Three Approaches|Psychic Seduction|Fix Yours.

By Tomas · Sep 10, 2024
Three Approaches|Psychic Seduction|Fix Yours. picture

In today’s society, where everything is running at lightning speed, it is easy for us to pick up either a microwave type of approach or a push push till you win type of rat race approach.

When most people stumble upon psychic seduction they adopt either of the two approaches where they think because it's some magic technique they can just connect a few times and have their targets chasing them with everything they have.


They revert to the opposite extreme where they think they have to keep connecting for hours  to achieve their ends.

In this post I talk about these two approaches and why you should adopt the third one to stand a chance of staying over a long haul,and win your target.

 “Anything worth doing is worth doing right,”Hunter S. Thompson.

If you want the benefits that come with developing psychic seduction abilities then you must choose the correct approach and avoid wasting time either because of wishful thinking or approaching it the wrong way.

Without wasting time let's dive in.

The Three Approaches...

In psychic seduction, there are three different approaches people take when they first stumble upon it:

1. Let Me See Approach.

2. All Out Approach 

3.Holistic Approach

Let Me See Approach.

When someone binges on youtube and comes across video titles that tell them they can attract their target in minutes and drive them to burn with desire they normally get intrigued and adopt the "let me see approach."

"Ohh that means I will attract my target and cause them to but with desire let me see."

When they read the comments section they find people who say they attracted their targets after listening to one guided meditation then expect the same results(which are rare to say the least).

It's no wonder that most don't getting the results they want and rant all over forums that psychic seduction is a scam because they thought it was some magic stick like the one Moses of the Bible used to part the red sea.

The truth of the matter is no one can become proficient in anything without first going through the process of developing a firm foundation to be good at what they do.

Someone may hear someone talking about how good they are in something and think they can also do a few stunts to do what they can do but it doesn't work that way.

This group of people sadly are those who give up after two days and think there is nothing for them in these secret havens.

I am not going to talk about them much because there is nothing to say really other than the fact that no one can aim and shoot with precision without first learning how to handle a gun properly,how to load the magazine and how to aim to keep hitting the target.

To the next one!

The All-Out Approach..

This approach is rooted in people who get obsessed when they do something which is a double-edged sword more often than not especially in psychic seduction.

Going all out approach is all about coming out all guns blazing and trying to ambush your target with everything you have.

It could be following a rigorous routine of long hours trying to build a connection where everything comes to a stand still in favor of chasing the object of your desire.

What I have noticed about going all out, especially if you are a beginner, is that it improves your psychic seduction proficiency quite remarkable as you keep learning to hold the gun, aim and shoot so to speak, but if you are always firing from all cylinders, you end up failing to build a proper foundation where all your psychic seduction abilities can build on.

When you are obsessed with the target you end up failing to develop a firm psychic foundation that you must have to unlock your psychic seduction pathway to proficiency.

One day I was driving from a soccer practice when I spotted a beautiful woman walking on the side of the road by herself.

I stopped the car.

We talked blah blah and we connected instantly.

I then offered her a lift to her destination which was not far.

As we were driving along i asked her to take a short drive with me and we ended up taking a nice drive to some secluded area all along getting to know each other until we reached a dead end, fuck.

We both didn't know there was a dead end since it was our first time going there.

Well, we turned back, and along the way there was a lot of chemistry, and just plain had a lot in common.

We exchanged numbers with the hope of meeting sometime as we parted ways.

It had been a few years since I had been practicing psychic seduction, which means I was fairly good but still believed in the all out approach.

I psychically connected with her the very same night, and the following day she called, asking if I could take her to a town nearby.

I told her in a polite way that I had other plans, which I did.

When I checked her WhatsApp profile,I saw she had put her boyfriend.

Fine, I didn't mind that instead I took a step back and even stopped courting her psychically.

Fast forward months later, she inboxed me on Facebook (I had changed numbers for other reasons).

She left her numbers, and we reconnected on WhatsApp. 

When I checked her pictures, she was hotter than ever because she had moved to a city near the coast for studying!

I decided right then and there I would court her seriously that time, and I put in more effort (all-out approach), and indeed the connection was developing, but there was resistance sometimes, and I couldn't figure out why.

I kept "pushing and pushing",connecting for long hours to no end trying to figure out where the stumbling block was.

But the hard I tried (wrong move) our connection ended up deteriorating and when we went back to out home town for a festive season I asked her for a date over WhatsApp she said "I doubt we can meet".

I got pissed and stopped connecting with her altogether.

As I was connecting my own dots looking back what led to me losing her I came to three conclusions.

1.I thought if I kept connecting with her no matter my state of mind she would fall for me.

2. I also realised that i become needy and desperate which obviously messed up the dynamics of the connection,and colored my psychic signature like wise.

3.I didn't care about state control and how to calibrate to seduce/connect with her like an alpha male/god.

There are many things that I did wrong, to be honest;but these are mainly the causes that led me to lose her.

I realized that going into all-out can be counterproductive, so it's an art on its own. 

The other problem with the all-out approach is that it's easy to find yourself demoralized because you are solely focused on the end result, not the actual development of your psychic seduction abilities.

I hold psychic seduction in high regard because I have proven it time and time again to myself, and many other proficient practitioners can attest to that, but reality is the more you want results the easier you end up sabotaging yourself and failing to see things clearly.

Meaning the all out approach works well if you have developed the art of letting go and are able to let the evolution of your soul unfold gradually and let the cosmos deal her cards without you trying to get in the way all the time.

Holistic Approach..

Those who reach higher levels of proficiency eventually decide to take the holistic approach and approach their courtships with a long term vision.

Most have used the all out approach saw where they sabotaged themselves.

They also know they can connect well psychically and have seen how powerful that can be, but somewhere their dots are still not connecting.

Normally these practitioners are eager to figure things out, and their fluidity of letting the process unfold on its own makes developing their abilities super fulfilling, which helps their progress threefold.

There is a catch with a holistic approach though; sessions can lack the passion and intensity required to improve.

Let me make an example: if you are employing the holistic approach and are not trying hard to connect deeply with a target,you may lose a grip of the basics that brought you results before.

As they say, practice doesn't make perfect, but quality practice makes one perfect.

I hope I am making sense here.

When you are connecting for the sake of connecting you can do so out of a whim or obligation not out of genuine need to understand how these soul connections work.

During courtships, you might find your mind wandering more and more because there is no genuine desire to develop and love for the target.

You become like someone who is maintaining their muscles by pumping lighter weights even though they should be going heavy gradually.

When you are in a holistic approach, you look for results, but if they go against what you expect, you self diagnose your application and where you are messing up without getting dejected in the process.

Say you have been trying to connect with your target for quite some time, and according to the feedback, you don't see whether your efforts are having an impact or not.

You can look at this feedback as a form of rejection from them and go into obsessive sessions trying to swing the pendulum in your favor.


You can choose a holistic approach, which is to take a step back and try to view feedback as clearly as you can, and take this time to learn more about your intuition-what it is telling you because you are not too attached to the outcome.

You can learn about psychic dynamics,

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Improve your dynamic envisioning and tactile touching

Calibrate properly and 

Maintain a prestine state control.

Holistic approach is about enjoying the process and not forcing things.

It removes attachments, and you don't bypass too many crucial steps,instead you develop gradually which is key to having more rounded psychic seduction prowess.

Starting out i jumped a lot of these steps because I wanted shortcuts, and all I cared about was attracting my targets without any desire to know how each piece of the puzzle connects with others.

Adopting the holistic approach is key to your proficiency,as there will be pain and laughter, extreme positivity and negativity, and everything in between but you will handle your low points better this way.

As I said you need to be stretching yourself a bit but not too much that you are going all out all the time.

Instead you want a little challenge that keeps pulling you gradually to keep developing so your willpower,visualization skills,intuition and emotivity can get the required exercise.

Parting Shots..!

Most beginners choose the "let me see approach."

They don't view it as a practice that needs to be practiced over time to unlock its powers.

Other people come across it and choose the all-out approach.

This approach is better than those with the let me see inconsistent approach.

But it leads to self sabotage, which leads one to lose a grip of basics and in turn lose motivation,become needy and possessive.

It's also one of the reason most quit after failing to attract that target because they come firing from all cylinders and run out of steam fast when they fail to achieve their ends.

Holistic approach is rare to many people because they are designed to seek quick fixes.

Every house that stands the test of time has a strong foundation which was built overtime by someone who knew they had to build it for the whole building to stand the test of time.

It's the same with learning to connect psychically you can't connect well when you are not aware about proper visualizing,tactile touching,state control,psychic dynamics and calibration.

These are all foundations of psychic seduction that you develop when you approach it holistically because you get to figure out nuances in all of them which is key.

I always emphasize that you will attract that target, but your results will be inconsistent at first because you are still learning to shoot properly, and if you are not careful, you may end up doubting you are capable,and end up quiting.

The attitude you want to adopt is the holistic approach.

You also do yourself a number of favors that you can't accomplish with all-out mode or let me see approaches:

• You release yourself from a scarcity mindset, which makes your courtships more fluid and makes it a lot easier to detach and diagnose your stumbling blocks.

• You focus more on improving your weaknesses and avoid making courtships tense because you want to attract them come rain or sunshine.

• You encourage yourself to treat it as a practice that has levels to be unlocked instead of a magic pill that doesn't exist.

The holistic approach should be your go-to approach for times when you're new. 

The downside of the holistic approach is that you may not be encouraged enough to be consistent if you are not pushing for the outcome.

In that case, it's imperative to look further into the future and see yourself being able to connect psychically with anyone impeccable as if you are in the same bed/location which i think is fuel enough to propel you foward.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching and A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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Read Next:The Law Of Least Effort In Psychic Seduction|Win Them Over.


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