The Soul Is The Ultimate Lover|Soul Intimacy.

By Tomas · Jul 5, 2024
The Soul Is The Ultimate Lover|Soul Intimacy. picture

Can imagine living in a culture where sex was sacred and not a sin, where sexuality was seen as a positive expression of the divine?

Cultures that predate Greek and Roman times dating back approximately 30,000 years ago viewed sex as a tool for the evolution of the soul.

Even as late as 3,500 years ago, those who lived on the island of Crete recognized sex as a wonderful way to connect with "the spirit," renew the abundance of the land, and unite deeply with one another.

In almost all ancient cultures that predate established religions, sexuality was widely understood as a pathway to spiritual ecstasy and illumination.

The fact is that sexuality and "spirituality" were never split until well into the first millennium of the Common Era, when denial of the body became the popular theology of the day.

In 2024, it's outrageous to view sexuality in such lofty terms. It's no longer about the suppression of the soul but about the evolution of the soul by leaving every kind of dogma where it belongs in the past in search of the divine in us.

The soul's most powerful catalyst has been sex ever since the beginning of time, as some of the most ancient practices of the sacredness of sex can attest to such as Tantra .

What about you? 

Do you even believe you can evolve at a soul level because of sex?

Do you think psychic seduction can help you to evolve and experience the 4th and 5th dimensions of intimacy?

I don't know about you, but to me the answer is a big yes.

I cannot put into words the intimacy, bliss, and how my soul has evolved by using sex as a catalyst toward my own evolution.

In this post, I go a little below the surface and talk about the soul and soul to soul intimacy.

Without wasting any of your time, lets first take a brief untangling of the soul.

Ready, lets dive in!

The Soul.

The soul, even though least studied, has always been part of our diverse traditions for thousands of years.

In Taoism, it is the original spirit.

The ancient Egyptians called it the BA-Soul.

Ancient Greeks called it "beam," the inner daimon.

The Romans saw it as genius in every one.

As to what the soul is, no one can know for sure.

Trying to know it fully is like trying to understand the divine (GOD").

However, as souls, we have that divine spark that only gets suppressed not only by world religions but by self-concepts that program us to believe we are just mere mortals.

Anyone who really gets the hang of psychic seduction and practices it to its full potential is normally someone who can think beyond any programming and take a glance at this level we call the soul.

And psychic seduction is that power that people practice to shred off every psychic limitation that they have to get to the deeper chambers of their souls where they learn to be true lovers who can connect in unfathomable ways with the people they love.

It is at the level of the soul that they experience true love and learn to appreciate unconditionally everyone they connect with.

It is at a soul level where one can look at themselves in the mirror and say, "I may look beautiful, but I am human that is becoming "The soul."

This is because the soul is the fuel that fuels the steam engine of our lives, and it's where limitations don't exist, where body mind and the soul become one with all the forces that be, where psychic abilities come in full force and prove that we are truly powerful.

In psychic seduction, you can do everything you want to do, but you cannot do it powerfully unless you get yourself out of the way and let your soul take charge because it's actually as ancient as the ancients, who figured out how to develop real powerful connections with each other no matter how distant they were apart.

Soul Sex Is The Best!

“Sex is the sacred song of the soul; sex is the sanctuary of self."

By Aleister Crowley 

At a soul level, sex is a dazzlingly rich and magical experience that can never be compared with any other type of sexual experience.

Its delights range from warmth to
intoxication, ecstasy, bliss, and a profound connection at a soul level.

The erotic impulse overtakes you like a tide wave, and you joyously drown in it. 

As the eroticism builds up, it heightens one's psychic abilities to a level of superman in terms of soul connection and soul fulfillment. 

Intense desires arise:to touch and be touched, to connect and to merge, and to release the buildup of psychic
energy that is both exciting and pleasantly frustrating.

This kind of sex is beyond words to describe, as everyone who has ever experienced it can attest, but one thing is for sure: it's the best kind of sex ever.

It always feels like every time one connects with their soul counterpart, the connection gets deeper and brings one to the level of connection that they can never get to access unless they learn to connect psychically.

Once you connect with your counterpart at a soul level, both of you can never forget.

It's impossible; it's like an imprint, like a tattoo on both your souls.

The people I normally connect with and have soul sex with always tell me that they will never ever forget about me,neither i.

Come to think of it, if you were in a relationship and you are able to give your partner such deep soul satisfaction.

Do you think they would stray because of lack of intimacy?

Highly unlikely!

Soul-sex-like physical is therapy from higher dimensions but ten times more.

The Soul Is The Grand Master Of Intimacy!

No one can compare to the soul when it's in action; it's impossible.

When my soul is in action, I realize that I know nothing about intimacy; the creativity that my soul has when it comes to intimacy is out of this world. 

The caresses, the mystery, the pace, and passion are like magic from an alien planet.

You just have to give it reign, and you will be left amazed at how deep love is and how powerful souls can connect when they are at the soul level.

Word of Caution.

Connecting with someone at a soul level is not something that you can do with just about everyone because it's actually real, and once the soul connection is made, it's permanent.

One must have good intentions when they decide to connect with someone and be sure they are really what they want.

You don't have to want to marry them; some soul connections are not meant to lead to marriage, and I always find some souls who give consent to connect even when it's something that ends up leading nowhere.

As long as your soul alerts you that they are open, then there is no problem.

You sure don't have to connect with one person; you can connect with as many as you want as long as they are okay with it.

You don't have to ask them in person (3rd dimension); you can court their soul through psychic connections and detect their feedback if they are open or closed.

If they love how your presence makes them feel, you will know, and if you have any modicum of intuition, their soul will reveal how it feels about you in one way or another.

Coming Back Home.

It's not the physical that drives most of us; it's our souls. If it was the physical only, why does consistent soulless sex leave us empty?

It's our souls that want what they want!

Our souls are yearning for deep soul-to-soul connections that let us know we are deeply loved and appreciated every second of the day.

Connecting with another soul through psychic seduction is more natural than many think, and once someone starts practicing it.

They never stop connecting this way. 


It's the most cosmic and fulfilling form of soul connections that the divine equipped us with until it was washed out of us by whoever wants us to keep thinking as mere mortals.

This is the best way to make someone fall in love with you in ways they never felt before because it takes your souls back home to the heaven of bliss and soul fulfilment.

And once you do, you will learn the secrets of the cosmos in deep ways!

Close It Up!
Why is this type of connection different from a physical mating rituals?

It's at a deeper level, and its feelings are not fleeting in the moment but last well past the moment. They can last for hours to days to months to decades and forever.

When this connection is developed between two individuals, the level of soul connection is taken to a divine level to what we call in our modern day "God frequency."

When one reaches this God frequency, they become one with the cosmos and experience unfathomable soul connections.

These are connections that one does not want to end, and that are so satisfying that if one were to put the cares of the world aside, they would indulge in them till eternity.

When souls connect the moments of connecting are the merging of two souls to oneness. 

The more you let go of the handbrake and let your soul lead, the less likely you are to spin your wheels on sandy grounds trying to develop it on your own.

Having this ability comes easy to some, while to others it must be developed over time.

It's like someone learning to swing a baseball bat and hit the ball really well; it comes easier the more you practice it.

One way to access your soul is to develop other facets of your beingness, like your mind and body, and develop your chakra system.

The more you give your overall self (The Soul) authority that it deserves, the more likely it is to take over your life and reveal to you the secrets of the cosmos you never thought existed before.

I have found that when learning about the soul, mind, and body, it is imperative to maintain a playful spirit like a child with the mind of an adult.

Because trying hard to you may end up creating blockages that end up frustrating you in the process.

Instead, adopt the mindset of an open seeker/practitioner, and you shall find your way back home.

And when you achieve that, you can develop powerful relationships with the people you love who are what you want and what they want because you can literally decode almost everything about them if you decide to. (Not easy but easy.).

Lastly, never underestimate the treasures that are buried within you.

Psychic seduction is a practice that can transform your life in many ways, bring you to the level of the soul, and fulfil the person you desire in the most authentic of ways that no one can who doesn't know these secrets.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

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Read Next: Soul Connection| Psychic Seduction|10 Secrets To Spice It Up. 


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