The Love Frequency | Psychic Seduction | Key To The Soul.

By Tomas : 13 min read · Aug 28, 2024
The Love Frequency | Psychic Seduction | Key To The Soul. picture

Every person, including thoughts and emotions, has a specific vibrational frequency that emits and attracts similar thought waves to them.

Just like a radio, one can tune with frequencies that either elevate or lower their vibrational frequency.

Every time a psychic seduction practitioner connects with their target, they either connect in a state of high vibrational frequencies such as love, appreciation for their target and surrender to the process.

Or in a state of low vibrational frequencies that are driven by ego which end up leading them to control and force their will on their target.

I am no sage or guru to tell you what you can or cannot do but in this post i want to challenge you to practice psychic seduction in a state of love vibrational frequency instead of a state of low vibrational frequencies that beam from your ego.


Let's dive in…!

Egoistic Psychic Seduction Practitioners.

Practitioners that are driven by ego lack psychic potency because a target can psychically detect incongruency at a soul level.

When a target senses that the practitioner is about psychic dominance — that their goal is to dominate and manipulate; rather than having a genuine desire for them, it leaves them feeling violated and causes them to resist with all they have.

You can liken this type of a practitioner to a rigid seducer that thinks it’s all about them, how they feel and what they want without being a lover that loves,respects and have genuine appreciation for their target.

Just as you can’t go over to a stranger and start crossing their boundaries, seducing practicing psychic seduction is also about approaching a target with respect.

Most egoistic practitioners who lack strong personal ethics that come with developing this power, end up misusing it, which leads to power corruption and power negligence.

If your goal is to elevate your vibration, tune with high frequencies, ego will keep you down and slow you down progress!

This is because you automatically keep resonating with frequencies that keep your vibrating low, which makes it impossible to access higher frequencies such as love vibrational frequency that can help you to connect more powerful with your target.

Psychic Seduction is about activating love, it’s about your evolution to a god/goddess that appreciates, loves others unconditionally.

The love vibrational frequency is a master key every psychic seduction practitioner must have to be able to stand a chance of getting access to the deep secret havens of their target(s).

How Do You Tune To The Love Vibrational Frequency?

If you are a practitioner whose vibration is clouded by ego, give no damn about your target, i challenge you to develop unconditional love in you either by acknowledging their divinity and doing the required chakra work to activate your heart chakra so your love vibrational frequency can vibrate at a higher level.

You can follow this simple meditation to activate your heart chakra so you can unlock unconditional love.

Without going deep about the heart chakra, it don’t need to be opened, nor is it naturally closed, it may be very inactive though because of many experiences that caused blockages in it.

Moreover, once your heart chakra gets activated, there is still much to be gained by working on it more.

As your love vibrational frequency keeps vibrating higher and higher, that ego filter will be removed, you will understand yourself better, discover your loving self, accept your responsibility to respect and appreciation your target, and connect with them in mutual consent and unconditional love.

And i promise you: It’s one of the most enlighting realizations about psychic seduction that you can get to!

It gets to teach you to be open and take into account the uniqueness and boundaries of the target to heart.

All of this requires you to become more in tune with your target and it also helps activate their heart chakra too which leads to a deeper connection.

There are many targets that I failed to develop deeper connections with and ended up losing because i didn’t connect in a state of love vibrational frequency.

I was only driven by my ego to conquer so i could brag to myself that i am a powerful practitioner that can break down every type of resistance but to my dismay every time I connected in my egoistic state they always rejected me.

They would tell me outright they can’t give me access to their inner sanctuary because i didn’t love them or I was out to use them but every time I connected in the state of love frequency, the same targets would open up to me more and consent the connection.

I then realized the most powerful language that I had to learn to take my psychic seduction abilities to a higher level and connect in powerful ways was activating the love vibrational frequency in me.

Learning to connect in the love vibrational frequency all the time while dealing with egoistic tendencies is not easy but as you keep a holistic routine of activating your heart chakra you will connect more and more in this frequency.

Seek To Understand.

Many practitioners all they think about is attracting their targets, but psychic seduction (for communication purposes) is more than that!

It’s more about the evolution of your soul.

it’s about the becoming, the stripping off of old programming and a long walk back home to the divine self.

The inspiration for a practitioner that understands this path is to develop genuine connections with their target and the cosmos itself.

They are looking for a place, a paradise where they reign supreme in love and be a good catalyst to those they get to offer their sacred gifts.

They are seeking the kingdom within where the seeds of unconditional love are waiting to be watered and bare fruits that can assist humanity to evolve to its next evolutionary phase!


The Love vibrational frequency is a master key to your target’s castle because it connects you with the divine and enriches your soul connections.

The Love vibrational frequency has one of the highest vibrations in the cosmos ranging around 528 Hz.

It’s the alpha and the omega for all souls who seek and yearn to experience true love.

By tuning with the love vibrational frequency you will understand that nature is complex and that some souls will never align with you even when you love them because they are in love with someone else or for whatever reason.

In such a case it’s still an act of love to let that them go!

By activating the love vibrational frequency you end up having a real, legitimate, love connection that is based on respect, appreciation and surrender to the process.

Approaching psychic seduction this way is equivalent to the buddha meditating in search of enlightenment!

It’s like the mother taking care of her newborn through the stages until it becomes an adult that can see behind the veils of their reality.

It’s like a couple who connect practicing tantra where they respect, attune and connect with each other and experience unfathomable intimacy.

Learning to psychically seduce in the love vibrational frequency is the reason you must seduce (connect with) your target other than that you will experience resistance that may take time to lower (if you ever lower it).

When you connect in the love vibrational frequency, your soul ascends faster the ladder of cosmic consciousness and in return you get access to the storehouse of your advanced psychic seduction abilities where you literally become one with your target.

With power comes greater responsibility, you must resist the temptation of being driven by your ego, it will lead to your stagnation.

Once you understand this, you access higher vibrations of the love frequency where love and soul fulfilment are the only beverages your souls get to enjoy and experience in divine union.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program..

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Read Next: Soul’s Secret Language |Psychic Seduction | Ancient Wisdom. 


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