The New Improved Art Of Seduction | Psychic Seduction| Telepathy.

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
The New Improved Art Of Seduction | Psychic Seduction| Telepathy. picture

We can’t deny the fact that the dating era is rigged. People are absolutely fed up with the lack of connection they feel in their relationships.

I don’t even want to mention the lack of options for modern singles who don’t know how to separate themselves from the crowd.

Women are starved to death to experience real intimacy, while men are going up and down grinding to measure up to the expectations that society puts on their shoulders. It’s a hard dating market and a complex one to measure up to for both genders.

Are we doomed to experience lack, boredom and unmet expectations in our struggle to find the one?

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Do we have any advanced solutions to our modern dating challenges?

How about we roll back the hands of time a bit and peek the past to see how we got here?

Are you ready?

Let's take a time machine!

Unwillingness To Adapt and Change.

In the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s, young adults were thinking about long-term relationships and had one thing in mind primarily: marriage.

You did not date around much in those years.There were some hoops to jump, but not as today.

Dating was still in the threshold of modern dating memetics.

All you seemingly had to do to land a date as a young man was to dial her home telephone number and ask permission from her parents to take her over to a film festival in your home town.

All women had to do was be good in the kitchen and keep their femininity intact to seal marriages with good husbands.

The dating market was not as crowded because there were no dating apps, no texting, let alone social media.

If you grew up in a small town, you only had a few partners to select from; hence, the competition for mating duels was not as high as today, where you have to compete with someone who is driving a Bugatti in some lavish city in Dubai and is flaunting his lifestyle to attract your woman on instagram.

Women didn’t have social media to show off their sexy bodies to compete for men of higher status who could take them on expensive yacht trips somewhere.

This is the reality that we are dealing with that our grandparents and parents can only dream about and wonder.

These are clear indications that the dating market is always changing, and with change comes new ways of thinking.

In the annals of mobile phone history, the ferocious and mighty telecom giant Nokia was well known for its quality phones with a strong battery life and durability.

For years,nokia was the talk of the town; in fact, I used to buy every phone nokia used to make, from 5110 all the way to 3310.

But because our modern technology is a fast-paced jungle, companies that fail to keep up with the needs to innovate get outmuscled by those who are willing to do the uncomfortable.

Nokia resisted leaving the shores of mobile phones to ride the Android bandwagon.

Samsung took advantage of it and developed smartphones that were cost-effective and user-friendly, along with access to the new boom of the early 2000s, Google.

The cosmos and our thinking models are forever changing, with outdated ways of doing things getting done away with, while new, evolving ways get resisted and vilified by those who are unwilling to change and eventually get accepted by those who are open enough to flow with the tides that come with evolution.

Everything is changing at the subtlest rates.Dating today is not even the same as 2020 let alone 1950s up to the early 2000s.

Those who are unwilling to evolve and flow with the rhythms of change are not measuring because reality is you either learn to evolve with the times or get washed away by common dating wisdom that is devoid of your soul’s inner wisdom.

Psychic Seduction: The New Improved Art Of Seduction.

Even if you have spent your entire life suppressing your soul’s desires in fear, because society told you seduction is bad, you are evil when you think like a soul that wants to psychically seduce and experience genuine connections, and that you should wait to have a Lamborghini or be a model and not seek relationship fulfillment because you don’t measure up, that trying to seek the wisdom of your soul is hogwash because you what you see and the many hogwash shit we end up believing.

If you really believe this, I am sad to let you know you are still going to lose in this dating game. You have to think differently to compete in the dating market of 2024 and win.

If you can understand first logically and then let your soul’s inner wisdom lead you, then you are one step away from seeing beyond the veils of fear and social conditioning.

You can accept that your soul is conditioned to fear exploring its abssy and take it upon yourself to free yourself and become a more aware soul that plays by its own rules,and learn to seduce psychically.

But there is a balance you can strike first before you develop psychic seduction abilities, where you understand and respect the soul of the other and are able to take to heart their boundaries, yet also hew to your soul’s seduction claws, and do not needlessly inhibit yourself to seduce and influence psychically, nor totally vilify yourself.

Psychic seduction abilities are not some foreign steroids you must inject to compete in this modern dating market.

They are a part of your design that were highly evolved in ancient times (Antlatis and Sumerian times, as we are told), when our races were highly evolved psychically.

Psychic seduction(forget the name) is ancient and is a part of your soul’s path that leads to all the corners of your soul’s abssy, where the secrets of life are to be found.

Psychic seduction abilities let you see how the fabrics of dating play out in real time and how you can best use them to seduce and influence someone to fall in love with you in the most powerful way.

Psychic seduction abilities are the natural extensions of intuitive soul-to-soul connection rituals that lead to the divine.

Every psychic connection is simply deciphered by these psychic seduction abilities, adapted, developed, and refined to perfection, where you get to become one with the target in every possible way, just as a Lionel Messi or Ronaldo is the fully developed version of those soccer abilities to dribble, score, and use them to be the best at what he does.

Psychic seduction is about elevating your vibration to awaken and elevate the other to connect in divine union.

Much of developing psychic seduction abilities is about leaving most things you thought you knew about yourself behind and trending for the unseen, where you depend on your soul’s wisdom, to teach and train you to see the secrets that come with the blessings of genuine psychic connections.

When your psychic seduction abilities are fully developed, your soul gets to know exactly when someone is in love or is resisting your advances. It sure knows how to pleasure them in every form of soul-to-soul intimacy in many ways that leave you gasping for more air and illumination.

In developing your psychic seduction abilities, don’t expect perfection because they develop over time.

Sometimes you may begin intuiting wrongly only to realize later that you made a mistake and messed up a good connection.

Don’t fret if such a thing a thing happens. The better you develop yourself, the easier you get in tune with the secrets of the unseen, the more you discover you are powerful and are multi dimensional.

The reality though is,most of you reading this are still fearful about exploring the abssy(s) of your souls because you don’t believe.

If you chose to break free from the hooks of social conditioning that cause you to think you are meat and bones, that you are not fully equipped to win in this mating game, you would find after the abssy freedom to think whatever you like with no sense of shame about your sexuality and desires.

In retrospect, you get to live as a soul and do what awakened souls do, not as a program of someone who doesn’t even know who you are or what your story is about.

I don’t know about you, but after 12 years of developing psychic seduction abilities, I can safely say I am free to think as a free soul that is not inhabited by any of the social codes.

I have dealt with all kinds of soul limitations, went through all the kinds of changes that allow me to seek my soul yearnings, albeit under strong personal ethics where i no longer believe in good and evil, right or wrong based on what someone said they are.

Today,i can see a woman I like in town go over to her and say, “Hey, blah blah blah, and exchange contact information.

Later on, while chatting with her via text, I am psychically connecting with her and deciphering her energy, how open she is, does the dynamic actuate faster or is it about lust or something peculiar i like about her. etc

If we sync psychically and I want to turn up the sexual vibration and drive her wet with sexual desire, I do it with no moral restrictions, and we end up connecting at a deeper level.

Most souls get in tune with my seductions because I always aim to connect with them authentically.

No one wants to be with someone who doesn’t appreciate, love/like, and desire them because we all seek meaning in the deeper alladins of our souls when we find those we truly connect with.

When you connect psychically with someone,you begin teaching them about unconditional love at a soul that is bestowed in them.

Every woman I end up connecting with psychically becomes a better version of herself because she soon finds out the true meaning of love.Which I can only say is a win-win for everyone involved.

Some psychic connections that develop this way don’t last forever ; some last a moment and some longer day.

There is one I am currently in it’s 12 years straight of a profound connection where every psychic ability such as telepathy is as easy as ABC for both of us, no matter how far apart.

Psychic connections are the most authentic of connections because there are no lies and every soul gets to awaken and realize we are one, we are equipped with advanced wisdom about this dating maze we are in and are yet to explore in its full depths.

Patch Up.

The soul is limitless.

It has psychic abilities, like all highly evolved sentient beings. Psychic abilities are how you astral project, teleport,intuit and manifest.etc

Psychic seduction abilities are how you seduce and influence someone to win a suitable mate, either for short-term mating or lifetime pair bonding.

When you develop your psychic seduction abilities and learn not to suppress them,you will find the dating market easier to navigate. It will not seem like some Amazon forest with no sense of direction to get to the main road.

Instead, it will become a path to your soul’s freedom from its abssy,where you believe in yourself and decide how best you can experience this love game.

The more you develop them, the more freedom you get, and the more you illuminate your soul’s journey.

All you have to do is allow the tides of change to bring about your evolution and accept the reality that you, as a soul, are forever changing and there is more to discover.

Once you open your eyes to this simple truth, nothing is hidden from a soul that is yearning to evolve.

You can develop a powerful psychic connection with anyone and get to see them for who they are, not what you see on the outside in return discover soulful connections are conduits to the divine.

You will learn what unconditional love is and how it can exist beyond the boundaries of conventionality and expectations you have in the dating market.

And once you allow yourself to see the other as someone who is in this maze for meaning, you find ways to make sure you bring them the greatest blessings of the soul that you see fit.

The normal dating approach is for people who still see the dating market in blacks and whites. It’s for people who don’t believe they are powerful beyond meat and bones when it comes to seducing and keeping suitable mates.

You win in this dating market not by the standards of modern-day fanatics alone but by developing yourself as a soul that is capable of connecting with others in powerful and authentic ways that lead them seek more of who they are at a soul level.

Lie is believing you can be successful in dating without developing powerful soul to soul connections.

I do advocate for self-development and acquiring wealth , but aim for balance. As you evolve your wealth in body and mind, you must also evolve your soul. It’s where your answers are about your dating challenges.

Dare dive in to develop your psychic seduction abilities and, in return, you get to retrieve the wisdom of the ancients!

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next: Overcoming Resistance When Practicing Psychic Seduction. 


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