The Creative Process |Psychic Seduction | Practitioner’s Journey.

By Tomas : 11 min read · Aug 29, 2024
The Creative Process |Psychic Seduction | Practitioner’s Journey. picture

When I stumbled upon psychic seduction back in 2010, I got deeply fascinated by the fact that we have human potential beyond conventional wisdom.

The thought of connecting with someone psychically blew me off completely, and I wanted to dig more to figure out the puzzle.

My fascination then led me into excavating what really leads others to unleash their potential in their vocations.

I read many books about many creatives who are deemed special, like Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart, Nikola Tesla, and many others.

My fascination was in finding out what made them tick and how they reached those illusive levels that unlocked their hidden potential.

As I went through many of their stories, I found each one of them went through a process of gradual changes before they unlocked their genius levels.

It didn’t matter whether they were musicians, artists and athletes, etc.

They went through creative processes that were unique to each one of them.

When it comes to psychic seduction, I have practiced and taught people for years now, and the creative processes that we go through are similar to those these masters went through.

Yet even with me having exhausted every article and book i come across about psychic seduction and human potential, i still have more questions than answers about what really leads to such high levels of human expression.

While we may never truly find out the exact formula to these higher levels, there is still a lot that great minds like Carl Jung, Mozart, and Graham Wallis discovered about the creative process.

These great minds tell us.

“There is a creative process all who want to master any vocation must go through.”

In this post, I go deeper into the creative process one goes through when becoming a proficient psychic seduction practitioner by following the framework of the great masters who understood the creative process better and left maps that we can use for practices like psychic seduction that have no clear laid sights.

You need to have some juice or coffee to sip this post because it’s filled with some goodies and is quite long.

Let's dive in!

Understanding Your Path as a Psychic Seduction Practitioner.

Some years ago, i came across a fascinating book about the four-stage process of the creative process developed in the 1920s by Graham Wallis.

In this classic book, The Art of Thought, the British psychologist Graham Wallis outlines a theory of the creative process based on many years of observing masters develop their crafts.

As you can imagine, lots of iterations have emerged since then. Some of these theories describe a creative process of 4, 5, or 6 stages.

But essentially, nothing has changed. His solid insights and knowledge stand the test of time!

In this book, he outlines the four stages of the creative process and how they lay the groundwork for human potential to be unleashed.


Stage 1: Preparation

This is the stage when you come across the knowledge of psychic seduction and soul potential.

This stage is a stage of preparation where you acquire information, learn about different techniques, and come to websites like this for inspiration.

This stage often happens both at the conscious and soul level as your curiosity keeps getting ignited.

Stage 2: Incubation

This stage, the knowledge and experiments tested in stage 1 stew.

As your knowledge and psychic abilities slowly simmer, you get deep into the nuances of psychic seduction and your soul’s evolution.

During this period of “cooking, as an aspiring practitioner, you take focus off hard practice and experimentation and allow the process to unfold.

It’s at this stage that when you let go, dots connect below the surface of your conscious mind.

Stage 3: Illumination

The illumination is the stage that comes with the elusive aha moments!

After a period of incubation in stage 2 (simmering), your insights take newer heights often in the sudden Eureka moment!

Where you just know answers to your questions…

Stage 4: Verification

Following the aha moment, your insights of understanding drill in more into what psychic seduction and the soul are all about.

Whatever techniques and soul insights sparked in stage 3, you alter, develop, discard, and adopt new ones.

This is a stage where you use your critical thinking and intuitive judgment to then communicate your practice to others if you see fit like me.

Although variations of this creative process were developed over the last century, Wallas’ framework remains relevant to anyone who aspires to master psychic seduction and evolve as the soul.

Of course, these stages don’t always play out in such an orderly, linear fashion.

The process tends to look more like a zigzag than a straight line.

This framework certainly has its limitations, but it can offer a roadmap of sorts for your own journey, offer a direction, if not a destination.

The Four Archetypes Of The Creative Process…

Over the years, I got to understand the missing puzzles of the creative process.

I stumbled upon the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.

Carl Jung observed that the psyche consists mainly of archetypes that are collective in nature.

Jung found that most, if not all, people exhibited multiple archetypes and characteristics of their archetypes in their personalities as they lived throughout life.

In this segment, I incorporate the archetypes that creatives adopt as they go about their creative processes and how a psychic seduction practitioner adopts different archetypes on their path to mastery.

Be it Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci, or any psychic seduction practitioner, they adopt four archetypes in each stage of the creative process that lead them to genius levels.

Archetypes in any creative process being sets of patterns of thinking for understanding the process one embarks on(paraphrasing).

The Four Archetypes Of The Creative Process In Relation To Psychic Seduction.

The Student

The Wanderer

The Light

The Scientist

The Student Archetype.

This archetype is all about seeking information and experiences.

It’s a stage like learning a new language without any preconceived insights.

The student is open and ready to learn with the enthusiasm of a little child.

The student knows they have to clear or pave a path to help themselves learn to discover their unique path.

When one is a good student, they seek knowledge and are always acquiring and experimenting.

The unknown is prey that must be sought after no matter how elusive, hard to find, and slippery.

Wonder at the possibilities that psychic seduction present drives the good student onwards.

A good student archetype knows that “dots” can be connected and grasped as long as they avoid resting on cliches.

A good student archetype is also aware that errors and failures are inevitable.

A good student stays the path because “he” is open-minded, dedicated, and driven to acquire the secrets found in the chambers of the secret havens of this path.

A good student puts in plenty of hours per week.

I know a student who practices three hours total a day, sometimes more.

When she is on her way to work, she is practicing (obviously not driving), when showering, lunch time, and those minutes add up.

No wonder she is progressing super fast!

However, most students falter after discovering the responsibilities required to unlock the many secrets hidden.

The confusion, emotional pain, and the need to persist are just too much to bear.

But a good student archetype, even when he gets a hang of it pretty fast, still has the drive to want to stretch himself and maintains a beginner mindset of accepting that in reality he knows nothing.

This keeps his mind open at all times.

The challenges spur his creativity and evolution to the point of wonder and extreme exhaustion at the very same time.

When he reaches an impasse, the next stage awaits.

The Wanderer Archetype.

After all the pain that the student phase puts them through, they come on the other side still wandering.

When the wanderer archetype comes online, they may have a hang of the nuances of the creative process, yet they know they have unlimited limitations.

However, experiences would have proven they are on track, but somehow they wish they had more understanding about the nuts and bolts of such a powerful creative process.

I find good practitioners who are wandering to be very open, flexible, appreciative, and patient, and they fight to keep their creative processes unbounded by conventional wisdom and rigid techniques.

They surrender to their wanderer archetypes and let the insights that this stage presents simmer inside of them.

Any rushing and too much attachment can stall their progressions at this stage.

They learn to surrender and wander, and something beautiful starts to happen; the wanderer catches glimpses of the illusive soul state from time to time through the “flow” state.

It’s what sages teach:

“Everything is happening on its own.

“When your Daemon is in charge, do not try to think consciously. Drift, wait, and obey.”

Poet Rudyard Kipling understood the Wanderer stage better when he said.

This is the stage where, as a wanderer, you experience a lot of flow because you are free from attachments.

You may want the results, but the patience and an easy attitude toward understanding the process makes it easy to deal with challenges.

Again, having experienced many aha moments, a wanderer knows they have to keep letting go of the handbrake to let the process unfold even more without their control.

How do they know that?

It’s intuitive and the knowledge of understanding the inner levels of their inner lights.

This curiosity propels the wanderer to seek more ways and experiment with new ways that keep coming to the surface.

They know the power of surrender is paramount because they are aware the process is changing all the time.

Those who continue past the wanderer archetype with its confusions and challenges then head on to the next stage of their creative processes.

The Light Archetype.

Every culture under the sun has a name for this illusive inner state that is universal across all humanity.

Some cultures call it the inner self while others call it the higher self.

Musicians like Mozart referred to this inner state as the Divine Maker.

Neville Goddard called it the GOD STATE, while Jesus called it the kingdom within.

Carl Jung called the Light Archetype the “primordial vision” and saw it as an impersonal quality, separate from the personality of the artist that led the artist to create masterpiece after masterpiece.

How you relate to this light archetype is up to you, but I call it the soul state, which lit the path for a psychic seduction practitioner after wandering for some time.

Hence the light archetype is the inner knower and light within that keeps giving the practitioner exclusive information about the maps of this path.

This is a stage where the practitioner experiences illumination after illumination; it’s where they get stripped off their former self to new, evolved views about their creative process.

For the light archetype to light the path more, the practitioner must surrender to it and let it carry the torch to reveal the secrets of their creative process.

What this means is when we are able to unlock the light archetype, we go back to source and begin to think at a soul level with lights on so to speak about our journeys.

At a soul level, it’s not about conquering every person one desires, nor is it about seducing everyone, but it’s about understanding the deep secrets of soul connections, the cosmos, and the destiny of the practitioner that the soul presents.

The student archetype is all about learning to understand the maps, while the wanderer archetype is about walking in the dark searching for the light.

The light archetype is about lighting the path and it’s also about seeking more answers to the questions that keep coming.

Realize the light archetype keeps revealing new information every time about your progression, and you have to learn to get out of the way and let it light your path.

The “Scientist” Archetype.

This is a stage where a practitioner tries to teach others and reveal their experiences in more comprehensive ways.

This is not an easy task to do for me personally because writing about soul experiences and evolutions using verbal language is a daunting task.

“How it happens that I can express something of that kind? “Because the thing has already taken form in my mind before I start on it.” “The first attempts are absolutely unbearable.” “I say this because I want you to know that if you see something worthwhile in what I am doing, it is not by accident but because of real intention and purpose.”

Even artist Vincent van Gogh, when attempting to describe the creative process of translating the intangible into the tangible, left him wondering if he was doing the right thing.

Van Gogh found the scientist
verification stage “absolutely unbearable,” as many other artists can attest.

The scientist archetype is where the practitioner has the backing of experience and knowledge to teach even though they are still learning and evolving because there is no finish line.

Once the scientist archetype is unlocked, you go back to being a student again.

This is a form of self-creation where you may begin to wonder if you know anything about this path.

These are the years of “mastery” where you get to learn a lot more about your psychic seduction abilities, soul evolutions, soul connections, and the vastness of the matrix of cosmic consciousness etc.

Wrap Up!

The one thing common in the creative process of every creative genius is…

“Nothing remains static.”

Everything keeps changing every day and one has to flow with the evolutions that come with change.

This is key to keep in mind because it affords you to let go of the handbrake of social programming and conscious control to let the process unfold on its own.

Each stage you go through is related to every type of archetype i touched on.

The preparation stage correlates with the student archetype, where you learn the maps of the process with no prior knowledge.

The incubation stage correlates with the wanderer archetype, where you seek for more light in the dark to the questions you have.

The illumination stage correlates with the light archetype, where you get answers to most of your questions and the inner know is more in charge of the process.

Lastly, the verification stage goes hand in hand with the scientist archetype, where you double-check the routes used before, updating them, and then deciding to hand them over to those who are willing to embark on a similar path.

At every stage, don’t worry about getting off course; you are equipped with an inner knower that is in charge even when you are still not sure it’s in charge.

The creative process is not for people who rest on cliches and never challenge themselves to see more beyond the veil.

You must keep in mind that even your own “truth” and techniques are never absolute; they always evolve, and you must ride the waves of change with fluidity no matter how confusing those transients may be.

The creative process is filled with great aha moments and great challenges that are never ending.

But you can only reach the level of each stage through challenges and allowing yourself to let the process reveal itself as you progress.

Lastly, this type of creative process can be “walked” by people who are motivated to evolve at a soul level, not people who only care about attracting someone.

As i always say, psychic seduction is about the evolution of the soul more than anything.

This is a powerful ascension tool!

Trust the process and practice psychic seduction to your advantage!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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