the rose we all call unconditional love.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

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