The Road To Psychic Seduction Proficiency.

By Tomas : 9 min read · Aug 28, 2024
The Road To Psychic Seduction Proficiency. picture

Rolling back the hands of time to 2010 If I knew what I know now, I could’ve done better.

I learned a lot from the route I took, but there are a lot of things I could have done differently.

Fundamentally, i was lucky to have a basic understanding of the mind and human potential, and when I stumbled upon the book mind power seduction by Amargi Hillier, it was like finding a missing piece of the puzzle that really invigorated my curiosity to levels that I had never been before.

In this post, I give you critical information about the road to becoming a proficient psychic seduction practitioner that I should have used if I knew what I know now.

This post is specially tailored for anyone who is about to begin this journey, which is probably one of the most interesting ones one can embark on.

Without wasting any more time, let’s us dive in!

Basics Basics Basics.

First things first.

Basics basic and more basic.

The greatest mistake you can make is to head for advanced stuff without getting a good grip on the basics, because everything in psychic seduction rests in them

Just as no one can learn martial arts without understanding how to kick and block properly before learning to perform advanced stuff.

As a beginner, focus on where your level of “abilities” is before scavenging and applying advanced material.

Every house that stands firm and has shape must have a firm foundation, and so is developing psychic seduction abilities.

We all want to reap the fruits, but a tree without roots cannot stand and produce anything.

Which goes to show nobody outgrows mastering of the basics; intermediates and advanced practitioners alike keep polishing them, but these two, especially the advanced ones, have more room to experiment because they have their basics intact.

Caveat: Stick to the basics of your chosen approach/application until you have a hang of it, then you can have room to manoeuvre and explore other, more advanced techniques.

Information Overload.

We are all guilty of this when a new intriguing concept is fresh in our minds.

We get obsessed and scavenge every bit of information we come across about it.

We go on overdrive consuming as much information as we possibly can, which leads to confusion and failure because we fail to grasp the fundamentals that everything rests on and end up mixing things up that not only bring confusion but psychic unrest.

Avoid this mistake at all costs.

It’s hard if you are an intense person like me, but trust me, it’s not a good strategy to jump from one piece of information to the next without implementation let alone mixing applications that end up clashing.

You want to choose one application or psychic development approach and stick to one teacher and consume their work and experiments.

Personally, I think i read Amargi’s book about 20 times in my first year from the first page to the last page.

Maybe that’s extreme, but the more you read and implement, the more everything you read becomes second nature.

Don’t read and experiment with many applications/approaches, as you will most likely just confuse yourself without taking any noticeable steps toward proficient levels.

Avoiding information overload doesn’t mean don’t read other sources of information; it means knowing who to learn from, and later you can patch other bits into the fabric of your psychic seduction application.

Key Basics To Practice To Master.

Mmm, many people hate practicing.

Are you one of those people?

Well, it’s nearly impossible to learn and develop psychic skills abilities just by reading without getting your overalls dirty.

In fact, the key nuances you learn through practice that no amount of reading can reveal to you:

* Your state control -understanding what it is, how to refine it, and how to maintain it-comes with practice and experience.

State control being the state you are in minute details during the connection to decipher and connect in perfect resonance.

* Feeling of touch: You must feel touch as if you are touching them in “person” and see them get in tune with your psychic escalations.

* Your visualization clarity -being able to relax to access the Alpha and Theta brain waves states

The list goes on.

But as a beginner these are the keys that everything rests on and once you get a strong grip on these there is a higher probability of mastering psychic seduction very fast because it’s here where you get to know the nuances of this practice.

Without practice, you cannot know how to develop a good dynamic and how to lead it or submit to it, which is the essence of psychic connections.

You cannot understand these even in years to come if you don’t have the hunger to practice and the fluidity to get in the often-mysterious field to find your answers.

There are no two ways about it!

Forums can do so much; this site can do so much; even books are not enough when you don’t practice.

Put on the work and see the magic you possess get revealed in front of your eyes!

Detect Feedback.

You will, when you practice, experience successes and failures, especially failures.

Successes: Your first few successes will pump you up to practice more as you realize how powerful you are.

There is a lot to learn from success, namely what went right.

Try to understand what worked so that you can learn from it and try to imprint it to develop a more powerful application.

This is one of the ways people “invent” their own “applications.”

Failures: Maybe you didn’t decipher the dynamic properly and ended up pushing them away. By understanding your failures, you can learn from them and learn how to not make them again.

Everybody makes mistakes, including advanced practitioners.

Mistakes are even better than successes because it is only through failure that we learn more.

* We learn to refine our applications. 
* We learn to persist.
* We learn the power of psychic dynamics and how to seduce properly.

We can never learn without failure it’s quite impossible really.

The only way forward to avoid wasting time is to decipher feedback, whether it’s failure or success, detect where you did right and where you messed up, adjust accordingly, and keep seeking answers to your sticking points.

That’s the only way you can keep improving!

Embrace learning through failure because it is inevitable that you will fail before you can see any noticeable progress (not all the time).

Sometimes your special someone may turn cold and ignore you.

I know it’s like a dagger into your fragile heart when that happens.

Understand that it is just a phase. We all have been burned before.

Soon, when you persist with an open mindset, your wounds will be greatly healed.

Getting good is a journey that very few embark on, and those who do eventually get used to its twists and turns until they get proficient.

The key is to learn from your experiences, using any information as a reference to guide you and obviously you can book me to see if we are a good fit.

The only way to learn from your experiences is by running self-diagnostics and finding out what works (for you) and what doesn’t.

Remember that all seductions are different, and there are some people you don’t align with for reasons beyond your control.

Maybe they are in a happy relationship or coming out of a bad one, and they are taking a break from dating and are scared to jump into another relationship or sexual encounter.

So when you try remote connecting with them and they resist, it could not be your lack of potency but just one of the many reasons outside your control.

Psychic seduction, when applied correctly, always reaches them no matter what, but they can resist for many reasons; however, as one gets more advanced, it is rare to meet prolonged resistance.

If your other areas of life are in order too, I will keep drilling until the end, no matter what practicing psychic seduction must be a turbo charger.

Work on yourself, practice psychic seduction and let's see who can compete against you whether for long term companionship or for sexual encounters.

Whatever application you choose you must give it some time and test it on different people before ditching or altering it.

Keep a fluid mindset, and don’t be too hard when you experience failure; it’s part and parcel of this path.

That being said, you should always be working on your visualizations, feeling of touch, and maintaining a solid state (Understanding psychic dynamics) to avoid experiencing lots of failures.

Writing A Journal.

Preaching the importance of journaling is worth the emphasis because I neglected it, which delayed my progress as I kept repeating the same mistakes over and over again without detecting them.

Therefore, it is imperative to write down your feedback.

I honestly have learned so much just by putting things on “paper.- I go as far as to claim that when I started journaling consistently, my results skyrocketed.

I also found sharing progress in private communities to be of great help. It is a good move because it is where you chat with people who are better than you and get corrected when you do something wrong, which will benefit you even more.

You also learn from their successes and failures.

So don’t be shy to join such communities and share your progress, even though they are rare.

Learn from other people; some may resonate more with you if you can’t understand my way coaching style.

Some of the reasons why journaling is so good are:

* It challenges you to reflect on your sessions with detachment.

Very often, you will detect how your mental state was, where you were resonated, your overall state, and many other nuances that pass over your head during sessions.

Here, you have to be honest with yourself to avoid confirmation biases.

* It will keep your interest piqued. It’s like learning a game where you have to find ways to pass difficult stages, which propels you to want to figure it out.

* It allows you to get a clearer picture of your whole psychic seduction style/application during sessions.

You see the whole application from start to finish, making it easier to alter and experiment to overcome your sticking points.

A few tips for writing good feedback.

Write down how a session unfolded, and be as detailed as possible.

Detect what they say through the symbolic language and decipher what that means.

This you can learn when you write down and reflect.

Connect the dots with your intuition.

Write down what 
approach you used, why you used it, and why you think it works or fails in this type of it appropriate for this seduction?

You ask such questions.

Write down their reactions and why you believe they reacted the way they did.

Did they react more when you invested less or when you invested more?

Are they sexually wild with you or not?

Things like that.

You get the picture

Face your inner world head-on, its good and bad sides when it comes to the surface , and jot such feedback down after.

By writing it down, you acknowledge it, amplify it if it’s good, and diffuse it if it’s bad (you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge).

Reflect and jot down what didn’t work and why you believe it didn’t work.

Jot down what worked, what went right, and why.

I was guilty of ignoring this very important step.

It’s not hard work alone that brings proficiency; it is quality practicing that does.
If hard work was the only requirement for developing advanced abilities, many people would be proficient at what they do, but sadly, hard work is not enough; in fact, it can be detrimental when one ignores this vital step of reflection.

It can be boring at first to keep a journal, but trust me, it is one of the tools that you must keep in your arsenal to learn with efficiency and fluidity.

Let’s Patch This Up!

What I know now that I didn’t know back in 2010 and what you should at least try to follow (roughly):

* Basically, Amargi Hillier’s book is still the best out there. You will do better to learn fundamentals from it, then obviously use this site and branch from there.

* Read it a couple of times and focus on the fundamentals of psychic seduction, such as visualization, touch, relaxation, and state control, which literally means learn step by step instead.

Practice such basics because they are the foundation of your overall psychic seduction application.

* When doing that, try to observe feedback-which application worked, which didn’t, and the reasons why you failed or succeeded.

* Find a solution with that feedback, apply, on and on.

  • Journaling.

That is it for this instalment I will catch you soon.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, subscribe to my newsletter.


Read next:Psychic Seduction’s Stages| My Stories. 


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