Do Short Term Approaches Work?|Remote Seduction

By Tomas · Dec 25, 2024
Do Short Term Approaches Work?|Remote Seduction picture

Many people who stumble upon remote seduction "buzz it" because they want to attract someone or attract back an ex they separated from for a variety of reasons.

For example

A guy may be trying to get a woman from a yoga class who seemed interested in him, but he is not sure where he stands with her anymore.

Now he wants her with everything he has.

Maybe it's a special someone they had a brief encounter with who now seems less interested, and they fear risking rejection. 

Or it’s a long-time crush that they crossed paths with again; now they want to take a shot at him/her, so they figure if only they can find a quick fix, they will win them over.

These and many other scenarios are what I deal with in my daily coaching sessions and one-month program.

People are looking for solutions to their dating lives, but sadly most are looking for quick fixes without looking long term.

But can they get any of their solutions with remote seduction when looking for quick fixes?

The answer is...kind of...yes and no.

Long-Term vs. Short-Term Approach.

First things first, in this industry, there are a lot of snake oil techniques that salesmen sell and are outright crap to buy into, but remote seduction is real, and I hope my posts make sense and seem trustworthy.

That aside, short-term approaches have a higher chance of being “flawed.”

They risk a lower chance of being implemented correctly since the 
beginner still lacks the skills and experience to master the basics of the practice.

In retrospect, with more experience, you garner a more "figure tip feel" for the practice and develop an accurate deciphering system that helps you understand and find the best solutions to your sticking points.

The chances that you implement the right solution from a teacher like me or a blog post correctly also increase.

To acquire this capability, you have to aim for long-term approaches and actually go through a psychic and personal transformation.

This then gives you the best chance to unlock your psychic potential since you not only have a better psychic deciphering system to understand psychic information, psychic dynamics, and energy mastery, but you also get to reprogram psychic debris in your soul’s system and improve your overall psychic abilities.

I am sure that NO MATTER what your goals are, you will see that taking the time to learn remote seduction will benefit you and open up a lot of other benefits you may not have thought about, which you can add to, and improve your psychic potential and overall life.

I always tell my students, “It sucks that you are not yet seeing 3rd feedback, but every time you "dive in", you are learning a potent dating skill that is more powerful than any other known in this cosmos."

When I tell them I truly stand by that, even though they may be doubtful at first, and over time, as they keep improving and seeing results, it dawns on them that this stuff is real.

It sucks that there are no real quick fixes,I wish there were; the good news, though, is that I am confident in saying that remote seduction is real.

"But you have to put in some effort long term to get the benefits."

There are great resources to guide you in the right direction.

My services are one of them, and there are likely other genuine teachers all over the internet.

Or you can opt to teach yourself.It does take more time though, as long as you are ready to deal with frustrating moments, but everything has a price to pay, I guess.

Whatever approach you choose, you still have to put in some effort over a long haul to get the results you desire.

The question still remains.

Does this mean you can't get results quicker?

Yes and no.


As a beginner you can get lucky. 

You may happen to be a bit more talented psychically, then implement good advice to a T.

This is always great when it happens.

I won’t deny that it happens because it also happened with me, but this is not how things normally play out.


Because there are no quick fixes as promised by snake oil marketers.

Every skillset takes a bit of time to fully get a grip on its nuances.

Expecting a quick fix in something as intricate as remote seduction is like expecting to understand Latin in a space of a week.

So which one do you choose?

Short term approach or long-term approach?

Choosing the long-term approach makes this journey more transformational and holistic, and releases a lot of tension,unlocks these superpowers you can use in this rigid dating game to win.

Wrapping Up..

As with learning anything, so it is with learning remote seduction—it takes practice long term to get the benefits.

Others may claim their so-called magic technique works overnight. And their deep understanding of the practice provides quick fixes.

Not true... (at least 99.9999 of the time).

Sadly, even though the long-term approach is the best, it is not always the answer that people seek or want to hear because we live in a culture that promises us quick fixes which never work.

As you can't wake up a week now knowing how to play piano well, you can't unlock your psychic potential when your approach is about quick fixes.I am sad to say this.

Your odds will only become considerably higher if you decide to take the time to invest in yourself and learn remote seduction as a skillset over time more than anything else.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Merry Christmas 🎅

Read Next:How To Be More Sexy| Psychic Seduction| It’s Skin Deep. 


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