The Law Of Least Effort| Psychic Seduction |Win Them Effortlessly.

By Tomas : 7 min read · Aug 28, 2024
The Law Of Least Effort| Psychic Seduction |Win Them Effortlessly. picture

Ever heard about the law of least effort?

The Law of Least Effort is pervasive-it’s everywhere, in just about everything.

Even when we seem to go over and above the bare minimum, like squirrels saving acorns for a cold winter or a couple eschewing a fancy car in favor of saving for their retirement, our actions are motivated by our natural tendency to minimize overall effort in life.

What does the law of least effort actually mean anyway?

The law of least effort is all about being efficient while exerting the least effort.

It simply means getting shit done with the least effort.

If you can complete a task in five minutes, why must you take 30 minutes to complete it?

If you can seduce your target without overly exerting yourself, why must you seduce them for two hours instead of 15 minutes?

In this post, I show why the law of least effort is a key in psychic seduction and why you must adhere to it to avoid igniting resistance in the target.

It’s one of those posts where I recite two personal stories that taught me about this effort and rebooted me to my natural state.

Without wasting your precious time.

Let's dive in!

The Law of least Effort In Our Daily Lives.

Think of every single person you have ever considered cool.

With a colossal variety of all different personalities and nationalities.

They probably have only one thing in common amongst a lot of them.

Can you guess what it is?

They do things that minimize the appearance of effort on their part while maximizing results.

Among your friends who gets more attention from their suitors?

A friend who is cool-One who doesn’t chase for attention-or one who is consistently chasing for validation?

Obviously, a friend who is cool is more mysterious and has more seductive power!

Instead of showing their cards, they make their suitors wonder more about them.

Most people who ignore this law look around their own lives and think to themselves.

“Oh!If only I could prove myself to my crush/twin flame/ex etc… I’d be so happy, and they’d want me more!”

They then chase more and more for validation.

What ends up happening they lose their power and chase their targets away, be it energetically or through their actions in the 3rd dimension.

How I Violated And Ended Adhering To The Law Of Least Effort.

There was this one woman I was deeply infatuated by, and I started seducing her psychically.

From the onset, we connected with no problems whatsoever and ended up experiencing unfathomable bliss and unconditional love on many occasions.

However, the once-roaring fire started flickering, and i ended up failing to keep the embers that used to burn lit.

Our love soon turned into hate.

The mystery was gone because she knew at what time i would take her to our secret place for hours of “ astral rendezvous” and try hard intimacy.

We were connecting in the morning, during the day, and for hours at night,sometimes to the wee hours of the morning.

On top of it all, we were not in contact in the 3rd dimension and there was a distance barrier.

I ended up losing myself in the process; she ended up hating my presence with everything she had until I eventually stopped seducing her altogether.

I guess the saying that says too much of everything is wrong puts a wrap around this story!

These days, the tables are turned, and I respect the law of least effort with everything I have.

There is a woman that works as an insurance consultant whom I find to be very attractive.

She is someone who helped me when I had some enquiries about my life cover.

I had not met or seen her before!

When I saw her, there was something that I liked about her.

Maybe her small wrist tattoo inked infinity intrigued me?

I don’t know, but i just had that feeling that I had to know her, and so I decided to seduce her the very same night for about 5–10 minutes max.

The next time, after a week of these few non-attached “astral seductions,”i went over to the insurance outlet again to ask for something(wanted to see her), and there was definitely a change in her behavior.

I knew she was definitely into me,yet i kept things platonic.

One day as i was walking to my car in a parking lot,i bumped into her as she coming from the mall to her car(no planning on my part).

We ended up flirting and exchanged numbers.

To cut a long story short, we ended up dating but it never went far(some things put me off).

In every form of seduction, the law of least effort is the same as the law of scarcity when you look at it from a different angle.

Law 16 in the book 48 laws of power, Robert Greene says, use absence to increase respect and honor.

Please allow me to paraphrase this law to pass this point clearly.

The more you’re seen and heard from after a certain point, the more you cheapen yourself.

Target will lose interest and respect for you.

But if you make yourself scarce for a while, you’ll renew their respect and appreciation.

The more you seduce your target, the more they get used to your presence, and the easier they see through you, the more likely they are to end up resisting and taking you for granted (at a soul level).

You must aim to seduce and not overwhelm them by being around all the time.

Give them some fresh air to wonder and fall deep into the world of fantasies of their own accord.

Let them miss you because their soul can see yaah,my friend!

How Much Is Too Much.

When I talk with a lot of proficient practitioners, there is evidence that those who expend the least effort seem to get more positive results

Generally It appears that a practitioner who puts in the least effort seems to affect the target more profoundly.

However, it depends on their level of proficiency;10 minutes(max) is enough to ignite some desire and intrigue if they are already advanced.

If one is a complete beginner who takes time to reach their target, 15 minutes in the morning and evening is mostly enough to start swirling their “psychic field.”

In other words, what the Law of Least Effort says in relation with psychic seduction:

The more you ignite their fantasies without always flooding them with shitloads of “psychic information”, the more they associate your presence with good feelings and mystery, and the more natural and effortless the seduction feels to them. When you swirl around them a lot, the more needy you appear and the easier you lose grip of your state control and end up loosening the psychic pull between the two of you.

You can spend time thinking about them in your day-to-day life, but when it comes to the actual psychic seduction, always make an effort to appear as seductive as possible and vanish thereafter.

You have to create suspense and release it to win the target over!

The law of least effort causes your psychic advances to be smooth and euphoric instead of being a nuisance(which they do).

Your presence ends up becoming like a virus that you can only heal instead of some pill they want to vomit.

When you put in the least effort, you ignite their chasing impulses; it then becomes a powerful motivator for them to close the void by seeking you out in whatever way they deem possible.

We all want what we can’t fully have.

So don’t offer your presence cheaply.

Be exclusive.

Be present and absent!

The human soul is triggered by the allure of the unknown.

Don’t kill the mystery by being overly available.

The law of least effort is that key that allows you to fulfil those yearnings without appearing desperate in the process!

It’s A Wrap!

When courting someone psychically, you seduce like in the 3rd dimension, meaning be a bit scarce and mysterious.

You can’t be overwhelming them every day for hours,igniting the same fantasies and thinking that will cause them to fall for you.

It’s a recipe for disaster!

Not only does it extinguish the embers;it also forces you to chase because you end up losing your state control; and without state control;you lose your powerful psychic ammunition.

Psychic seduction is not some hogwash manipulative technique.

It’s a seduction tool that souls who accept they are multi-dimensional use to evolve and seduce psychically to fulfill their romantic aspirations.

Once you master the law of least effort, your results will shoot through the roof.

You know why?

It’s because:

1. The law of least effort ignites emotions naturally.It feels like a normal seduction.

2. A target’s soul feels approached with respect, love, and appreciation without feeling overwhelmed.

3. The law of least effort leaves the target yearning for more of your presence and causes them to fall more in love.

4. The law of least effort is one of those keys that makes psychic seduction a lot smoother, easier, and way more efficient.

5. It affords you more time for self-development-more of anything and everything else you’d care to fill your life and time with.

6. The law of least effort is what makes every psychic input you make worth that much more in the results you achieve.

When you approach your seduction this way, you expend your psychic ammunition wisely;making it a lot easier to study the dynamics in the connection without being overly attached.

In the process, your psychic seduction abilities develop faster.

And what more?

Your target gets to chase you with all they have until you have something in the 3rd dimension!

Work on adhering to this law-it’s where you’ll make more strides!

Try it on for size and see how it fits.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program..

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Read Next:Is Psychic Seduction Right Or Wrong? 


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