The Path Of A Psychic Seduction Practitioner.

By Tomas :7 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
The Path Of A Psychic Seduction Practitioner. picture

I am sure there are times where you question the purpose of stumbling upon the practice of psychic seduction, where you are flooded with more questions than answers, more doubt than certainty, and where it feels like you are going through so much inner chaos that nothing seems to be making sense anymore.

These times of transition are usually very challenging, confusing, and frightening, since they seem to happen out of the blue while you least expect them.

If you don’t properly understand the path of your soul evolution or have no real models to learn from, you can misinterpret these moments of great emotional and soul evolution to mean that something has gone wrong, when the opposite is actually true: something powerful is taking place at the very core of your being.

My 12-year-plus journey as a serious psychic seduction practitioner has taken me through many birth and rebirth passages, as well as many transcendental experiences.

I emerged from these experiences feeling invigorated to share my experiences and wisdom with many people who unwittingly think developing their psychic seduction abilities is a walk in the park.

I am here to keep you from drifting off into confusion and give you confidence that you are going in the right direction; you just don’t recognize the scenery yet.

It’s a realization that might take time to accept, as many things may seem to be going in the opposite direction.

I want to give you assurance that some of the difficult and uncomfortable things you’re going through, which don’t make sense to you, actually mean something.

You’re not going crazy-you’re going up the staircase of the web of cosmic consciousness.

You’re in the midst of the most profound and magnificent soul rebirth ever.

In this post, I reveal the challenges a practitioner deals with on their journey to become a psychic seduction practitioner and how they use this practice to evolve their soul to cosmic levels.

Without wasting your time…

Come with me and let’s dive into these secrets!

Soul Deaths and Rebirths.

If you have reached these stages or are not going through them yet, fasten your belts as we unfurl the maps to these unconventional mythical experiences.

Let’s walk hand in hand as we decode the mysteries that are beyond the boundaries of the seen and into the intoxicating embraces of the unseen.

Psychic sex, perhaps the most fundamental expression of the soul there is, once experienced, echoes its symphony of melodies, coaxing the senses to revel in the embrace of bliss.

Every touch, scent, and merging becomes an invitation to savor the bliss of soul ecstacy, to immerse oneself in addictive pleasures that promise a reprieve from the burdens of existence.

This cosmic journey is an experience of the deepest, darkest side of ourselves and the highest and most sacred truth about who we are at a soul level.

There are within us jewels, but also dangerous dragons abide: the inconvenient or resisted energies that we have not thought or dared to integrate into our lives.

And they may remain unsuspected, or, on the other hand, an alchemical fusion with a special soul may touch a magic spring, and then dangerous voices begin to appear in our consciousness.

These are dangerous because they threaten the fabric of the security into which we have built ourselves, but they are fiendishly fascinating too, for they carry keys that open the whole dimension of the desired and feared adventure of the discovery of the true self.

Through this journey, we experience the destruction of the world that we
have built and in which we live, and of ourselves within it;but
then a wonderful reconstruction of the bolder, whole, and fully human life begins the process of being a fully cosmic soul.

In the beginning, someone is mostly driven by lust and an obsessive need to possess the target they desire.

The pursuit of the target becomes a relentless quest as one keeps developing their psychic seduction abilities and as these abilities start to unfurl their seductive claws.

The pursuit of lustful desires envelops a practitioner in the grandeur of god or goddess, whispering promises of unlimited power, happiness, and fulfillment.

Their newly found powers become an intoxicating elixir, igniting a fiery thirst to conquer and command.

As the soul flutters with the excitement of the evolution to its nativity, a natural reeling of the soul toward the mysteries that await in the matrix of cosmic consciousness becomes unstoppable.

Yet, in the midst of these enchanting illuminations, a subtle dissonance emerges.

It is here, amidst the constant chase of these fleeting pleasures, that the unveiling of the soul starts being lifted.

The soul begins to take its first steps toward self-discovery.

The soul starts yearning for something more profound and enduring, which becomes increasingly evident.

With the soul now being their compass, they continue their evolution, ready to embrace the revelations that await beyond the shimmering curtains of their current insight.

In the enchanting tapestry of their cosmic evolution, the practitioner ascends their soul to a dimension(s) where the boundaries of the self begin to blur and the delicate tendrils of intuition and spiritual awareness unlock new patterns of perception.

Here, the practitioner’s journey transcends the tangible, reaching for the intangible, as the veil between the seen and the unseen becomes smaller.

The Shift To A Cosmic Soul.

As a practitioner awakens from their slumber, they step into a domain of mental chaos, where mythical experiences shake the soul and bring to the surface the canvas of their soul painted with the vibrant hues of self-discovery and connection to a higher reality.

This shift is so powerful that it makes a practitioner swing from
one mood to the opposite-from “spirituality” to sensuality.

This shift, once experienced, encompasses a practitioner’s whole being.

How they manage it will 
determine the length of their life and the
success of their endeavors.

Here, the soul trends forward fearfully yet with bravery, revealing the myriad secrets of soul existence.

It drives the psychic energies into depth and activates the lost Alladin cave of unconscious infantile and archetypal images.

As the practitioner walks deeper into the path, they lay the foundation for higher levels of soul illumination.

They stand on the threshold, gazing toward the dimensions yet to be unveiled.

These fateful dimensions of both bliss and danger may be variously represented depending on one’s unique internal language: At this level, one’s shadow may begin to come more to the surface and may start regressing to the past and creating the future; superhuman deeds (and also internal battles with unseen dragons) and impossible delights abound.

At this level, one experiences the most confusion and insights into their soul’s potential and the matrix of cosmic consciousness.

The Cosmic Soul.

Once one becomes a cosmic soul, they no longer shift off their center; instead, they seek wisdom and illumination, no matter the challenges.

The wisdom of cosmic intelligences starts coming to the surface, where societal norms and programs get questioned and later changed to align with the newly unlocked perceptions of the soul.

The practitioner becomes an ardent observer of their thoughts and hallucinations, tracing their source with a newfound curiosity and advanced soul discernment.

Soul discernment is not merely knowledge but an alchemical fusion of experience, insight, and a profound understanding of the cosmos.

This journey awakens the richness of human existence, filling the practitioner with a strong sense of meaning and a deeper understanding of the self.

A journey like this needs strong minds, because becoming cosmic and reaching a state of transcendental awareness does not come easy.

It has many peaks and valleys. It has intense revelations and is a journey of a lifetime.

The actual experiences of becoming a cosmic soul contain a lot of mythical experiences which have nothing to do with projections or fantasies but carry true wisdom about the story of the human soul.

Embarking on this journey is worth the effort because it makes one an advanced soul and enhances their potential to become truly cosmic.

Its A Wrap.

Walking this path is not a walk in the park.

I am giving you feedback as one who is figuring out the secrets to find when one embarks on this journey.

To see beyond the veil and unlock cosmic reality, you will sometimes think you are going insane.

Nothing will make sense at first.

After all, going to a foreign country with its new laws, customs, foods, and languages is never easy to adapt to.

Imagine it is your first time visiting China, and some Chinese stranger comes to you and says,

It will make no sense, but as you keep interacting with the locals, you ask them what it means (after struggling to even pronounce it), and they will then tell you it means, “ In this paradise, you create your own reality.”

This practice needs you to leave every fear behind, wear the armor of reason, and move ahead with the bravery of your soul.

You will experience aha moments over and over again!

Once you experience illumination after illumination, you will eventually get to the roots of your programming through mental strains that will push you to question everything you ever believed in.

Even yourself!

This is vital because, after you have been tested, you will be aware of your true self, your soul’s inner navigation systems will become easier to understand, and your psychic seduction abilities will become more advanced in the process.

Now, own your unfamiliar path. Walk around. Think. Believe.You are “a god and a goddess.”

Don’t be scared to explore your inner castle, because all your secrets are there.

Just be open and take one step at a time. Do whatever you can to keep evolving and fight every limitation along the way.

Accept your soul’s evolution, or else you will die like everyone else.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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