The Road To Proficiency|Psychic Seduction|First Steps Are Hardest.

By Tomas : 6 min read Updated · Aug 28, 2024
The Road To Proficiency|Psychic Seduction|First Steps Are Hardest. picture

The first steps are always the toughest when beginning something.

When you go to the gym, you experience a lot of muscle pain. You struggle to keep up with the pain and the demands that come with building muscles.

Learning to write, I know I suck, but when I look 10 years down the line, I know I will be a good writer.

Building an audience online is not easy. It’s easier to have 10k subscribers than to have the first 100.

When I learned about psychic seduction in 2010, I couldn’t even visualize properly, let alone decipher psychic information.

The first steps were the hardest, yet over ten years later, I can psychically connect with just about anyone globally with no problems whatsoever. I can think of myself as the soul that is cosmic in every aspect.

It’s easy to see…

The first steps are the hardest because everyone sucks at something at first; we all do, which makes the beginning a pain in the ass.

Whatever path you choose to embark on, always keep in mind that you are going to succeed when you keep your eyes on your goals but be prepared to endure the first steps where you are not as proficient.

In this post, I give you some harsh motivation about the journey of developing psychic seduction abilities and how hard it can be to deal with the first steps of the process.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

The First Steps Are The Hardest.

There are many reasons why the first steps are the hardest when developing psychic seduction abilities, and it’s nearly impossible to list all of them here, but the biggest ones are rooted in the lack of experience and unrealistic expectations about this whole process.

So, to be more concise, here are the big ones:

#1: You Have Reference Experiences: You think if you can practice a few times, you will psychically seduce everyone and have them fall into your hands.

When you have reference experiences, you tend to know how things work in psychic seduction and how much effort you may need to exert to develop better and, in return, you learn to detach and achieve better results.

You know why you failed to psychically seduce someone before and why they resisted your psychic advances.

Now you have reference experiences where you say.
“Oh,” the reason psychic seduction worked so well with Jack was because I didn’t become needy; I learned to let go, and I also improved my visualization technique.

“Mmm, so if I want to improve my telepathic abilities, I must learn to decipher psychic information without projecting my fantasies in the process.”

“I need to improve my tactile touching and dynamic envisioning to improve my presence.”

So on and so forth.

You now have reference experiences to compare and alter your psychic development approach in ways that are related with good feedback.

Before that, though, you tend to compare yourself against some inspirational benchmark or against your ideal psychically advanced self instead of your own actual progress.

This leads to situations where you don’t enjoy the process, become unrealistic in your expectations, fail and end up feeling like you’ll never get there.

#2: There Is No Talent Yet. There are few people who are psychic, let alone who know how to seduce psychically, without going through a psychic development process.

In the book, “Talent is Overrated,” Geoff Colvin challenges the traditional assumption that it’s all about talent and asserts that modern research proves that proficiency is virtually entirely due to what he calls “deliberate practice.”.

He asserts that the more deliberate one practices, the higher their level of proficiency. Concluding that people at the top of their fields are there because they have practiced more and practiced better than anyone else.

The great American writer Robert Greene says,” Mastery is not a function of genius or talent. It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.

Most people who become proficient in their fields are normal people with no mythical talents, like the rest of us.

When developing your psychic seduction abilities, you have to love practicing and learning to develop faster.

That’s it…

It’s only after you are consistent enough that you start picking up speed and begin to be a bit competent,then start to get proficient. And one day, people assume you are some special person, not knowing the time it took to get to that level.

When you’re new and you’ve not developed that talent yet, it can feel like you’ll just never get there.

#3 It’s Unrewarding. I can tell you right now that it’s painful to put in the effort and not see feedback on something you really want to figure out.

I look at the tons of hours I put in my writing and think, “Why the fuck am I still writing posts that do not get thousands of views?”

I feel terrible sometimes!

I am sure there is something that you are putting tons of work into that brings back diminished returns.

It sucks, right?

But that’s how it is at the beginning of developing psychic seduction abilities.

You may feel like all your efforts are going in vain, but I want to encourage you to be stubborn as an ox and endure the process.

Evolution in every sphere may not be apparent to the physical eyes, but everything is always incubating below the surface, and those who get in tune with its twists and turn to end up discovering how this life shit works.

Keep on keeping, and in no time, you will get your rewards.

Is It Possible For The Beginning To Be Easier.

Well..It’s impossible for it to be easier, but why would you even ask that question?

Asking such a question is like asking why childbirth is painful. It’s just as it is… It’s the way life works.

A woman gets pregnant and goes through all the cycles that pregnancy brings before experiencing the feeling of holding her newborn.

We all appreciate something that we get after going through some challenges.

If things were easy to get, life would bore me to death. I sure don’t want to have a magic stick and cast things into existence.

I want my soul to experience true transformation, and true transformation is not easy.

I don’t know about you.

I mean, if we just did some magic trick and bam, things came to us, life would lose the allure and mystery it has.

The first steps are the hardest. They are a pain in the ass.I like the way it is, and you should.

Nature, God, the cosmos, whatever you believe, doesn’t give his or her or its secrets easily.

You have to sacrifice something. You always have to pass the limits where others fall by the wayside.

You have to be willing to sacrifice and tell yourself you are never going to quit.

Sip this wisdom and tell yourself you can do it.

But hear me out….

You can do it, provided you put in the effort needed to develop.

It’s easy to agree with me, but are you willing to go through the process of soul evolution?

The first steps are great because they lay a foundation and you get to build good habits in the process.

You mustn’t shy away from starting and learning to develop, even when you don’t see where your efforts are leading you to.

Life is this way, and sadly, don’t buzz your evolution.

Don’t be like those who want an easy way out and prefer to watch Netflix every day instead, hoping for magic development without taking their soul evolution seriously.

Patch Up.

Whatever you are pursuing, keep moving forward. It’s painful, but push through.

It’s hard, but who said life must be easy?

Years from now, you will look back and say, wow, that used to be so difficult, but not anymore.

It will be a constant reminder of how far you have come and the trials and tribulations you have had to overcome.

There is no growth without resistance and challenges. This is literally the way our souls evolve through challenges and unlock psychic abilities that we never thought we had before.

It is only by exposing ourselves and allowing ourselves to take those first steps and fail over and over again that we become part of the cosmic selection, which is a group of souls that are powerful psychically and are in charge of mutating their gene for future generations.

At this point, the choice is yours for the taking.

This is why they say life is like licking honey from thorns.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next: You Are Psychic By Nature|Psychic Seduction ·


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